Why is it so important to have a goal in life, how to find a goal in life, to which determination leads to: arguments for essay, essay

Why is it so important to have a goal in life, how to find a goal in life, to which determination leads to: arguments for essay, essay

Is it important to have a goal in life? Let's deal with this issue in more detail.

Everyone wants to live a happy and successful life. We always dream of something better and very desired. We are making plans for the future. Sometimes real and easily feasible, sometimes prohibitive.

In order to get closer to your dreams and realize your desires, you need to set a goal and strive for its implementation. Passiveness and inaction will lead you to disappointment and turn your life into a series of gray everyday life.

Why is it important to determine the right goal in life?

Some people are content with their miserable existence. They can be called a gray mass of society. The tasks of such individuals are reduced to banal domestic actions and standard tasks. They do not have the idea to bring something new into the world around him, to be useful to society. As a result, life lives useless and boring.

Time is very quick. Therefore, you do not need to postpone your desires for later. In order not to regret the lost opportunity, proceed to the implementation of your plans immediately.

To be able to do, what you want is a great happiness, which is not given to everyone. The desire to fulfill the task will fill your life with positive emotions and change it for the better. Doing your favorite thing, you will become happier and everything around will get bright colors.

Set goals
Set goals

If for a long time you can’t get closer to your goal, then you need to think about whether this is really your sincere desire or, perhaps, this is a task imposed on you by others. It is necessary to learn to build your own goals and adhere to the plan to achieve them. You need to start with real desires. The solution of global issues can be at a dead end and discourage the future.

Each goal should have a time period. Goals can be either quickly achievable and long -term. For example, if you want to lose weight, then specify the date when you want to feel the first result. Want to go to relax - decide exactly where and in what season.

Build a specific action plan. This will help clarify your further actions in the near future. You will clearly understand what has already been done and what else to encounter. Learn to set priorities when performing several tasks. This will help get rid of unnecessary doubts.

When forming goals, discard negative emotions. Your complexes, fears and fears, trauma experienced inhibiting advance forward. Throw out internal contradictions out of your head. Strengthen the power of your own thought. Never adhere to stereotypes. Do not be afraid to go beyond the usual and permitted.

How to find a goal in life?

If you do not know where to start, then proceed to fulfilling goals of a social nature. If your life is not enough communication, set yourself the task of acquiring new friends. Consider pre -interesting topics for conversation, joint events. Work on your communicative skills will allow you to make useful acquaintances.

It is useful to set a goal associated with your development as a person. Each person must expand their knowledge and skills. You can improve in the process of work, study or at home. A new one needs to study at any age. Never stop and move forward.

The beginning of the way to the goal
The beginning of the way to the goal
  • Your goal may be related to the working process. Bring new customers, increase the effectiveness of your work process, apply new technologies. Infinite variants, depending on your profession.
  • Creative goals will help to reveal your internal potential. Develop your skills and talents. Draw, compose, design. Use non -standard methods to solve ordinary problems. Self -realization will help rethink your life and give you new sensations of your own significance.
  • Another way to develop is the desire to achieve spiritual goals. Actively participate in public life. Provide help and support to those who need it. Study spiritual literature. Attend trainings, seminars, lectures.
  • To maintain a physical form, every person needs to set themselves goals of a sports nature. Start visiting the gym. Expand for yourself a new sport. Present in public sporting events. Test yourself in extreme sport.

Improve your financial situation with the help of material goals. Try to save money for a specific thing. Find an additional source of income. Participate in charity. Accelerate the repayment of the loan. Make up your savings.

Set up new goals regarding your family. Try to organize interesting joint events. Help your child achieve new results in learning. Finish or improve household chores.

It is very important to set yourself personal goals. Say goodbye to bad habits. Correct your nutrition. Optimize your mode. Go travel to new countries.

What is determination leading to?

To better understand why it is so important to have a goal in life, we will analyze visual examples from the work of great writers. Literary arguments inspire and motivate the reader.

  • One of the vivid examples is the main character in the novel Tolstoy "War and Peace". Pierre Bezukhov lives for the sake of actually a job and recklessly wasting his life.
  • At a certain moment, it arises in it the desire to rethink your existence, correct your mistakes and start living differently. He first thinks about his purpose in this world. The young man is looking for a new meaning of life that will help to become happy.
  • In the process of his improvement, Pierre passes through various tests. Once in difficult life situations, the young man learns to show high morality and restraint. Do not succumb to weakness and do not follow your own emotions. In search of himself, Pierre finds the meaning of his existence in love. This feeling gives the young man hope for a bright future. His goal is the desire to help other people.
  • In the work Pushkin "Captain's daughter" The reader appears two purposeful characters. Peter Grinev sets himself honest and noble goals. Courageous acts temper a young man and help to become a worthy officer. Entering the battle with a sense of duty to the Motherland, Peter manages to overcome all dangers and hardships. His devoted love helps to achieve the location of Marya Ivanovna.
  • Grinev is opposed to the character of Schwabrin, who is ready to go to any meanness to achieve his goals. In his actions, he is guided only by his own interests. He is not afraid to betray and desecrate a person. His actions are guided by cowardice and cowardice. Deception and hypocrisy played against Shvabrin. He never manages to achieve his goals dishonestly.
  • In the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" It is shown what the actions committed dishonestly lead to. Grigory Pechorin is obsessed with momentary goals. He is the main thing to win and no matter what way. Being in the search for his meaning of life, he shows cruelty and involves others in difficult situations. The game with other people's feelings makes him unhappy and lonely. Pechorin loses in his dishonest game.
  • The Italian thinker was voiced by the expression that became winged - the end justifies the means. This point of view has the right to exist, but the situation from life often prove the opposite. If a person in order to achieve his goal violates the generally accepted norms, then sooner or later he will overtake his punishment. Such an example is presented in the work of F. M. Dostoevsky.
  • In the novel "Crime and Punishment" The character of Raskolnikov wants to achieve his own goal through a crime. Rodion commits murder for the sake of material benefit. He is deeply convinced that the death of one person is an justified means for saving hundreds of other lives. Raskolnikov is inspired by noble goals, but he chooses the wrong way to achieve the desired. Sincere torment depreciates its actions and lead to a negative effect. You can not set goals for which unjustified means are used. For his rash actions, schismatics receives punishment.
I wanted to achieve a goal through a crime
I wanted to achieve a goal through a crime
  • Sometimes, for the implementation of the plan, reckless acts are committed. One of these examples is described in the story Bulgakova "Dog heart". The professor is obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bconducting a scientific experiment. For the sake of his goal, Preobrazhensky consciously comes to the risk. However, not everything can be foreseen for before. An unusual operation leads to unpredictable consequences. As a result, the professor becomes a hostage to his own actions. In life, it is not always possible to make the right choice. The goal should justify the means, otherwise all efforts are negotiated.
  • An indicative example is the biography of the American writer Jack London. In his work, there are many famous stories about real friendship, love and devotion. For a long period, the writer's work was not recognized by anyone. He had to fight for his place under the sun.
  • The basis of the novel "Martin Eden" Real events from the biography of Jack London are laid. The writer talks about his hard path to success. In order to approach his goal, the writer had to make considerable efforts. Thanks to his hard work and perseverance, the author receives the desired result. Intellectual and mental work on oneself was rewarded. This work has become motivated for all readers.

In order to achieve your goal, one desire is not enough. It is necessary to carry out work on yourself, make efforts. Even if it seems to you that the goal is not fulfilling, you should not immediately give up. From each situation you can always find a way out. Every person faces difficulties. Perceive them as an opportunity to make the right lesson from the current situation and another chance to overcome yourself, to become stronger. Whatever your goal, it will help you go forward and reveal new abilities.

Each subsequent goal reveals new opportunities for a person. The achievement of the desired should not have a negative effect on others. The goal should not absorb a person and deprive his adequacy.

In many life situations, the goal for a person becomes a rescue circle. Faced with illness, lack of money, disappointment, a specific goal helps to motivate a person to further action. The German poet I.V. Goethe once wrote: “Give a person the goal for which it is worth living, and he will be able to survive in any situation.”

We achieve the goal
We achieve the goal

Start moving towards the goal, and you will feel a new surge of strength and inspiration. Life will bring you more pleasure. New opportunities will begin to open. You will gain confidence in the future and improve everyday mood.

In the process of overcoming difficulties, you will learn how to optimize your actions and build the right strategy. With every victory, a sense of self -importance and strength will grow. You will no longer be able to stop halfway. Achieving the goal will become a familiar process. Life will acquire a new meaning.

Video: How to achieve the goal?

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