Crying Yaroslavna: Arguments for Essays, Works

Crying Yaroslavna: Arguments for Essays, Works

In this article we will get acquainted with the image of Prince Igor's wife.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the reader appears to be the work of Russian literature “The Word about Igor's Regiment”. The manuscript displaying the events of the late 12th century was studied by famous critics and writers. There are several versions of the translation. The poetic translation of N. Zabolotsky became more understandable. Such a spelling has become a vivid example of the use of poetry as an artistic means in literature.

Crying Yaroslavna: Arguments for Essays, Works

The literary discovery rightfully received the status of a historical monument and attracted great attention to Russian society. The author fully reveals the attitude of the people of Russia to violent historical events. The text shows the emotions of the writer and his evaluative conclusions. The drama and heroism of the heroes are of interest among the reader.

The work reflects events about the failed campaign of Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich against the Polovtsy. The Russian prince, filled with a sense of military honor, seeks to prove his significance to all Russian princes. The army suffers defeat, and Igor is captured. The cause of failures is the erroneous tactics of the prince. Before the offensive, it was necessary to unite forces. The commander did not have enough wisdom to make the right decision.

Crying Yaroslavna
Crying Yaroslavna
  • The plot of the manuscript focuses on the absence of mutual understanding between the princes. Overcoming the enemy is much easier than common efforts. The lack of unity is the main reason for the failure of the regiment of Prince Igor. The author’s opinion about the princes is changing. On the one hand, he sees in them the defenders of the motherland, on the other hand, condemns for constant strife and fragmentation.
  • The work emphasizes both positive male features and negative ones. Female images are saturated with affection and tenderness. Women live their family and care for the house. That is why it is in the female image that the popular principle is laid.
  • The poem is divided into several episodes, each of which is an integral part of historical events. Each part portends subsequent steps.
  • The historical images of the work are described briefly, but very expressive. All characters have their own unique character. Well -chosen epithets fully reveal the essence of everyone.

The deep meaning is in the episode "Crying Yaroslavna." The content of this part gives the emotional color to the whole work. The episode dilutes numerous descriptions of campaigns in Russia. Returns the reader to the daily life of ordinary families. It is the cry of Yaroslavna that displays the author’s attitude to the events. The suffering of one girl convey the feelings of the whole Russian land. The defeat of Prince Igor postponed a huge imprint on the history of the people. The mental appeal of Yaroslavna unites her personal grief with the life of the whole people. Her separation from her husband becomes a tragedy for all of Russia.

  • With the help of Yaroslavna's image the theme of the house and the family is touched upon. While the commanders are opposed to mortal danger, faithful wives, covered by experiences, are looking forward to home. Russian women needed to withstand many trials, so their fate is not easier than the fate of the soldiers.
  • Yaroslavna is difficult to cope with her own excitement. She dreams of finding wings and soon to be next to her loving husband. She wants to support him morally and heal his wounds. The author uses a comparison of a girl with a cuckoo several times. With the help of this bird, attention is focused on the tragedy of events. The cuckoo is mentioned in many folk signs and rituals, personifying widows, pain and despair.
  • The reincarnation of heroes into birds and animals is a technique of folklore creativity. The sacrificial and devoted image of Yaroslavna was reflected in many works of Russian literature. She became the basis of the heroines of Tolstoy, Pushkin and other famous writers.
  • Yaroslavna turns for help to the forces of nature. She is trying to help the prince’s flight from the Polovtsy captivity. Crying Yaroslavna resembles lyrical singing: "Above the wide coast of the Danube, the voice of Yaroslavna young ..." of the voice of Yaroslavl young ... ". Her sadness is filled with tenderness and hope. The girl turns to the radiance of the sun, to the gust of wind, to the course of the river, as if to living people. She calls the Dnieper glorious, the sun is bright and relatives, the wind - a sweet friend.
  • Her words sound like a prayer spell. Affectionate speeches are replaced by touchy accusations. Yaroslavna asks to change cruelty to mercy. She seems to speak the forces of nature. She turns to the Higher Forces, calls for their power. Being in despair, Yaroslavna clings to the last hope. She begs life for her husband from the spirits of nature. He accuses the pagan patron gods of not protecting Prince Igor, did not help the military regiment.
  • The mental impulse of a loving wife is a salvation for Igor. Despite the fact that she is not able to help her husband, Yaroslavna does not want to stay away. Her crying and urgent treatment attract the desired events. Its determination and perseverance shows the power of Russian women.
  • The image of the princess is collective. He talks not about a particular person, but passes the features of abandoned mothers, sisters and wives suffering from endless wars. Their love and suffering became an integral participant in battles for Russian land. Women's support helped to find the right path, know wisdom and make the right decisions.
Collective image
Collective image

The cry of Yaroslavna Zabolotsky describes with the help of a variety of artistic tricks - vivid comparisons, the personification of natural phenomena, its own statements for heating emotions. Throughout the whole work, nature accompanies man both in joy and in sorrow. To one heroes, she shows favor, to others rage.

For civilians, the sun radiates warmth and beauty. The soldiers are exhausted by the sun's rays and lead to thirst: "" burning rays on Russian warriors in the steppe of anhydrous, the Luke twisted their thirst for their thirst, plugged the quilting with them ”. Natural elements are closely intertwined with human destinies. With the help of such unity, the drama of the events is emphasized. Before the campaign, the soldiers are observed by a solar eclipse. Nature gives a sign about the upcoming failure. The campaign is accompanied by anxious sounds of animals, the sun is covered with clouds, a thunderstorm is thundered above the sea, muddy water in the rivers. Trees, animals and birds play the role of fairy -tale images. All these phenomena convey the psychological and emotional state of the people.

In the episode, crying Yaroslavna the author describes the beautiful landscapes of Russia. Emphasizes its boundless expanses. The segment of the work with weeping Yaroslavna is marked by many critics, as a colorful and exalted episode. In the female monologue, the immense expanses of nature appear before the reader's eyes. The wind develops the words of Yaroslavna and helps to transfer them to long distances. The river transfers girlish tears in its waters and becomes a line between life and death. The bright sun extends its rays to it and is a source of life. Each element of nature acts as an independent acting person with whom you can talk on equal terms. Yaroslavna pours out her sadness about the dead and wound warriors. In her appeal, the prayer of the whole people is voiced.

Unlimited love is rewarded according to merit. By the will of fate, Prince Igor manages to flee and reunite with his family. Natural elements direct it. An unknown force helps in the way - as if the Lord from the sky indicates the Prince of the right and bright road. The return of the prince gives hope to all the people for a bright future. The episode with Yaroslavny reflects the humanity of the author. Throughout the work, increased attention to the mental suffering of the heroes is visible.

It is through the monagine’s monologue that the genuine experiences of the writer are expressed. First of all, the “Word of Igor’s Regiment” is dedicated to the Russian land. With the help of literary technique, we have the opportunity to fully feel the vast expanses of Russia and feel the state of the whole Russian land. Crying Yaroslavna is depicted in several paintings of great artists.


One of the successful works is the picture of Vasily Grigoryevich Perov. He portrays the princess with his face addressed to the sky. Her desperate prayer is displayed against the background of a bluish-pink horizon. Alarmed birds are circling in the sky. Nature is filled with anxiety. The artist managed to convey despair, anxiety and hope in the heroine's gaze. Perov picturesquely displayed the sincere feelings of the princess.

Video: Crying Yaroslavna

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