“Bech the Cossack - you will be an ataman”: meaning, author of words, arguments for a statement for an essay

“Bech the Cossack - you will be an ataman”: meaning, author of words, arguments for a statement for an essay

“Tight the Cossack - you will be an ataman” - meaning.

The quote “Toy Cossack - You will be ataman” first appeared in 1835 and instantly became winged. This quote sounds often and everywhere, but most often at home, in raising children. In this article, we will consider both the origins of phraseology and its true meaning.

"Tight the Cossack - you will be": who is the author of the words - the origin of phraseology

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is an eccentric, writer and a very controversial person, both on the Russian and Ukrainian scene of history. But it can definitely be argued that Gogol is a writer who described Little Russia, Cossacks and simple Ukrainian life in detail. Despite the many secret political trends of that time, Nikolai Vasilievich was purely convinced that Ukrainian history, its culture and worldview were original, but at the same time closely connected with Russia.

In his work “Taras Bulba” Nikolai Vasilievich described the events of the beginning of the 17th century, with the participation of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. It was a difficult time in which the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks tried to win the Ukrainian territory from the Commonwealth regularly raising the uprising. But foreign culture attracted, acted on the Cossacks, as a forbidden fruit on Adam and Eve and a few Cossacks, really passed under the wing of the Commonwealth, for the sake of a better and more beautiful life, in comparison with the Cossacks built on asceticism.

In the work, Nikolai Vasilievich gives an example of the old regime, in the person of Colonel of the Zaporizhzhya Taras Bulba troops, and the regime of the new time, which chooses his way of life and identification - sons of Ostap and Andria. And if Ostap considered it an honor to live a Cossack, to fight and die for freedom, then Andriy was different. He wanted to live beautifully, love passionately and acquire glory and status. He, an education, saw a different picture of the world, where his father was no longer an ideal, but a controversial person.

Illustration of the work of Taras Bulba
Illustration of the work "Taras Bulba"

Of course, the young and ambitious Andria in the severity was a monotonous occupation of the castle, he, like a man, wanted to be in battle, in siege. And since here, in the army of his father, his desires were oppressed, ambitions, emotions and feelings found a response, meeting with the beautiful maiden, the daughter of the Kovensky governor. The instinct of the defender played in it, but not his house, but oppressed by the beautiful Virgin. And if at first he dragged her supplies of food, then he got into the pool of her charm, and completely abandoned his army and moved to the opponents.

Father saw his son’s impatience, and in one of the dialogues he told him - "tolerate the Cossack - you will be an ataman." But the son did not endure, although it is difficult to condemn him in such a dual situation. This quote became partly a symbol of the Cossacks. Patience, waiting, thorough work on oneself - this is the secret of the success and wisdom of the chieftain of Cossack.

"Tight the Cossack - you will be ataman": the meaning of phraseological units

The phraseology “endure the Cossack - you will be ataman” can be heard absolutely everywhere, both in the hospital before the procedure or injection, and at home, when mom processes broken knees to the baby, and at school, when it seems, there is no strength and patience to finish the war on, and in the army when It seems that the difficult day will never end. So what does this quote mean, and why did she love the people so much?

Firstly, it is worth noting that two strongest words are present in the phraseology:

  • A person is compared with a Cossack, a symbol of freedom, courage, success, beauty and good luck. For many people, the Cossacks were surrounded by the same courageous romanticism as the pirates. But in the case of the Cossacks, there are only continuous advantages and there is no negative connotation, as with pirates;
  • Ataman is a man who could become the leader of the free people of the Cossacks exclusively thanks to his outstanding data. This is the highest measure of recognition, because the title of chieftain cannot be bought or inherited. Accordingly, in order to get the title of chieftain of Cossack - it is worth learning, tolerate, etc.

Secondly, Nikolai Vasilievich perfectly owned Russian speech and knew how to create sonorous and tenacious phrases, which instantly became viral. Over the years, his quotes have fit into colloquial speech, that many phrases seem to be popular proverbs.

It is not surprising that the quote “Turn the Cossack - you will be ataman”, calling for patience, endurance and the ability to focus on the main one, has become so beloved among the people. Pronouncing this phrase, we urge the person to whom the phrase is addressed, because having restrained himself from momentary desire, he will receive many times more.

And in conclusion, a short resume according to the phraseological unit “Tip Cossack - you will be an ataman”:

  • The date of appearance is 1835;
  • Author - Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol;
  • The work from which is quoted is “Taras Bulba”;
  • Short meaning - a little patience is rewarded a hundred times.

Video: Taras Bulba

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