Uzrivable phrases that take out the brains: species, their meaning, short, rzhachny

Uzrivable phrases that take out the brains: species, their meaning, short, rzhachny

Probably every person who is in the circle of friends, acquaintances or just at some party, at least once had a desire to attract attention and show off intellect. There are many ways for this. But perhaps one of the most effective techniques is the use of abstruse phrases.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Phrase:" Who owns information, he owns the world ". You will find out who said and find examples.

More about what is "Uzrivable phrases" And what is their peculiarity, we will tell in this article below. Read further.

What are abstruse phrases?

Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases

In moments when it is necessary to have a presentable look, people often begin to talk about something important and elevated, and then they begin to be born in their heads-abstruse phrases. What is it?

  • The term itself "Uglacial phrase" Already implies something, lying beyond the face of the mind and the usual logic for the layman.
  • In simple language, an abstruse phrase is an expression in which the meaning is partially or completely absent, regardless of how intellectual the context looks.
  • It is interesting that the removal of a semantic component in an abstruse phrase can occur both by chance and intentionally.

It is worth adding that ideally, the use of abstruse phrases is a kind of scumbag for the mind, contributing to its development and giving a person the opportunity to test the ability of his language. Otherwise, this is nothing more than demagogy.

The role of abstruse phrases in literature and communication

Now we know what abstruse phrases are, however, the question arises - what role do these same phrases play in communication between people or, for example, in literature? Let's figure it out.

  • Uzrivable phrases have always been enjoyed with pleasure, and many writers continue to use, in their works.
  • Moreover, they do this not to confuse readers, but in order to cause them an intuitive-emotional understanding.
  • The fact is that the absence of linguistic elements familiar to a person makes the reader forget about rational thinking, thereby discovering for himself previously unknown facets of understanding.

As for communication, in this area, abstruse phrases occupy more an entertaining niche. In addition, they are often used during a conversation, to manipulate the impression of the interlocutor. Moreover, in the second case, the very intuitive-emotional spectrum inherent in many writers prevails. It is not difficult to guess, the meaning in this case goes into the background.

Interesting fact: The peak of the popularity of abstruse phrases came in the eighties of the last century. For example, it was during this period that the famous phrase appeared "From the point of view of banal erudition".

As a rule, after this phrase, tons of pseudo -scientific nonsense began to fall out on the listener. In the end, the main thing for the speaker was a demonstration of its remarkable intelligence, and nothing more.

Types of abstruse phrases

Surprisingly, despite the almost absent semantic connection, abstruse phrases are not devoid of some, albeit very conditional classification. Let's look at it.

Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases

At one time, the famous philologist D. Yanechka proposed to divide the abstruse phrases into four categories, each of which depended on the level of violation by a certain expression of the language norm:

  • Phonetic
  • Morphological
  • Syntactic
  • Super syntactic

What is curious, the studied abstruse phrases could combine all categories, without forming any system. If you do not delve into philology, then abstruse phrases can be divided into the following categories: smart, strange, stupid, pseudo -dummy and meaningless.

Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases

It is worth noting that abstruse phrases have quite a lot in common with such terms as pun and playing words. For example, both in the case of abstruse phrases, and with regards to the puns with a game of words, the highest pilot is considered the ability to build a harmonious, linguistic structure, without looking at the lack of meaning.

Abstruse phrases that take out the brains and their meaning

As already written, abstruse phrases often have little in common with logic, representing strange verbal constructions. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of them are capable of, as they say, to take out the brain. Consider some phrases that make out the brains, as well as their meaning.

  • From the point of view of banal erudition, we can find a common, confidentially important consensus, appealing with an egalitarian prerogative.

Meaning: Following the mind, we can come to an important agreement for all of us, explaining that we are equal.

  • From the point of view of social concepts, banal erudition, this individual does not correspond to the global problem of our restructuring.

Meaning: From the point of view of generally accepted norms and banal mind, this person is not able to solve the main problem of our restructuring.

  • Following deduction, induction, as well as brain products, this individual is not competent in this matter, due to the fact that the pessimistic mood of the individual catastrophically modifies the abstractness of real subjectivity.

Meaning: Following logic, facts and mind, this person cannot figure out this issue due to the fact that his pessimism greatly exaggerates the complexity of the real situation.

Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases

As we see the example of the represented abstruse phrases, some of them are really capable of taking out the brain. However, even the most complex word form can be translated into an understandable language, although it is not easy.

Abstruse phrases that take out the brain - rzhachny

As we know, not every abstruse phrase is formed according to logic and language norms. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many funny expressions among the brain. Consider some abstruse phrases that make the brains - rzhachny:

  • Plus - this is when two disadvantages are across each other across the throat.
  • Sometimes there is nothing to reflect on, only there is no one.
  • It is hard to be polite if you are right.
  • How many lovers to play on the nerves, the sorry for the tuners is not enough.
  • Before the person came from the monkey, as she suddenly became humanoid.
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases

In attempts to show off with intelligence, the human mind is able to give birth to amazing phrases, sometimes becoming winged. And if the speaker does not understand the topic on which he discusses, then humor cannot be avoided here.

Abstruse phrases that take out the brain - short

Surely, many people hear the phrase “abstruse phrase”, taking out the brains, imagine a long, brave expression. However, such word forms are short. Consider some of them.

  • Let it be as it will be, because it will be somehow, because it was never so that there was no way.
  • So it is so, if somehow, however, nevertheless nothing more than at all.
  • It never happened, and here again!
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases
Uzrivable phrases

It is not for nothing that it is said: brevity is a sister of talent. As we see, this statement is also not alien to abstruse phrases.

Trying to show off with intelligence with the help of abstruse phrases, it is necessary to remember the main thing - you need to change the subject of the conversation in time. Well, or at least make sure that there is no expert among the listeners in the topic that the speaker reasoned on. Otherwise, one can be in a very comical and awkward situation.

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