Streptoderma in children: signs, types, incubation period, treatment, prevention

Streptoderma in children: signs, types, incubation period, treatment, prevention

Skin rashes caused by streptococci are calledstreptoderma. This type of disease is considered infectious and is much more common in children than in adults.

Infection occurs with bodily contact. The more tender the skin, the higher the probability of picking up the infection.  

Streptoderma in children: signs

  • Ideal conditions for the spread of bacteria are various skin damage, untimely hygiene And weak immunity.An adverse prerequisite for the development of streptoderma may become nervous shock or overwork.
  • Any person can be a source of infection, while remain healthy. You can catch streptococci through household items, when inhaling dust, in contact with the animal.
  • To identify the disease in the child in time, parents need to know how streptoderma begins in children.
  • The most obvious sign of infection is visual - round bubbles with pus different sizes. Highblood canto be, how point, and in the form of large spots.
  • Without treatment, rashes turn into non -healing wounds. When drying the foci of infectioncovered with yellow crust, and after its desquamationremaindark spots. Complicated form of streptoderma provokes the development of eczema.
  • In addition to external manifestations Streptococci give complicationson the internal organs.

In this case, the rashes are joined Symptoms, characteristic of a complex form:

  • Temperature risebodies.
  • General weakness, lack of appetite, nausea.
  • Increase in the lymph nodes, tangible discomfort when touching.

Streptodermi It has similar symptoms With diseases such as pyoderma, herpes, thrush, allergic rash, chickenpox.

To clarify the diagnosisin addition to visual inspection, The doctor prescribes several tests:

  • Biochemical analysis of plasma.
  • Laboratory study of urine.
  • Calais analysis for helminths.
  • Bacteriological sowing of rashes.

When confirming the diagnosis and proper treatment for 2-3 days, the appearance of rashes changes for the better.

Types of streptoderma in children

To understand,how to treat streptoderma in children, you need to correctly determinevarietydiseases.

Depending on the degree of skin lesions and the complexity of the course, I distinguishthe followingtypes of streptoderma:

  • Streptoderma on the face of a child, in open areas of the legs and arms - surface lesions of the skin in the form of bubbles that burst, are covered with yellow crust and leave red spots.
On the face
On the face
  • Streptoderma around the mouth - cracking of the skin in the folds of the nose and in the place of the jam, while the surface of the face and limbs is not affected.
  • Streptoderma affecting nailsperthey are ragingnear lying Skin areas - burrs, cuticles, injured areas of the nail plate.
  • Infection with streptococci because of diaper rashas a result of the untimely change of diaper andirregular hygiene. This type of rashes affects inguinal folds, axillary depressions, folds behind the ears.
From diaper rash
From diaper rash
  • Severe streptoderma With numerous ulcers and erosion.Rashes in the form of large pinkpurulent foci. Open bubbles go into erosion and cause discomfort.

All types of streptoderma suggestt individual treatment, so you can not experiment yourself with ointments.

Streptoderma In children: incubation period

  • The incubation period is streptodermandand After infection, it is 3-7 days. Bacteria retain their activity Not only on the skin, but also On household items with which the source of infection contacted.
  • Concomitant therapy allows you to transfer the disease in a mild form - from 3 to 10 days. How to treat streptoderma in children, prescribes a dermatologist. For an effective resultselected The complex has antihistamines and ointments.

Streptoderma In children: treatment

Consideralgorithm of actions in the treatment of streptoderma:

  1. During the day, the foci of rashes disrusted with an antiseptic.
  2. Held comprehensive treatment - Pink bubbles are processed with cream, take pills inside.

    We treat
    We treat
  3. A complicated streptoderma is treated with a course of penicillin antibiotics.
  4. The course of treatment is reinforced vitamin therapy and diet menu.
  5. The patient releases separate dishes and underwear. Wet cleaning and disinfection are carried out daily.

Compliance with the doctor's recommendations contributes to a speedy recovery.Foci of rashes in hard -to -reach places are more difficult to treat, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases.

  • Contact with moisture and adverse pacerARTUR I slow down the environmentt healing of the epidermis.
  • Skin rashes on the skin itch and peel off. It is very important to prevent their combing. Children need to wash their hands more often and trim their nails.
  • With weakened immunity, the second infection is possible. In such cases, it is necessary to revise the treatment and fight with two types causative agents.

Streptoderma in children:  home treatment

Antiseptics are used to process rashes:

  • Colorless hydrogen peroxide.
  • Fucurcin solution , green.
  • Alcohol with salicyels oh acid.
  • Furatsilin powder .

The affected skin is processed 2-3 times a day. So that purulent bubbles dry out faster and a crust forms a zinc ointment. Healing of the woundswith streptodermaa brewed series and chamomile contribute to. Herbal tincture is applied pointily.

You can bathe a child with a series and chamomile
You can bathe a child with a series and chamomile

Streptoderma: treatment, the best ointments and antibiotics

  • Treatment of streptoderma in children Maybe antibiotics of narrow and wide action. Ointments with an antibiotic have a superficial targeted effect.
  • Taking antibacterial tablet drugs is appropriate With complex treatment.

Antibiotics for streptoderma in a child:

  • Tetracycline, synthomycin, lincomicin ointment.
  • Triderm, Lorinden, Akriderm.
  • Amoxiclava, flamoxin-nozzle, azithromycin.

Taking drugs is carried out under medical control. In the case of an allergic reaction, taking the drug is canceled until a doctor consultation.

Streptoderma: Prevention in children

  • It is impossible to exclude contact with streptococci. The task of parents strengthen the work of children's immunity, thereby develop resistance to pathogenic bacteria.
  • Our health directly depends on the right diet, full sleep, good organized percentyess of training.
  • In the winter period, it is advisable to take a complex of vitamins.They are important daily walks in the fresh air. Streptoderma progresses faster in hot, not very often ventilated rooms.
Walk in nature
Walk in nature
  • The general condition of the body is positively affected by sports. Swimming and hardening help to strengthen immunity.
  • After streptoderma, And at the first symptoms, you need to especially carefully observe hygiene. In the first 10 days limit the contact of a sick child with a team and household. It is important to prevent relapse.

Streptodermia in children: reviews

Reviews about streptoderma in children:

  • Tatiana. I found from my sonon thethe skin rashes, signed up for a dermatologist. Installedstreptoderma . They were prescribed fukarcin and fotsidin. The rashes began to pass before our eyes. After 7 days we were discharged. Three days after taking the drugs, a new rash appeared. They extended the treatment for another 7 days. In the third week, the diseases began to drink flammoxin-noble. The antibiotic helped to quickly and finally cope with streptococci.
  • Natasha. I treated streptoderma at my daughter without scraping from rashes on the skin. After one week of treatment, spots were gone less. In the direction of the doctor, they took a scraping to mushrooms from a mycologist. It turned out that she has smooth skin mycosis, in a simple lichen. Most likely infected from a street kitten. It’s good that they did not have time to start drinking an antibiotic. The dermatologist picked up another ointment and after 3 days the foci began to go to naught.
  • Maksim. At 4 years old, his son had a pimple. Without attaching to it, bath procedures were carried out. The next day, the entire chin was strewn with small acne. At the doctor’s appointment, a streptoderma was established. Antibiotic was prescribed. I am not a supporter of such a treatment, so after reading various recommendations, I began external treatment with focurzin. The very next day the result was noticeable. A week later they said goodbye to streptoccock. On the advice of the doctor, they did not bathe for another 2 weeks to avoid repeated infection.

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Video: Children's streptoderma

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