Examples from life for essay: kindness, determination, love, happiness, life values \u200b\u200band others

Examples from life for essay: kindness, determination, love, happiness, life values \u200b\u200band others

Examples from life are a very popular and effective technique used in essays to argue something. At first glance, it may seem that in the application of such ways of explanation, there is nothing complicated, but in fact not everything is so simple.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: “The life path is a constant choice”: school works for the OGE, exam. You will find arguments, examples from life and literature.

The life situations described in the essay should look realistic, match the topic and, no less important, be extremely understandable. About what can be needed and what examples from life for essays can be invented - we will tell in this article below. Read further.


What are the examples from life for the composition: for the OGE, exam

As has already been written above, the situations given as an example in the essay should be realistic and correspond to the described topic, idea and reasoning. In addition, the actual side of the example implies the bringing of statistics, a demonstration of certain relations and connections, as well as the image of individual conclusions. What are the examples from life for essay for OGE, exam? Here are a few options, examples may be needed:

  • Kindness
  • Justice
  • Conscience
  • Mercy
  • Compassion
  • Heroism
  • Honor
  • Indifference and even cruelty

You can take life examples for works from the following sources:

  • Story
  • mass media
  • Personal experience
  • Literature
  • Movies
  • School subjects

If you cannot independently come up with examples from life for essay, and nothing comes to mind, even with sources, then we will help you. Read further.

Examples of kindness, good deed from life for composing

Examples of kindness, good deed from life
Examples of kindness, good deed from life

Kindness It is the most important human quality, which fully allows us to judge personal value. It is worth noting that true kindness is manifested in relation to all creatures that can feel pain: animals and people. The basis of any kind act committed by a person is always the desire to provide assistance, the ability to compassion and sympathize. A kind person cannot remain indifferent to someone else's grief and will always try to provide all possible assistance.

Consider several examples of kindness and good deeds from life for essay:

  • Girls from our class have always been planted at one desk with boys. And one of the classmates did not understand chemistry at all, unlike a boy who was terribly proud of this and did not allow to write off. At the same time, everything was exactly the opposite with mathematics: he did not understand anything, unlike a girl who had no equal in this subject in the classroom. And then one day, in the control in mathematics, the girl notices that he doesn’t succeed and lets him write off. So they became friends, and the boy realized that good is more important than pride.
  • Once in the summer, when Yana stayed with her grandmother in the village, she noticed a homeless cat in the barn. The girl felt sorry for the animal, but she could not tell about everything grandmother, because she did not like animals in the house. As a result, Yana began to secretly feed the cat and take care of her until one day she found her grandmother for the same occupation. Granny said that she could not take a cat because of asthma, which the girl was ill. So Yana realized that she got a good character from her grandmother.

To do good is simple. This is always pleasant, as you help another person or other living creature - an animal, etc.

An example of friendship from life for writing

Real friendship, like everything true and real, is not so often found in life. However, such examples to happiness exist. Here are some of them, suitable for essay:

  • Dasha and Kristina were inseparable all her life. The girls became friends in early childhood and nothing could separate them. At school, they studied in the same class and always sat at the same desk. After graduating from school, the girls entered one university and were also inseparable friends, spending most of the free time together. And even an adult life did not become an obstacle to friendship. Having married, Dasha and Kristina bought neighboring apartments and began to live next to each other. After so many years, women still go, help each other in everything, and their children play together, running from an apartment to the apartment.
  • Andrei and Yegor met at the Suvorov School. Despite the fact that they had never met before, the Cadets became best friends. They were united by a common goal: to become a military. One day, when Yegor returned from dismissal to the school, hooligans attacked him. The guy was not at a loss and defended himself as best he could. However, the forces were unequal. But Andrei was not far from the place where they attacked Yegor and without hesitation came to the aid of a friend. Despite the fact that there were more hooligans, the Suvorovites coped with them and took to flight. So, despite the danger, Yegor and Andrei were ready to help each other at any time. This is what is called true friendship.

There are many such situations. Even every boy or girl has similar examples of friendship. Love is a more subtle feeling. Read further.

An example of love from life for writing

As the German psychologist Erich Fromm once said: "Love is art." And it, as you know, is a complex object, which not every person manages to comprehend. Music, literature and painting can be compared with love. After all, a person learns to love others and himself, just as he begins to understand great works. It is interesting how the person becomes older, the stronger he begins to understand the beauty of art and love the world around him. Let's look at a few life examples of love for essay:

  • This case happened a long time ago. By that time, Antonina and Nikolai were only married. Nikolai worked at the factory where a terrible accident occurred once. No one could definitely say what happened, but everyone talked about a bright flash. As a result, Nikolai lost his vision. Doctors in the hospital repeated that vision could never return. Nikolai was suppressed to such an extent that he even suggested Antonine to divorce so that she would find a healthy husband. But the woman refused and even shouted at her husband for such thoughts, saying that she no longer needed no one. A couple of years later, vision returned to Nikolai, and not so long ago, he and Antonina celebrated a silver wedding.
  • Love surrounded Alina all her life as she remembered herself. The love of parents and other relatives. But besides this, the girl saw how much her parents love each other. This love was like a fairy tale. After all, Alina's parents passed fire (the collapse of the USSR), water (economic crisis) and even copper pipes (the birth of a child requiring care and attention). Every day, Alina saw with what tenderness and love her mom and dad look at each other and was surprised at how they kept their feelings and fidelity, having passed so many trials and hardships.

If a person loves, then he is happy. About happiness you also need to have a couple of examples in the head, as they may be needed for essay. Read further.

Happiness: an example from life for writing

What is happiness? Is there at least one person on Earth, capable of calling himself absolutely happy? And how can this state be achieved? For centuries, various poets, writers and philosophers asked these questions. Moreover, everyone gave their own answer, not like others. Probably the statement that everyone has their own happiness. This is something intangible, which is achieved by every person when he achieved what he longed for and what he was going to, for a long time and persistently. Consider a couple of examples of happiness from life for essay:

  • The first thing that catches your eye when viewing sports competitions and various shows is the struggle for glasses and medals. However, besides the competitive part, there are emotions. Almost every athletes at least once said that sport for him is life. And the opportunity to devote life to your favorite hobby, this is one of those things that make a person truly happy.
  • Polina has always been traveling the main hobby. Once, having been in India, she met a boy. The child stood and did not take off his luminous gaze from the chocolate, which the girl held in her hands, so she simply could not not share with him. Having received the chocolate, the boy shone with such a smile that Polina thought, as if at this very moment, he became the happiest child on the whole planet.

For some, happiness is a victory in the championship, and to another person-quite chocolate sweets. It all depends on the person, his needs, time and place where certain events occur. Below even more useful information. Read further.

Satter: An example from life for essay


Sattering is the ability to find quick and non -standard solutions to emerging problems and the ability to rationally use the available resources and means. The main components of ingenuity are: flexible and non -standard thinking, resourcefulness. We will talk about one life example of the manifestation of ingenuity further. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • Once young parents went on a short trip with their four -year -old daughter. The entire flight was supposed to take 3-4 hours. It would seem not so long, but for an energetic child sitting in a chair, this time can become real flour. This happened in this story. Somewhere in the middle of the flight, tired of cartoons and coloring, the girl began to be capricious. At this moment, the woman takes out a paper sheet and holding it out to her daughter says that you need to draw a postcard for the captain of the aircraft. The girl takes the sheet and instantly plunges into drawing. When the plane lands, parents and a girl are approaching the stewardess and a joyful child gives her a ready -made postcard.

Often the ingenuity manifests itself precisely in stressful situations, when to solve the problem, a person needs to strain all his internal resources he has.

Power of Spirit: An example from life for writing

The power of the spirit is love, kindness, respect and courage that a person stores in himself, and in any situation. In a broader sense, this is a true human nature, in the form in which it should be. Strong people in spirit exist in the real world and live among us. One of these people will be discussed later. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • Little Venus often walked alone. The girl was completely fearless and was not afraid of anything: neither unfamiliar places nor darkness. Only one thing could truly scare the child. When Venus went to bed, she hung her dress on a chair. This thing, hanging in a chair, began to discard the shadow and children's fantasy created in the head of the girl terrible and tragic stories with her participation. Once, walking around the city, Venus noticed a big shadow in front, similar to a terrible monster. The girl turned and decided to go home, but suddenly stopped. She realized that it was time to pull herself together and overcome her fear. Venus clenched her fists and headed towards a terrible shadow. Stepping closer, she saw a huge, beautiful tree, of which she had never met in life before. The girl was surprised how such a beautiful plant could scare her so much. At this moment, Venus found out what it means to have the power of the spirit - this means to be able to pull myself together. It is important not to be afraid and go forward, contrary to your own fear.

The power of spirit is a very popular topic that has always been well covered in cinema and literature.

Courage: an example from life for writing

Courage is the ability of a person to show inner strength and always move towards his goal, despite the risk. This is a noble quality, which is often honored and demonstrations in literature and cinema. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • Paul learned about what courage is from a family legend, once told by his father. During the war, Pavel's great -grandfather was surrounded, near Rzhev. Almost all fellow soldiers died in that battle, but his great -grandfather did not panic and fought to the end, until he carried him out of the battlefield a nurse, wounded and unconscious. This girl later married his great -grandfather and became Pavel's great -grandmother. These people brought together courage together, which is still the main pride of all members of their family.

In real life, there are enough examples of manifestation of courage. Each person met with this quality and more than once. We just rarely think about it and often do not pay attention to the manifestations of other people.

An example of a moral choice from life for writing

Morality is a special human quality that gives the individual at birth. It either develops, or instantly extinguishes in childhood. Here is an example of a moral choice from life for an essay:

  • There were many cases in my life when such feelings woke up in me and I acted, according to morality. For example, at the age of 12, spending summer in the country, my friends and I sat near the store and enjoyed the cold ice cream with pleasure. After some time, our acquaintance arrived at the store, on a bicycle. At the entrance, she had a bill of 500 rubles from her pocket. Everyone, including me, waited for her when she would already go to the store, and we will quickly raise our “money treasure”. As a result, having come closest to the money - the torment of conscience woke up unexpectedly in me, and then morality itself arrived in time. She made me think about the act committed: “But what if the girl has the last money?”, Or “maybe she needs it for something valuable” and other thoughts that do not give me peace. And from that moment I realized that you can’t take someone else's.

No matter how trite it sounds, such a situation will teach the morality of any person. Such a feeling settles deeply and thoroughly, directing a person in the right direction in difficult situations.

An example of a good act from life for writing

An example of a good act from life
An example of a good act from life

A good deed is a sprout, to be honest. Each person in the definition of “good” puts his own, which is not always kind. In my understanding, a similar situation will be “good” when I do something for another, from my heart and soul, not expecting anything in return. Here is an example of a good act from life for writing:

  • I recall the situation that happened recently. Our neighbors in the country are beautiful people with a small dachshund: naughty, active to the impossibility, cheerful and always wanting to go beyond the site for reconnaissance. One evening, walking with a friend through the territory of our garden partnership, passing the forest, I saw a familiar outline behind the fence. It turned out to be the same dog. Naturally, without hesitation, I rushed into the forest thicket, catch up with a restless puppy, further and further away from my house. Catching and grabbing him by the withers, I dialed my mother and asked to go to the neighbors, clarify, they did not lose their pet. I continued to doubt, is it definitely him, my four -legged neighbor? After clarifying, she answered me that yes, their pet was not at home. Of course, I told them to be advanced into the forest, to pick up the dog.

This situation fully reflects the essence of a good act. After all, when the boy noticed his friend, actively wagging and looking for something in the bushes, he did not think about the benefit of what he would do, or that he would praise him. He instantly rushed to stop the puppy and wait for the owners.

Humanity: an example from life for composing

This concept reflects the inner world of a certain person. This quality shows others his readiness to come to the rescue at the first call, not to refuse the support of a loved one and much more. Here is an example from life for writing on the topic of humanity:

In the life of any person, a clear example of humanity is a situation that has occurred, for example, in the midst of an epidemic of a new coronavirus infection.

  • Once, I accidentally learned about the positive result of the study of my good acquaintance. In addition to her, a mother, who almost got to the hospital, seriously fell ill. As my friend herself already told me, finally recovering after the illness, returning to the usual rhythm of life: "You showed great humanity to us at that moment." Close friends and relatives were not as interested in their condition as me. Again, this is all exclusively from her words: so that no one thinks that I will praise myself. At the time when I wrote, I always dreamed to hear that my acquaintances are already easier, that they are recovering. But I heard that everything is the same. And at some point, they began to recover. In the end, they defeated the Chinese virus and I was very happy for them, sincerely rejoiced at beautiful health.

A good attitude towards people is humanity.

Life values: an example from life for writing

Each person has their own ideals and values \u200b\u200bin this life. Many can consider the most important thing - promotion and gaining money wealth, and the other person - most of all will reach for spiritual values, to the desire to help others, protect their loved ones from all kinds of negativity. Here is an example from life for writing about values:

  • One of the life examples, clearly showing the chosen position that a person follows to the end is the mother of my best friend. It is very important for her that the children are fed, dressed, well -fed and do not need anything. She herself initially chose this path. And this is not a manifestation of maternal care, this is such a life value. Working almost 7 days a week, not sparing her body, she always returned home “without legs” and began to engage in home troubles: to wash, iron, clean, cook food. Finishing her, in the literal sense of the word, “sucked” the arms of the bed, blankets, pillows and she slept for no prominent until the next morning.

Very often, such care leads to the fact that children relax and get used to living like that. Mom plows at work, she is cleaned at home, and the younger generation does nothing. Nevertheless, for me, as an observer from the side, it is such concern that is an indicator of the life value of a certain person.

An example of hopes from life for writing

Hope is a very important, sometimes only, positive emotion that saves a person in the most difficult life periods. It is on this subject that children write many works, including the final ones.

  • An example from life will be the situation that happened to my aunt and her husband. This happened last summer, when, unexpectedly for all their loved ones and friends, the head of the family picked up the infection and seriously ill. It all came to the point that he was put in intensive care. All this time, the spouse, who was put on a two -week quarantine, did not find a place. Every day, as a “groundhog day”. All the same, nothing new. Lies, breathes, but in intensive care. All these 14 difficult days, it was hope that she helped not to give up, “not to give up” and believe only in the best. She understood that, thinking about the bad, she programs her brain activity for this. Therefore, after some time, the aunt changed her attitude to what was happening and every day tried to think more about how they would go to the country, she would bask in the sun, watch TV together and so on. Of course, she was given strength to support all of us, relatives, friends, relatives.

The most important thing for every person is his own faith and hope in a bright future and returning back to the previous, calm life, if before that time he had problems.

Cruelty: an example from life for writing


Cruelty is a feature of very weak and unprotected people who are afraid of someone or something in their lives. It very often arises from some dissatisfaction. An example from life for an essay:

  • An example from my own life is a biased, cruel attitude towards my classmate. Studying in the second grade, a new girl was transferred to us, who only came to Russia from Georgia. Of course, it was surprising for us then. In addition, over time, we began to notice that it smells strange from her. And not sometimes, but always. It turned out that she was sick. And everyone who sat with her at the desk, moved away almost by a meter and teased her, closing his nose. Our whole class, at that moment, united against her, no one wanted to be friends with her. After so many years, recalling that situation - I am very ashamed. And now, having become somewhat older, I imagine that our new classmate was then experiencing: complete loneliness, no support during lessons, so you are also a “smelly” outcast, according to your classmates. It is scary and terrible. Each time recalling this story, I am very ashamed. But from this situation, for myself, I made a valuable lesson. You can never judge a person for giving him nature.

Even if a strange smell comes from a person or he has any innate body defect, he is not to blame for this. He did not decide to be born.

An example of an imagination from life for writing

A significant role in human life is played by imagination. With his help, many people who fall into difficult situations at the beginning are considering a solution in their heads, recreating this picture mentally, and then they use it in reality. Here is an example of imagination from life for essay:

  • I want to describe one moment periodically arising in the theater circle in which I am engaged. Relating a new role, you have to try on something new, not associated with itself. For example, once, I had to become a gopnik. In life, I am an absolutely normal, educated person. And here the imagination provides great help. You begin to remember what these people they are. Daring, most often uneducated, talking very strangely, and all the time they seem to want to rush at you. In the end, having presented, in the beginning, in my head this picture, I went on stage and gave it in reality.

Imagination is important for any person, otherwise it would be boring to live.

Mutual understanding: examples from life for composing

An integral component of human life is mutual understanding between people. By this we mean the ability not only to hear what the interlocutor says, but also to listen. Here are examples from life for essay:

  • As an obvious example from life, I will give moments of disputes with my best friend. When we have any disagreement with him-we do not go to persons, not Orem on each other, do not call us, do not stomp with a leg and diverge in different corners. At such moments, we listen to each other. Each of us understands that any person has his own opinion. And before expressing our point of view, regarding the discussion topic, which became the reason for disagreements, we listen to each other.

Even, not having come, ultimately, to compromise, each of their own opinion, people with a developed sense of understanding, respect someone else's position.

Betrayal: an example from life for writing

Betrayal - what is it? Each person has its own category of traitors. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • The most important traitor in my life is a mother, although it does not turn to call it this word, because a real mother will never do that. No one, if he loves, will give his child to an orphanage. Yes, I'm an orphanage. It's like a stigma. Others think that we are stealing, behaving like “cattle” and nothing good will come of it. It is very difficult to realize that you cannot destroy this stereotype. I always wanted to find her, that woman who betrayed and ask: “For what? Why did you leave me like a rootless puppy? Why did not give a chance for a normal life? ”

Many people live and cannot trust people, because they see a traitor in each. And how to trust if he often betrays the closest and most dear person.

An example of decisiveness from life for writing

Another quality of people without which it can be difficult to exist. Here is an example of decisiveness from life for writing:

  • Last summer, for the first time, the whole family went outside the city to relax in the fresh air. Dad rented a house in the village near the city. The house was not new, but quite decent for housing. On the other end of the village is a horse farm, where we went on the first day off. I saw horses only in pictures in books and on TV, so these animals were slightly afraid. Nearby, they seemed even worse for me and I categorically refused to ride on horseback. My younger sister, on the contrary, was not afraid of them and calmly held out her hand to feed from her hand. I stood aside and watched Masha with the help of an instructor sat in the saddle and went. Dad asked: “Why are you? Scared? "

"I did not bite anything!" - And resolutely stepped to the horse. Closing his eyes, held out his hand. I felt a warm rough tongue in my palm, looked the horses right into my eyes - so big and deep as a lake. My fear disappeared and I confidently jumped into the saddle.

An example of envy from life for composing

Envy is not very good quality. It can often be found in people. Here is an example of envy from life for essay:

  • We have a large friendly family, until recently. We traditionally celebrated all the holidays with the grandmother of Nadia and grandfather Seryozha. Everyone gathered: our family, dad's older brother with his wife and twin sons, dad's sister Aunt Tanya with her husband and three children. My sister and I were always looking forward to these trips, as it was very fun - barbecue in the yard, stories about hunting from grandfather, playing the mafia and many more. This year, the May holidays promised to be rich, the whole family gathered on the veranda, only Igor’s uncle and my family were waiting. Outside the gates, someone gave a signal.

“Well, finally,” said the grandfather and went to open. Instead of an old Ford, a new SUV drove into the courtyard.

- Congratulations on the purchase! Changed without looking! - exclaimed a satisfied uncle.

  • The whole family came together to consider the purchase. Adults discussed the car, the children ran around and waited for us to ride. All evening, the conversations went about the new acquisition, and my mother and dad were talking about something. The next day, without waiting for dinner, my mother got home. Dad tried to linger longer, but she was adamant. By evening we were at home. Parents did not talk. A month later, for the first time in all the time, we did not go to the family fee. The day before, I heard dad told mom: “Vera, this is wrong, don’t envy you like that, we will have a new car. Rejoice, this is our family. ”

- Why should I rejoice for them? - Mom said angrily - it would be better if his brother with work helped than to change the cars!

From that moment on, we all began to visit my grandparents to visit my grandparents, and I hardly talked with my uncle, although I really lacked these moments.

Examples of courage from life for writing

Examples of courage from life
Examples of courage from life

Often on TV in the news show stories about courageous actions or exploits. Once, right before my eyes, such a case occurred. Here is an example of courage from life for writing:

  • My young man and I went from the university. The last pair ended late, it was almost dark on the street. There were many people around. On the opposite side of the street, three men of a drunk look molested a girl. She pushed them away and tried to leave. People passed by and did not pay any attention to this situation. Then one of them began to grab her hands and drag her towards the park, the girl resisted and called for help. My boyfriend ran in their direction to help, and said to me: “Call the police!” I was very scared for both him and for the girl. These guys were drunk and there were three of them. Sergei ran up and began to push the one who pulled the girl by the hands, she was able to break out. A fight started. Fortunately, the police arrived quickly, and no one was injured. Seryozha escaped with a couple of bruises. I do not consider his act heroic, but he acted very courageously, not frightened, defended the girl.

Sergei never loved to fight. But when it was necessary to help a person, he, risking himself, did this when everyone passed by.

An example of real art from life for writing

We know that works of art can be seen by visiting a museum or a picture gallery, but we do not notice them around us. What relates to art? Music, painting, dance, theater, craft - all these are different species. Even the word is also a kind of real art. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • My grandmother has the best friend Aunt Masha, who is engaged in embroidery from her young age. So it decorates linen, napkins, tablecloths and even whole paintings. In her house, as in a real museum - tapestries hang on the walls with the image of nature, which she herself embroidered, on the bed are pillows with embroidered ornaments, the table is decorated with a handmade tablecloth. On March 8, Aunt Masha gives relatives and friends handmade handicrafts. Each of them is unique in its design. Recently, for the theater production, I needed an embroidered Russian folk shirt. Buying such a thing is very expensive, and it is impossible to find the original, but there was a time in a cut. Grandmother's friend came to the rescue. Despite the fact that Aunt Masha already sees poorly, she embroidered my shirt in three days.

It is amazing how with the help of a needle, a set of threads and fabric, you can create true masterpieces. I believe that the work of this woman is a real art that descendants should see.

An example of pride in life for writing

What is pride in the life of a modern person? You can be proud of the actions of both your own and strangers. You can experience this feeling for the country, for the history of your people. In this case, pride is a positive quality. But there is a different pride, close to pride. Here is an example of pride in life for writing:

  • This is what case happened to me and my acquaintances. Although we used to be close friends. We were friends with Mishka from the first grade, there were no water, as my grandmother said. Together we went to school, fought with offenders, met the girls. After school, they chose one institute and entered a lawyer. Two years of study flew unnoticed, the time has come for practice. By distribution, we both fell into a very “cool” company at that time. The director said: “Guys, each of you has a chance to get a permanent job here. Show yourself in the case, finalize the project and prepare the presentation. ” Mishka and I were glad of this opportunity and with a vengeance took up work, in the hope that there were places for two new employees.

On the eve of the project, a friend had a high temperature and a voice disappeared. The doctor said that this was an Angina, prescribed treatment and bed rest. I went to the director with a request to transfer the presentation for several days to equalize our chances of getting a job, but received a categorical refusal. I spoke alone and got this work. After recovery, Mishka said that I could postpone the presentation, could insist or even abandon my post. I proudly said nothing, did not tell how I went to the director and asked him. Since then, we have stopped communicating and have turned into acquaintances from best friends. Both my and Mishkin’s pride destroyed our many years of friendship.

An example of conscience from life for writing

Whether to do well or not is the choice of each person. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • This case happened to me last summer. My friend and I went to the pioneer camp. In the detachment, the guys were funny, friendly, every evening, before falling asleep, we told something about ourselves. One boy Ilya said that his dad was a military man, often went on business trips, he had many awards, even on TV they talked about him. A month ago, he went on a business trip, but did not say where and there is no news from him. When his father left, Ilya left Ilya a bullet that he wore on a chain around his neck. Ilya never shot her, only once a week, when we went to the bathhouse with the whole detachment.

Yesterday, returning from the bath, he did not find a gift from his father in the nightstand. We all searched, looked into every corner, questioned everyone, but did not find anything. Ilya was very upset, almost cried. A few days later the change ended, we exchanged phones ”and went home. Some time passed, and I forgot about this case in the pioneer camp. Once I came to visit my friend, with whom we went to the camp together and in his room on the mirror I saw this bullet on a chain, but pretended not to notice anything.

Arriving home, I thought for a long time - to keep silent or say? I could not fall asleep for a long time, did not give conscience. In the morning I went to a friend and said that he had acted meanly, stole a thing for Ilya. And he said that he should return it.

“If you do not, then I will call Ilya and tell you everything,” I said. - But what about our friendship? - he asked. - If you do not admit, then I can not be friends with the thief.

An example of mercy from life for writing

Mercy is the ability to compassion, feel the pain of others. We are all partly merciful. Someone helps animal shelters, someone works as a volunteer, helping homeless and older people. People who donate blood - donors are also merciful. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • My dad is an honorary donor who gives blood for many years to save the lives of other people. His blood can help the injured in accidents, save the lives of newborn babies and their mothers. Father donates blood 3-4 times a year to help people who are in a difficult situation. I believe that kindness and mercy are the basis of human life, and donors are people who disinterestedly save others.

Currently, mercy is a very rare occurrence.

Maternal love: an example from life for essay

Mother's love
Mother's love

Maternal love is the greatest thing in the world. Each mother loves her child endlessly and tries to make his life better. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • My classmate of light from three years old was engaged in figure skating. Mom drove her to training in the morning and evening, and in the interruptions, she worked part -time with translations. Tatyana Nikolaevna knew the English language perfectly, but she could not get a constant job because of her daughter's training. When the light was 10 years old, she received a serious spinal injury and the doctors said: "She is unlikely to walk." Aunt Tanya did not believe this and carried her daughter to various examinations, but everyone only confirmed the diagnosis. Then Tatyana Nikolaevna herself began to study the articles of medical luminaries and found an experimental technique with training and massage. It was very difficult, but she believed that her child would get to her feet. She herself did a massage, trained daily with Sveta and believed.

Three years later, the daughter got to her feet, and this is the merit of her mother and her faith and love.

Examples of liability from life for composing

Responsibility implies honesty, decency - not only to other people, but also to oneself. A responsible person acts in accordance with the duties assigned to him. You can rely on such a person. Responsibility can be manifested in a professional sphere, friendly relations, personal life, household sphere. An example of responsible behavior from life for the composition is the following case:

  • In the summer village, a family lived next door to her grandmother. They spent most of the time in the city, and only for the summer they came to the village to breathe fresh air, to relax from the bustle of the city. In one of these visits, the family decided to have a dog. A small, pretty puppy was taken up at the end of May. All summer he lived in excellent conditions. I received good food. The puppy had excellent kennel. Everyone loved him and took care of him. With the approximation of autumn, the grown puppy fell ill. He needed urgent veterinary assistance. But the owners had to leave for the city. Therefore, they did not take a sick dog, but simply left on the street. It was assumed that he would still not live for a long time.

Grandmother-Seda once in the morning noticed a dog lying at the gate-hungry, half-dead. She felt sorry for the dog, and she took it to herself, fed it, showed the veterinarian. I bought all the prescribed drugs and cured the dog. The next summer, the neighbors arrived saw a beautiful, thoroughbred dog from my grandmother. They were even slightly surprised. Not immediately recognized in the proud dog of an abandoned puppy. And the dog became very attached to the grandmother. She zealously protected her from outsiders, including always menacingly barked at the neighbors who came to visit.

Grandma showed an example of a person’s responsibility to tamed pets. Responsibility of the strong to the weak and defenseless.

Examples of heroism from life for writing

We are used to hearing that heroic deeds are committed during the fighting. There are many stories and stories about the stamina and courage of soldiers. But heroism can manifest itself in ordinary life. Here is an example of heroism from life for writing:

  • Andrei was 14 years old. He successfully finished 8 classes and enjoyed the summer holidays. Andrei lived in rural areas and in good weather often liked to swim on the river. On one of these grains, the teenager went to swim, the street stood in the street already in the morning. Stepping closer, he heard a scream. The voice looked like a child. Andrei accelerated his pace and saw that in the middle of the river a child was floundering and asking for help. Andrei, without hesitation, rushed into the water, although in the middle of the river there was a very large depth, and besides, a strong current.

The young man quickly sailed to the baby, grabbed him and swam to the shore. Only on the shore did Andrei realize that he had no strength at all - his arms and legs were shaking. A small saved boy also trembled. He looked about five years old. Andrei wrapped the boy with a towel. He asked how his name is and where he lives. Later it turned out that the boy’s name was Kostya. He lives in the same village. Parents left the baby with his older brother, and he played into computer games and completely forgot about his brother. Andrei knew the older brother of Kostya, they studied in parallel classes. The baby’s parents were very grateful to the Savior. And Kostya himself made friends with Andrei and they often walked together.

So the usual teenager Andrei showed heroism, risking his own life. But the salvation of a small child, at that moment, was more important to him than his own life.

An example of justice from life for writing

The concept of justice reflects the correspondence of a person’s act by the resulting consequences. In other words, a person receives a certain result for his actions. At all times, people fought for justice, for equal social, property, political rights, for everyone to receive what he deserves. In real life, unfortunately, justice does not always occur. But there are times when this feeling still prevails. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • Masha, Katya and Christina studied in the same class. The girls were not only classmates, but also girlfriends. They finished grade 11. There were final exams ahead. Masha and Katya decided that they would only take Russian and mathematics. They did not want to overload themselves with extra objects. After all, there was a warm spring outside, I did not want to sit at the textbooks. I wanted to walk, breathe fresh spring air. Christina, on the contrary, was seriously determined to enter the university. She chose an additional 2 subjects necessary for admission to the educational institution. After school, she reached the exam tests, read additional literature on subjects, completed all homework. Girlfriends constantly called Christina to walk. She denied it, offered to prepare together for exams better. Masha and Katya began to laugh at her, called the "nerd".

The time has come. Masha and Katya passed the exams, but scored a little points, which, of course, were not enough for entering the university. But Christina passed the exams best in the classroom, and entered where she wanted. Girlfriends first whispered behind them, and then they began to openly talk about how everything was unfair. They said that Christina's parents paid for her training and now she will study at the university. And their parents cannot afford it, so the girls could hardly enter the college. Although they knew very well that Christina entered the budget department. The girl did not pay attention to the grooms of girlfriends. I was preparing for the new status of a student. And when the student life was circled, she completely stopped communicating with envious girlfriends.

Justice in this case triumphed. Everyone received as much as he made.

An example of indifference from life for writing

Indifferent people are neutral. They are not interested in other people's troubles and problems. Indifference is a terrible phenomenon. Due to the fact that many do not pay attention to the events, sometimes real disasters occur. There are many examples of indifference in life. Here is one of them for essay:

  • Maxim studied in the 7th grade. In the middle of the school year, the boy began to drop sharply at school. Although before that, the teenager was a firm excellent student. Teachers began to constantly make comments, sometimes shouted at Maxim. By the end of the third quarter, the boy had deuces in several subjects. Together with his mother, he was summoned to the council of the school, where they had an educational conversation. But in the new quarter the situation did not improve. There were even more doubles. Some teachers began to relate to Maxim dismissively. They made offensive remarks.

Sometimes a teenager came with bruises, abrasions, often not sleepy. Teachers believed that he contacted a bad company. However, no attempt was made to talk with a child or parents. Mom by that time completely stopped answering phone calls. No one paid attention to Maxim. He sailed with the flow, was left to himself. Doubles sometimes put him just like that. For example, because he was going to answer for a long time. Maxim nevertheless moved to the next class. Evaluation of past quarters helped. But in the 8th grade, academic performance did not increase.

Since the new school year, the class in which Maxim studied appeared, a new class teacher appeared. Daria Nikolaevna was immediately imbued with her class, tried to find out better than each student. And then it turned out the reason for the fall of the performance of Maxim. In the middle of the school year, his mother - Catherine, met a new man. Their dad has long lived separately. Soon, a man named Valery began to live in their apartment, and then Maxim’s mother married him, and only then it turned out that Valery was a real tyrant. He was constantly dissatisfied with everything, shouted at his wife, and the stepson completely disliked - he began to beat him, humiliate him. Maxim often ran away from the house, spent the night where he had to. Mom was afraid to intercede for her son, she endured everything, because Valery also beat her and her.

Upon learning of this, Daria Nikolaevna turned to the district police officer. Together, they helped Maxim Maxim to draw up a statement to the police. Valery was held accountable. And soon Catherine divorced him. They attracted a school psychologist who helped the family get out of stress. Catherine and Maxim began to live together again, and from the second quarter the student’s performance began to improve. The academic year Maxim again graduated from the drummer.

If Daria Nikolaevna showed indifference, like all other teachers, it is not known how this story would end, and what path Maxim would go.

An example of an honor from life for an essay

Example of honor from life
Example of honor from life

Honor means loyalty to its principles. A man of honor always keeps a word. He can sacrifice his own good in exchange for justice, preservation of dignity. An example of honor from life for an essay is the following case:

  • Elena worked as an economist in a large company. Her husband Yegor worked there as a programmer. A joyful event was expected in a young family - Elena recently found out about her pregnancy. It was necessary to inform the authorities that soon she would need to leave during working hours to undergo planned medical examinations. And also that, in the future, the girl will go on maternity leave. The boss reacted extremely negatively, and decided to dismiss the employee until she was registered with a female consultation. The leader did not want to pay maternity payments, and even pay the salary to a new employee. He put forward a condition: either Elena writes a statement of his own free will, or he will find the reason and will still be fired under the article of the Labor Code.

Elena told Yegor about everything. He went to the boss and said that if his wife leaves, he leaves. Egor was an excellent programmer, a unique specialist. It would be extremely difficult for him to find a replacement. The boss said that Elena simply misunderstood him, he joked, and was not going to fire a valuable employee at all. Elena calmly finalized the maternity leave. And Yegor would have kept his word. And, despite the fact that he was paid well enough in the company, he would have quit. He kept his promises before. In this way, Yegor defended the honor of his wife.

An example of selfishness from life for writing

Egoism is a dual concept. It is useful in protecting his interests, when defending his position. A person without this feeling will be forced to serve the interests of others all his life without caring about his comfort. But when selfishness crosses the permitted facets, then it becomes negative. In this case, a person always thinks only of himself, and even the needs of loved ones do not care at all. Here is an example of selfishness from life for writing:

  • Oksana and her husband were invited on Saturday to a party of friends. But the couple had a small child. Therefore, they agreed with Oksana's mother that she would sit with her grandson on Saturday. On the appointed day, the girl’s mother, Julia Vasilievna, called and said that her pressure had risen and she did not feel very well. Oksana shouted at her mother. She said that this is not done, they are waiting for them with her husband. She ordered Julia Vasilievna to immediately come. Oksana's husband supported. Julia Vasilievna loved her daughter very much and, despite poor health, gathered and went to her daughter.

Until the morning, she was very bad. But she was afraid to call an ambulance and leave her grandson alone. Julia Vasilievna fell asleep only in the morning. Then young people also showed up. Oksana woke up her mother, who managed to sleep for only an hour, and ordered her to go home. After all, he and her husband need to rest.

The couple showed an extreme degree of egoism in relation to a loved one. Their plans, which were not urgent and could be transferred for the other time, they put them above the health of their own person.

An example of compassion for composing

Compassion is a good quality that unites people helps them in difficult life situations. Here is an example from life for writing:

  • Two families and an elderly grandfather lived in an apartment building on one landing. Grandfather's wife has long died. And the children lived very far away and came extremely rarely, sometimes they did not appear during the year. Both families regretted grandfather. After all, he could not even always go outside due to his health. Therefore, families agreed that they would take turns helping an elderly person. Women prepared food, cleaned in the apartment. Men went to the store, repaired things as necessary. Each of the helping necessarily allocated time to talk with an elderly person. Indeed, in communication, he needed, perhaps, even more than in physical assistance.

Families helped grandfather free of charge, and even made a schedule. Thanks to the compassion of the neighbors, the elderly was not abandoned and did not lose the meaning of life.

Video: Examples from life in the composition of 9.3 OGE [Irishu]

Video: exam. Arguments from life in the composition [Irishu]

Video: Composition 9.3 | How to write an essay 9.3 | OGE Russian language 2022

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