How to say and write correctly: no or not? Is there such a word in Russian?

How to say and write correctly: no or not? Is there such a word in Russian?

Let's figure out how the form of denial is used in Russian? And how to say correctly: no or not?

In Russian grammar, for the absence of some action or denial of someone else's opinion, they often use a short saying-no. However, sometimes you can find a word in works and in a conversation - There is not. You need to know when There is not It can be pronounced, and when it is completely inappropriate. Let's study the material on this subject in detail.

Is there such a word in Russian?

Of course, this form is very common in works, and in songs, and in ordinary conversations between people. This denial is antonym the words - There is.


  • Do you have time for all sorts of nonsense?
  • There are no gloves in this boutique.
  • You have no conscience.
  • Vasilyevich has no strength.

The word is often used in speech, and it is not a mistake. This form was especially “fashionable” several decades ago. Now they often use the word more often - Not. Most opponents monitor the quality of their speech, less often use parasitic words and other vernacular expressions.

In poetry There is not Apply for rhyme. Without using the ending of “U” it is sometimes difficult to come up with a poem. Such a word is found in almost all fashionable authors of past years, in particular in Akhmatova, Pushkin, Twardowski, Vysotsky, etc.

There is no word in poetry
There is no word in poetry

How to say and write correctly: no or not?

Denial - Not They use in writing and oral speech of any styles. The word does not have any emotional shades, does not have expression, completely comparable generally accepted norms of usage.

Speech style Examples of the application of denial - no
Artistic, journalistic Not, I do not like you. Today there is no rain and will not be. There is no and there will be no way to move away from fulfilling their duties . Tell me - there is no human laziness.
Speech style - business Due to the high workload of production lines, we bring to your attention that we do not have the opportunity to fulfill your order.
Speech style - scientific Your hypothesis has nothing to do with theory and practice.
Speech style - colloquial - Why do you refuse coffee? -No, thank you, I don’t want something at all.

According to the literary standards of modern Russian grammar, the use of a negative form - There is not It is limited only to colloquial, common style. In art works, it is allowed to use this denial if it is appropriate in the text.


  • Everything was waiting and waiting for him, but he never arrived and there are no letters from him
  • Well, what can you be happy about, there is nothing at all
  • There is no one there, there is nothing to do there.
Examples of using a word - no
Examples of using a word - no

In no case should you write and say denial - there is no official business style. Such use of particles is inappropriate. It is worth consuming only a particle.


  • There are no questions about this on the agenda.

A negative particle cannot be used in journalistic and scientific styles. This is considered the height of illiteracy.


  • What does it mean - no funds for budget expenditures?
  • There are no bright colors in this variety of colors.
  • Why are there no good roads in the city?

If you want to look like a competent speaker, then exclude denial - There is not From his speech. Do not use it in a letter. Word - Not At the moment, it is an official denial in Russian grammar. Particle - There is not It is rarely applied, as mentioned above, only in colloquial speech and works of art.

Now let's summarize - denial There is not There is a place to be in Russian literature, but it is not in the official language.

Video: How to say no, no?

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Comments K. article

  1. I will be able to express: “In no case should you write and say denial-there is no official-business style. Such use of a particle is inappropriate ”... But not so that the word“ no ”is impossible, in general, to use as a denial? And this, the fact that it cannot be used as a denial, it turns out, is proof that the word “no” is not spoken, but in itself serves as an indicator of “absence”. No - an indicator of denial. No - an indicator of absence.

  2. I completely agree with the previous comment that “there is no” is an indicator of the absence, but in artistic, especially poetic speech, it is much expressive than “no”, when it is necessary to emphasize finality, hopelessness.

  3. I just want to add. In those cases when we give an answer in one word, referring to the complete absence of what they ask, perhaps there is only “no”. Example: - And where are the thick, Dostoevsky, Gogols today? - There is not! Here you can not use one word “no”, but only with addition: - They are not!

  4. I still don't understand there are no people or not people

  5. Vika: "I still do not understand people or not people"
    “There are no people” - here “no” speaks of the absence of people. “There are no people” - here “no” instead of “no” speaks of the absence of people. “No” can be used instead of “no” as an indicator of absence, and “no” cannot be used instead of “no” as an indicator of denial, refusal, prohibition.

  6. clear

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