Test "Non -existing animal": description, order of conduct, interpretation of the results on the test


A very simple, and at the same time, a useful test “Non -existing animal” was invented so that the inner world of a person can be understood. It can be held by both children and adults.

The effectiveness of the methodology laid down in this drawing test occupies one of the main positions in psychology. Most often it is used when working with younger students. It helps to identify hiding emotions. This is a good opportunity, if necessary, to diagnose in deviations and adjust the psychological state of the child.

Test "Non -existent animal": Methodology

  • In the course of identifying violations in the work of the psyche, there are additional tests of "happy, unhappy, embittered animal."
  • To perform the test “Non -existing animal”, you need a blank sheet of paper, colored pencils (it is allowed to choose only one color), watches.

Task: you must come up with and draw a non -existent animal within 3 minutes.

  • After this part of the condition is fulfilled, you need to come up with a name.
  • Then you should ask a person to tell a little detail about the life of a drawn animal.
  • A very important point in this task is time. You can’t spend more than the indicated 3 minutes on his passage. This is done so that the subconscious work works during the period of drawing.
Examples of drawing
Examples of drawing

Interpretation of the test "Non -existent animal" for placement and size

Placement of the picture

  • In the case when the sheet is placed vertically, the animal is drawn in the center - This is considered the norm.
  • If a drawn character rejected from the center to the upper edge - This says that self -esteem has overestimated the person who has passed the test. Another explanation of such a drawing is dissatisfaction with its position in society. Accordingly, the higher the animal is, the more the person wants the attention of others.
  • In the opposite situation, when the drawing is closer to the lower edge - This indicates a reduced self -esteem of a person. Also, such a drawing can be a signal of beginning emotional burnout.
  • The displacement on the side indicates an organic damage to the brain.
  • In the case of placing an animal in one of the corners, you must immediately seek help from a psychiatrist. This drawing indicates the state of depression of the person who painted him.

Animal size

  • A large animal - a person is in anxious or stressful state.
  • A small animal indicates low self -esteem or depression.

Psychological test drawing of a non -existent animal: analysis by type, type of animal and features of the drawing

In this test, “non -existent animal”, all images can be divided into seven main types:

  1. A person draws the existing character And in addition he calls him a real name. A story about the life of an animal, taking from ordinary life. For example, a dog will be drawn, it will be called the usual name and her life will be painted realistically. In some cases, this may be the norm for young children, but not for adults. This will indicate a complete absence of imagination and the inability to distinguish, where is fiction and where reality.
  2. An extinct animal. A real animal is depicted, which is an extinct look.
  3. Image invented character other people. For example, a mermaid, a dragon. Drawings of type 2 and 3 are the norm for children under 9 years old. In adolescents and adults, such a drawing tells about the absence of imagination, but the presence of the ability to analyze.
  4. A painted fictional character, composed of parts of real animals and an invented name, is characteristic of rationalists. In this situation, age does not matter.
  5. If the animal has the human appearance - This is a sign of a serious lack of attention from other people. The relatives and friends of the person who painted this animal should spend more time together.
  6. The character drawn from small mechanical parts, indicates that the person who drawed him has non -standard thinking.
  7. In a situation where, without explaining the author, it is difficult to guess which animal is depicted, suggests that this person is a developed creative person.
Each element of the drawing is important
Each element of the drawing is important

Kind of animal

To analyze the test “Non -existing animal”, so that the author chosen what kind of his animal belongs to:

  • threatening;
  • suppressed;
  • neutral.

The answer will indicate a person’s attitude to himself and his inner “I”.

A feature of the pressure of the pencil

  • Weak pressure - A sign of a depressive state of the author.
  • Strong pressure - speaks of impulsiveness and emotional stress.
  • Very strong pressure (There are gaps from a pencil on paper) - the presence of aggressiveness and an increased tendency to conflicts.


  • With the elements of the hatching - the presence of anxiety.
  • Many lines in one place are a state of stress.
  • Sketch The lines are an attempt to control its tense state.
  • In progress Lines are a sign of asthenia.
  • Lines that do not fall into the right place indicates an organic brain damage.
  • Distortion of lines is the presence of a mental illness.

Drawing test "Non -existent animal": Analysis of appearance

The appearance of the animal

  • It is necessary to see how the animal is generally drawn. It is only circled by common lines or sketched completely, an adherence is possible.
  • The more small details and details in the test “non -existent animal”, the more joyful and active author.


  • If the head is increased in size compared to the body - this means a high assessment of its erudition.
  • Animal Headless - impulsivity or signs of mental disorders.
  • More than one Heads - internal conflict.
  • The shape of the head is distorted - a sign of a mental disorder. In some cases, brain damage.
  • The head is turned to the right - The author is the person who cannot live without planning.
  • The head is turned to the left - indicates the inner fear of man.


  • The animal is depicted without eyes - a sign of asthenia.
  • The eyes are painted empty (without pupils), filled with a black iris - internal fears.
  • Eyes with eyelashes depicted - high self -esteem.
  • Eyes with blood vessels depicted or distorted - a sign of a neurotic state.


  • If the mouth depicts ajar, the tongue is visible, but there are no lips - a person has increased speech activity.
  • In the case when there are lips - this indicates a greater sensitivity of the author.
  • The mouth is ajar And inside the dark - anxiety, fear, fears.
  • The mouth is depicted with fangs or teeth - aggression. Self -defense situations are not excluded.


  • Large Ears - suspicion, anxiety, fear. Purpose of the collection of information for protection.
  • Absence Ears say that a person is very hidden and is closed. He does not want to make contact with anyone.
We look at all the elements of the picture
We look at all the elements of the picture

Additional details on the head

  • The presence of feathers is a person’s ability to embellish parts.
  • Horns are aggression and an attempt to defend yourself.
  • The mane is high sensitivity.

The body

  • Many details and information - the author has powerful life energy.
  • On the contrary, a small number of elements (they are incomprehensible to each other) is a sign of asthenia
  • The body is composed from acute parts - a sign of aggression
  • The main part of the body is drawn from round forms - a sign of isolation and secrecy.


  • The absence of legs is not a desire to enter the social world.
  • A large number of painted legs are the need for attention and care.
  • Thick legs are a lack of attention and the need for support.
  • A pair of legs and they occupy most of the picture - a sign of balance and the ability to independently make decisions.
  • The legs are directed in one direction - the author is inherent in the same type of thinking.
  • The legs are drawn directed in different directions - such a drawing characterizes the author as a person who has creative thinking.

Torso connection

  • A clear connection of the body with the legs is the ability to keep your actions and thoughts under control.
  • The torso and legs do not connect in any way - the inability to express their opinion, the need for constant support.

Additional elements

  • The presence of spikes, needles - aggression, with the aim of protecting.
  • The scales or shell are drawn - a great need for protection and attention from others.
  • Most of the body is covered hair - This person gives great importance to the sexual sphere.
  • Availability pattern or tattoos - A way to stand out.
  • Wounds or scars are obvious signs of a neurotic state.
  • Any weapon that can be caused by injuries - aggressiveness is drawn.
  • The internal organs, veins, vessels are indicated - a sign of a clear neurotic state. In some situations, a serious mental illness may indicate.
  • The genitals of animals or people are depicted - the sexual sphere is of great importance.
  • Wings of any size are a sign of dreaminess and a tendency to fantasize.


  • It is depicted, turned to the left - an internal analysis of their thoughts.
  • It is depicted, turned to the right - an internal analysis of their actions.
  • The tail is raised up - a positive assessment of his thoughts and actions.
  • The tail is lowered down - a negative attitude to the prevailing relationship with people.

Psychological test "Non -existent animal": decryption on the story and additional characteristics of the animal


  • If the name has a logical understanding, for example, “flying crocodile”, “floating hare” - a person knows exactly what he wants from life.
  • The animal is named after the science - a sign of high erudition.
  • Duplicate name. For example, “Tik-Tik”, “La” is a sign of childhood and infantility.
  • Funny names - they speak of a good sense of humor of the author.
  • Stupid and deprived of logic of the name of the animal is a sign of irresponsibility.

General characteristics of the life of the animal

  • Corresponds to the drawing - well -developed logical thinking.
  • It does not correspond to the image - a sign of a violation of logical thinking.


  • In other countries, on the island, in warm regions - the desire to stand out.
  • Isolation (cosmos, other planets, uninhabited island, cave, well, empty room) - inner emptiness and a feeling of loneliness.
  • Information (impenetrable thicket, fences, a closed room with a lock) - a fear of aggression, a person is in a need for protection.
  • Swamp, dirty water is a sign of a neurotic state.


  • The animal does not eat anything, lives due to energy - introvership.
  • Maybe there is anything - indicates the inherent impulsiveness of the author.
  • Trying inedible things - problems with communication.
  • The main food is blood or organs of living beings - a neurotic state, internal aggression is not excluded.
  • Eats people - aggression is inherent in the author.
Also learn more about what the author represents about the life of the animal
Also learn more about what the author represents about the life of the animal

Classes and entertainment of an animal

  • Something is constantly breaking-a sign of a mental illness in the author.
  • He loves to sleep a lot - indicates a lack of sleep of a person who passed the test.
  • Constantly plays - a person who draws this animal is energetic and full of strength.
  • Employed by food - the author experiences material difficulties.
  • Never sits idle - a sign of impulsiveness.
  • He walks backwards before or upside down - this indicates the author’s creative thinking.

Additional details of the description

  • With the story, it was indicated in the absence of friends in the animal - a feeling of loneliness by the author.
  • The presence of many friends is the value of friendship.
  • Mentioning enemies is a sign of fear of gaining aggression.
  • An additional mention of the presence of food for the animal is a sign of domestic dysfunction.

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Video: Psychology test "Non -existent animal": Deciphering

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