An essay on the topic "Can you live without helping each other?" How to help those who find themselves in a difficult life situation: arguments for composition, examples from life, literature

An essay on the topic

Help people are promoting them, providing feasible means that will help to make life easier. It can manifest itself in different forms and methods. Such actions unite people, make society as a whole kinder and better.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Examples from life for essay". You will find examples of kindness, determination, love, happiness, life values \u200b\u200band others.

Recently, there are more and more cases when people prefer not to provide assistance, to show indifference. There is an opinion that you can live without someone else's help and support. However, other people need to help. Below you will find several works and examples from life and literature on the topic "Is it possible to live without helping each other?". Read further.

"Why is it important to help people?": Composition

It is important to help people
It is important to help people

Help other people implies not only physical assistance (help bring bags, make repairs), but also moral support. Being nearby in a difficult situation and support a kind word is sometimes more important than any material values. Here's an essay on the topic "Why is it important to help people?":

The modern world is a pursuit of wealth, for a better life. In everyday bustle and ongoing concerns, people forgot about what help is. Not only outsiders, but also loved ones are not support. Everyone is busy with their own affairs and problems. And what happens to the other there, no one is at all interested in. The world is becoming more and more selfish and lonely.

Do people need to help? Of course, yes. After all, this help not only to another, it is help to yourself. Helping someone, a person becomes kinder and more generous, looks more positively at the world. He begins to find joys even in the simplest, everyday things.

And helping people allows us to prevent complete degradation of social relations. It helps to make the world kinder and easier. Indeed, if everyone constantly thinks only about himself, then all of humanity, soon, will become a bunch of callous, selfish people. And help can be needed at any time. No one is safe from this. And when such a selfish person needs support, no one will reach his hand.

But do not help people from selfish purposes. Help should be sincere, from the heart. And then even one small act will make a great contribution to the common cause of mutual assistance.

An essay on the topic "Can you live without helping each other?"

Helping each other, people support a certain balance of kindness in the world. The one who was helped begins to believe that he is not alone. He feels that he is surrounded by indifferent people. Here's an essay on the topic "Is it possible to live without helping each other?":

Recently, faith in human assistance has become less and less. Not everyone will help the grandmother who fell during ice. They may not approach the man who fell in the snow. Many will think that he is simply not sober. But it is possible that a person has become bad. Ideology dominates that it is better not to get involved in other people's affairs. That kindness can "go sideways." Therefore, many prefer not to help anyone.

Is it possible to live without helping each other? Probably possible. But will everyone like such a world? In which everyone belongs to others indifferent. For example, no one will hold the door in the store with a stroller. And no one will help an elderly person to overcome snow obstacles on the road. It seems that without such help it is quite possible to live. But if the same situation ever touches the person himself?

Living without helping each other means not to feel the joy of help provided. Do not see the grateful look of the person whom he helped. Do not feel the support of friends and relatives in a difficult life situation.

Life without mutual help loses its paint. It becomes gray and dull. A person lives only in his world, not in contact with the emotions of others. In such a society, everyone seems to be isolated. But a person is a social being, outside society, without communication, it is extremely difficult for him. Not only physically, but also emotionally. It is unlikely that a person who never helps anyone will have friends. And relations with relatives will not be warm and trusting.

Fortunately, society, throughout the entire period of its existence, did not reach the stage of complete rejection of mutual assistance. There were always not indifferent people who were ready to help a completely stranger. A striking example is situations when they collect money for helping seriously ill children. The amounts are often huge, but they can be collected. And this means that there are a lot of caring people. And they are of the opinion that it is impossible not to help each other.

How to help those who find themselves in a difficult life situation: arguments to compose

It is important to help those who were in a difficult life situation
It is important to help those who were in a difficult life situation

Everyone faced difficult situations at one time or another of his life. Many people themselves cope with their problems. But there are times when it is extremely difficult to cope yourself, or completely impossible. Due to the physical, emotional, financial condition or for other reasons. And then the help of others will be absolutely necessary. How to help those who found themselves in a difficult life situation? Below you will find arguments for an essay.

You can help those who are in a difficult situation in different ways:

  • Provide physical assistance - help convey heavy bags, open the door, help the car.
  • Show compassion, provide emotional support. In some cases, a person just needs to speak out to be understood and heard. Share your thoughts and internal experiences. Sometimes a frank conversation can save a person from a desperate act.
  • Through financial assistance. Even an insignificant amount can improve the situation. And the help of many people will save a person in a critical situation.
  • Advice, knowledge. Especially professional. For example, to provide free legal assistance to the one who was deceived by scammers. Sometimes, professional advice can help completely resolve the situation.

Of course, these are far from all ways of help and, accordingly, arguments to compose. You can come up with a lot more. Any feasible help will be useful to the one who needs it. And the volume of this help is not important at all. The main thing is to provide it sincerely and from the heart.

Examples from life for writing about helping other people

Despite growing indifference, there are a lot of good deeds. Tired of selfishness and individuality, people seek to do good deeds just like that, not expecting any award in return. I would especially like to take care of those who are defenseless and cannot alone with a cruel world. At the same time, good deeds are committed not only in relation to people, but also in relation to the environment of the environment.

The following situations can be cited as examples of help from life for other people:

  • Collection of means to help seriously ill children. When a large number of people collect a significant amount of funds in small amounts.
  • Help to those in need, poor. People give unnecessary things, acquire the office, bring food. This type of assistance, recently, is gaining more and more widespread. Various actions appear, dedicated to special days. For example, helping children from needy families in the training camp by the first of September.
  • Volunteering in the homes of baby, orphanages. Volunteers provide all possible assistance to nannies and educators. They look after the children, dress them, feed them. And, most importantly, they give them a piece of their kindness, play and communicate with children.
  • Help animals. Someone takes the abandoned kitten or puppy, and maybe an adult animal to his home. Someone becomes a volunteer to help animal nurseries. Some feed animals and birds on the street.
  • Caring for the environment. Collection of garbage, participation in environmental actions, respectable behavior in relation to nature.

At first glance, care for animals and the environment is not related to helping other people. But, in fact, such types of help are closely interconnected with it. After all, taking care of stray animals, a person protects society from their aggression on other people. If no one had cared about abandoned kittens and puppies, then they would cause great damage not only to security, but also to human economic activity.

The same applies to nature. Polluting the environment, a person does not think that he harms himself. Those who care about nature help to prevent an environmental disaster, which means they help people feel safe and clean.

Examples from literature for composing about helping other people

"Wonderful Doctor" by A. I. Kuprin - a work about help

In the literature of different times, cases of assistance to other people have been described. Through the works, the authors showed that the world had not yet become embittered and there is a place for compassion and virtue in it.

Vivid examples of mutual assistance for writing on the topic of help other people are the following works of literature:

"Wonderful Doctor" by A. I. Kuprin:

  • The plot talks about the case of Dr. Pirogov’s life.
  • Once before the New Year, the doctor walked in the park and he met a man who wanted to take his own life. Pirogov did not allow him to do this. A man by last name Meretsalov told the doctor about his troubles. His daughter was seriously ill, the health of Meretsalov himself staggered, he was kicked out of work. The family had nothing to live on. They existed in a cold, cheese basement. Pirogov agreed to disinterestedly help in the treatment of the daughter of Meretsalov. In addition, I bought firewood. He left money for the necessary needs. At the same time, the professor did not open his last name, not wanting to be proud of the act.

"Children of the dungeon" V. G. Korolenko:

  • Boy Vasya lived a well -fed and wealthy life. His father was a judge. The family lived in abundance. But once the boy’s mother died. And he was completely solitude. Dad closed from children. And the younger sister was too small and could not fully realize the situation.
  • Wanting to brighten up loneliness, the boy wandered through the streets. Once he wandered into the dungeon of the old castle and met the guys there. They were from poor families and independently obtained food. Sometimes theft. Then Vasya realized how hard life is. He especially became close to Valek and Marusia. Always brought the guys products. Maroussia was seriously ill and Vasya helped her in every way.
  • When Marusa became very bad, Vasya brought her a doll sister, which was given by her mother before death. The doll was very pleased with Marusya. But, unfortunately, the girl’s life could not be saved. And Vasya got a bit from his father for his act.
  • The attitude of Father Vasya changed when he heard the story of the friendship of children from Father Valek and Marusi. Then Vasya and his father realized how important human relations, kindness and help are important. And from that moment they became very close.

"Lessons of French" V. G. Rasputin:

  • The plot is based on real events from the life of the author. He was from a very poor family and sometimes there was not enough money even for food. Not wanting to steal, he played gambling for money with other guys on the street. As soon as he won the amount sufficient to purchase a glass of medical milk, he immediately finished the game.
  • His teacher helped him in this difficult situation. Knowing that the boy would not take the money just like that, she began to play games with him. Each time I succumbed and lost.
  • So the boy received money and, at the same time, did not contact a bad company. The director learned about the games of the student and teacher. And the teacher had to quit, because it is forbidden to play gambling with children with children. But the writer filled the nobility, kindness of the teacher and helped to her for life.

Many other works describe cases of assistance to other people. Perhaps someone has encouraged such works to do good deeds in real life.

Help to other people is an important element of human relationships. She makes every person kinder and more merciful. It doesn't matter if he helped him or helped him. And from merciful people, a merciful society is formed. Therefore, of course, you need to help each other. And living without such help is extremely difficult, almost impossible.

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