What gives a person to know himself briefly: arguments for an essay, composition

What gives a person to know himself briefly: arguments for an essay, composition

The development of yourself depends on many factors, and how exactly you can do this - you will learn from the article.

Unfortunately, we are used to using speech cliches, preventing ourselves to delve into their real meaning. "Know yourself and you know the universe!" - We say, without thinking about how many layers of wisdom and hidden opportunities lies behind these simple words.

How and why to know yourself? Why realize this incomprehensible call, which, moreover, is not clear who proclaimed, or Socrates (which is often attributed to this phrase), or this is still an inscription on the Delphic temple of Apollo.

The Universe is itself

The fact is that only through the knowledge of oneself can you realize, pass through your perception and comprehend the general laws and concepts that rule our world, act regardless of whether we understand them or not, we follow them or neglect them. Only having felt the negative or positive consequences of such concepts as anger, envy, hatred (or, on the contrary, love, friendship, self -sacrifice), we will understand and accept both ourselves and others, which are very similar to us in their knowledge.

We will understand that we ourselves create these concepts and qualities, convey them to children and grandchildren, in turn, having accepted from the ancestors. Then a person can really say that he did not fully know, but he knows. He learns himself and at the same time learns centuries -old laws that control thoughts, emotions, feelings.

Self -knowledge
Self -knowledge

This comprehension occurs in two worlds: our internal and at the same time in the surrounding us from the outside. Starting to understand ourselves, we comprehend the notorious law of boomerang. What you carry into the world will return to you from the world.

This is one of the answers to the question of whether such self -knowledge is needed. After all, the laws of the universe act equally everywhere, always for each of us. Our inner microcosm is a giant world concentrated in one person, which is logical to call a microcosm. My ego is the ego of all the world around me, it is just less in volume.

We are connected with Macromir deeper than it seems to us, because the atoms and molecules of the whole world are the same! Structural ties are the same! Therefore, the components of our body are the components of the universe. It turns out that even before birth, being an embryo, and even more so - from the moment of birth we are associated not only with our own body, but also with atoms, particles, cells of our entire environment. So why, understanding this connection, should we not deepen it?

Cognition of oneself
Cognition of oneself

Having focused not only on the physical sensations of our body, but also the psychological processes taking place with us, we will not only comprehend their essence, but also learn to control them, controlling our emotions, thoughts, behavior. And then, understanding the integrity of the world around us, we will learn to direct our skills to everything that is happening around us.

It is difficult to be a god

So how to control the body? Not otherwise than through the spirit, energy, which is the initial concept. It is she who is responsible for all processes in our body, from energy, to physical ones they created. Therefore, first of all, the object of our training in all process management should be the energy level, only then, having managed to comprehend the laws of its actions, can we understand the rules by which our body lives.

There is a reverse relationship: understanding how and what our physical body lives, we can comprehend the rules of life of the energy level, because our body also exists on it. And the more and deeper we comprehend this relationship, the more comprehensive and high -quality our development, we can not only exist, but also create at each of these levels, since creativity is a higher level of both existence and self -knowledge, improvement.

Body control
Body control

But, creating, you should not imagine yourself omnipotent, for the desire to become God not only has no prospects, but also fraught with a feeling of the very effect of boomerang on itself. Firstly, one of the same cognitive people and the world can also decide that he is omnipotent, and, secondly, a person never become God-this is also one of the laws of spirit and matter, the laws of the universe. The only thing a person should strive to resemble God is in the ability to love and forgive, sacrifice himself and be free in his words and thoughts.


Unfortunately, today we are developing mainly in the outside world. We are trying to manage the universe, not knowing how to control ourselves, create computers, trying to realize the concept of megamod as reality. But for starters, it would be nice to learn how to use its own, human potential at full power. It is proved that the participation of the brain in conscious processes is no more than 5-7%, and even then this is an indicator of those whom humanity calls geniuses.

Imagine what a breakth we would do, learn, instead of managing the world, leading our own gray matter? We, without learning how to use what is given to us, are trying to create something else, calling it progress. True progress is in improving oneself, in the ability to follow the path of this development and achieve it. To understand the other, you need to comprehend yourself first of all.


In addition, understanding what is primary and what is secondary, what can make him really happy, a person, comprehended himself, is already soberly evaluating how to achieve this, what opportunities exist for this in himself, and which he can “attract” from a related His universe.

You can go on a trip to distant countries, or you can make it without getting up from a chair or sofa, with the help of a book, a television program or your own imagination. In both cases, we will get new impressions, and in both cases they will be a reflection of our perception. Also, with feelings and thoughts, we must learn to change the world around us, changing our perception, attitude towards it, comparing and analyzing, conducting analogies and finding ways to control this world.

"Know yourself and you know the universe!" - With this saying, we started a conversation. Interestingly, he is also called the commandment of the Delphic oracle. And the commandments, as you know, exist to follow them. And after all, it’s not just like that with humanity through the centuries of the commandments: do not kill, do not steal, do not become proud, do not be angry. They help us in the way of knowing ourselves and our large -scale projection - the universe.

Video: where to start self -development of personality?

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