How to say, write: Put a painting or signature in the document? What is the difference between the word signature from the painting?

How to say, write: Put a painting or signature in the document? What is the difference between the word signature from the painting?

This article describes in detail the topic of how to say, write: put a signature or painting in the documentation. You will find out what is the difference in the lexical meaning of the words signature, painting.

By the lexical meaning of the word: painting, signature totally different. The first word means listing something (inventory, property, income). He also has a meaning - it is to paint, paint the walls, etc. More precisely, when drawing with colored paints on the surface - this is painting. BUT signature - This is exactly what we are talking about: personal autographs that put persons, visiting any documents, assuring that they are compiled correctly. And the individual undertakes to fulfill what is spelled out there. Further in detail we will consider how to write correctly, to say painting or signature In the document.

How is it right: put painting or signature?

According to all the rules of Russian grammar and lexical meaning, the word in the expression is signed or painting, you should choose the first interpretation option. It will be correctly used both in writing and in oral speech the word - signature.

Signature or painting?
Signature or painting?


  • Your signature is already appearing on the document, it remains only to do business.
  • Once this signature will be very popular.

You can often hear such a phrase as documentation under the painting. These words are possible for use in Russian vocabulary, because they are close in meaning to the verb to sign.


  • This document is given only under painting.

If read Russian legislation, then there you will not find an understandable clarification that it is the word to use it correctly: signature. The only thing that the Civil Code is mentioned that the signature should be put in many situations in the document, which expresses confirmation of a particular fact of the transaction. (Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Another person can envy with its signature the requisite of the check (article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It is believed that the paper is not true if there is no signature of the responsible person under them according to the unified system of documents, the requirements of GOST P6.30 from 2003. The composition of such a signature should be on paper not only the signature (personal halo invented), but also the surname with the initials, so that it is clear to whom this signature owns. The same condition is spelled out in the Civil Code of Article 19. All persons who acquire and exercise any rights, obligations, must still put their surname with initials (legible handwriting) in addition to the signature.

It is interesting that sometimes, when it is necessary to sign for the absent executive person use the so -called signature - facsimile (inclined feature) or the preposition: for. In this case, the documentation is invalid, because this is considered illegal. Instead of the missing boss, his deputy or person who has the right to such decisions should sign, and the documentation where the “carlyuchka” (facsimile) is invalid.

What should be signed or painted?
What should be signed or painted?

IMPORTANT: You should remember that it is right in the expression: put a signature, use this particular word: signature. The application of the word painting is not correct. You can say: documentation for painting, sign, but not painting.

How correct: put painting or signature - what is the difference between words?

Put painting or signature - how to say correctly, have already found out. Despite the fact that many still use these expressions in their speech and even in writing. You can’t say painting, you can say sign here.

After all, the difference between these words is big. Painting - This is a drawing on a tree with special paints or other materials, a different meaning of the word painting -This is a list of some things, listing something, but not a signature under the text in business papers, etc. .. As you can see, the difference between the lexical meaning of these words is significant. And the signature is a personal autograph that is placed below the document.

It will be correct to say and - sign At the bottom of the document. Just write: put the painting, or dig pain - this is incorrect.

What are the differences in words?
What are the differences in words?

It is because of the verb sign Many say incorrectly: put paintinginitially, the verb and the noun are similar. I wonder that the verb subscribe In speech and in writing, unfortunately, it is rarely used. Perhaps this also plays a large role in pronouncing and writing incorrect phrases and sentences.

So, summing up, we can safely say that the word painting When signing the documentation use incorrectly. Speak correctly, write: Put signature Look there below.

Video: how to say correctly, write: Put a painting or signature in the document?

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