An essay on the topic “Collective image of the Russian land” according to the work “Word about Igor’s Regiment”, the picture of Vasnetsov “Three heroes”: how is the image of the epic hero created?

An essay on the topic “Collective image of the Russian land” according to the work “Word about Igor’s Regiment”, the picture of Vasnetsov “Three heroes”: how is the image of the epic hero created?

The collective image of the Russian land can be beautifully described in the essay. Below you will find several such expositions according to the picture of Vasnetsov and the “Word about Igor's Regiment”.

Nature in the work not only lives its own life, but also changes its condition and mood depending on the events, thoughts and feelings of the protagonist. Accordingly, c "Word about Igor's regiment" The collective image of the Earth is a single organism that is able to suffer both spiritually and physically from all kinds of and downs.

In this article you will find several works on the topic of the collective image of the Russian land on the work "Word about Igor's regiment" And according to the picture of Vasnetsov. Read further.

Composition on the topic “Collective image of the Russian land” according to the work “Word about Igor's Regiment”: 8, 9, 10, 11 grade

Collective image of the Russian land ”according to the work“ Word about Igor's Regiment ”
Collective image of the Russian land ”according to the work“ Word about Igor's Regiment ”

The central idea is certainly patriotic. Just as an unknown author and a hero, they love their homeland very much and sincerely worry about it. They experience warm feelings for the people. That is why the main character of the work is not Prince Igor at all, but the long -suffering Russian land. Here's an essay on the topic “Collective image of the Russian land” according to the work “Word about Igor's Regiment” - 8, 9, 10, 11 grade:

Despite the military operations, Rus In creation is rich and beautiful. It is a certain higher power over all the events, akin to the deity. The author shows the power as the land of the ancestors, in all its historical diversity. The description affects both the “century of Troyan”, that is, pagan times, and “present years”, that is, the era of the reign of the prince Igor:

There were Trojanov's eyelids,
The summer of Yaroslavov passed;
There were Oleg's battles,
Oleg Svyatoslavich.

The collective image of the earth is impregnated with power. He is associated with the activities of the princes Vladimirand Yaroslav, and in the actions of the new princes the author sees Kramol. The narrator believes that the feud that weakened the power began with Oleg:

That Oleg forged Kramole,
And he sowed arrows on the ground.

However Rus It has authority among other peoples. All of them are closely monitoring the events. As for the geographical space, it is huge. Russia seems to have no limits.

The images of birds are added. As a rule, these are falcons, ravens, galka. The descriptions of nature are very alive - it seems that everything in Russia (winds, seas, and rivers) seems living organisms with its experiences. The nature of the Russian land seems to take part in the life of characters:

And I went around the clean field.
The sun has stood the road to him by darkness;
Night, with a thunderstorm, noise on him, birds awakened ...
And then -
Already the trouble with his birds is screaming,
And wolves howls in ravines with a thunderstorm,
The eagles on the bones of the animals are called the bones,
The foxes sprinkle on the brown shields.

The meaning of nature is both real and metaphorical. Her life is independent. But, nevertheless, the Earth and the people are one. Their connection is inextricable.

Composition on the topic “The collective image of the Russian land and the Russian warrior” according to the picture of Vasnetsov “Three heroes”: 8, 9, 10, 11th grade

The collective image of the Russian land and the Russian warrior ”according to the picture of Vasnetsov“ Three Heroes ”
The collective image of the Russian land and the Russian warrior ”according to the picture of Vasnetsov“ Three Heroes ”

Vasnetsov - great artist. He, like no one else, could describe nature and Russian land on his canvases. It is so truthful and beautiful that it is impossible to take the eye. Here's an essay on the topic “The collective image of the Russian land and the Russian warrior” according to the picture of Vasnetsov “Three Heroes” - 8, 9, 10, 11 grade:

In creations Vasnetsova, as well as other writers and artists, mother Russia - powerful power, monumental. She has a rich history and culture, she saw both joys and sorrows, always repulsed the adversary and bold and brave heroes were born on it, born to protect the weak and perform exploits.

The heroes in the picture look monumentally. In the center Ilya Muromets. He has a crown horse. In the collective image of a Russian warrior, he exudes strength and wisdom. The latter is evidenced by a graying beard. But, at the same time, in the hands of Ilya there is still power - respectively, he still reached the age when old age wins the youth.

On his right hand - Nikitich. He has a gilded scabbard of a sword, Safyan boots. If Ilya is the strength, the valor and wisdom of the Russian land, then Dobrynya is the strength and wealth of the Fatherland. It has a lot of resources Rus, but not in the rules to boast of these virtues.

On the left - Alyosha Popovich. He seems the youngest. This is the energy of the Russian land. But, at the same time, and Russian ingenuity. He holds onions in his hands, arrows are present behind his shoulders. But there are gusli. This fact speaks of the musicality of the Russian people, as well as their ability to even part with ringing songs even in the war, which help to win.

All of them are standing at the outpost, on the protection of their fatherland. Dark clouds look menacingly from heaven, symbolizing the advance of the enemies of the fierce ones, which they certainly overcome. Of course, do not regard three characters as three individuals. This is a single image of a Russian warrior - strong, bold, resourceful, gravitating to art, fair and decisive.

How is the image of the Russian epic hero and Russian land according to the work “The Word about Igor’s Regiment”: what visual means are used for this?

The image of a Russian epic hero
The image of a Russian epic hero

Thanks to visual means, the literary work is interesting. How is the image of the Russian epic hero and Russian land according to the work created "Word about Igor's regiment"? What visual means are used for this?

Collective image Russia It is created thanks to personification, comparisons and repetitions. The beauty of nature and its greatness literally “shines” in every word. Along with this, courage and fearlessness of Russian warriors are sung.

It can be seen that the author is proud of the grandeur and glory of his native country. It is full of patriotism and high feelings for it. The country rejoices and grieves with a person. And visual means in the form of metaphors, comparisons, descriptions are used in fairly large quantities. Each word shimmers with paints. It seems that the author gives the reader to hear either the raging of the waves, then the singing of birds, then the rustle of foliage, then the rumble of the battle:

The night lasts a long time. But he lit up
Morning dawns East.
The fog under the field was stuck,
The dialect of Galok in the grove was awakened
The nightingale tickling is made.

As for the collective image of a Russian warrior, he is represented by three characters:

  • Igor “This is a purposeful patriot, whom no one will stop on the way to the goal.” He is ambitious and demanding. However, the prince has one drawback - although he does not chase the gold, he is praise and longing for glory. However, he tries to bring Rus To a better life. Let it make mistakes.
  • Vsevolod - Everything that interests him is just a squad. He easily goes into battle, defeats enemies. Despite the fact that the war tempered his spirit, she could not kill humanity in him, and this is good.
  • Svyatoslav - This is justice, maturity and experience. He puts the interests of the country above his own. Unlike Igor, he always weighs his decisions and actions. This is the mind of Russia.

Analyzing the images of Russian princes, we can conclude that as in the case of "Three heroes" Vasnetsov The image of a Russian warrior, again breaks down into three different hypostasis, which harmoniously complement each other.

Video: Three heroes, Vasnetsov - Analysis of the picture

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