How to find out the size of the female breast? Which chest girth corresponds to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 breast size?

How to find out the size of the female breast? Which chest girth corresponds to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 breast size?

This article will describe in detail how to measure the size of the female breast. You will also find out what kind of chest girth corresponds to 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. The size of the bra.

Women when choosing women's linen, namely a bra can be mistaken with size. This is due to the fact that they do not know how to find out the size of the female breast. Therefore, they rely only for fitting. This is good, of course, but if you want to buy linen in an online store, then there you will have to choose it without fitting. In this case, errors are inevitable. Let's find out how to determine your size, and how to figure out the table, which bra is suitable for you.

How to find out the size of the bust, the chest glands?

Removing measurements correctly is half the case when buying a bra. Well, if you ask someone to help you find out the size of the female breast, or rather measure it. Measurements can be made in a convenient bra without fur-up so as not to increase volumes. Otherwise, when buying underwear, this may interfere. It turns out that buy a larger bra.

How to make measurements of breast gathering?
How to make measurements of breast gathering?

Adhere to the next order, taking measurements:

  1. Take a measuring centimeter ribbon, first make a measured under the chest. A strip of tape should lie on the body parallel to the floor and do not tightly tighten the body of the body. Remember the data or write on a piece of paper. Example: you have such data 83 or 86 under the chest, then you need to choose 85 centimeters closest to them.
  2. The next measurement is the volume of the breasts themselves. Take a centimeter ribbon and stretch it at all protruding parts of the chest at the farthest points - in the nipples and further in a circle.
  3. If the indicator does not correspond to the table, then it is rounded. It is better to round the resulting value.

IMPORTANT: The finished product is already chosen according to two measurements. To do this, pay attention to the tables provided in online stores with sizes on a bra.

What breast girth corresponds to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 breast size in girls?

The dimensions of the linen must correspond to the values \u200b\u200bbelow in the table. Often in the store they ask, and what is your size - one, two, three? What do these numbers mean by few people understand. And this value is the difference between the volume of the chest by protruding points and measurement of the chest directly under the chest. See the table of comparison of the obtained values, which breast size they correspond to below in the text:

Difference from 10 to 11 from 12 to 13 from 14 to 15 from 16 to 17 from 18 to 19 from 20 to 21
Breast size null the first second third fourth fifth

Examples of calculation:

  • For example, if you have measurements under the chest of 89 centimeters, and the size of the female breast is 104, then the difference will turn out: 104 - 89 \u003d 15 centimeters. In the table, the size of the linen will correspond to the second.
  • And if the size of the chest is 95 centimeters, and the chest itself - 115 centimeters, then this will correspond to the fifth size of the bust.

European dimensions of underwear:

The dimensions of European manufacturers are somewhat different from the size of the lower underwear of Russian manufacturers. In order to correctly determine the size of the female breast according to the tables of French online stores, it is necessary to add the number 15 to the Russian value (volume under the chest).


  • The size of the chest is 65 centimeters. This value should be added to 15 centimeters. 80 will come out - these are the French size of the bra.
  • If size is 80, then adding 15 centimeters will be released 95.
An example of a dimensions table of underwear
An example of a dimensions table of underwear

IMPORTANT: In Italy, the dimensions of underwear (bras) are also marked with numbers from one to twelve. The unit corresponds to 65 centimeters of volume under the chest. A deuce is 70 centimeters, etc. In the USA, dimensions are measured in inches. Where 1 inch is approximately 2.5 centimeters. In the tables, the smallest size is the 30th. It corresponds to Russian - 65 centimeters. If the table costs the 34th size, then the volume under the chest is 75 centimeters.

What other brackings of bras are there?

In sizes for buying bras, there are also letters next to the numbers. What they can mean and how to understand what the size of the female breast we will figure further. Moreover, it will be easier for them to choose the necessary bra. Many girls know a feeling when it presses the strap on linen or the bodice is crowded, although the bra is perfect below, therefore it is necessary to take into account other labeling when choosing them in stores. It will not hurt to watch reviews of customers of online stores, if any.

Breast size What letters correspond to the size?
0th size Aa
1st size BUT
2nd size AT
3rd size FROM
4th size D.
5th size E

IMPORTANT: When buying a bra for Aliexpress, keep in mind that the sizes are small there. Moreover, they can be less in the volume of the chest and in the girth of the chest itself. Therefore, customers advise choosing a size larger, tabular data often do not coincide with realities.

How to choose a big breast bra?
How to choose a big breast bra?

Now, having dealt with the dimensions, it will be easy to choose the necessary bra not only in the boutique of underwear, but also in online stores. The main thing is to take into account your individual characteristics of the figure and see the reviews of customers who have already taken this underwear. If you are uncertain that the bra is just right for you, then it is better to take a size larger or less, but one of the size is no more.

You can find out information on such a topic on our portal:

  1. How to correctly determine the size of the bra?
  2. Why do you need to wear a bra?
  3. How to remove measurements, order a bra?
  4. How to remove the measurement of chest girth?
  5. How to enlarge breasts without surgery?

Video: How to find out the size of the female breast and linen?


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