7 points on the face for self -massage. Survatory facial massage

7 points on the face for self -massage. Survatory facial massage

Regular practice of self -massage is capable of maintaining health and beauty. Knowing the location of the main points and their connection with the internal organs, you yourself will improve yourself.

From ancient times, eastern countries use the secrets of acupressure to improve and maintain human health. Each of the technician - Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese - effectively affect the functioning of biologically active points of the body, contribute to preserving beauty and prolonging youth.

Useful properties of acupressure facial massage

In addition to pleasure, acupressure affects:

  • blood flow,
  • the elasticity and elasticity of the skin,
  • face colour,
  • work of organs and systems,
  • reduction of manifestations of various diseases,
  • general well -being and mood.

Important: having devoted 15 minutes a day for a pleasant procedure, you will see a persistent positive result after 3-4 months. The main rule is regularity.

Another plus in the practice of massage is that it helps to get rid of insomnia, headaches, a runny nose, etc.

Features of acupress

  • Before the start of the session, relax, take a convenient pose. Wash your face, apply a moisturizing day cream or a pleasant aromatic manner for you.
  • Gather your hair in a bunch or limit the cosmetic bandage so that the face is as open as possible.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before and after massage.
  • Before performing the main movements, conduct preparation - carefully defeat your face with your hands, avoiding skin stretching. At the same time, your fingers should easily slide over the skin.

As a massage tools, use the knuckle of the large, beams of index, middle or ring fingers, massage objects with a thin semicircular tip, a handle without a rod, a toothpick.

  • Massage movements can be different - stroking, tapping, plucking, circular actions.
  • Proper fixation of the hands will provide effective work without slipping. Studying with the lower part of the face to the level of the lower eyelid, rely on the brush of your hand, from the top from the bridge of the nose - on the little finger and ring finger.
  • The main types of self -massage are relaxing and increasing tone.

In the first case, the movements have a direction from above-down from the forehead to the chin, in the second-from the bottom up from the chin to the forehead.

Surfacing facial massage: Beauty and health points on the face

There are many active areas on the human body. They are located on the feet, hands, head, neck, back. These zones have the shape of meridians or points. The latter are paired and unpaired.

Professional masseurs own knowledge about active body zones in perfect. But for self -massage at home, more modest knowledge.

How to understand that the active zone was found correctly? If the pressure on the point seems tangible to you, then you found it correctly. For effective massage, click on a point for a second, let go, press again - and “knock” at a point of 1 minute. There is no big difference in the position of the finger - perpendicular or at an angle to the point, the main thing is your comfortable sensations.

A fast and persistent effect of regular sessions of self -massage will come if you practice it twice a day: in the morning after waking up and before bedtime.

We will dwell in detail on the consideration of some points on the head.

Surfacing facial massage: liver point

This is a paired point. Located between the inner edge of the eye and the nose. Warming of points improves blood circulation in the liver. It also has a beneficial effect on a decrease in increased intraocular pressure.
Knead points of the liver With soft movements for two to three minutes, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Surfacing facial massage: point from tachycardia

Points from the rapid heartbeat are paired. They are on the upper surfaces of the eye cavities closer to the nose. Their stimulation calms the excessive heart rhythm and reduces blood pressure. Before the massage of the dots, relax, close your eyes and “look” down. Press carefully, without great efforts of seconds for 20-30. It is no longer worth it, because you can lose consciousness.

Surfacing facial massage: Point to improve breathing

She is paired, located at the very tip of the nose. Allows you to reduce the manifestations of shortness of breath, remove the spasm of the respiratory tract, calm the coughing. The stimulation of this point is especially relevant for those who are subject to attacks of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. Effectively massage the tip of the nose, tightly capturing it with the nails of one hand and after one or two minutes.

Surfacing facial massage: resuscitation point

It is located at the root of the nose, at a point forming a right angle between the nose and the upper jaw. Its stimulation allows you to bring a person to life after a fainting state obtained due to severe intoxication or thermal blow. Lightning speed mobilizes all vitality. Press strongly, fingernail, a few seconds - a person will come to his senses.

In addition, the resuscitation point is associated with the nose, heart, lungs, liver, belt. The correct stimulation of this point prevents the development of deep nasolabial wrinkles, improves blood circulation in the zone, stimulates the heart, relieves abdominal pain.

Surfacing facial massage: a point of intestines and a small pelvic organs on the chin

It is located in the chin zone and is responsible for the blood supply to the lower part of the face. It is connected with the uterus and small intestines. Proper stimulation of this point reduces menstrual pain, stops diarrhea at the first symptoms.

It is stimulated by vertical movements for 1-2 minutes.

Surfacing facial massage: point behind the ear from the disease of the throat

Located at the base of the earlobe. This is a paired point. Pincre it with your fingers or nails and press it until the sensations of tingling appear. Continue stimulation until numbness in this zone.

Surfacing facial massage: point of view, hearing, smell

Unpailed point. It is easy to find in the recess in the hair at the base of the skull. Its regular stimulation improves both the general condition of the eyes, throat, nose, ears, and reduces the manifestation of diseases of these organs. Helps treat nervous disorders, remove from a state of stress. Stimulate either with vertical movements, or press with average effort with a ring finger for 2-3 minutes.

Surfacing facial massage: Contraindications

Important: along with the benefit of massage, you should also know about the restrictions for its use. They are external and internal.

The first includes the presence:

  • ugre rash,
  • dermatitis,
  • cuts, burns and other skin lesions,
  • herpes,
  • mercharosis,
  • good or malignant formations on the skin.

To the second:

  • pregnancy,
  • serious malfunctions in the work of internal organs,
  • problems with intracranial pressure,
  • inflammation of the facial nerve,
  • severe mental disorders.

A doctor’s consultation will help you determine if you can massage and what types of it will be safe and effective for health.

Visorously examining the location of the points on the face and their relationship with other organs, it is easy to make sure that self -massage is a good habit that should be developed and used.

Be healthy!

Video: self -massage of the face, basic tricks

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