Compilation of compositions from plants: how correctly, schemes, stylization

Compilation of compositions from plants: how correctly, schemes, stylization

If you want to learn how to make beautiful compositions from plants, read the article. It has many useful tips and interesting ideas.

A correctly selected pot for a flower will emphasize the decorativeness and attractiveness of the plant you have chosen. When choosing a suitable vessel for compositions from plants, it is necessary to pay attention not only to its size, but also to the shape and color.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to transplant the indoor flower: Instruction". You will learn about the reasons for transplanting indoor plants, types of transplanting a room flower. Also in the article we will tell you what is needed for transplanting indoor colors, and give useful tips and recommendations.

In this article, we will teach you how to make beautiful compositions from plants. This experience will come in handy both in the design of the indoor interior and landscape design. Read further.

What should be the size of the pot for a beautiful composition from indoor plants in the interior?

Beautiful composition from indoor plants in the interior
Beautiful composition from indoor plants in the interior

The size of the pot when compiling a beautiful composition from indoor plants in the interior is of great importance. If it is incorrectly selected, then the flower will simply be lost against its background or will look ridiculous and ugly. So what should be the size of the pot?

  • For small types of colors Choose a pot whose height equal to the height of the plant.
  • For medium -sized plants select vessels whose height one third less than the height of the plant.
  • For high plants Choose flower pots, the height of which is one quarter of the height of the plant itself.

The shape of the vessel in which the future flower will be planted is of great importance. Read further.

Pot shape for compiling a composition of decorative plants: stylization

Suitable shape of a pot for compiling a composition of decorative plants
Suitable shape of a pot for compiling a composition of decorative plants

The shape of the pot is also very important when compiling a composition of decorative plants. How to perform stylization correctly?

  • For example, densely growing plants with hanging stems, such as selaginella Crouss and ficus dwarfThey look beautiful in tall and narrow pots. The stems of such plants hang beautifully through the edges of the flower pot.
  • Often a good impression is made by pots that resemble the shape of a plant with their shape. For example, plants with arc leaves can be planted in a pot, the top of which is wider than the bottom.
  • In any case, you should try on the plant and see how it will look in a container from different angles.
  • After "trying" there will be no doubt about whether this pot is suitable for this plant.

For plants that are distinguished by original forms, it is better to choose shallow and discreet in appearance of the flowerpots. However, it may happen that the plant will look good in another container. The only way to verify this is to plant plants and see.

Suitable size and shape of pots for compiling a composition of decorative plants
Suitable size and shape of pots for compiling a composition of decorative plants

It is especially important to choose a suitable vessel if the flower is a participant in the whole composition. In this case, it is necessary to choose a flowerpot in which the plant itself will look good. It should be combined with a pot under other plants.

Advice: Try not to use vessels painted in contrasting tones, as they will distract attention.

Vasone coloring for compiling a composition of living plants in one pot with multi -colored leaves

Suitable flowering of a flowerpot for composing a composition of living plants with multi -colored leaves
Suitable flowering of a flowerpot for composing a composition of plants with multi -colored leaves

The beauty of the indoor plant will emphasize the flower pot of the same color as the leaves or flowers of the plant. What should be the coloring of a flowerpot for compiling a composition in one pot of living plants with multi -colored leaves?

  • Plants with two-tone, white-green leaves look great in white pots.
  • White flowers will emphasize the greens of leaves.
Suitable flowering of a flowerpot for compiling a composition
Suitable flowering of a flowerpot for compiling a composition
  • However, such plants will look great in pots of the same shade of green as that of the leaves.
  • A dark red flower pot perfectly shakes the color of Fittonia leaves or Kalanchoe Degremon.
Suitable flowering of a flowerpot for compiling a composition
Suitable flowering of a flowerpot for compiling a composition

After the suitable flower pot has been selected, it is very important to place the plant in it and put in a place intended for it.

Creating a composition of plants: schemes

Creating a composition from plants
Creating a composition from plants

Often, all flowerpots with flowers in the room can only be seen if you look at a certain angle. During the creation of the composition, you must keep this in mind. How is the composition of plants created? Here's a scheme:

Schemes of creating a composition from plants
Schemes of creating a composition from plants
  • Tall plants are placed in the background of the composition.
  • In the center you can plant a plant of a compact shape.
The composition of plants
The composition of plants
  • In suspended pots standing on high stands, you need to provide a place for plants with hanging stems.
  • The compositions with the participation of plants with colorful decorative leaves, unusual shape and texture are especially beautiful.

It is worth experimenting a little to achieve a better result.

Video: Creation of compositions from indoor plants

The composition of plants in pots in the kitchen: how to make it right?

Plant composition in pots in the kitchen
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen

On the kitchen table or on a wide windowsill, you can put a wicker basket with spicy herbs and various kitchen herbs. How to make a composition of plants in pots in the kitchen? Here are some tips:

  • The easiest way to landscaping the flowerpot in the kitchen is to sow in it a curly parsley.
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen
  • A more complex landscaping option is to use a small bay tree and garlic for the background.
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen
  • In front and sides, plant plants such as rosemary, onion, parsley and thyme.
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen
Plant composition in pots in the kitchen

Thanks to this, you will always have the necessary spicy herbs and fresh greens at hand.

Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket: preparation, creation

Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket

On the wall, on interior items or even on the floor - anywhere a basket with luxurious flowers will become a bright decoration of your home. Such an original flowerpot can be suspended by the window or put on a shelf or furniture. See how compositions from home flowers and plants in the basket look:

  • Wicker flowerpot for one plant.
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
  • In some baskets, only one plant can be planted.
  • In this case, we recommend choosing a flower with beautifully falling stems.
  • If you want to put a basket on the table, then you should choose a compact plant, for example, bored bell, chlorophytum or cyclamen.
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
  • The composition in a basket of several plants.
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
  • An unusual impression is made by a large basket in which many plants grow.
  • It is very important to choose views with the same soil requirements, top dressing, lighting, watering and temperature regime.
  • You can use different varieties of the same species that differ, for example, by the color of the leaves. It will look very beautiful.
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
Compositions of home flowers and plants in the basket
  • Also try to combine various varieties of ordinary ivy with two -tone, small leaves with primrose, blooming yellow flowers. This combination will amaze your imagination.
  • In addition, such flowers bloom in the spring and after the winter you will have a beautiful policeman at home.
Compositions from home flowers and plants
Compositions from home flowers and plants
  • It is interesting to put in one or different pots (but then put them nearby) pink geranium and blue pelargonium.
  • It turns out just a riot of color. Such a composition will bloom all summer.

A white, boof bell, combined with purple pelargonia ivy, look spectacular together.

Preparation of a pot or basket for planting plants to compose compositions

The composition of plants
The composition of plants

A basket for planting plants for compiling compositions can be made of willow rods (you can use baskets of bast or wire) - this is a great detail to decorate the interior. Such a flowerpot with flowers can be hung over the window or simply put on the original pedestal. This will be enough to place clear accents in the interior.

To plant the plant in a pot, it is enough to lay on the bottom of the drainage and pour the earth. Preparation of the basket is a slightly more costly lesson, but it is also simple:

  • You will need a polyethylene film of black or green or a double -folded garbage bag. The material is lined to the bottom.
  • Cover the waterproof lining on top with a plastic bag to protect the basket from damage to water.
  • Now you can lay drainage and fill the ground.

The soil, which is filled with such containers, should not only be suitable for planting a particular type of plant, it is also important to use its convenient use for home flowers. The easiest peat land. However, indoor plants growing in it need to be watered much more often than indoor plants growing in heavy clay soil.

It is very important to provide plants with good drainage. Put a thick layer on the bottom of small material. Additionally, put several pieces of wood coal in the soil, which will contribute to its purification.

Every two weeks feed plants with complex fertilizers. Before planting flowers, you can mix special fertilizers into the ground, which will gradually dissolve, to fuel plants for a long time. Carefully water the flowers, trying to soak the soil from all sides. Do not forget, also, regularly spray them with water.

It is not necessary to buy special baskets. Try to use various wicker vazonets made of different materials. From such containers with flowers you can make magnificent compositions. It is even more easier to put pots with flowers in a basket and cover with a canvas cloth. It will turn out interesting and it will not be noticeable at all that the flowers are in pots.

Beautiful hanging compositions in a house from plants: how to make?

Beautiful hanging compositions in a house from plants
Beautiful hanging compositions in a house from plants

Suspended pots or baskets can be purchased not only in specialized shopping centers for gardeners, but also in stores that are engaged in the design of residential premises. How to make a beautiful hanging composition in a house from plants? Here are the tips:

  • Inside the dwelling, use both ordinary caspoons for the interior and those suspended baskets that are designed to decorate space in front of the house - for landscape design.
  • The surface of the suspended baskets or pots can be open or closed.
  • In addition, vases with lacquered surfaces or made of willow rods are often on sale. All tanks of this nature look very impressive, but their bottom and walls must be lined with strong plastic film.
Beautiful hanging compositions in a house from plants
Beautiful hanging compositions in a house from plants

A suspended pot can decorate any space. To create a mixed composition, consider that plants with similar soil requirements and lighting are placed in one pot. Of course, flowers grow best in well -lit places, but provided that they will be ensured by constant watering. In shaded places, you can make compositions of plants with decorative leaves, for example, ivy or fern.

Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in pots and baskets: photo

If you want to create beautiful compositions at home from plants in pots and baskets, and you do not know where to get ideas, we will help you. Here are a photo with original "ensembles" that will look spectacular indoors:

Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in pots
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in pots
  • Chlorophytum - this beautiful plant is suitable for growing in suspended baskets and high flowerpots.
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in baskets
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in baskets
  • Different types of ferns are an asparagus thick -flowered and exalted nephrolepis.
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in pots and baskets
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions in pots and baskets
  • Tolmia - offspring are formed at the base of the leaves of this indoor plant. Due to long petioles, this plant looks like ampelous.
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions
  • Ginura orange - growing in a basket near the sunny window, will show luxurious forms in all its glory.
  • Another type of this kind is no less effective - ginura's lawy lilac. Its leaves from above seem purple.
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions
Plants that look spectacular at home in the form of compositions
  • Japanese cleaning is a succulent plant that blooms with beautiful purple flowers in October.
  • You can combine several types of this flower in one pot. It will turn out very interesting and original.

Making a beautiful composition is simple. Use the tips presented in this article, and you will succeed. If you do this for the first time, then use the simplest “ensemble” - this is planting flowers in a long pot or basket from one species. It will turn out stylish and extraordinary. Then proceed to the compilation of more complex floral arrangements. The main thing, do not be afraid and experiment. After all, if something does not work out, you can always transplant flowers into separate pots and put them simply on the window. Good luck!

Video: Master class-composition from indoor plants in eco-style

Video: A room kindergarten. Composition from different plants

Video: Compatibility of indoor plants with each other. What flowers will grow in one pot?

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