Tunnel syndrome of the wrist of the hand: symptoms, causes of development, treatment, prevention

Tunnel syndrome of the wrist of the hand: symptoms, causes of development, treatment, prevention

Tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of compression of the average nerve ending that controls the motor function of the arm in the wrist, as well as the index, thumb and middle finger. The surrounding tendons are inflamed and pressed on the nerve. The tunnel syndrome can provoke an overvoltage of the arm and monotonous monotonous movements of the hand, at this moment the fabric of the wrists do not have time to relax and compress the nerve endings.

The disease can often be found under a different name - carparal tunnel syndrome or computer mouse syndrome. We offer to consider this ailment in more detail.

Causes of tunnel syndrome

Tunnel syndrome is a disease that occurs as a result of squeezing the middle nerve passing through the carpal joint. The wrist of the human hand consists of a large number of tendons separated by membranes that protect the tendons from friction among themselves. Protective membranes contain up to 3 flexors with the name - tunnels. Pathologies that occur in tunnels form a carpal hand syndrome.

There are three common causes leading to this disease:

  1. Inflammation of all tendons The wrists of the hand can develop as a result of the swelling of one of the individual tendons, which will create friction and prevent the normal movement of the brush. This reason most often happens with excessive loads on one of the tendons.
  2. Damage and injuries of the wrist, squeezing or splinter in the brush They can also lead to the development of the disease. This creates a tendon load - an inflammatory process develops in the wrist.
  3. Long work at the computer leads to the development of pathology. Tunnel syndrome of the wrist of the hand, sometimes considered a professional disease of those who often have to work with a computer mouse. Regular overstrain of the same group of muscles and tendons, as well as the incorrect position of the hand and elbow bending during operation - the main reason for the development of the disease.
Expression of the disease
Expression of the disease

Tunneling Syndrome: Symptoms

This disease develops in stages and has characteristic symptoms:

  1. Arising pain in the wrist It has a more pronounced manifestation by the end of the day.
  2. Numbness or tingling in the fingers. Often, loss of sensitivity can disperse to the forearm.
  3. Weakness in the wrist and hands. Inflammation can make the joint motionless so that it will become impossible to carry out familiar movements of the hand.
  • Tunnel syndrome It is necessary to be treated urgently until the disease passes into the stage of exacerbation, in which human performance and his general health will suffer. It is important to know if the treatment of pathology is not taken in time - the listed symptoms will accompany the disease even at the moments of peace of hand.
  • Hand and wrist They will not become capable limbs. Control over the movements of the upper limb will be lost - the hand will not obey and deform.
  • Tunneling Syndrome of the wrist It does not go on its own and needs mandatory treatment. At the first signs of the disease, you must consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of tunnel syndrome

  • Only a medical specialist can make an accurate diagnosis in tunnel syndrome.
  • For this, the doctor examines the hand and additional diagnostic measures are prescribed - electrodiagnostics.

Tunneling Syndrome: Treatment

There are several types of treatment of carpal syndrome, their methodology depends on the severity of the pathology:

  • In the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended reduce the load on the wrist, immobilize the hand. It is necessary to apply a cool compress to eliminate the inflammatory process. Fix your hand with a bandage bandage - It will save the forearm of overload.
What to do?
What to do?
  • When tunnel syndrome has a more pronounced manifestation, connects medication treatment of the disease. The doctor prescribes a number of physiotherapeutic procedures. Ointments, injections and medicinal lotions are used.
  • If the disease is located in an advanced stage, Surgical intervention is prescribed. The surgical method of treatment allows us to eliminate the cause of compression of the tendon, by cutting the shells. Such an operation usually does not require hospitalization of the patient and can be carried out in an outpatient way.

Tunnel syndrome: treatment at home

  • Slightly reduce the pain syndrome and reduce the inflammatory process can methods of non -traditional treatment. To do this, you need to apply to the sore spot leaves of plantain or cabbage.
  • You should also rub this zone vegetable oil or red pepper: This composition normalizes blood circulation. However, it must be understood that this method of treatment is effective only at the initial stage of the tunnel syndrome.

Prevention of tunnel syndrome

  • To prevent the possible development of tunneling sparks , it is necessary at the time of the accomplishment of physical actions with the hands, put on the wrists special elastic fixators. It should be dosed to the loads and not perform the entire amount of action at a time.
  • Follow the overstrain of the hands and wrists. Do a break in work in time. Do not neglect the auxiliary tools that fix the brush: reminals, gloves, dressings. For those who regularly work with the mouse and keyboard of the computer, it is recommended install a special working headset. A footpath under the wrist with the correct inclination that reduces the tension of the hand.
Work correctly
Work correctly

At the time of the break from work, you can perform simple preventive gymnastics for the hands:

  1. Squeeze and unclench the brush into a fist.
  2. Perform rotational movements of hands in different directions.
  3. Having combined the palms together, try to tilt the opposite palm and wrist in the other direction.
  4. Roll up a small ball in the palms and each finger in turn press on it.
To avoid
To avoid

Preventive gymnastics will help restore sensitivity and blood supply in this zone.

Who is at risk of developing tunnel syndrome?

  • Since this pathology impresses the hands and wrists of the hands, The risk zone includes people who are associated with professions where it is necessary to make monotonous movements with your hands or hold your hands in a fixed position.
  • It is known that earlier the tunnel syndrome suffered seamsters and milkmaids. But modern technologies have reduced the percentage of the disease in these professions. In the current realities, tunnel syndrome is common in such areas of activity: programmers and office workers, musicians playing strings, keyboards and percussion instruments.
At risk, even musicians
At risk, even musicians
  • People whose wrist has a square shape are more susceptible to diseases with a carpal syndrome than those who have a thin one. There is also a predisposition to the disease in women with hormonal disorders and pregnant women.

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Video: The most important thing about tunnel syndrome

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