General protein in the blood: the norm in women, reasons for the deviation, methods of normalizing indicators

General protein in the blood: the norm in women, reasons for the deviation, methods of normalizing indicators

One of the indicators of a biochemical blood test is protein. A full -fledged protein exchange indicates the normal life of a person.

The protein is responsible for the high -quality filling of the vascular channel. The main components of the protein are albumin, fibrinogen and globulin. Albumins are the basis of plasma and building material at the cellular level. Globulin proteins perform a protective function for immunity. Fibrinogen is necessary for normal blood coagulation.

Protein in the blood of women: functions

The functionality of protein fractions directly affects the physiological state of a woman. The tasks of proteins in the blood are diverse:

  • provide the relationship of molecules, regulates chemical reactions in the body;
  • provide a cycle of chemical elements at the cellular level;
  • contribute to the formation and strength of tissues, structures;
  • perform the role of the reserve source of energy with a lack of carbohydrates and fats, they provide a supply of nutrients;
  • protect the body from pathogenic bacteria, providing disinfecting effect, provide blood coagulation.
The condition of the woman depends
The condition of the woman depends

The lack of proteins leads to improper operation of internal organs. A woman begins to experience ailments of a different nature - a mesh -cycle failure, stool violation, and kidney pain.

Blood protein analysis: in what cases are it prescribed?

There are a number of diseases in which diagnosis necessarily includes a blood protein analysis:

  • inflammatory process in the kidneys and liver;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dangerous damage to soft tissues;
  • improper metabolism, dystrophy or obesity;
  • in combination with other analyzes before a planned operation or prescribing medicines.

Deviations from the norm are divided into 3 main types:

  • Relative protein indicator - associated with a change in the water level in plasma. For example, a weak drinking regime and excessive setting of sweat during physical exertion leads to dehydration.
  • Absolute protein failure according to the result of analyzes - inhibition of protein metabolism with pathological processes in the body.
  • Physiological failure - reduction or growth of protein indicator under the influence of external factors, among which pregnancy, lack of motor activity, increased physical activity.

The blood protein indicator is important in diagnosing allergies, identifying tumors of a different nature, in the presence of acute chronic infections. Analysis of urine also allows you to identify a violation of protein metabolism, but is significantly inferior in informational to the biochemical analysis of blood for protein.

General protein in the blood: the norm for women

  • The protein in the blood is measured in g/l and is significantly different for different age groups.

The female body, due to its physiology, needs more protein and therefore its indicator is an order of magnitude lower than that of men. As a percentage, the difference can reach 10 %.

  • A couple of days before delivery protein analysis in the blood It is recommended to switch to dietary nutrition, adjust the drinking mode, refrain from physical activity. The abuse of the listed actions can lead to an increase and decrease in a quality indicator. Material fence is carried out on an empty stomach.
It is important to determine the norm
It is important to determine the norm

Blood protein in women by age:

Age Squirrel indicator, g/l
From 0 to 12 months 42-79
From 12 to 48 months 60-75
5 to 8 years old 53-79
From 8 to 20 years old 58-79
22 to 35 years old 74-79
35 to 60 years old 75-84
Over 60 years old 72-77

Taking medications during the period of passing the analysis requires additional consultation of the attending physician. The protein is influenced by the use of antibiotics, insulin, glucocorticosteroids. Analysis of blood protein is a very informative study, therefore, to control your health, it is necessary to take the analysis at least once a year.

Reduced protein in the blood: causes

The underestimated norm of total protein in the blood falls under the diagnosis of hypoproteinemia. In women, a similar phenomenon occurs against the background of the following pathologies:

  • acute inflammation of the liver - cirrhosis, atrophy, pancreatitis;
  • chronic bleeding in various organs;
  • anemia, the destruction of red blood cells;
  • abuse of hormonal drugs or intoxication;
  • infutable diet, lack of nutrients;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • poisoning, prolonged increase in temperature.

In addition to pathological processes in the body, a number of physiological processes in the female body affect the body reduction. These include bearing a child, breastfeeding, enhanced sports training, and protracted bed rest.

Increased protein in the blood: causes

  • Excess plasma protein standards Classified as hyperproteninemia. The reason is most often pathological processes, so this fact cannot be ignored.
  • Increased protein It occurs against the background of autoimmune diseases, cancer tumors, in the presence of acute infections in the body.
  • It is necessary to carry out a number of additional studies. The correct diagnosis will prescribe effective treatment and bring protein to normal.
Protein and its functions
Protein and its functions

How to make up for a lack of protein in the blood?

  • A healthy woman should receive 45 g of proteins per day. This norm per day can provide 200 g of meat, fish, nuts.
  • Against the background of a lack of proteins, a woman may occur fluctuations in weight, hair loss, a rash on the body. The root cause of such phenomena is food disorders.
  • Elderly women They need more proteins to maintain muscle mass. Nutritionists often prescribe protein supplements. It is not recommended to take such drugs in the presence of a chronic disease in the body.
  • Often on goods in stores indicate "High -protein product"that nothing more than an advertising move is actually not true.
  • The main source Squirrel in the blood - These are animal products - meat, dairy, fish products.

General protein in the blood of women: than deviations from the norm are dangerous, reviews

  • Lisa. Underwent a medical examination at work. Analysis of protein in the blood showed increased content. The doctor prescribed pills and recommended to review the diet. From her menu she removed the liver, reduced the consumption of meat, eggs. Two months later, the analysis returred. The indicators have improved, but still a little exceed the norm.
  • Tatiana. During the period of bearing a third child, the total protein in the blood constantly exceeded the norm. My attending physician said that during pregnancy, such a phenomenon is absolutely normal. Before giving birth, an analysis of the total protein was remembered every 2 weeks. I did not use drugs.
  • Valentine. I was ill with an infectious disease. In the general blood test, a reduced protein level was detected. I added meat and fish products to the diet. After 2 months, the analysis remembered, no problems were detected.

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