Composition on the topic “Take care of the native Russian language”: why, why should we protect the purity of the Russian language and is it necessary?

Composition on the topic “Take care of the native Russian language”: why, why should we protect the purity of the Russian language and is it necessary?

The essay on the topic “Take care of the Russian language” simply write if you read this article. It describes one of the options for creation, as well as the other useful information.

Native language - This is what a person absorbs with mother’s milk. This is the experience of the ancestors, the cultural heritage, which is transmitted through centuries. That is why it must be respected and appreciated. To protect Russian and its purity means to have the right conversational and written speech, a decent vocabulary itself and, if possible, instill a love of the culture of the native land to others. This article published works on this topic. They will come in handy to perform cool and homework in literature and the Russian language, as well as for presentations and reports. Read further.

“What does it mean - to protect the native Russian, the purity of the Russian language”: Composition

Take care of your native Russian language
Take care of your native Russian language

It is impossible to proud and cherish their native language, not knowing how to own it freely. That is why every citizen of his country must competently write and speak their native language. Here's the essay on the topic “What does it mean - to protect the native Russian, the purity of the Russian language”:

Protect the Russian language - It means not to allow yourself to turn speech turns over and disdain the rules. As for the set of words that a person uses in ordinary life, he must be constantly replenished and enriched.

I believe that every person should respect the culture of his country, as well as a language that is cultural value. Yes, for us the Russian language is something familiar. However, do not forget that the speech of the people has not developed for centuries not in order to just die among indifference.

It’s even a little disappointing to see on the world network, like guys-students from abroad, from France, Nigeria, Korea, Latin America They spend years to learn to speak Russian (which, however, seems as difficult to them as Chinese, for example), read the classics and want to better know our culture. And we are so fiercely trying to disown this culture.

I believe that protecting your native language and culture is vital. Especially now, when children from childhood are interested in how to become famous and earn a lot of money, but they write a word "cow" through "a".

Russian language - Great, multifaceted and mighty. And if we do not save it for the next generations, then no one will do it. And he will just die out. Then the nation will have nothing left - neither history nor culture. And one who has no past - as a rule, has no future.

Composition-reasoning on the topic “Take care of the native Russian language”: why, why should we protect the Russian literary language and is it necessary?

Take care of your native Russian language
Take care of your native Russian language

Currently, humanity is at the peak of scientific and technological progress. “Smart” household items are regularly received on sale, new gadgets are created.

However, we can note bitterly that even fewer people read books, and more and more - cannot write without gross errors. Of course, no one says that any teenager should use as many words as the outcome and the distance in his dictionaries. But being a well -educated and educated person in the digital era is no less important than in the old days. Here is an essay-reasoning on the topic "Take care of the native Russian language"as well as answers to questions - why, why we must protect the Russian literary language and is it necessary:

In fact, any of us could use the worldwide network not only for entertainment, but also for education and self -development. Indeed, now in order to improve your knowledge, you do not need to take mountains of books in the library and carry it home - just click on the mouse.

But the further the technical development of mankind is, the more people become illiterate. Moreover, we are not even talking about the need to love and cherish the native language, but about the possibility to speak it freely and competently on it.

Moreover, few people today understand how beautiful and rich literary speech is. The syllable is replaced Pushkin and Turgenev Neologisms, slang, and abbreviations in a foreign style came. It seems that there is a century of constantly busy people who are hard to write even a word "Thanks"and they replace it with the usual "THX" or (and even worse), "Silents".

On the one hand, slang is a phenomenon that has a place to be. But the literary Russian language is gradually dying out. And it is our task, the task of the young generation, to preserve it for descendants. After all, these are not only boring rules, not only grammar, phonetics, spelling. The Russian language contains the culture of an entire people - the people of free, original, unique and respected by the whole world.

Video: Oh, my Russian, native language!

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