Composition on the topic "The feat of Ivan Susanin": biography, interesting facts from life, date of birth

Composition on the topic

In this article you will find several works about the feat of Ivan Susanin.

Children love to write school works about Ivan Susanin. After all, this is a national hero who at one time was a noble warrior, fair and faithful to his ideology. Below you will find several works on this topic.

The image of Ivan Susanin in the Duma of Ryleyev: Composition

Image of Ivan Susanin in the Duma of Ryleyev
Image of Ivan Susanin in the Duma of Ryleyev

Any statements of certain people of our time or past Ivan Susanin, always positive. After all, this is a real national hero. Here essay about the image Ivan Susanin in the Duma of Ryleyev:

In creation Susanin It seems to be a working and strong, hardy peasant, a faithful, brave and persistent son of his country. We can say that it is these patriotism and conviction that the reader bribes.

By the way, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin himself was not serious and critical of the Duma genre, believed that this was not serious work, but only a description of historical events. However, the great Russian poet was sure that every line Ryleyevbreathes in national consciousness, and the image Susanin It was possible to recreate as realistic as possible.

Externally Susanin It seems to the man strong, but not young. He is not alien to such character traits as straightforwardness, determination, honesty, love for the motherland, a thirst for justice. Has a hero and sacrifice that is so inherent in the Russian people. Ivan loves his homeland so much that he is ready to put his life on the altar in order to lure the Polish detachment in impassable, marshy swamps.

We can say that the hero symbolizes the last stronghold of autocratic ideology. He is fair, noble (despite the peasant origin), is used to looking in the face and never retreats halfway.

Susanin He sincerely believes in a worthy king, despises the invaders. However, there is still a certain disgusting about who Ivan turned out to be - a national hero or a victim of circumstances.

What feelings causes the feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin: essay, essay

Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin
Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin

Any person is associated with something good or bad. It all depends on his actions or image. Image Ivan Susanin It cannot cause negativity, since he was ready for a heroic act and believed in his ideals. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic: "What feelings causes the feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin?":

Feat Susanin It causes a sense of pride in the Russian people, makes him admire their determination, resourcefulness, courage. This is not to say that the reader also has a hatred of the Poles. However, the fact that a person did not regret his stomach in order to deal with enemies is exciting. After all, starting the enemies from where there is no return, Susanin He understood that he would perish with them.

But there was no other option - either to die, but to eliminate the enemy, or to allow the invaders to dispose of their native lands. Of course this Susanin I could not allow. He knew very well how his act would end. But a sense of duty did not allow him to end through his principles. This is exactly what made him a national hero. However, there is a certain duality-it is difficult to say whether the peasant regarded any other opportunity? It is possible that he did not fully realize the fact of his death, acted intuitively, obeying a certain mental impulse.

One way or another, he definitely did not think about intentionally committing a heroic act. Blind faith Ivan In the king and the correctness of his doctrine, of course, can be considered both a plus and a minus. Since the peasants for the most part were illiterate and suggestible. Therefore, ghostly ideals could not be so true as they seemed to the hero of the work. One way or another, his dedication and patriotism can only be envied. But, not everyone is capable of such an act.

When the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin was born: Date, how many years were Ivan Susanin

Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin
Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin

Was born Ivan Susanin in Kostroma region in village village. However, there is another version, supposedly his place of birth is domnino village, the estate of the nobles Six. About who was actually Ivan, there are several opinions:

  • The most common - Susanin was a simple peasant.
  • Alternative - the national hero was a village headman.
  • The weakly common - was a clerk, lived at the court of the Boyars of the six.

Age is not precisely indicated, but given the work, you can see that it is mentioned son -in -law Sobinin. That's why Susanin It was no less 35 years old. And most likely, more. The indicator is considered to be average - 40 years. However, gradation can be expanded. Most likely, the age of Ivan Susanin from 40 to 60 years. Of course, it all depends on the source. After all, some characterize Susanin As a mature husband, and some as a wise old man.

What is famous Ivan Susanin: the feat of Ivan Susanin briefly

Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin
Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin

Thanks to which he became famous Ivan Susanin, What is he famous for? Here is a brief information about his feat:

It is known that the detachments of enemies, Lithuanians and Poles, moved to their native village of Ivan. Suddenly strangers met two Russian men - Susanin And his son -in -law Bogdan Sobinin. They ordered Ivan to show them the way to the court, they wanted to see the young king.

Grape the heart, Susanin agreed. However, later it came to his mind that it was just early to give up, you can circle the enemies around the finger. Moreover, they do not know the road in these parts. Ivan He led the enemy not to the king, but in the opposite direction, to the marshy swamps. Around there were impenetrable jungle. Therefore, even having learned about the cunning of the conductor, the enemies could no longer find the road on their own.

Of course, they revealed the deception, tortured the peasant, persuaded to tell them the truth. But the Russian turned out to be persistent. In the end, they cut the body Susanin In small pieces. However, they could not get out of the debris. They disappeared there.

This story once again clearly shows the determination, endurance and patriotism of the Russian people. After all, if Ivan He was weaker than his body and spirit, he could well surrender during torture, show the right path, and perhaps he would have survived. But even dying, Susanin He did not change his decision and did not regret it.

My attitude to the feat of Ivan Susanin: Composition

Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin
Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin

As mentioned above, each person has a good attitude towards Ivan Susanin. After all, he was a hero - fearless and not afraid of anything. An essay about "My attitude to the feat of Ivan Susanin":

Regardless of the difference in the eras, each of which dictates its political, national and moral ideals, Ivan Susanin delights me with its stamina and strength of spirit. I am sure that few in his place would have endured all those torments and pain that strangers caused him in the process of torture, and so would take the secret of the right path with them to the grave.

After all, for what “right” business a person would not have played, sometimes circumstances are formed when anyone understands that his own life is more expensive. But Ivan He did not back down, did not commit betrayal and did not spoil his reputation. He preferred to die for his beliefs (it doesn’t matter whether they were true or not), which already speaks of his strong will, an unbending character that cannot be admired.

Say that "each in place Susanin I would do the same ”very stupid. Since this is not true. Often, even strong in spirit and body, adult men can break under the pressure of external circumstances. Therefore, it is difficult to say if I could in its place with dignity to endure all those torture through which the Poles and Lithuanians tried to pierce from Susanin The right road.

In my opinion, Ivan They call the people not in vain. Even if the legend about him is fiction, then his image can be regarded as a collective, as the embodiment of a great, invincible, brave, desperate and resolutely Russian person who does not give up to the last in the fight against the enemy.

Who was Ivan Susanin: biography

Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin
Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin

The schoolboy must know the biographies of many famous people and, moreover, national heroes. Here is a biography and description who was Ivan Susanin For essay:

A folk hero was born in the second half XVI century in the village. Villages. Its death falls on 1613th year. He can be called the Savior Mikhail Romanova From enemy detachments. It's believed that Ivan Susanin belonged to the serfs Six, families of the noble family.

By the way, the district Kostroma regionin which (presumably) Ivan was born, is now called Susaninsky. Childhood, adolescence, youth Ivan Susanin They have no historical display. They were not much different from the milestones of the life of representatives of this estate.

However, some sources say that Ivan was not just a peasant, but a clerk or a patrimonial headman. These versions have the right to exist, because for some reason the detachment was entrusted to him, and not to another person. This confirms the inclinations of the leader.

Other resources say that Ivan He was a manager at the boyar court. The age of the hero is no less 35-40 years. Although, most sources claim that Ivan It was far behind 40, Since he had an adult, married daughter and son -in -law. Most likely, 55-60 years.

About personal life Susanin Little is known. He lost his wife early. The second time, most likely did not get married. In those centuries, this was not accepted. The daughter was called AntonidaShe was married, she had children.

Ivan Susanin: Interesting facts from life

Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin
Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin

The prescription of the events makes us put forward more and more versions of events and potentially possible facts regarding the national hero. Here are interesting facts from life Ivan Susanin For essay:

Fact 1. The secret of the name

  • Name "Ivan" It is known for sure. But was he really Susanin?
  • The catch is that in those centuries the peasants did not have official surnames.
  • Patronymics were often used. Suppose Mishka Petrov - the son of Peter, Stepka Dmitriev - the son of Dmitry.
  • However, it was on this principle that Russian surnames were formed.
  • By the way, some sources say that Susanin, Ivan I remembered by the fact that his mother was called Susannaya.
  • It turns out, Ivan - Sunnin son. Child Susanne.
  • A fairly realistic version. Despite the fact that such identification nicknames was given not by his mother, but by his father, it is possible that the peasant grew without a father, because he was given a nickname in connection with his maternal name.

Fact 2. The descendants of the hero

  • U Susanin There was a daughter Antonida.
  • In those years, she was already married with Bogndoy Sobinin. Judging by some sources, the hero already had 2 grandchildren - Konstantin and Daniel.
  • By the way, on 1631 Sobinin Already listed as deceased, and the owners - his sons, who, in many sources, had families.

Fact 3. Gratitude

  • After 100 years After the death of the hero, dynasty Romanovs I repaid for salvation Michael.
  • Andrei Semenov and Ivan Sobinin They released from peasant duties and expressed gratitude.

Fact 4. Did the son -in -law participate?

  • Participated. Yes, he did not go to the swamps, but it was precisely Sobinin, Ivan Sent to Mikhail Romanov With the news of the upcoming danger.
  • At least the descendants talked about this.

Fact 5. Burial place

  • There is a version that the king ordered to find the body of the hero.
  • Susanin Finded. Supposedly, he was buried in Ipatievsky monastery.
  • However, this version is in doubt. Some researchers tend to believe that he is buried in his homeland, in Domnino.

Fact 6. Who killed Susanin?

  • It is believed that the Poles during torture.
  • However, this could be done either by robbers or rebels who rummaged through the forest.
  • Accordingly, a peasant could escape from the hands of the enemy.

These interesting facts have already been proven. Although some of them are still questioned, however, this is still considered true.

In what year was Ivan Susanin written: date

To write an essay, you will definitely need a date in what year it was written "Ivan Susanin". Here is this information:

Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev He sang a feat Ivan Susanin in 1822. As for the opera of the same name M. Glinkait was created a little later - in 1836. However, few people know that these are not the first attempts to revive the historical events of that time. In fact, there is an even more ancient source - opera Katerino Kavos"Ivan Susanin". Her premiere took place in 1815. It should be noted that the creation was designed in the style of the French comedian of the opera, in which the dialogs occupied an approximately equal amount of space with music.

Ivan Susanin - Russian national hero: composition

Ivan Susanin - Russian national hero
Ivan Susanin - Russian national hero

"Ivan Susanin - Russian national hero" - Such a topic is often set at a school in the Russian language and literature for writing creations. Here is an option how you can write such an essay:

Probably, there is no person that he would not remember the name of the hero who did not spare his stomach for the king and the freedom of his native land. The memory of him passes from generation to generation. Patriotism Susanin You can only envy. It was not in vain that his bright image was reflected in music and literature. Moreover, there are even monuments to this person.

At that time there was a lot of violence and robberies. The popular indignation was raging. That is why the king was chosen by the people. He ascended the throne Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. The Poles learned about this and decided to kill the young king. They came to the lands of the Russians, and demanded a peasant to take them into the village. However Ivan Overwitted the adversaries. He sent his son -in -law to Romanov With a warning, and he himself brought enemies into the jungle, which surrounded the marshy swamps. So that they can no longer get out of there.

By the way, in deception Susanin He admitted himself and accepted torture with dignity. Its courage is impossible not to admire. The descendants of the hero were generously rewarded with the royal family. No wonder, after all Romanovs owe him life Michael. Susanin In his Duma he sang not only Ryleyevbut also many other artists. This is the image of a fearless folk defender.

The response of the feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin: Briefly

The composition may need to write a response. Here is a small exposure for the feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin:

Being devoted to the king Ivan He did not allow himself to bring enemies to him personally, but sacrificed his own life in order to eliminate the detachments and protect the ruler from the attack. He acted not only as a devoted citizen of his country, but also as a man - strong, bold, selfless and noble.

The meaning of the feat of Ivan Susanin: Important

Ivan Susanin - Russian national hero
Ivan Susanin - Russian national hero

The significance of that event for the family Romanovs and Russia In general, huge. Everyone knows about this. This is how the feature of the feat can describe Ivan Susanin:

From the side it seems that just the story of the enemy is “in the other direction” is not such a difficult matter. Moreover, the stranger does not know the terrain, trusts the conductor. But despite the fact that Susanin He did not rush at the enemy with a weapon at the ready, but acted in other methods, his feat is of great importance. After all, the result was the salvation of the king himself.

By the way, the act Ivan Susanin proves that, sometimes, in order to protect Fatherland And your ideals, it is not necessary to get involved in an open fight. You can eliminate the enemy with ingenuity using other advantages. In fact, the peasant deprived the ruler of the direct threat of his life, which means he did a lot for the country as a whole.

Video: The film "Ivan Susanin"

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