What drugs should you drink to improve the brain and memory? Drugs to improve memory and concentration of attention to children, adults and older people

What drugs should you drink to improve the brain and memory? Drugs to improve memory and concentration of attention to children, adults and older people

Every mother wants her baby to bring only excellent grades from school. But, unfortunately, most children are inattentive and very active. This prevents you from focusing in the lessons.

Often the reason for the deterioration of attention is stress or fear. Using special drugs, you can activate the work of the child’s brain and improve his attentiveness.

What drugs to drink for memory and attention of children?

Preparations for improving memory and attention are called nootropes. Their effect is due to the supply of the brain with oxygen. Accordingly, the activity of the brain improves. At the same time, the child is better concentrated on the assignment and quickly remembers the information.

Nootropics for children:

  • Glycine. This drug calms, it can cause drowsiness. The action is aimed at activating the work of the brain
  • Pantogam, Aminalon. These drugs are analogues, they contain a gamma-aminomatic acid. This substance is involved in the transportation of oxygen into the brain
  • Tenoten. This is a homeopathic medicine that supplies brain cells with blood and oxygen
  • Intellane. It is used for emotional and physical overloads. Removes stress and soothes
  • Phenibut. The drug for reducing the tone of the vessels of the brain. Tissue tension disappears, which stimulates blood flow into all parts of the brain

All these drugs can be taken from birth. They are often prescribed for hematomas and birth injuries. They reduce intracranial pressure, reduce the manifestation of epilepsy and hydroencephaly.

Bad memory of a child
Bad memory of a child

Drugs and vitamins for memory to adolescents

Adolescents need drugs as nobody to grow and improve memory. The growing organism needs to be nourished, since vitamins coming with food may not be enough for the full functioning of the body.

The most necessary for the brain can be considered B vitamins, vitamin D, E and retinol. Among the microelements, selenium, zinc, iodine and iron favorably affect the brain. Please note that the drug contains unsaturated acids.

Vitamins for teenagers:

  • Pikovit Forte. This is a combined vitamin preparation containing the most necessary trace elements and vitamins. The medicine has everything most necessary for the full growth and development of a teenager
  • Alphabet. This is a special vitamin complex for children 8-16 years old. The composition contains fatty unsaturated acids, trace elements and selenium
  • Vitamins. Vitamins in the form of chewing sweets. The drug is shown to children 3-15 years old. The vitamin complex contains herbal extracts that strengthen immunity
Vitamins for memory in adolescents
Vitamins for memory in adolescents

What drugs to take to improve memory to students?

At the Institute, self -training is given 70% of the total time. Accordingly, the load on the brain is significant. To remember a lot of information well, it is necessary to help the brain and stimulate its work.

Vitamins and drugs for memory to students:

  • Gingko Biloba Fort. This is a medicine based on plant extract Gingko. This plant positively affects the state of blood vessels. Analogues are a Ginos, bilobil
  • Biotredin. As part of the medicine, L-Traonin and Vitamin B6. L-Traonin is an amino acid that is not produced in the body, but is involved in the brain
  • Aminalon. As part of the gamma-aminomatic acid, which stimulates the functioning of the brain and improves vascular permeability

All these drugs are sold without a prescription, so they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Preparations for students' memory
Preparations for students' memory

What to drink to improve memory in adults?

There are two types of drugs that improve memory and attention: vitamin or medicinal. The former can be purchased at any pharmacy, usually they contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The second type of drugs are stimulants that are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. You can buy them only by recipe.

Preparations to improve memory:

  • Carakson, Somazin. These are sodium qikolithin -based drugs. It prevents the destruction of brain cells. It is often prescribed for traumatic brain injuries. Often prescribed babies for ICD and encephalia. Allows you to accelerate the processes of brain cell regeneration. Sell \u200b\u200bthe drug only by prescription
  • Piracetam. The drug that is prescribed for Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis. Often it is recommended to take people with disorders in the work of the nervous system. Improves blood supply to the brain. In large doses, a psychostimulating effect has
  • Phenotropil. They are prescribed to people with brain diseases or to stimulate mental abilities in emergency situations. Improves the transmission of information between the hemispheres of the brain, improves memory and attention. Increases the body's resistance to stress
Bad memory of an adult
Bad memory of an adult

Memory for older people

Older people lack vitamins, so they are first recommended to take vitamin complexes. Typically, with sclerosis, the doctor makes the appointment, as serious drugs are implemented according to the prescription.

The most common drugs for memory in the elderly:

  • Glycine
  • Pantogam
  • Phenibut
  • Neurokson
Memory for older people
Memory for older people

Homeopathy for memory

Homeopathic substances should be taken for a long time. The effect is observed after 1-3 months of admission. The safest homeopathy -based drugs:

  • Memory. Contains organic acids and extracts of herbs
  • Brain-o-Flex. Homeopathic drug containing vitamin E, omega unsaturated acids, gingko biloba extract and sturgeon fish oil
  • Sclerro gran. This is a combined homeopathic drug. It contains an extract of gingko biloba and trace elements
Memory for memory
Memory for memory

Plant preparations for memory

Plant drugs can be considered the safest. They can be taken without a prescription, there is no harm from them.

Medications for memory from plants:

  • Linseed oil. This substance must be taken on a teaspoon in front of each meal. Improves concentration and promotes memorization
  • Bilobil. Gingko Biloba - Tropical Plant
  • Vermion. The drug based on the sight. He is an alpha-adreno-reinterplane
Bilobil-vegetable drug for memory
Bilobil-vegetable drug for memory

Vitamins for memory and attention

Vitamin preparations can be considered the safest. Usually these are complexes using amino acids and minerals. It is their deficiency that leads to disorders in the brain. Tissues tolerate oxygen worse, so a person forgets something all the time.

Vitamins for attention
Vitamins for attention

What worsens the memory?

There are several main reasons that worsen the memory:

  • Information overload
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Stress
  • Constant lack of sleep
  • Unhealthy food. These are mainly energy drinks and products containing aluminum
  • Age -related changes in the body
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Medications. These are usually heart drops, antihistamines and antidepressants
Bad memory, reasons
Bad memory, reasons

As you can see, many factors affect the memory and functioning of the brain. Therefore, eat fully, train your brain and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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  1. I do not trust homeopathy, but vitamins do not help me already. I am 56 years old, with age, my memory is no longer the same, recently I was at all to hell. And relatives noticed changes in me, especially my distraction and forgetfulness. The daughter persuaded to go to the doctor, there at the reception I was prescribed the drug of the sofa. I began to drink according to the instructions, I felt the effect three weeks after the start of the reception. I really began to think better, ceased to be so unaware, the memory became better. The main thing here is not to lose a positive attitude and believe in the best, and of course, a correctly selected medicine can help significantly, such as me.

  2. I agree, I was also prescribed a sofa with similar symptoms. The concentration of my attention has significantly decreased, and with memory it became a huhk ... The effect of this medicine is soft. This drug suits me well

  3. To improve the brain, it’s not enough to know about the beneficial properties of Ginkgo, it is also important to know in what dosage and form it is used. With the form, everything is also simple - capsules can be conveniently drinking water in the morning before going to work or in the evening upon returning home. As for the dosage, the most powerful she found himself in Bilobila Intension (120 mg), I personally searched for information to compare different drugs. Take the bilobil and you will be full of strength. The main thing is not to forget that the course of treatment is at least 3 months, then the effect will be noticeable and long -term.

  4. I used to think that memory is strengthened by various exercises, but not medicines. With the drug, all my former arguments were scattered, scattered like a house of cards. This doctor advised me such a wonderful drug, it is also natural, helps for a course of only 3 months, I began to feel better in every way, in particular, I solved the problem with my memory.

  5. Before the session I was worried that I could not remember everything. And I slept little. Bilobil Intension helped strengthen memory. The effect occurred at about 3 weeks. I took 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the evening. Drinking the medicine is not difficult, since there are no side effects. The drug is excellent, it helps well and the accumulative effect, it does not disappear when you finish taking .. and I had 3 months. And the dream was better because I became sure of the ability of my brain to memorize information.

  6. There are many different drugs to improve brain activity. For me, intensity was beaten out of competition. I took a full course as a doctor prescribed, which means I know for sure that it is effective and high -quality .. does not form dependence, does not affect appetite. You can safely take a long period, since there are no side effects. Problems with concentration and support of attention disappeared. I am energetic at work and at home.

  7. I work as a secretary, I need to remember a lot, and everyone still remind you, so as not to forget, such a job))) To be more focused at work, Ginko Biloba helps me, I buy a bilobil forte at KRKA. A very good means to support memory and resources of clarity and concentration, everything is in good shape. This is a big plus, I tried other drugs with the content of Ginko Biloba, but they were not so effective. My choice is KRKA Biloba Forte.

  8. Mom has age forgetfulness. The reason for this is age -related changes in the functioning of the brain and deterioration of blood circulation. And the bilobyl intenses helps to saturate the brain with oxygen, nutrients and improves blood circulation. For the best result, it is better to take it with a course, but a one -time technique will give the effect. There are no side effects. After treatment, mother does not suffer from forgetfulness. She is also mentally active and healthy.

  9. I am a chief accountant and not to overstrain mentally simply impossible. But I found a simple way to maintain mental activity at a high level. I accept the bilobil forte and no longer worry that I will confuse something in numbers or documents. In addition to a favorable effect on cognitive functions, the bilobil also evens out an emotional mood. I am always in a good mood. Colleagues are even surprised how I get it, the work intense for everyone and I am positive.

  10. Of course, over the years, we are not young, so our all systems in the body fail, the most important is of course a blood system, blood vessels, heart. Diseases of this system are in the first place in the world. I found a very good remedy for its support, it was breaking the intensity, my dizziness began, headaches and noise in the ears of incomprehensible origin. I did not think that all this could be restored by one drug Bilobil. But that’s for sure, I was convinced of myself that it helps.

  11. Memory for the student is very important. And to improve it, I took a bilobil of Forte for several months. And he advised me this drug a pharmacist who drank it himself. I accept capsules for 3 weeks, but not only I see a positive result. Definitely began to remember information faster and better. I cook reports faster. I answer at seminars without peeping into the notes. Soon the session and someone is worried about how to hand over. And I'm calm and sure.

  12. So the daily running around was already shook, in the morning and the light is blown up, the child is in the garden, then rush to work ... You don’t notice it in your youth, and at my age (36) everything is hard. I get up in the morning - ringing in my ears, your head is spinning, you don’t think anything, you don’t even remember that you have planned for a day. And this is in the morning. And also work. Well, at least kind people suggested that there was a bilobil of Forte. I have been drinking it for two weeks, new forces began to appear. The ringing in the ears is weakened, the head almost does not spin, the memory is noticeably better, I do not forget anything.

  13. At one time, she did not receive higher education, as she got married early and gave birth. Then she took up the mind, but apparently it was too late. Memory loses its properties if it is not used for a long time. Signs could learn a bunch of tickets per night, but I was tormented, I was engaged in a lot and still did not remember badly. As a result, I decided to resort to the help of medicines. They prescribed me a bilobil forte - effective and natural at the same time, there is no risk of addiction and heavy side effects. Already by the middle of the course of admission, began to notice changes. And soon it became clear that the drug was working. I am very glad that I found this miracle tool!

  14. In youth, you can dig in 12 hours and be like a cucumber. And after 35 years, every year it is harder to withstand workloads and not to wallow then the whole weekend. My salary is good, I want to work here and further, therefore, in order to support the body and maintain performance, I began to drink the bilobil of the forte. It is convenient to take, on a capsule in the morning and evening, it is advisable to drink 3 months with a course, then the results will be the maximum and will remain for a long time, I do so. After 2 months of admission, anxiety disappeared, the ability to concentrate on business increased.

  15. I don’t know who how, but I’m teaching the highest mathematics at the university, gritting my teeth. So everything is incomprehensible. I need to understand such an intuitive picture inside that reflects the internal logic of the subject .... And with the "tower" this did not arise. I handed over mathematics in the first session on the cramming, Bilobil Forte helped to cope. Without it, everything just flew out of my head every other day. Mom advised me, he also drinks it, she has a responsible work. They read the instructions - from the age of 18 you can take a bilobil, I had no side effects and my memory and attention became much better after the course.

  16. bilobil intenses prescribed a doctor after a serious bruise of the head. She fell in her own yard, no matter how much I will prefer. I took the recipe twice a day, it got better. The head was not sick, did not spin, thoughts became clearer. By the way, I became stronger to sleep. The examination confirmed that everything is fine and there are no consequences of the fall. Bilobil helped.

  17. I especially have no time to engage in my health, all work and work, even fitness had to be abandoned so far, once. But then they began to hurt and freeze, and also forget all the important principles, it didn’t happen either, it could have been confused or forget about meetings. My colleague advised me to drink the bilobil course, it helped her a lot, she drank other drugs with ginkgo bilobe. But the bilobil helped best. And at a price, I consider it profitable. It also helped me a lot, everything that the colleague said, everything worked. And the memory has recovered and now I go without pain in the legs, they do not freeze. And I recommend it all to you.

  18. I will share my story about Bilobil. Memory and attention with age lose their former acuteness, my mother is a teacher in a kindergarten, and after three years in retirement, and now she began to complain to memory, she began to forget poems. And what else would confuse there, the names of children began to confuse, and the work is very responsible. The pharmacy was advised by nootropil, but my mother drank the course and there was no result. Then she went to the doctor and she was discharged a bilobil. Here my mother felt the result in two weeks. And having drank a full course of Bilobila, she said that she had returned and had not felt so beautifully for a long time

  19. The brother received a head injury and so that the brain would quickly come into normal form, to improve its nutrition, bilobil intenses according to a prescription from a doctor. This is a proven medicine that has long been in the European market. The main component is an extract of ginkgo bilobe, which helps to quickly circulate blood, and therefore to transfer oxygen to tissues and brain. The brain eats well, and a person begins to feel good. Brother is much better now. The pains are head and the noise in the ears passed.

  20. I am a healthy person, but the violation of attention began to bother. The doctor offered different treatment options. Of course I recommended not to overwork, to be in the fresh air, but clarified that without drugs in no way. I prescribed me a drug with ginkgo biloba to improve brain nutrition. Bilobyl intenses was the best choice because of the plant composition, with minimal side effects due to good proven quality. And most importantly - the intensity is a medicine, and not a dietary supplement like ginkgo from Evalar (some prescribe it for myself, but I heard a lot of bad reviews about him, does not really help). Drinking an intensity needs to be a course technique so that the effect is better, 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening, that is, on the capsule 2 times a day. I drank the appointed 3 months and the result is magnificent, I feel the Seb even younger, the memory is tenacious like 25.

  21. I am 56 years old, but I felt an old woman. There were problems with memory, she began to work poorly. Hinted at reduction. But the doctor advised me to Bilobil Forte, and my life has really changed. As in advertising. The memory has improved, I concentrate easily, promptly do the work, I am happy not to be the word! I work without any tension. I finish the course.

  22. High -quality, natural medicine without the likelihood of side effects and allergic reactions to improve blood circulation of the brain, mental abilities - this is a Slovenian drug Bilobil Intension. I took it for 3 months and for this entire period of a hint of poor health. The brain worked better every week and the mood rose. And from Tanakan it only became worse for some reason, it became even more nervous and could not sleep. Bilobyl intenses really acts well on the brain. Without harming the body at the same time ..

  23. Recently, my mother has some kind of forgetfulness, she could go to the store and forget what was going on. I immediately led it to the diagnostic, there the doctor is good. Having looked at the history of the disease and determined problems with the brain circulation, he said to drink Bilobil Forte for three months. He said that even comparisons there were no other drugs (mother beat dietary supplements, did not help). With the bilobilo, mother became more active, memory and even mood, improved.

  24. Avral at work. I spin like a squirrel in a wheel and my head is around. I decided, if now I will not help my little head with a proven medicinal product, then I will not withstand the load. I bought a bilobil intensity on the advice of a pharmacist. And in the same century I sleep well, the head does not hurt and does not spin from the abundance of affairs. Memory is just like in his student years. She stopped experiencing stress, because everything turns out in work and health is excellent.

  25. Not so long ago, the races of sleep tormented me very much. She could not fall asleep for a long time or even just lay all night and looked at the ceiling. A friend advised glycine from Evalar. I drank a course. Improvements to the face! It became easier to fall asleep, the memory of the smile, attentiveness increased)

  26. With age, study is difficult to give. I decided to get higher education when I was already 25 years old, before everything was not up to that. I thought it would be easily, because at school I was an excellent student, but here, in general, all this study did not fit in my head, some kind of dullness. Bilobyl began to drink, and it became much easier. I tried Tanakan, but something is not a very effect, and Bilobul helps me to learn all the new information.

  27. Dad has recently been forgetful and scattered, but after the bilobil, the intensity became more attentive and active. And cerebral circulation was normalized (the head does not spin, does not hurt, the noise in the ears has passed) and the peripheral (the legs do not die and do not hurt). Previously, he took Tanakan with an extract of ginkgo bilobe, but he did not help him and the pain in the stomach forced him to get worried. Bilobil intenses is better and safer.

  28. Hello! Tell me, please, my grandmother was appointed pantocalcine, he is not here at all. What is the drug, normal?

  29. Hello! Tell me, please, my grandmother was appointed pantocalcine, he is not here at all.
    What is the drug, normal?

  30. Normal, this is the same pantogam, only the composition is slightly different. I looked now, pantogam contains methyl cellulose (E461), for an elderly person, it is unwanted, almost always causes an exacerbation, if there are problems with the intestines and generally gastrointestinal tract. Pantocalcin is cleaner, there is nothing harmful, so apparently he was appointed grandmother.

  31. At work, you need to always be fresh and think well)) Therefore, I buy a bilobil forte and drink a three -month course once a year. Bilobil nourishes the vessels of the brain well, it contains an extract of ginkgo bilobe, and for the peripheral circulatory system it is very good. The legs stop freezing, and plus it was still not dietary supplements, but the medicine, but natural.

  32. I had certain circulatory disorders of the brain. From this, dizziness, problems with memory and well -being appeared. This condition was affected by work. I bought an expensive meme, but it didn’t suit me - this happens either. She replaced him with a bilobil forte and did not regret at all. With a bilobil, the result appeared already at 2 weeks of reception, and there was no side effects from it.

  33. The KRKA company makes effective, natural, while inexpensive drugs with ginkgo and bilobil Forte for me a favorite in improving blood circulation of the brain and restoring concentration and memory. I took the capsules for 3 months and the effect is still holding on. The mind is sharp, reactions are not inhibited even with a dense graph. The head is not heavy, the memory and attention are excellent. And I fall asleep quickly, and I wake up without headaches.

  34. At my work, the staff was reduced, the work increased. She coped with difficulty until the course of the bilobil was drank. Khoshu guessed in time to ask the doctor what best helps in such cases. The result is amazing. The memory has improved, more information is absorbed and there is no confusion in thoughts. I cope with the work at Hurland, and soon even hope appeared on an increase)

  35. I work a lot, but I can’t get enough sleep, hence the headaches and problems with memory and concentration of attention. To correct the situation, I bought a ginkgoum from Evalar. But this is just an advertising trick, in this downtime the ginkgo extract is insufficient for the effect. Now, on the recommendation of a doctor, I drink an intensity - this is effectiveness! Helps from the first weeks of admission!

  36. Usually in the cold times of the year I have problems with the vessels of the head. They narrow and the head hurts, and I sleep badly. But after the bilobil, I drink 2 capsules per day for a month I feel the best! The drug expands blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity and oxygen, glucose and other nutrients are better entered into the brain. The medicine is high -quality and safe, because there have never been allergies and side effects.

  37. My husband began to complain about frequent headaches and noise in his ears, and he began to sleep badly. The doctor said this is poor blood circulation. And on the advice of his mother, they still bought an intensity, she had the same symptoms, although the doctor wrote out Tanakan - an analogue of the bilobil, but he did not help his mother at one time, resolved, and the intensity was just what was needed. For three months of treatment, all symptoms have passed.

  38. I am a student and took a drug based on Gingko Biloba - this is a ginkoma, Russia produces. Even a healthy young brain works better after taking ginkhum, it reduced the time that was required to process information during the session. But I took before the session and had an effect that helped me

  39. My mother takes Glycin Forte from Evalar. I do not really believe Badam, but it helps mom.

  40. Memory in the aging brain can be restored by removing the “molecular brake”.

  41. And we drink ginkoma with the whole family. Good and effective remedy.

  42. I agree with the author above, the ginkoma will help. It is personally verified.

  43. After a stroke, my dad was prescribed by the glycine of the forte to improve blood circulation of the vessels of the brain. At first I thought that the drug is "dummy", the main thing is that I did not harm. But after a couple of courses I was convinced of its effectiveness. He became more collected, calm. He began to forget less. Now, now, he began to take a little nervous system to put in order.

  44. I work and at the same time I get the second “tower” in my specialty, I just need it desperately for a further career. The load on the brains is serious. I thought I could not cope to help myself remember everything well and think quickly, I now take 2 capsules of intensity per day. I have a great result from him! In it, the ginkgo content is good, higher than in dietary supplements, and it helps me better than the Evalar Ginkum.

  45. My child has a very large load: he teaches languages, go to music school, school. I thought that it was necessary to somehow help the body as a whole and the brain in particular. In the pharmacy, Baby was recommended by Mishka Formula Multivitamins to improve memory and strengthen immunity. I can tell you that it helps, recovers faster and gets sick less often, the memory has also improved, now it teaches poems very quickly)

  46. I myself began to notice that my memory was worsening and in general the concentration has become worse, but all because at work now not to sit down. I was advised to drink Mildronate, I did so, took it according to the instructions and is clearly a sense. Thoughts have ceased to break through, everything in the heads in my head, I feel energetic and concentrated.

  47. The neurologist Pantocalcin appointed my child to take my child with memory problems. The pills turned out to be good - and they are tolerated well, and the result is happy every day. The doctor, however, warned that it might be needed to be a second course, but now a decrease in excitability is already visible, and, conversely, an increase in attention, memory.

  48. At the beginning of the year, I had frequent dizziness, my hands were numb, it became just catastrophic distraction - once the gas forgot to turn off. The doctor said that all the problems due to the poor work of the vessels of the brain. At first I drank a meme, and then switched to a bilobil intensity. It is more profitable in price, and the effect is no worse. After 2 weeks, the absent -mindedness passed and dizziness too.

  49. She changed her place of work and realized that I could not cope with the load. The concentration of attention fell, the memory worsened. Gradually, efficiency began to decline, a feeling of anxiety appeared ... I bought a bilobil forte. The drug is based on the extract of ginkgo biloba leaves to improve brain nutrition. Already in the first month of admission it became much better!

  50. i am earned by writing coursework for students. And then she began to feel that by the end of the working day thoughts were spinning in my head, it is difficult to remember anything, and it is generally unrealistic to concentrate attention in fact. I learned about the drug Bilobil Forte - just with my symptoms! Of course I bought it. Like his plant composition, otherwise now, wherever you look, everywhere chemistry and everything is artificial. Bilobil Forte has already shown the effect - there is no previous fatigue, I became more collected and attentive. So I recommend it!

  51. An interesting article, I do not like to bother with herbs, and to improve cerebral circulation, I do therapeutic gymnastics daily and I also liked the ginkoma Evalar, a natural drug based on Ginko Biloba, relieves headaches and nervous tension, improves brain activity and memory, sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. Energy is enough again for the whole day.

  52. Everyone who has problems with blood vessels I recommend an intensity. I drink it with courses, at least once a year and I am very pleased. I used to try Ginkgoum Evalarovsky, but he did not help at all, then only I read that it was dietary supplements. Bilobil is also natural, it is based on dry ginkgo extract, but it is a drug. Now I have forgotten about headaches at all, I feel great.

  53. It’s very bad with attention, I can just go to myself and ask for 3 times what they told me .... The pharmacy advised “Thein” to drink 2 tablets per day. I can say that he began to help after 3 weeks, a good remedy for concentration of attention

  54. And we were prescribed a pantocaltsin course- he helped to solve the problem with the memory- only this is now remembers, and even the behavior has improved!

  55. Theater helps me well, attention is concentrated and thoughts are not in the scatter.

  56. Our daughter had a bad memory .... The vitamins of the multi and everyday games in chess ... Now, he only remembers poetry .. I began to bring five people from school)) I advise you to try those who also encountered such a problem in children)

  57. I used to do that with blockages at work, my head ceased to work fully, which also affected the quality of the work. And then my colleague Mildronat advised me to accept directly a few days before the alleged Abrala. And Voila - now the brain does not fail)), and memory at the proper level, and attention with concentration, no matter how much work is piled.

  58. My son did not seem to have complained about memory, but there are so many information new information for children in schools, and, not one subject, and you need to learn everything, remember, delve into ... Therefore, I am now buying a complex of Doppelgerz Kinder Omega-3 (for children from 7 years old). There, in addition to Omega-3, there are vitamins A, D3, E-i.e. Everything that the growing body needs (for memory with attention, and for immunity, and for vision with bones).

  59. I myself accept the ginkoma. Natural, plant drug. The only thing that needs to be taken for a long time, at least two months. Only then will the desired result be. But this is not chemistry and there is no addiction. You begin to think faster. At work, you manage to make a larger volume in a day.

  60. Before the session, I drink sparkling glycine D3, it has a convenient fast -soluble shape, is better absorbed and the effect occurs faster, it increases performance, improves memory, eliminates irritability and insomnia.

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