Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Brief biography, creativity. Turgenev’s life as a creative person and men

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Brief biography, creativity. Turgenev’s life as a creative person and men

The author of famous works Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev lived an interesting life, which we will talk about in the article.

The works of I. S. Turgenev left a significant mark in the history of Russian and foreign literature. In his work, the author always took the side of the weak and opposed the unfair political regime in Russia. Turgenev’s work caused different reactions - from admiration to strict criticism. Others admired Turgenev’s ability to deeply and accurately convey the events of that time, the ability to quickly transform real people into literary characters.

Thanks to the fullness of texts by political events, the works of Turgenev have received universal recognition. The literary images of the writer brought up and inspired many Russian revolutionaries. The works of Ivan Sergeyevich gained worldwide popularity and influenced the work of Western authors.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Brief biography

Talented writer of Russian classics Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was born in 1818 in the Oryol region In the family of wealthy nobles. The marriage between Ivan's father and mother was committed from selfish motives. Father led an obscene, wasteful lifestyle. From the mother, along with attention and care, brutal punishments were obtained.

  • The despotism of Barbara Lutovinova is visible in several works of Turgenev. Children's years of the writer take place on the mother’s estate.
  • The beautiful nature around the tribal estate inspired a creative nature and was reflected in many of his works. Here he has the opportunity to touch the life of serfs, which is reflected in his future work.
  • Varvara Lugovina played an important role in Turgenev’s life, since it was she who filed the interest of her son in books and foreign writers.
  • Thanks to material wealth Turgenev receives the best training in boarding houses and from personal teachers at home. In addition to the main subjects, he studies several foreign languages, which was very useful to him in his further life.
  • The Turgenev family acquires a house in Moscow in order to provide children with further education. At the age of 15, the writer becomes a listener of the university in Moscow, where he meets A. I. Herzen and V. G. Belinsky. A year later, he goes to the University of St. Petersburg to the direction of science and literature.
Already at a young age, Turgenev had written more than 100 works
At a young age, Turgenev had written more than 100 poems
  • In his student years, Turgenev is actively interested in music and theater. In the process of study, the first poems of Turgenev are published - “To the Venus of Medican” and “Evening”. At the same age, the author experiences a sense of first love. Princess Shakhovskaya gives Nadezhda Turgenev, but in the end he prefers his father. The experienced drama pushes the author to write a story about his first love.
  • By the age of 17, Turgenev wrote more than 100 poems and a poem of a tragic nature. The first works of the author are filled with romanticism.
  • Soon Ivan moves to Germany for a year, where he receives new knowledge and meets new interesting people. At the University of Berlin, Turgenev in depth studies the literature of the Greeks and Romans, studies the grammar of these languages. This makes it possible to study the work of the classics of ancient times. Finding in Europe helps the writer for a while to avoid unpleasant realities of serfdom. The author delights the European level and lifestyle.

Abroad, Turgenev meets the revolutionary T. A. Bakunin. Returning with him to Russia, the writer starts an affair with his sister. Their communication was built on common literary interests. A fleeting hobby lasted several months. In parallel, Ivan Sergeyevich meets with the seamstress A.E. Ivanova, and in 1842 his daughter Pelagey was born.

  • Turgenev's mother prevented them from marriage, sending the girl to Moscow to her parents. Due to the difference in social provisions, the author recognizes his paternity only after a few years. Smach hobbies are reflected in the works of Turgenev. In the novel “Smoke”, the heroine Tatyana personified Kuzina Olga Alexandrovna Turgeneva. In the story “Faust”, the author describes the heroine Verochka, who became the prototype of Maria Nikolaevna Tolstoy.
  • Turgenev is immersed in scientific works and defends the dissertation in the direction of philology. Soon the author announces scientific activity and returns to literary works with new inspiration.
Was an opponent of the bureaucracy
Was an opponent of the bureaucracy

Since 1843, Turgenev has begun work in the Ministry of the Interior in the office of the office. While in a public office, the author receives a lot of information about the detrimental effects of serfdom on peasants, about the excess of the powers of officials. The bureaucratic laws of St. Petersburg cause a strong indignation among the author. In the same year, Turgenev wrote the famous poem “Parasha”, worthy, according to critics, the highest praise.

Surrounded by the author, dear critic V. G. Belinsky and writer N. A. Nekrasov, who push him to radical changes in the literary style appear. Turgenev writes several moralizing poems supported by irony.

  • In the same year, the author meets the singer Polina Viardot, a strong attraction to which affects his further events in his life. The marriage of a woman does not interfere with personal relationships with Turgenev.
Beloved Turgenev
Beloved Turgenev
  • Barbara Lugovina tries to impede the enthusiasm of his son and deprives him of several years of material support. However, this does not prevent Turgenev from following the singer in different cities. He becomes a frequent guest in the Viardo family, who later takes under the guardianship of the illegitimate daughter of Ivan Sergeyevich.
  • In 1843 the author devotes Pauline Viardot the poem "Morning Foggy". In combination with the music of talented composers, the poem has become a popular romance.
  • In 1845, the author leaves the ministry and went abroad for three years, where the French Revolution of 1848 takes place before his eyes. Stormy events are laid in the author of an internal confrontation to revolutionaries. During his journey, Turgenev gets acquainted with such legendary personalities as J. Sand, F. Chopin, P. Merim and others.
  • During this period, the writer wrote several successful comedies and stories. The author’s works are played out in theaters and are popular with the viewer. Turgenev translates literary publications of popular foreign writers, thanks to which he receives a new experience.
Writes comedies and novels
Writes comedies and novels

Turgenev devoted a long period of time to writing a collection of lyric works called "Notes of the Hunter." In the process of composing, the collection was reprinted several times with the addition of new stories. This creative work glorified the name of Turgenev.

In his works, the author reveals human qualities from different angles. It puts forward human freedom to the forefront and ridicules serfdom. A deep meaning was laid in these works. They touched on urgent problems of mankind. Due to the ban on the authorities, the collection is removed from the press.

  • In 1850, Varvara Lugovin dies. Turgenev gets part of a large state. The author makes maximum efforts to facilitate the further fate of the serfs of his mother.
  • In 1852, for the bold statements of Turgenev regarding the death of Gogol, the author was sent to exile. The writer does not waste time in an empty one and, serving his sentence, writes the famous story “Mumu”. One of the reasons for the link was the dissatisfaction of the authorities with the radical views of the author. Thanks to the participation of A.K. Tolstoy next year, Ivan Sergeyevich is released from punishment. Being on friendly relations, Tolstoy devotes Turgenev the story “Forest Labor”.
  • From 1853 to 1856 Turgenev lives on the territory of the Russian state. Thanks to the editors of "Contemporary", new useful and interesting acquaintances are taking place. The death of Nicholas I allows you to publish the most significant works of the author. New works are available to the reader. Turgenev takes part in the publication of the collection of poems by F. I. Tyutchev. Under the rule of Alexander II, Ivan Sergeevich takes an active part in the reforms of serfdom. Develops various projects and collective appeals.
  • In 1856, Turgenev’s large-scale love-political novel “Rudin” was published. In this work, the author personifies in the main character the weakness of the young generation. It makes fun of high life ideals that are not confirmed by the business and do not coincide with reality. Following him, the author publishes a series of novels that reflect social problems and political activities of that time. In his heroes, he displays the folk spirit of mankind and their revolutionary mood.
  • Soon Turgenev again goes to England, then to Germany, Italy. On this trip, the author writes the famous poetic story “Asya”.
  • In 1860the magazine "Contemporary" prints the sharp statements of Dobrolyubov, criticizing the work of Ivan Sergeyevich. Disagreements with a critic become the reason for the breakdown of Nekrasov’s friendship with Turgenev. The author ceases to cooperate with the editors. In the sensational novel “Fathers and Children”, Turgenev transforms the image of Dobrolyubov in the protagonist of the work of Bazarov. The indignation of liberals and criticism of writers leads the writer to the creative crisis. Disagreements in literary views complicate the relationship of the writer with many contemporaries.
  • Since 1863 The writer returns to Europe, where a new wave of relations with Polina Viardot begins. For eight years, they have been living together abroad. Turgenev closely collaborates with G. Flaubert, E. Zole, G. De Maupassant. The writer becomes the link of Russian and Western literature. Translates from his native language the masterpieces of Lermontov, Tolstoy, Pushkin and others. Turgenev gains popularity in the public circles of Europe.
For 20 years, active creative growth has been taking place
For 20 years, active creative growth has been taking place
  • Since 1868 Turgenev’s works are published in the magazine "Bulletin of Europe". His works are very popular and get the highest assessment of critics. The material well -being of the author is envious of some Russian writers. In particular, Dostoevsky publishes the novel “Demons”, where he creates the prototype of Turgenev, depicting him as an inept, jerked writer.
  • In 1877 The largest novel by Ivan Sergeyevich “Nov” is published. Fierce criticism hurts Turgenev and causes his protracted creative vacation. The writer becomes an international laureate of the Paris Congress and soon comes into the prestigious position of Deputy President.
  • Since 1879 Turgenev becomes a respected doctor of Oxford University.

The author provides all assistance to the activities of Russian revolutionaries. In 1880, he attended the activities of the monument to A. S. Pushkin. The arrival of the writer to Russia is reviving among his fans. Numerous youth shares the views of the author and admire the work of Turgenev. His stay in his homeland is brightened up by an actress M. G. Savina, who played the role of Verochka in the work “A month in the village”. The age difference of several decades did not prevent Turgenev from falling in love with Mary.

Young Lyubov Turgenev
Young Lyubov Turgenev

The author’s relationship with women was reflected in his work. Love stories most often had a sad denouement. Compared to other authors, Turgenev idealized women in his works.

Turgenev's work

  • The dramatic poem of early creativity "Wall"
  • Previously poetic work "Parasha"
  • Cycle of Stories "Notes of the Hunter"
  • Turgenev's most touching story "Mumu"
  • The first novel "Rudin"
  • Love story "Asya"
  • Second Turgenevsky novel "Noble Nest"
  • The novel of our time "On the eve"
  • Socio-political novel "Fathers and Children"
  • The drama of the first love in the story "First Love"
  • Historical and cultural novel Roman "Smoke"
  • The picturesque story "External waters"
Turgenev wrote many works
Turgenev wrote many works

In works of late creativity, the author summarizes the events of his life and his work done. Turgenev died after a protracted cancerous disease. The author passes his inheritance to Pauline Viardot, leaving her own daughter with nothing. A huge number of people spent the last journey of the writer. Abroad in his honor, mourning celebrations were organized, which joined several hundred representatives of theater, art and literature.

Video: Biography of Turgenev Ivan. Brief. Interesting Facts

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