Terms for the development of intelligence: how to develop a brain, thinking, intellectual abilities?

Terms for the development of intelligence: how to develop a brain, thinking, intellectual abilities?

Intelligence is one of the most important aspects of the human person, which, in addition, needs constant development. There are many different techniques, techniques and actions, the implementation of which to one degree or another develops intelligence. An example is such a method as memorizing scientific terms and definitions.

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The terms for the development of intelligence will be discussed in the article below. Read further.

Who is the intellectual?


Before moving on to the main topic of the article, it is worthwhile to tell you about the meaning of such a term as an intellectual. After all, it will not be an exaggeration to say that the concepts of intelligence and intellectual are connected, because it is worth somewhere to arise one of these words, as another will certainly appear. So who is such an intellectual?

  • Expressed in a simple language, intellectual - This is a person who has a developed mind and inclined to analytical thinking.

From a sociological point of view, the intellectual differs from another similar term “erudite”, primarily in that it is a more creative subject. Another distinctive feature of the intellectual can be considered its tendency to abstract in everything related to morality and truth. The intellectual is able to give birth and develop ideas, determine cultural values \u200b\u200band norms for society.

It is worth adding that, according to the professor and scientist H. Aranguren - “only the person who is not what we have is not to be a problem - this is not what it should be”. Based on this understanding, the “non -conformism” of the intellectual person begins to take shape - rebellion and “outsidism”. As a result, the intellectual turns into what is called the “conscience of the nation”, it becomes a progressive, independent and advanced voice of a public minority.

How to develop a brain, thinking, intellectual abilities?

Develops the brain, thinking, intellectual abilities
Develops the brain, thinking, intellectual abilities

Surely in the world there are many those who doubt that intellect can be developed. However, this is a proven fact that is not even disputed by science. It is possible to develop intelligence, brain, thinking, intellectual abilities. The question is different, how to do this? Here are several ways:

  • Solving logical problems

The first and perhaps the most popular way to develop intellectual abilities is the solution of logical problems. This method allows a person to improve such quality as formal logic - one of the subspecies of logic. The basis for making decisions in this case is clear rules and known data, when applying the exclusion and generalization method.

  • Informal logical thinking

In contrast to formal logic, the method of informal thinking allows a person to find solutions using unexpected, creative and non -standard moves.

  • Memory training

Another important criterion for a high level of intelligence is a good memory. Therefore, it also needs to be trained. It is important to take into account what exactly is interested in a person. For example, some people are fond of poetry and rhymes, while others love history. A person who loves poetry will be easier to memorize rhymes, while receiving the pleasure of the process, but the dates, telephone numbers and numbers will be given with difficulty.

  • Sports

It sounds surprising, but sports also contribute to the development of intelligence and this is a fact. Numerous studies have proven that physical activity improves cognitive abilities, and this method acts even on elderly people. At the same time, other studies have shown that different sports affect intelligence differently. For example, the effect of tennis classes was larger than, for example, from gymnastics.

  • The study of foreign languages

Scientists have proven that people talking in two or more languages \u200b\u200bhave more developed intelligence compared to those who talk on one. The so -called "bilinguals" have a large amount of gray matter in the brain, in the anterior waist bark. The fact is that this area, when communicating in one of the languages, blocks the ability of the brain to switch to another language and thereby perceive and use words from it. Thus, periodic communication in different languages \u200b\u200bdevelops the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist cortex, which is responsible for cognitive abilities.

  • Proper nutrition

Hippocrates once said: "We are what we eat." At the same time, the ancient Greek philosopher could hardly have foreseen the fact that in 2015, interesting studies will be published in the popular scientific journal Neurology. They prove that the quality of food really affects the level of intelligence. So, low -quality food lowers the level of cognitive abilities, and good food on the contrary contributes to the development of intelligence.

  • Meditation

A lot is said about the benefits of meditation. For example, the study conducted by American scientists proved that meditation can not only influence consciousness, but also practically change the structure of the brain, improving control over emotions and preventing the occurrence of such ailment as depression. If we talk about the development of intelligence, it is worth noting the fact that meditation classes lead to long -term and short -term metamorphoses in the brain, at the neural level, increasing memory and attention.

  • Writing words on paper

It is no secret that modern people practically stopped writing on paper, giving preference to gadgets and computers. This simplifies life. However, it is the spelling of words on paper that can positively affect the intellectual abilities of a person. Scientists have proven that people who prefer to write on paper are superior to those who prefer gadgets in the level of intelligence. Studies in this area were conducted over students during lectures. It turned out that those students who recorded lectures in the gadgets did this verbatim, without delving into the essence of what was written, while students used notebooks, noted everything in their own words, for which it was necessary to understand what they heard.

It is worth noting that no matter how effective the described methods of developing intelligence are, it is not worth limiting yourself to only one occupation or hobby. After all, the full development of intelligence implies not at all a juburbation of any topic and not an endless repetition of exercises. The main thing for the development of intelligence is a variety of hobbies, actions and skills.

Terms for the development of intelligence

Fleeter - the term for the development of intelligence
Fleeter - the term for the development of intelligence

As already written above, smart terms and words are a good means for developing intelligence. However, acquaintance with any abstruse word will be useless, without knowledge of its meaning. Let's look at a certain amount of abstruse terms, coupled with their meaning.

  • Fleeter

This term denotes a person striving to accumulate money, profit and other material benefits. And although the “financial pillow”, as such, is not considered something bad, the word combuster has negative coloring. The fact is that the main features of such a person are greed and greed.

  • Flaeling

This is the word of French origin, which can be translated as a “walk”. This term denotes unhurried walking, devoid of any purpose.

  • Transparency

This word is translated from English as "transparency." In the context of relations between people, the term “transparency” denotes absolute honesty and lack of hidden motifs in one side.

  • Sybarite

This term is called a person prone to bathing in luxury and idle lifestyle.

  • Gimp

Initially, this word was called the production process of metal threads, then used for embroidery. Subsequently, such a term began to be applied to something slow, for example, delaying negotiation processes.

  • Frapping

This word means unpleasant surprise, stunning.

  • Pipidastr

This is a small panicle designed to look like dust. This device is often used, for example, housekeepers. It is interesting that in the past, natural feathers were used for the manufacture of pipiders, but now they are made of synthetic fibers.

  • Pupiter

This is the word of French origin, which can be translated as a "desk" or a desk. However, in modern Russian, this is the name of the stand for notes or books, with an inclined surface.

  • Insight

This term is used to indicate a sudden understanding of something, penetration into the very essence.

  • Triviality

As synonyms for this term, you can lead to words such as: commonality, boredom, banality and primitiveness. The word triviality can be used in relation to the statements of the interlocutor, devoid of originality, or a complete cliche and a beaten plot of the film.

  • Synergy

This is an ancient Greek word that can be translated as a community or cooperation. In the modern language, this term denotes any positive effect that occurs during the interaction of any objects or subjects.

  • Gaptophobia

Gaptophobia is a disease that implies the fear of the touch of other people. Moreover, this phobia can manifest itself both in relation to strangers and friends and even relatives.

  • Perturbation

This term denotes an unexpected coup, or a case that radically changes the ordinary course of things. As another meaning, a change in the trajectory of celestial bodies is given due to the influence of the force of attraction of other objects.

  • Equipment

This word means a ambiguous hint.

  • Cognitive

This is a psychological term meaning knowledge. The cognitive process occurs in the human brain during the training of something new, comprehending the surrounding world or himself. For example, the phrase “cognitive dissonance” is quite common and popular today, describes a situation in which knowledge existing in a person’s head begins to conflict with new data.

  • Voluntarism

This is the name of the doctrine, according to which, the basis of all things is the volitional beginning. In the modern language, this word is used as an evaluative term of actions of a person.

  • Congruence

A fairly meaningful term. In general terms, this word is a state of absolute sincerity and integrity, in which all the facets of the personality are in harmony, following one goal.

  • Transcendental

A rather complex term denoting theoretical, academicity, mental and distraction.

  • Idiosyncrasy

Medical term denoting the intolerance to something. In the modern language, this word has become often used in relation to people. For example: Yana has idiosyncrazia to ill -mannered people.

  • Euphemism

This is a term denoting the replacement of gross expressions and words with softer.

  • Truism

A word denoting any well-known statement or opinion.

The abstruse terms and words surround us everywhere. You can face a similar word anywhere, for example: in a review of the film, in the program on TV, in the book and the play. It is not surprising that many people are interested in the meaning of such words as: “excess”, “insight”, “existentiality”, etc. After all, everyone wants to look aware and smart. However, using abstruse terms in speech, do not forget about the famous proverb: "The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch."

At the end, it remains to add that there is no one single path and a way of developing intelligence. Many scientists stubbornly repeat that physics contribute to increasing intelligence. However, a writer or composer who never engaged in physics cannot be called stopped in mental development. The basis of a high level of intelligence is primarily a wide range of hobbies, and of course a craving for self -development.

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