Composition on the topic: “When is there a choice between fidelity and betrayal?”: An essay with arguments and examples from literature

Composition on the topic: “When is there a choice between fidelity and betrayal?”: An essay with arguments and examples from literature

A school or final essay on the topic of choice between fidelity and betrayal will be simply written with our backdrop options that you will find in this article.

Fidelity and betrayal - People often make a choice between these two qualities. Why do many betray or remain faithful until the end of life? The answer to this question can be given by each person personally, based on the situation, some excuses and other aspects.

If you need to write an essay on this topic, and you cannot find the right words and express your thoughts correctly, then we will help. Below you will find several works on the topic of choice between betrayal and fidelity. Read further.

Composition on the topic: “When is there a choice between fidelity and betrayal?”: With examples from literature

When does the choice arise between fidelity and betrayal?
When does the choice arise between fidelity and betrayal?

It is believed that only that friendship is good, which is tested by time and circumstances. Here is an essay on the topic: "When is there a choice between fidelity and betrayal?" With examples from literature:

When life is carefree and there is no danger or risk on the horizon, it is much easier to keep loyalty to a comrade. Another thing is when the life of a friend is or their own. In such situations, even those who previously swore allegiance are able to save and betray in order to survive, save their skin.

But is it worth it to judge such people? Indeed, often, being in a state of stress and severe fright, almost every person is able to lose control of their actions, to trust the instinct of self -preservation. And here it is no longer up to ideals and any moral standards. The fear of death forces to quickly escape.

However, this is an exaggerated example. The choice between fidelity and betrayal arises in a person when a certain set of risks, dangers and other factors appears. If they give individuals a specific alternative - to bear the loss themselves, but to save a friend or to come out of the water dry, but to commit meanness. And the decision in this case is a personal choice of a person. Although sometimes a person goes to the end, no matter what. For example, the feat of Ivan Susaninwho did not betray the king.

AT "The fate of man" Sholokhov It is shown that, being captured, one of the soldiers was ready to betray his commander, because he was very afraid of death at the hands of the Nazis. So that the warrior does not give up, does not show weakness and did not betray his own, Andrey Sokolov He kills him himself. And even though on one hand it is cruel, on the other - the hero, thus, saved his comrade, did not allow him to tarnish the title of a Russian soldier and commit meanness.

Of course, the traitor can be understood. After all, the life of the commander is the life of another person. Own is still more expensive. But, one way or another, in this example you can easily notice what the choice is between betrayal and fidelity and when it arises.

AT “Captain's daughter»This choice occurs in Shvabrina. However, he does not hesitate for a long time and passes to the side Pugacheva. Thus, the guy changed both moral laws and the oath of this empress with an oath.

When can a person decide on betrayal? Then, when standing in the face of death. It follows that this choice is possible only in extreme situations. Often betrayal is the destiny of the weak spirit of egoists. This is the easiest way. But, repeating, I want to say that even a strong man is not always ready to take death in a worthy way. Therefore, such cowardice can even be justified, but in rare cases. But strong people who do not change their principles and even sacrifice their lives should really be proud of.

The choice between fidelity and betrayal: arguments for the exam about betrayal in war

When does the choice arise between fidelity and betrayal?
When does the choice arise between fidelity and betrayal?

In war, people often saw the betrayal of their fellow soldiers, friends. But loyalty went nearby with almost every soldier and officer. Here's a description of the choice between fidelity and betrayal with arguments for Exam About betrayal in war:

In a historical work "Taras Bulba" It is shown that for the chieftain and the Cossacks the betrayal of friends and homeland is a taboo. They do not even forgive even their own brother. But Andriy, son of Taras, it turns out to be weak -edged and goes over to the side of the enemy. Of course, his love for the Pole plays the role. But, one way or another, for a real Cossack, the betrayal of their homeland and twins because of feelings for a girl is not a reason or justification.

That's why, Taras Bulba He kills his son-chairman. Of course, a fatherly heart can understand the outspring of the offspring. But ideals are above all. In this case, the hetman does not act as a loving father, but as a warrior and citizen of his country. He brutally punishes betrayal, because the love of the Cossack is the main thing. And he should not change his principles under any circumstances.

Perhaps, deep down, the father is very painful to deprive the life of his child. But he does not show his feelings and acts as he had to do according to the laws of wartime.

When there is a choice between fidelity and betrayal: arguments about Yushka Platonov for the exam, tolerance

When does the choice arise between fidelity and betrayal?
When does the choice arise between fidelity and betrayal?

What happens to a person when he needs to choose between fidelity and betrayal? Why some remain honest with them, while others betray. Here are reasoning and arguments about tolerance by example Yushki Platonov for Exam on this topic "When there is a choice between fidelity and betrayal":

Speaking of tolerance, many, albeit gradually, but imply a good attitude in exchange the same quality. But in some cases, a person has the ability to be tolerant and forgive enemies and traitors completely disinterestedly. Is it correct?

For example, in the story "Yushka" The main character constantly suffers bullying. Both children and adults are mocking him. However, he does not hold resentment. He believes that such behavior of people is “blind love”.

  • What do we see in the case of Yushka?
  • Does tolerance help him? More likely no than yes.
  • In his case, it looks like unhealthy altruism and prevents him from living.

Thus, it turns out that tolerance is a very important phenomenon, but only in the case of other people's cultures and beliefs. If a person takes on all insults and perceives it as love, there can be no talk of any tolerance. From this, it is that tolerance is still mutual loyalty and understanding. And not one -sided.

Video: Composition 9. What is fidelity to a friend?

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