The composition of the first aid first aid: the composition of the drugs, the specifics of the production and automotive first -aid kit first aid

The composition of the first aid first aid: the composition of the drugs, the specifics of the production and automotive first -aid kit first aid

We all know what the first -aid kit is - this is a certain container filled with medicines. From the most common, as they say, for all occasions, to those on the presence of which someone’s life can depend. In addition to everyday, first -aid kit, there are so -called first aids of first aid, which are filled according to the regulations: dressing materials and drugs, tools and devices, which, in fact, are the very first aid.

The most common example of first aid pharmacies are automobile "pharmacy", which are equipped with the approved list of components of elements. In addition, such first -aid kits are stored in production and, of course, at home.

Appearance of first aid pharmacies

  • For First aid kit There are generally accepted design rules, so that in an extremely stressful situation, any stranger can easily identify them.
  • The container for her is selected with a hard frame so that glass ampoules are not accidentally damaged.
  • In the most prominent place of pharmacy packaging, a special marking in the form of a traditional red cross on white, Maybe - white cross against a green background etc.

How should you store first aid kit?

There are a number of basic requirements for the place and storage conditions of first aid first aid:

  1. A systematic revision of drugs for the expiration date, their timely replacement.
  2. The location of the first -aid kit in a place where guaranteed neither children nor pets will get.
  3. In the form of a home first-aid kit, you can use improvised containers: boxes from under something, glass boxes and the like.
  4. Place the first -aid kit in the maximum protected from sunlight, moisture and temperature difference place.
  5. After studying the instructions for drugs, some of them should be placed in the refrigerator.

First aid.

Since the purpose of first aid pharmacies can be the most diverse, their content can quite naturally vary. But the basic components in them must contain, the number and orientation of medications and tools are changed.

Among the mandatory components of ambulances, the following components are present:

  • dressings (applies to sterile and non -sterile bandages, gauze napkins, elastic bandages and so on);
  • medical harness (for bleeding);
  • one pair of scissors;
  • adhesive plaster (for fixation) and cotton wool;
  • medical tweezers (for example, to extract a tick from the body, a splinter or garbage from wounds);
  • cooling bags (to attach to the injured area);
  • medical gloves;
  • antiseptics for disinfecting (applies to iodine, peroxide, green, sometimes potassium permanganate for processing burn and other damage and as vomiting for washing the stomach, as well as special ophthalmic drops during eye injury);
  • preparations for anesthesia and lowering temperature (choose the most common - aspirin, analgin, paracetamol, nurofen);
  • anti -inflammatory and antibacterial agents;
  • ammonia - to bring the victim to life;
  • review solution - to quickly replenish the deficiency of fluid during intoxication and thermal blow;
  • activated coal is indispensable for those who have been poisoned or infected with an infection of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • drugs aimed for combating allergic reactions;
  • heart drugs (applies to nitroglycerin, valerian, and so on).

Of course, everyone will add what he needs in his home -in -law ambulance - for example, hypertonics Stock up pressure reducing drugsand suffering diabetes mellitus - insulin.

The specifics of the production first aid of first aid

At any enterprise, despite the number of employees and the complexity of the production process, there should be an ambulance kit, equipped with drugs and tools in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health.

Moreover, there is a specially prescribed algorithm of actions that should (or vice versa - prohibited) perform with production first -aid kits of first aid, namely:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily replace medicines from the order with any others (even analogues!), As well as adjust their number.
  2. Carefully monitor the contents of the production first -aid kit and change obsolete medicines in time or replenish those that were used.
  3. Providing first medical care to the victim, you should clearly follow the instructions:
At production
At production
  • put on Disposable medical gloves And, if there is a risk of infections, a mask;
  • putting a tourniquet to stop bleeding, Do not forget to put a note under it indicating the time of its application;
  • if necessary forcible ventilation of the lungs should be applied pocket mask;
  • to treat with an antiseptic those places on your body where they could theoretically get particles of biological fluid of the victim;
  • to protect against hypothermia, use a special a blanket from a production first -aid kit.

The specifics of the first aid car first -aid kit

The presence of a first aid of first aid in your vehicle is not only an adequate precaution, but also the implementation of the rules of the road, because the fine for its absence reaches five hundred rubles, and the presence of expired drugs in it will be a serious obstacle to inspection.


A modern list of drugs and tools for automobile ambulance first -aids was approved in 2010:

  • one medical burn;
  • two non -sterile bandage (5-meter, 5 and 10 cm wide) and one 7-meter (14 cm wide);
  • two sterile bandage (5-meter, width 7 and 10 cm) and one 7-meter (14 cm wide);
  • one sterile dressing bag;
  • one packaging sterile medical napkins;
  • two bactericidal patch (4 x 10 cm), a dozen - 1.9 x 7.2 cm and one in the form of a roll;
  • one a pair of scissors and disposable medical gloves;
  • a device for reanimating lungs.

In addition, transport owners can complement this list of their own free will: for example, with analgesic or antipyretic drugs and so on.

Useful articles:

Video: Rules for collecting a first -aid kit

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