How to learn how to speak beautifully and competently and express your thoughts: 10 best tips and rules. How to develop speech and learn to speak clearly, clearly and beautiful: exercises

How to learn how to speak beautifully and competently and express your thoughts: 10 best tips and rules. How to develop speech and learn to speak clearly, clearly and beautiful: exercises

The ability to speak well not everyone is given. But this is not a problem - you can learn everything with a desire.

Oratory leads a person to success. You do not have to be an announcer, a tamad, a guide, a professor, to apply his skill. If an individual knows how to clearly express his thoughts, then surrounding people form a positive opinion about him. As a rule, such interlocutors do not suit disputes, clearly convey their thoughts to others, convincing them of their innocence, thanks to appropriate arguments.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently and express your thoughts: 10 best tips and rules

Correct, clear speech with a change in intonations is a good practice to arrange opponents. If you have such an art, then you can not only advance your business well, but also achieve great heights in political activity.

It is good when, starting from younger age, parents give speech development lessons, teach their babies to correctly pronounce words with their example. If there was no such chance in childhood, you should not be upset about oratory on your own. The main thing is to follow the following tips:

  • Read the literature, replenish your vocabulary. It is with this that it is necessary to begin preparations for performances in public. The dictionary of synonyms does not hurt to teach. It is not aesthetically pleasing to use the same expressions very often in the text of your speech. It is advisable to replace them with phrases similar in meaning.
  • To prepare the performance, try to select examples of similar ones in the meaning of lectures. Pay attention to TED. Here you can find your favorite speakers. Evaluate their performances, try to notice the little things. Analyze the gestures of opponents.
  • Learn to make texts yourself. In front of the mirror, conduct rehearsals, set out these stories. To train the imagination, logic, make small stories from the given words.
  • Write down your speech on a video or voice recorder. Listen to what you did. Correct the errors of diction and pronunciation of words, shortcomings in the text.
How to work on a speech?
How to work on a speech?
  • Expressiveness, imagery of speech train when reading poetry. Moreover, such works are better to teach by heart. This helps to convey emotions, thoughts in one or another speech, to highlight the main thing.
  • Adjust your pace of speech. Too quick sayings, not all opponents understand. If you will worry, then your performance will be failed. Also control the timbre of the voice. Trembling, loudly pronounced phrases, can annoy the listener and not quite correctly perceived.
  • Inappropriate facial expressions, too wide gestures are perceived by listeners, at least strange. Therefore, train in advance in front of the mirror. And in public, control your body movements.
  • The most important priority in this case is diction. All speech defects can be eliminated by hard work and exercises. Speech therapists even cope with the most neglected cases.

IMPORTANT: In general, the process of improving their professionalism in oratory consists of three main components: a clear pronunciation of phrases, increase the reserve of words, work on speech errors, their corrections.

How to work on your speech: exercises

It is a pity that sometimes there are cases when an individual has a huge vocabulary and has the ability to behave before the public, but there is no purity of speech. More precisely, the speaker swallows letters and does not pronounce them articulate or it makes sounds incorrectly, etc. In such cases, he needs to consult a speech therapist who will prescribe a number of exercises. And a person due to perseverance will be able to achieve a good result. After all, no one will listen to the leading radio station, which cannot correctly pronounce half the letters of the alphabet.

During a conversation in public, your breathing should be correct, then there will be no unfinished phrases or prolonged pauses. This greatly distorts the spoken phrases. In other words, so as not to stutter breathe in a special way. Economically consume air, inhale oxygen in time. For this, training is recommended, you need to learn how to breathe using a diaphragm.

  • Useful an exerciselearn to speak texts on exhalation. To do this, first break the expressions into small phrases, pronounce them on exhalation. Next, take a small breath and say the next part of the phrase. On the next exhale, say the sentence entirely, without breaking into phrases. At the same time, train to breathe calmly without sharp breaths. Such training will allow you to balance your breathing and your speech will be even.
  • Train your speech by pronouncing words at different pace. Do it quickly, and then slowly, clearly, paying attention to how you say. A mirror will help you with this.
  • Say the tongue twisters, make sure that all the sounds are clear without errors. If it doesn’t work out the first time, then try to pronounce them until it comes out.
  • Then focus on different consonants. Pronounce with an accent first on some consonants, then to others.
  • Learn to speak with nuts in your mouth so that it turns out that nothing prevents you from. Do this exercise with caution so as not to choke.
Tensions for exercises
Tensions for exercises

After the above exercises, the practice of correct pronunciation of phrases is needed. It is carried out as follows:

  1. Write down your speech on the voice recorder.
  2. Listen to it, critically evaluate the quality.
  3. Let others evaluate your report and indicate errors.
  4. No offense compare all opinions, highlight the shortcomings, correct them.
Exercises for diction
Exercises for diction

Pay attention what errors are most often in the pronunciation of phrases:

  1. Inappropriate pronunciation: e, and, a, o, I, Yu, etc. (vowel of unstressed sounds).
  2. Passing some consonants.
  3. "Eating" vowels.
  4. Incorrect use of consonants (not in that priority).
  5. Incorrect pronunciation: s, w, s, s, f, c.
  6. Fuzzy pronunciation of soft consonants.
The ability to talk beautifully
The ability to talk beautifully

A speech therapist will immediately indicate all the shortcomings of the speaker’s speech. I’ll tell you how to fix errors. No need to be shy about contacting them if necessary. Sometimes it is impossible to cope with the problem with all desire.

Video: How beautifully to speak Russian?

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  1. To learn how to speak beautifully, you need to train your speech apparatus daily. Then the result will be very good. Learn to speak beautifully.

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