The thesis "Economics should be economical": who first said, examples for the statement for the essay

The thesis

The economy should be economical - the origin and meaning of the thesis.

“The economy should be economical” - a phrase that today is used not only for its intended purpose, but also with a shade of humor. It would seem that the thesis was repeated as often as among ordinary inhabitants, and among scientists and political figures that the author sunk into oblivion. But in this article we will get to the bottom of the origins and true meaning of this winged, one might say, phrases.

History of the origin of the thesis »Economics should be economical"

Back in 1964, the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, was at the head of the huge state of the USSR. He received a gigantic state in terms of size, which is actively developing in terms of space and military technologies, but having obvious problems in economic activity.

The ineffective work of the government of those years in many ways affected the development of the USSR and caused severe damage to the country's economy, which later became one of the elements that destroyed the Soviet state from the inside.

At the beginning of his reign, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev really supported the wrong course, but by the 80s of the last century, Brezhnev began to understand the huge problem that arose in the state, and at the XXVI Congress of the CPSU in the report loudly stated that the country had chosen the wrong course and he It must be immediately revised.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev
Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

It was in this speech that Brezhnev said the bright thesis “The economy should be economical” but, unfortunately, it was not heard, as he had already surrendered his position and was at the dawn of his political and life activity.

It was this phrase that political opponents called the tautological and wrote off that Leonid Ilyich simply was talking. But if you make out in detail each word of this phrase, you can understand that in four words a lot of important information is hidden.

Detailed analysis of the thesis »The economy should be economical"

We propose to disassemble the thesis “The economy should be economical” and understand what exactly Brezhnev implied, focusing on this phrase.

The word economy has a Greek origin of two Greek words:

  • οἶκος - What is translated into Russian means a certain place with a single economy, is also implied as a house;
  • νόμος - What is in translation into Russian means science, law.

The word economy was used in ancient Greece and had an interpretation - the science of housekeeping, the law of maintaining the house.

In the modern world, the economy is a separate area of \u200b\u200bscience that studies the economic component of society and its activities.

The word "economical" means neatly consuming, lean, thinking about the measured consumption of money, resources, things.

From this we can understand that Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev called on party leaders, as well as ordinary Soviet citizens to reconsider his view of the country's economy and on the attitude to it.

As you know, in 1981 (at the time of voiceing of speech), artificially suppressed inflation was already present, and immediate actions were required in a revision of many issues:

  • Updating outdated technologies;
  • Raising prices for the population;
  • A change in attitude to the consumption of the resources of the USSR;
  • Changing the quality of products. At this moment, European goods were of better quality due to the latest technologies A, therefore, the goods of the USSR were imported at low prices. At the same time, it was believed that goods produced in the USSR of the best quality. This slowed down the processes of technology renewal;
  • The launch of computers and the latest technologies for production, in medical institutions and everyday life.

The phrase “economy should be economical” - implies a reasonable attitude to the economy, as well as a lean attitude to existing resources.

Here are visual examples of reasonable resource consumption:

  • Oil production is a significant resource raising the economy of the country and the world as a whole. At the same time, today it is said about the possible depletion of the resource and the search for its alternative. If the oil ends earlier than alternative solutions are found, the world economy will collapse and return for many centuries ago. In the event that the country importing oil loses its resource and does not replace it with an alternative, the same profitable - most likely it will quickly go bankrupt;
  • Working hands are also a significant resource in the state. But it is very expensive. Innovative technologies allow for factories to work with a minimum of workers, which significantly reduces the cost of the manufactured product;
  • At the same time, the human resource is depreciated, but again becomes the most important economic link when obtaining education.

Today, the thesis “Economics should be economical” is relevant than ever, because in the rapid development of technology, it is important to learn from virginity to be economically treated with natural resources, money, and even its time, spending it on education and self -development.

Video: Original record of speech by L.I. Brezhnev - "The economy should be economical"

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