Hear the smell or smell: how to say correctly, rule

Hear the smell or smell: how to say correctly, rule

Do not know how to say correctly: to hear the smell or smell? Read the rule in the article.

There are many different phrases in Russian. Often we do not know how to pronounce them correctly. The Russian language is complex, there are many rules in it. It is impossible to remember all of them, but it is necessary to teach that later, at the level of intuition, to write competently already.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to learn to speak beautifully and competently and express your thoughts"? ". You will find the 10 best tips and rules, as well as exercises that will help to develop speech and learn to speak clearly, clearly and beautifully.

From this article you will learn how to speak correctly - to hear the smell or smell. Let's understand the basis of the rules together. Read further.

A person hears the smell or feels: the rule

A person hears the smell or feels
A person hears the smell or feels

Everyone knows that the sense of smell is a kind "Smell of smell". That is why the expression is considered a stylistically competent and generally accepted option "Feel the smell". At the same time, the phrase is also used in colloquial speech "Hear the smell". Below you will find an explanation of the rule on how to write and say the phrase: a person hears the smell or feels.

But is this phrase error?

  • Not really.
  • After all, this is synesthesia - a linguistic -stylistic phenomenon.
  • The bottom line is that the irritant, acting on one organ of senses, causes a sensation for other senses. And if you reason in this way, then it is quite right to speak "I hear the smell".
  • But, one way or another, these are interpersional correspondence. This is a metaphor that linguists are trying to persistently deny.

That is why, from the point of view of the Russian language, they do not hear smells, but they feel. Why do they feel?

  • Because the human nose is an organ of senses.
  • As for the synesthetic metaphor "hear", this is the same as the “delicious text” (the text that you want to read again and again), “edible performance of the song” (satisfactory performance), “sweet sound” (sound caressing the ear) and much more.

It turns out that you can hear the smell - but in the figure sense. From the point of view of the rules of the Russian language and from the point of view of biology, people can smell. But do not hear them. Why? We take the dictionary as confirmation D.S. Ushakova. Despite the fact that the norms of the Russian language are constantly changing, the option is indicated in the reliable source "smell". Option "Hear the smell" In official sources, it is not used. By the way, experts worked on the dictionary of compatibility of words at one time institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin.

The smell of spirits - what do they do, hear or feel: how to speak in Russian?

The aroma of perfume can conquer hearts and arouse memories. He is able to captivate a person. Of course, a pleasant train, spreading after the lady, awakens pleasant emotions. But do we feel it? Or do we hear? How to speak Russian correctly?

  • Official sources use the option "Feel the smell of spirits".
  • However, it all depends on the form of presentation of thoughts.
  • That is, if we are dry prose or even more so, journalism, then the smell of spirits will feel, and if sublime lyrical poetry, then perhaps they will hear it.

For example:

  1. Most likely, the killer is a woman. I feel the smell of spirits (statement of fact, direct meaning).
  2. Hearing the call of your spirits, your aroma. (Fortable, exalted meaning).
  3. Why don't you say anything about my new perfume? - Sorry, I got sick, I don’t feel anything, my nose is laid (direct meaning).
  4. Hear the smell of my perfume and come to me, my desired.

Sometimes to hear the smell of spirits means not only to feel, but also to feel, understand, realize, experience emotions. When our nose simply catches the smell (there is a statement of fact and nothing but), then we smell.

For example:

  • “Something seems to be on,” said Ivan (In this case, it is appropriate to say "feel the smell)." We paraphrase: Ivan felt the smell of Gary.
  • Even if she is not with me, I hear the aroma of her spirits everywhere (I can say “I hear”, because the lyrical hero says that he is so full of pleasant sensations associated with the perfume of his beloved girl, that this smell seems to him literally wherever they are).

Conclusion: there is no ban on using the option "I hear the smell of spirits" In the literature, for expressing emotions. But the version generally accepted and correct in Russian is the phrase "Feel the smell of spirits".

Why do they hear the smell and not feel?

They hear the smell, but do not feel
They hear the smell, but do not feel

Quite often, having felt a favorite smell, a whole gamut of feelings and emotions arises in a person. Just as when listening to your favorite song. A person can tremble with happiness or inspiration, he can experience a feeling of nostalgia, sadness and joy.

That is why some say "I hear the smell". But to speak so appropriate when you want to convey the sensual component (state of mind). If the fact itself is important (the nose determined the smell of spirits), then the option is mentioned "feel".

For example:

  • The smell of her spirits is able to hear everywhere.
  • Can you hear the smell of my spirits? - I hear. But I don't feel.
  • I hear the smell of those spirits, he will free from the shackles.

It turns out that the smells are comparable to music and they can be heard. But, of course, in the figure sense. Moreover, perfumes sometimes have a complex composition - and that is why "Hear the smell of spirits" - So, to determine each component of this symphony of aromas, to enjoy it.

What does the ability to feel smells, hear sounds?

Another interesting point. People can not only hear smells, but also see music. What does the ability to feel smells, hear sounds?

  • Creative people are somewhat different from the "middle peasants". And here is the whole thing in neural connections.
  • There is such a thing as "synesthesia". In other words, the brain of an extraordinary person is able to receive data from several senses. Moreover, he mixes them.
  • That is why some people they hear smells and see sounds.
  • As for the usual ability to feel the smell, it is called smell. It is present in humans and animals. The same is with the ability to hear sounds.  

In conclusion, I would like to note: smells feel. This is a generally accepted, vocabulary. A peculiar norm of the Russian language. But in an elevated syllable and a figurative sense, smells can be heard. This is synesthesia and metaphor, which no one denies. One way or another, the phrase "Hear the smell" It cannot be regarded as an error.

Video: I hear the smell or do I feel?

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