Spiral intrauterine views, form, choice of choice, reviews

Spiral intrauterine views, form, choice of choice, reviews

The intrauterine spiral refers to modern contraception methods that avoid unwanted pregnancy, a simple and effective principle of operation of the Navy lies in the mechanical obstacle to the maturation of the egg. Installation of an intrauterine spiral is carried out by a doctor at the final stage of menstrual discharge.

The consumer is presented with a wide range of spirals of Russian and imported production, which significantly complicates the choice. Based on competent tips for choosing a spiral, you can evaluate the advantages of each species and choose the most suitable option.

Intrauterine spiral: species

For the production of intrauterine spirals, several types of materials are adapted. For safe effects on the female body, inert polyethylene, precious metals, and drugs are used.

  • The most long -standing developments include inert spirals.For their production, plastic with an admixture of barium sulfate is used. The low efficiency and high probability of rejection by the female genitalia led to the ban on the sale of this variety in many countries.
  • Intrauterine spirals, which contains copper, silver, gold, refer to medication. The effectiveness of such an Navy is an order of magnitude higher than that of plastic material. The body is better in contact with precious metals, which minimizes the risk of an inflammatory process. Another plus is the lack of problems when introducing and removing spirals with copper.
  • Another type of medication spirals - third generation hormonal Navy. The advantage of this species is the local effect on the genitals and the effect on menstrual discharge towards their decrease. Hormonal spiral prevents a number of female diseases, accompanied by inflammatory processes.

Forms of intrauterine spirals: key differences

The Navy differs not only in their characteristics, but also in external form. It is thanks to its form that the spiral holds well inside the uterine cavity and provides a contraceptive effect.

  • Intercatual t - The main material is inert plastic. The central part is wrapped with wire or complemented by a hormone-containing mini-capacity.
  • A spiral in the shape of a letter F - The lateral constructions are bent down and supplemented by streamlined protrusions for better fixation.
  • A spiral in the form of a letter O - The round shape of this type of spiral is securely fixed in the female organs and excludes sudden loss. This species has best established itself in gynecology.

Due to low efficiency in the past, there were spirals in the form of a snake and loop. T-shaped spirals are as close as possible to the natural shape of the uterine cavity, which gives them a number of advantages. The reaction of the uterus to the Navy is always individual. Important criteria for choosing a spiral are age, number of childbirth or their absence, activity of sexual activity.

Tips for gynecologists for choosing a spiral form:

  • Round spirals Do not have visible antennae. Not particularly desirable for unborn women, and after surgery, a cesarean section.
  • T-shaped spiral Effective for different age categories. Easy to be placed and extracted. Depending on the material made, the intrauterine spiral is available in different price categories.
  • Umbrella spiral It is relatively easily and painlessly fixed. Recommended by gynecologists to unborn girls.
The action of the spiral
The action of the spiral

Intrauterine spiral: pros and cons of

Intrauterine spirals have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive characteristics, it is worth noting:

  • an effective obstacle to unwanted pregnancy;
  • lack of influence on further reproductive function;
  • painless Installation and comfortable extraction;
  • the possibility of use during lactation;
  • availability and a long service life;
  • a minimum of adverse reactions of the body.

Disadvantages of using intrauterine spirals:

  • an increase in the number of menstrual discharge in the first months;
  • the probability of developing an inflammatory process;
  • individual intolerance spiral materials;
  • does not protect against genital tract infections;
  • it has a number of restrictions for unborn women.

Intrauterine spirals have an improved composition, maximum validity period and minimum of side effects.

The best intimate spiral: review, characteristics

When choosing intrauterine contraception, the individual physiological characteristics of a woman and the characteristics of a spiral are compared.

Multiload - 375

  • Local intimate spiral. Non -hormonal contraceptive is aimed at inhibition of the sperm, and inability to fertilize. The spiral is made of polypropylene with copper elements and has a shape in the form of the letter T.
  • Side structures allow you to fix the Navy at the maximum height with an emphasis on the uterus.
  • Spiral intrauterine multiload Suitable for women with uterine length at least 6-9 cm. The effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy 98-100 %. Recommended service life - 4-5 years.

Contraindications for installing a spiral multiload include:

  • allergy for non -ferrous metals and plastic;
  • congenital deformation cervix of the uterus;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • bleeding unnatural nature, poor blood coagulation;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • wilson-Konovalov's disease.

A few months after the introduction of a spiral, there is a likelihood of diseases of the organs of a pelvic organs of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

Nova t

  • The intrauterine copper -containing spiral in the form of the letter T. To make a contraceptive is used Polyethylene, copper and silver. Thanks to this combination of materials, a corrosive effect is excluded. The intrauterine new spiral brings sperm to a passive state, changes the activity of the egg.
  • The effectiveness of the action after installation no more than 5 years. The removal of the contraceptive is planned for the period of menstruation.
  • The NOVO T spiral has an optimal price ratio. Due to its form, it allows you to carry out a painless introduction.

The intrauterine spiral is new in the presence of the following features in a woman:

  • infection or inflammatory process in the genital tract;
  • dysplasia cervix, fibromyoma, cancer;
  • allergic reactions to foreign materials;
  • not cured and progressive diseases of various nature;
  • postpartum complications;
  • preventive pregnancy.

It is not recommended to use a spiral for abundant uterine bleeding, anemia, congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system.


  • Effective intra -machine contraceptive. The action of the spiral provides hormonal substance levonorgestrel. A high concentration of a substance in the endometrium leads to an increase in the cervical mucous canal, which inhibits the ovulation and activity of spermatozoa.
  • The use of Mirena has the effect of hormonal therapy and is therefore recommended for women of reproductive age.
  • Spiral Mirena Optimal for supporters of prolonged contraception. 100 percent effective operation of the device is noted 2 weeks after installation. The device has no analogues and belongs to the average price category among such goods.
  • At the initial stage of the use of Miren's spiral, there is an increase in abundance of menstrual bleeding, Subsequently, their normalization is noted.

The intrauterine spiral of Mirena has advantages over other contraceptives in cases:

  • reproductive age and the need for contraception;
  • as preventive funds after operations;
  • auxiliary remedy for menopause;
  • with prolonged abundant menstrual bleeding.

In the first months after the introduction of the device, an asymptomatic increase in cysts and interruptions with menstrual bleeding is possible.


  • Contraceptive spiral to prevent implantation of fertilized eggs.
  • Norwegian produced devices guarantees a durable effect of up to 10 years, while the product is in an affordable price category. The T-shaped shape of the spiral provides a similar action with other manufacturers. Pharmacological action is achieved due to the presence of copper in the composition.
  • After installing a spiral, ointing discharge with blood impurities in the middle of the menstrual cycle, inflammation of the genitourinary tract, abdominal cavity, etc. Women are recommended to periodically probe the threads. Their absence indicates the loss of a spiral.

The action of the intrauterine spiral is designed for 6 years and requires annual gynecological control.

Juno Bio T.

  • The spiral is intrauterine in the form of a ring with silver elements. The best intimate spiral domestic production.
  • The intrauterine spiral of Juno T Available in various forms and with different impurities of metals. The diameter of the ring is selected individually for the size of the female uterus.
  • Combined materials slow down the movement of sperm, thereby preventing the fertilization of the egg. In models with the presence of silver or gold, the likelihood of inflammation is significantly reduced.
  • The spiral does not cause discomfort and does not further affect the function of childbearing. The installation process in a medical institution is painless and without consequences.
  • To the disadvantages of the spiral include insecurity from sexual infections, fluctuations with menstrual secretions, the possibility of developing inflammations of various nature.


  • Intrauterine device with a alloy of gold and copper. High quality completely eliminates the destruction of materials with prolonged use.
  • The T-shaped shape of the spiral is available in several versions, depending on the longitudinal size of the uterus. The smallest size is relevant only for unborn women. An intrauterine spiral with gold has a high bactericidal effect and is as safe as possible for the female genital organs.
  • The spiral was shit It is an excellent alternative in the presence of contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives. The deadline for using a contraceptive no more than 7 years.

Installation of an intrauterine spiral

  • The procedure for installing a spiral It is conducted by a gynecologist and takes about a quarter of an hour. In individual cases, preliminary preparation for the process is required. A study is necessarily conducted with a complex of tests and ultrasound.
  • During the procedure, the patient may feel short -term pain. This phenomenon is considered the norm. In the first week and a half, after installing the spiral, the body adapts. The woman feels the severity in the lower abdomen.
  • For quick addiction It is necessary to reduce physical work, prolonged contact with hot water, refrain from sexual contact.
  • In the first months of wearing a spiral, there are abundant discharge during menstruation, In the future, the body returns to the usual mode of operation.
  • After the cure of the Navy, complications in the form are possible inflammation, endometritis, bleeding.
Installation and extraction
Installation and extraction

Intrauterine spiral: which is better, reviews

  • Tatiana. The intrauterine spiral of Mirena was recommended to me by a doctor. I use contraceptive not only as a contraceptive, but also for medicinal purposes. Installed a week after hysteroscopy. In the next 2-3 days I was worried about nausea and discomfort in the abdomen. After 2 weeks, the antennae from the spiral began to interfere with me when walking. At the doctor’s appointment they were shortened. In the next 2 months, an active daily daily routine was observed. After 3 months, the cycle recovered and discomfort disappeared. A year later, the endometrium returned to normal. I gained excess weight, I observe constant mood jumps. She decided to leave the contraceptive.
  • Julia. After childbirth, the gynecologist advised the multiload-ku 375 spiral. After installing, she experienced slight discomfort in the lower abdomen. The action has experienced, works. Abundant menstruation began, instead of 3-4 days it became 6. Fatigue, abundant hair loss, circles under the eyes appeared. The abundance of menstruation decreased only after 2 years. After the seizure of the spiral, well -being improved significantly. I switched to candles. For herself, she said “no” intrauterine spirals.
  • Angela. I was installed by an intrauterine spiral installed with gold. I felt acute pain for several minutes. The doctor explained the discomfort by the fact that I am a nursing mother. During the first day, I felt a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. A month later, menstruation began. Noted the scarcity of discharge and their not long -term. After using hormonal tablets, it discovered a number of advantages for myself. I recommend to all women.

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