What does it mean to survive the defeat: arguments to essay, essay

What does it mean to survive the defeat: arguments to essay, essay

In this article we will tell you what it means to survive defeat and what are the examples in the literature.

Damage is a very unpleasant thing and not everyone can survive it with dignity. And what does it mean, to survive the defeat and get out of the situation with dignity? Let's figure out the example of literary works.

What does it mean to survive the defeat: arguments to essay, essay

Life is never full of victories alone. Sometimes you have to endure the defeats. One perceives them with dignity and is not so worried, and someone is completely disappointed in themselves and loses faith. What does it mean to survive the defeat? How does this manifest itself? Let's look at the example of literary works.

Example 1. A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

A.S. Griboedov Woe from Wit
A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

The first vivid example of a worthy adoption of defeat is expressed in the work A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". This work does not lose relevance at all times. It expresses many problems of society.

The main character is Andrei Chatsky. He had to face higher society. Chatsky did not accept his morality, he does not like their ideals and principles, which he openly talks about. It seems that the finale of the work is tragic, because Chatsky left this society and was rejected by his beloved girl. You can say he fled from Moscow. But did he lose?

He broke out the whole high society where life flowed by the clock, and Marya Alekseevna was an authority and everyone was considered to be with her. He proved that he is a person and is not going to obey the general laws, he has his own views and his own opinion. Yes, he won, morally. After all, it was not for nothing that he was afraid and called him crazy. After all, only such a person can object.

Yes, Chatsky is difficult to realize that he remained not understood. After all, he lived in Famusov’s house for many years. But he is not going to bend under their lifestyle either. He chose another road to sincerity and this was his victory.

Example 2. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Eugene Onegin
Eugene Onegin

Evgeny Onegin is the main character of the novel by A.S. Pushkin. This is a contradictory personality who did not find itself in society. By the way, in the literature such people are also called "extra people."

One of the main scenes is a duel with Lensky. This is a young romantic poet in love with Olga Larina. It was customary to defend your honor in a noble society using a duel. It seems that both participants in the duel are defending their innocence, but as a result, the young poet dies, but he was only 18 years old.

The death of a friend is not a victory? No, this is a manifestation of selfishness and weakness, as well as unwillingness to forgive. This duel was the beginning for changes in the life of the hero. He settled into wanderings to find reassurance. Ultimately, the hero was defeated and this was a victory for him - he has completely changed.

Example 3. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time"

Hero of our time
Hero of our time

This work presents a vivid example of how a person could not adequately survive the defeat. Pechorin, the main character, causes conflicting feelings among readers. But everyone converges in one thing that Pechorin is selfish, and sometimes even a soulless person. He seems to play women loving him.

Recall, for example, Belu. The hero deprived her of everything - at home and loved ones. Besides his love, she had nothing left. But, he, having achieved her love with deceit and dishonest acts, eventually cooled her.

Pechorin himself is largely to blame for the death of Bela. He admitted his defeat that he did not give her what she deserves and she never became happy. Yes, he condemns himself for his actions, but is not going to change anything.

Example 4. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

N.V. Gogol Taras Bulba
N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

In this story there is a great example when victory and defeat are intertwined. What does it mean worthy to take defeat according to the author? The youngest son Andriy for the sake of the girl’s love betrayed his relatives and his honor, went over to the side of the enemy. Yes, he won because he defended his love and went to such a desperate act.

But the betrayal of his father and homeland does not deserve forgiveness, and in this he lost. In the story, we see one of the most difficult fights - the internal struggle. It cannot be said about victory and defeat, because having lost on the one hand, on the other, victory awaits.

Example 5. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

Fathers and Sons
Fathers and Sons

In this work, a conflict of generations is manifested, in particular, young Evgeny Bazarov constantly confronts P.P. Kirsanov. Bazarov is a self -confident young man with bold judgments. He believes that he made himself. His opponent is a rampant person with great life experience, he survived a lot and fell in love with a secular beauty.

This experience had a huge impact on him. He became more mature. In a dispute of both, a young man seems to win, and the nobleman breaks away and insults him. But, during a duel, he nevertheless loses in the main confrontation.

He met the love of his whole life and could not cope with his feelings, as well as recognize this fact, because he denied the very existence of love. Bazarov lost in this. Dying, he realized that he lived life denying everything that was possible and in the end lost the most important thing.

Example 6. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

L.N. Tolstoy War and Peace
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The topic of victory and defeat was raised by Lev Nikolaevich in his work “War and Peace”. The war of 1812 is the largest and most significant for Russia, when the spirit and patriotism of the people, as well as the skill of the commanders, appeared in all its glory. After the Council in Fili, Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. So he wanted to save the troops, and the country itself.

He adequately withstood his defeat, but at the same time proved the invincibility of the Russian people. After the military, residents began to leave the city. The people showed that they are not going to obey the French, even at the cost of one city. When Napoleon entered the city, no one opposed him and he realized that he had lost.

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  1. Great arguments, thanks for the article

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