The topic "Why tell the truth is sometimes very difficult": arguments for composing

The topic

Arguments and texts of works about the difficulties to tell the truth.

Since childhood, we were taught to tell the truth all the time. And until a certain time, children do so, they are afraid to lie. But over time they understand the realities of modern life. Everything changes somewhat, namely the very perception of the truth.

The topic "Why tell the truth is sometimes very difficult": arguments for composing

The fact is that there are a lot of difficulties when it is necessary to tell the truth. Most often, this happens precisely in adults wise in life experience. The fact is that it is necessary to try to be correct, polite, kind, and do not spoil the mood for anyone, and also not to enter into any skirmishes. That is why, instead of the truth, you have to choose a lie or express your point of view in some soft and correct words.

Psychologists argue that the concept of truth is very subjective and for everyone it is its own. Moreover, in most cases, a person has difficulties if it is necessary to tell the truth in some situations:

  • If a person thinks that his interlocutor really does not like
  • If he believes that words can cause a quarrel or spoil a relationship
  • If a person believes that the truth can cause another interlocutor to think about him badly
  • A person is simply afraid that they will understand him incorrectly
  • Does not want to open his soul, so he leaves the answer

Of course, telling the truth is simply necessary. But you need to do this as correctly and softly as possible. There are situations when it is better to keep silent or lie at all. For example, the future bride asks you how she looks on the wedding day. You cannot say that she looks ridiculous in this wedding outfit and as “a woman on a kettle!” After all, these words can offend. Therefore, you prefer to lie in order to maintain relationships, and also not to spoil the mood of the bride on the day of marriage.

Truth or lie
Truth or lie

Of course, in no case should you constantly lie. After all, most people live in masks. Once lied, they are forced to constantly put on this mask and live someone else's life. In their thoughts, emotions and experiences - one person, and in public - completely different.

Before telling the truth, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is it really really useful in this situation. If not, it is not necessary to answer or tell the truth
  • Try to put yourself in the place of the person you are going to tell the truth. If it hurts you from the words said, maybe you should get away from the answer.
  • It is necessary to try to be tactful, as well as in the right time and place to tell the truth. Because at a particular moment in time or at a certain company, people can be very inappropriate.
  • It is never worth telling the truth when they are in the grip of emotions. The fact is that you cannot correctly pronounce the truth. Only fragments of razor will remain, which will cut the heart of your interlocutor. In this situation, the truth will sound very kolko, sharply.
It's hard to tell the truth
It's hard to tell the truth

How to write an essay on the topic “Why tell the truth it is sometimes very difficult”: examples of works for students

Quite often, high school students are set by works on the topic “Why is it difficult to say the truth?”. This kind of work is aimed at revealing and finding out in fact that a person thinks about the truth. Does he consider it necessary in all life situations. And whether a lie is acceptable. Below are several examples of essays.

Option 1:

True and lies always walk nearby. The most interesting thing is that lies have become part of our life. Many media have distorted data, as well as pieces of glued truth, which ultimately allow you to draw a completely different picture turned upside down. It turns out a huge lie from pieces of truth. This is true, but should a modern person tell the truth all the time? The question is controversial, and applies to each specific situation.

The work “Russian Character” by Leo Tolstoy says about the famous lieutenant, who was badly damaged during the fighting. His face and voice were changed beyond recognition. Arriving home, he saw that his relatives did not recognize him, but did not say anything. Because he was very worried about the health of his mother, who could not withstand the fact that her son has changed so much. He had to suffer. The military did not say to his bride. He still hoped that his relatives would guess, but this did not happen.

Of course, the end of the story is very kind, good, as in fairy tales. Mom guessed and arrived with the bride to visit her son in the regiment. It all ended well enough, but the essence of the story is that the person who constantly wanted to tell the truth served the Fatherland, and was badly injured, cannot tell the truth for only one simple reason. He does not want to hurt his loved ones.


Option 2:

Lies appeared with the emergence of mankind. People were forced to lie for good or in order to prove their case, not wanting to give in to someone. But indeed, is a sweet lie need, or maybe it’s better to say bitter truth? This question was raised in the twentieth century Maxim Gorky. In the work “At the bottom”, he described two main characters - Luka and Satin. Their attitude to life, and in particular to the truth and lies, was diametrically different from each other.

Luke comforted everyone, constantly lied to reassure a person, and instill his faith. And satin, on the contrary, was always a fighter for the truth, no matter how bitter it was. But at the same time, he had to suffer a lot and even go to jail because of his truthfulness. The essence of the work is that a lie is possible in a single case - if it is a comforting lie.

It inspires hope and allows people who do not have to live long, because of a serious illness, to penetrate faithfully and die not in agony. And with the expectation of recovery and in a good mood. Sometimes doctors cannot utter painful words that a person is dying and prefer to lie, saying that he will live happily ever after. But this is a lie for salvation. If a person hears that he was left to live for several months, he will give his hands, and stops resisting the disease.

True, which saved life
True, which saved life

As you can see, it is very difficult to say the truth. Especially if it hurts your loved ones or acquaintances. In this case, it is not necessary to lie at all. We can say the truth correctly in other words.

Video: Why is it so difficult to tell the truth

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