Proverbs and sayings with numerals for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings with numerals for children?

Proverbs and sayings with numerals for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings with numerals for children?

Proverbs with numerals for children will allow them to learn the numbers faster, as well as distinguish a lot and little. It will also help children prepare better for school.

Proverbs and sayings with numerals for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of meaning

The numerals, in turn, are not only numbers, they are divided into several groups:

  • Quantitative. For example, one, two, three, a lot or little also
  • Collective. Two, three, six.
  • Ordinary. The first, tenth, thirteenth.

Thanks to proverbs, you can consolidate knowledge of numbers, as well as numerals, to teach the child to consider the most elementary actions with numbers. Ideal for preschool children in the middle and senior groups of the garden. About 4-6 years old for babies.

Examples of proverbs:

  • Spring and autumn - eight on the day of weather. The essence of the saying in the changeability of the weather during the off -season. Indeed, thunderstorms and rain can be in the morning, and in the evening the sun and excellent weather.
  • I’m not fighting, I'm not afraid of seven. The essence of the saying in power, as well as in the simplicity of judgment. If you yourself do not participate in something, you can say that you will win 10 people.
  • The horse about the four legs, and even then is mistaken. The bottom line is that everyone can be mistaken, regardless of status, as well as age.
  • To learn hard work, you need three years to learn laziness, you need three days. The bottom line is that it is much easier to be lazy than to work. Therefore, you get used to doing nothing quickly. Do not relax and follow Leni. You need to constantly do something and not put it in a long box.
  • The lazy person works twice. This suggests that lazy people poorly do some kind of work. Therefore, it is common for them to redo it.
  • Miser pays twice. The fact is that if you want to save, you buy a bad, cheap product. Then you have to buy worthy products. Thus, you can’t save, and you spend a double amount.

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The best proverbs and sayings with numerals for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Children of primary and secondary school age are very good at training. But at this age, children do not need to force anything to cram. It is best to train them with some examples, games, as well as proverbs. In this case, folklore is just right. Because unobtrusively, children will better understand the numerals, and teach worldly wisdom.


  • Woe for two - half a mountain, joy for two - two joys. If you support a friend in a difficult moment, then all troubles are not so scary. But you are twice more pleasant to rejoice.
  • Hands will advise one, and knowledge of a thousand. The bottom line is that nothing can be solved by force. Therefore, it is best to settle all the troubles with the help of negotiations and the mind. Smart is much easier to live, because they do not need to solve their problems with the help of assault.
  • Once he lied, he became a liar forever. It is very easy to spoil your reputation. Therefore, no one needs to lie, you need to tell the truth.
  • To go alone, and the road is long. The fact is that indeed, it is very difficult to go on a trip or do something at all. In the company or two, it is much easier, more fun. The work is done faster, and the road seems shorter.
  • The hedgehog has one force - thorns. This suggests that a person who, except by force, cannot surprise anything. Therefore, he always tries to use exactly what he can.
  • From one word, but a quarrel of a quarrel. Do not lie and quarrel. Because one extra word can lead to the fact that you ruin relations with a loved one. Therefore, it is better to keep your mouth your teeth.
  • You can’t tie the knot with one hand. Strength in the set, so you need to stay together. And also attract your friends and help them. Because it is very difficult to do hard work alone.

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Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings with numerals: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Basically, proverbs are part of folklore. Therefore, they have a lot of works that gathered for several centuries. Now many of our grandmothers will tell you about interesting proverbs and help you learn them to children.


  • In one place and the stone is overgrown with moss. With a sedentary lifestyle, a person very quickly gets used to him, relaxes. Therefore, do not be lazy all the time, be in one place. You need to constantly move, go forward.
  • One bee is better than a swarm of flies. The fact is that the bee is a worker. These are very hardworking insects that collect honey. Flies at the same time loafers and feed on what they will find.
  • One plows, and seven wave their hands. Most often, this happens when performing work. Because there are a lot of bosses, but in fact there are not many hard workers. It’s easier to tell how to do, how to do your job yourself.
  • There is safety in numbers. Indeed, it is very difficult to go against a large number of people. This applies to everything, therefore it is necessary to find allies and attract your friends to something.
  • With one hand you will not slap your hands. The essence of the expression is that if you do something alone, it may not work. In case of any global affairs, so you always need to stay together and support each other.

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The most interesting proverbs and sayings with numbers for children: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Thanks to such proverbs, you can not only help children learn numbers, numerals, and also distinguish between concepts a lot. Also teach everyday wisdom. This is quite important, because it helps children understand what is good and how to do.


  • One bee of honey does not train. The bottom line is that it is quite difficult to do a huge job or do something global. Therefore, it is necessary to attract other people, friends, as well as relatives, or to gather a team of like -minded people.
  • What happened once, maybe twice. This expression indicates a possible repetition of some incident and act. Therefore, do not relax, and even in peacetime you should prepare for war.
  • One book teaches a thousand people. The essence of expression is in the power of literature and printing. Therefore, it is better to write once than to say several times.
  • Like a cart fifth wheel. The point is that you do not need to climb into your business. And do not try to help where your help is not needed.
  • Seven are not waiting for one.The essence of the phrase is that it is necessary to rush and come on time. When it comes to some kind of meeting or important matter. Because all people will wait for one person.

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Small, short proverbs and sayings for children with numerals: a collection with an explanation of meaning

For the smallest, short proverbs are suitable. They are quickly and easily remembered. Try to teach children to these short phrases, as well as deciphering them their meaning. Because not all children can see the hidden meaning that is laid down in expression.


  • One wolf of the sheep drives the regiment. The essence of the proverb is that despite the fact that there are a lot of sheep, the wolf is able to control them. Therefore, in the same way, one person - the leader can manage several people.
  • Seven times measure cut once. It is necessary to carefully weigh everything that you do and do nothing without confidence. Because you can do troubles and get into trouble.
  • One wise head, a hundred goals stands. The bottom line is that in the presence of wisdom, a person does more balanced actions and performs work rationally.
  • One head it's good, but two better. The bottom line is that together you can think more and discuss more. Therefore, make the right decision. After all, the point of view of another person may differ from yours and be correct.
  • The brave dies once, and there is a lot of coward. The bottom line is that it is really better to do one thing, the act is to sit all the time for a long period of time and be afraid. Therefore, do not postpone important and responsible matters for later.

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The proverb is a good opportunity to adjust the behavior of children, teach them friendship, and also help learn some words. And also teach to consider some actions with numbers. This is an indispensable assistant for parents of preschool children. At this age, children do not really want to engage in cramming, and with the help of short phrases of folklore you will be able to teach children to count.

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