Proverbs and sayings about language and speech for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings that teach children of good speech?

Proverbs and sayings about language and speech for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings that teach children of good speech?

In this article, we will analyze interesting and cognitive proverbs for children. Study with children about speech and language, and our article will help you with this.

Proverbs and sayings are statements that are always present in our lives in one way or another. It is with the help of such sayings that our speech becomes more emotional and eloquent. Also, do not forget that the example of proverbs can explain different concepts, especially if we talk about teaching children.

Proverbs and sayings about language and speech for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of meaning

With the help of speech, we communicate with our relatives, friends, and in principle with everyone who surrounds us. It is the ability to speak that gives us the opportunity to express our thoughts almost from birth, to show emotions.

It is very important for small children to make it clear that speech and word are peculiar tools that need to be able to use it, so as not to harm yourself or someone.

  • The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - you will not catch.This statement is one of the most popular, it is relevant to this day. The meaning of the saying is that the word said cannot be returned back. Speaking literally, it cannot be said to a person that he will forget the words you say. A sparrow is given as an example, because, unlike a word, a bird flying from a cage can be returned back if desired.
  • The word is silver, silence is gold.This saying explains to us that it is important not only the ability to speak beautifully and correctly, but also to be silent if the situation requires this. Silver, as you know, is cheaper metal than gold, so in some cases it is much more valuable to keep silent, even if you know what to say.
  • The words are good if they are short.The saying tells us that the ability to state our thoughts is not always the most important thing. It is very important to be able to express thoughts in a form in which people will simply understand this.
About the language
About the language
  • Where words are rare, there they have weight.The meaning of the proverb is that words have meanings only if they do not diverge from the deed. If a person talks a lot all the time, but does nothing from what has been said, then these words are worth nothing.
  • Do not always say what you know, but always know what you say.The saying teaches us so that we always say only what we know for sure and do not mislead other people with our guesses. At the same time, the statement draws our attention to the fact that it is necessary to speak deliberately and there are always things that in each specific situation it is better to keep silent.
  • Speak a little, listen a lot, but think even more.This proverb is quite interesting and instructive. Its meaning is that a person should first think and listen, and only then speak. Talking thoughtlessly and a lot is a sign of human stupidity.
  • Think first, then tell me.This saying also teaches us that before saying something, we need to think carefully about your words and consequences that will be after their voicing. In a word, as you know, you can hurt more than a knife, so all your statements need to be controlled.
  • With a gentle word and melt the stone.The stone is a very solid breed that is difficult to destroy without special tools. That is why such material is chosen for comparison. The saying tells us about the power of a good, kind word. With the help of such words, you can melt the heart of even the most callous and evil person.
  • An unkind word burns as a better fire.Fire can do a lot of harm to a person and his health. Despite this, the proverb explains to us that an evil rash word can hurt a person more painfully than fire.
  • For thin words will fly off and head.Under thin words, it is customary to mean evil unkind words. “He will fly off” means that such statements will certainly follow the punishment. The proverb teaches us that all words should be deliberate, since each person is responsible for them on his own.
  • I thought for a long time, but said well.The saying explains to us that, as a rule, deliberate words are correct. Therefore, it is better to think for a long time and speak out well than saying something without thinking and putting yourself in an awkward position.
  • The day is a day until the evening, but there is nothing to listen to. So they say about those people who constantly and incessantly talk, but at the same time they do not say anything sensible. That is, the words of such people are worth nothing.
Study with children
Study with children
  • Without giving the word - the stronger, and having given - hold on.The proverb teaches us that the word given to someone needs to be kept. That is, having promised someone something, it is necessary to fulfill the promise.
  • It is better not to finish than to talk.The essence of this saying is that without thinking you can say a lot of extra words. For example, say something offensive to a person or tell someone someone’s secret. In this case, it is better to keep silent and do not say, even if you really want to.
  • He is silent, how he scored water in his mouth.Few of us tried to speak, gaining a full mouth of water. However, it is logical to assume that it will not be possible to speak with the liquid in the mouth. That is why a person who is silent all the time is compared with a person who has water in his mouth.
  • A sharp tongue is talent, and a long is punishment.Under the sharp tongue, it is generally considered the ability of a person to insert a word, to thinly notice something, to discharge the situation with a ridiculous joke. This skill is rightfully considered for nothing, since this is not given to everyone. But a long tongue, that is, a language that talks all the time and most often out of business is trouble. Moreover, trouble is not only for the one who has such a language, but also for others.

The best proverbs and sayings about language and speech for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of meaning

The school curriculum always has a place for proverbs and sayings. And this is not in vain, because with their help you can convey to more adult children that their words have power and can “treat” or “cripple” other people.

  • The language is long, the thoughts are short.So they say about people who do not think little or at all, but they always say a lot. At the same time, their conversations are often absolutely meaningless.
  • My tongue is my enemy: he takes out his mind before, searches for troubles.This proverb is very relevant today and is used quite often. The language can really be an enemy to its master, but only if he “does not cooperate” with his head and mind. “Before the mind, he is looking for troubles, it means that a person says earlier than he thinks, therefore, often his statements are stupid and inappropriate.
  • The tongue talks, and the head answers.A person must always be responsible for his actions and words. The proverb tells us that the consequences are waiting for the rash statements.
The tongue was more acute
The tongue was more acute
  • From empty to empty, it shifts.Emanding and empty - the words of synonyms. So they say about people who chat incessantly about the same thing. Such conversations are almost always meaningless.
  • It is better to stumble with a foot than a language.In this case, it is used in this case to make a mistake in the meaning, say something wrong. The proverb teaches us that the word said out of place is sometimes worse than a rash action.
  • Speech as honey, and deeds like wormwood.Honey is a very tasty and sweet product. Wormwood, on the contrary, is bitter. The meaning of the saying is that there are people who say beautifully, but do nothing of this, so they say that speech is like honey, and things like wormwood.
  • Krasno says, but there is nothing to listen to.Red to speak, then speak beautifully, interesting. The essence of the saying is that many people can only beautifully present information, but their words are completely meaningless.
  • Language without bones: what wants, then bursts.So they say about a person who is constantly thoughtlessly expressed. Here is the absence of bones, this is a factor that allows a person to say whatever.
  • You can’t put a scarf on someone else's companies.The meaning of the saying is that everyone can say everything that he wants. Only a person himself can decide what can and should be said, and what is better to keep silent about. “... you will not put a handkerchief,” it means that it is impossible to make a person be silent if he himself does not want to.
  • What you want to say, but do not give the hands of your will.The saying teaches us that everything is possible to say theoretically anything. However, it is impossible to dissolve their hands and give free rein to emotions in this regard.
  • Eat a pie with mushrooms, and hold your tongue behind your teeth.The proverb teaches us that in many situations you need to restrain yourself and not say the information that is known. Keep your mouth shut, it means to be silent, not to speak too much.
  • Do not rush to answer, hurry to listen.The ability to listen and draw conclusions from the said - a gift. It is very important to control yourself, while listening to more than say.
Proverbs for children
Proverbs for children
  • You would drink honey with your lips.So they say about a person who knows how to speak beautifully and folded. Its speech is sweet, therefore they say that they would only drink honey.
  • Do not throw the word to the wind.The wind is a stream of air, which is constantly in motion, that is, this phenomenon personifies inconstancy. Throwing words into the wind means to say something, but at the same time not to be ready to take responsibility for what has been said. The proverb teaches us that all our statements should be deliberate, and we must be ready for responsibility for what has been said.
  • Do not believe someone else's speeches, believe your eyes.Human rumor is sometimes quite terrible and even cruel. Sometimes people say things that are completely contrary to the truth. Therefore, this saying tells us that it is important to believe only in what we ourselves have been convinced, and not take the words of people for a pure coin.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about language and speech: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Russian folk art does not do without proverbs and eloquent sayings. Some of the sayings are no longer used in everyday speech, but there are those that are relevant today.

  • Bittering always lurks in sweet speeches. The meaning of the proverb is that beautiful words are not always true. The proverb teaches us to objectively evaluate the information that people present us.
  • Where there are many words, there are few things. The saying explains to us that talkative people often know how to speak beautifully, and when the time comes to act and fulfill the promised, they retreat.
  • It’s easy to speak, it’s hard to do. Our language is almost never tired, so many people love to talk so much. Often, it is much more difficult to implement what has been said than just say about it, and therefore they say that it is easy to tell how to, but take and do it so is difficult.
  • A kind word inspires. Words, as you know, can be treated and crippled. With a kind and pleasant word, you can inspire faith, kindness and confidence in a person. Therefore, they say that from good speeches a person seems to receive wings.
Popular proverbs
Popular proverbs
  • A kind word to a person that it rains in a drought. When drought comes, all living things freeze, life, as if stopping, however, with the arrival of the rain, everything returns to its circles. So in life with a person. A kind word can inspire a person, give him faith in himself.
  • Behind her tongue you can’t keep up with barefoot. So they say about people who speak a lot and quickly.
  • What is the mind, such is speech. The meaning of the proverb is that often what a person allows himself to say, depends on his wisdom and reason. Stupid people do not say smart things, as well as with the wise. From a wise person, you rarely hear stupidity.
  • When you say, think carefully. The saying calls us to think about what we are going to say. Filted statements will never put us in an awkward position.
  • The best medicine is to always tell the truth. The saying explains to us how important the truth is, and teaches us that in all situations we must only tell the truth.
  • The verbosity is not wisdom. The proverb explains to us that a person who is constantly and a lot is not necessarily smart and wise. On the contrary, unbridled speeches often speak of human stupidity.
  • It is one thing to say a lot, another is to say a matter. Speaking a thing means to say the right, sensible words that relate to the essence of some kind. The essence of the statement is that there is a big difference between the person who chatting empty words and those who say information with meaning.
  • A true word is like a medicine: bitterly, but heals. Sometimes the truth is not quite the same as we would like to know her. Despite this, it is much better to know the truth and live, drawing conclusions than to amuse yourself by untrue and create the illusion of happiness.
  • The wound, inflicted by a word, is heavier than the wound from the arrow. The meaning of the saying is that sometimes the word mentioned can do more pain and harm than some kind of weapon, since mental suffering is sometimes much stronger than physical ones.
  • The word is the commander of the human power. The saying explains to us that words are not just sounds. All words are endowed with enormous force and with their proper use, you can turn the mountains.
  • In a word you will pierce that you can’t pierce the needle. The human soul is invisible to other people. However, its owner always knows and feels how she hurts. The meaning of the proverb is that you can injure the soul in a word.
  • Bad people have a villain's language. The essence of the saying is that unkind people always say a lot of nasty things.
  • A good speech is pleasant to listen. The saying explains to us that a person who speaks pleasant, kind words and truth is always pleasant to listen to.
Development with kids
Development with kids
  • What is said in the face is not connected with evil. We all know that, as a rule, only bad things about us are spoken behind. The saying teaches us that the words spoken in the face, even if unpleasant, cannot be considered vile.
  • Language without bones. So they say about a person who speaks a lot and often only stupid speeches.
  • The tongue of the gossip is longer than the stairs. By long tongue, it is customary to mean such human quality as talkativeness. People who gossip, discuss someone all the time, condemn, and therefore they say that gossipers have a very long tongue.
  • The language is not in a hurry, but do not be lazy. The meaning of the saying is that you need to say only after you think about what you want to say, but you need to fulfill what has been said quickly.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about language and speech for children: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Not only Russian folk proverbs and sayings are interesting and instructive. The eloquent statements of other peoples of the world are also distinguished by relevance and popularity.

  • When you say, your words should be better than silence. (Arabic).Silence, as you know, gold and sometimes silence is more valued more than words. The proverb teaches us what you need to say only if I am sure that what has been said will be more important and more valuable than silence. If there is no such confidence, it is better to abandon any speeches.
  • What you can’t do, you will do it with a word. (Azerbaijani).Physical power is not an indicator of the power of spirit and reason. The meaning of the saying is that with the help of correctly selected words, you can solve any problem, instill faith in a person, find new friends, etc.
  • Think about what you are talking about, even when you are joking. (Uygurskaya).“There is a share of truth in every joke,” almost all of us have heard such a saying. Indeed, often the most serious things can present people in the form of a joke. The essence of the proverb is that even a joke can offend and injure a person, therefore, such words must be thought out well before pronouncing.
  • Before you say, turn your tongue seven times. (Vietnamese).Turn the tongue seven times, so think well, weigh the pros and cons. The statement teaches us that before saying the word, we need to think about the consequences of what was said.
  • When you say, think. (Chinese).This proverb also encourages people to be more careful with their own words and think before pronouncing them.
The sayings of the peoples of the world
The sayings of the peoples of the world
  • Think about what you say, chew on what you eat. (Tibetan).The process of eating and conversation have some similarities. A person rarely swallows food, chewing it poorly, and even if this happens, then this is extremely bad for the body. So with the words spoken - you can say without thinking, but what consequences this will lead to it is unknown. The saying teaches you to be attentive to your thoughts and speeches.
  • One warm word will warm in hard frost. (Chinese).The word has great power, so with its help you can work miracles. The meaning of the proverb is not literal, however, a pleasant word can melt the human heart, help him return to life.
  • The word is a key that opens the heart. (Chinese).This saying once again confirms that with the help of a word you can find an approach to any person and a way out of any situation.
  • Wounded by a sword will be cured, in a word - never. (Azerbaijani).Physical wounds and ailments over time and due to the proper treatment are cured and, as a rule, do not leave a trace. But with spiritual wounds received due to cruel and evil words, things are different. For forgetting bad words is very difficult, and they will all the time remind of themselves.
  • The tongue is killed, like a dagger, only blood does not pour. (Chinese).The meaning of the statement is that by saying a careless, offensive and cruel word, one can kill a person. Of course, “killing” is not literally meant. In this case, a person dies of a soul.
  • It’s better to do good than saying well. (English).The essence of the saying is that it is beautiful to speak - does not mean to do beautifully. It is better to be silent and at the same time perform the right and noble deeds than to chat all the time and do nothing from what was said.
  • Your tongue is a lion, give him freedom, he will eat you. (African).Lion is the king of the animals. This animal personifies strength, courage, courage and endurance. The language is compared with the lion, since it is also powerful in its opportunity to speak out and speak different words. If you do not control what you say, then sooner or later it will play against you.
  • Between “speaking” and “making” is a long road. (Spanish).It is very simple to conduct conversations and make promises, but it is very difficult to carry out the promised and what has been said, so it is customary to say that there is a very long road between these processes.
  • There is little truth from whom many words are pouring. (Lithuanian).Empty conversations and constant chatter rarely were taken for something serious and what is worth attention. Therefore, it is generally accepted that a person who says little does a lot, and the one who talks, as a rule, does not embody anything from what was said.
Child development
Child development
  • Rather, eternal snow melts than the talker has the words exhausted. (Azerbaijani).The proverb explains to us that people who are talkative by kind will always be like that. This is the essence of such a person. Comparison is given with eternal snow, which never melts, since the talkativeness of such people is also eternal.
  • What they are not asking you about, don't talk much about. (Ossetian). The proverb teaches us that we must appreciate our words and be able not to speak out when they do not expect this from us and ask.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about language and speech: a collection with an explanation of meaning

  • Briefly, but clear.In order to say some thought correctly and beautifully, it is absolutely not necessary to talk a lot and abstruse. If a person speaks out simply and clearly, they say about his speeches that they are said briefly and clear.
  • God gave two ears, and one language.There are many statements that we are awarded with two ears in order to listen a lot and only in one language, what to speak in moderation and only on business. The meaning of the proverb is that it is more important to listen, think and draw conclusions, constantly chat for weeks, not hearing anyone around.
  • Believe not every rumor.Human rumor, gossip and rumors - this is what spoils the relationship between people. Often, many information has nothing to do with the truth. Therefore, this dictum teaches us to deliberately approach the information received and believe in it only if it is proven.
  • Saving your presence.So they say when some information is voiced and pronounced, which was not originally intended for some present person.
  • He babbles like forty.The scream and babble is difficult to not notice. The sounds of this bird are very fast and sharp. So they say about a person who is constantly chatting, while doing it extremely quickly.
  • The language of the needle is sharper.The essence of the saying is that the language can be pricked much more painfully than the most acute needle, since the needle applies physical pain, creating a wound on the body, and the words hurt the soul.
  • The tongue will bring to Kyiv.So they say because with the help of communication you can find out any information. Previously, when there were no cards and other means for communication, people used speech as a navigator. Many who wanted to get to Kyiv and, while on the way, asked the further road from the carriageways and passers -by. So this statement appeared.
  • Hearing the Earth is full.The essence of the saying is that people very often say inaccurate information, and each subsequent person distorts what he heard is stronger than the previous one. Subsequently, our land literally is filled with rumors.
  • Secret to the whole world.We all understand that the secret is secret, secret information, which, in principle, is not intended for the spread of it among the general masses of the population. Such a statement applies to information that was said as a secret, but has become known to everyone because of someone's talkativeness.
Teaching a child to proverbs
Teaching a child to proverbs
  • No sooner said than done.So they say about the actions of a person who always does what he says, that is, is responsible for his words.
  • Fear the dive, do not say too much. The Higher is meant God. The proverb encourages all of us to speak only the truth and at the same time think about each of their own word, so as not to hurt and not upset someone. Indeed, for untrue and offensive speeches, we will all be punished.
  • What to make sure, it is better to quiet. The essence of the statement is that what to say a lie, it is better to simply keep silent and not say anything at all.

Proverbs and sayings carry a deep meaning. Correctly using them in our speech, we make it richer and more eloquent.

Video: Proverbs about language and word

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