Hang or hang (underwear, curtains, clothes, picture): how to speak, write?

Hang or hang (underwear, curtains, clothes, picture): how to speak, write?

In the Russian language there are many rules and many words that we do not know how to write correctly, if you do not learn the principles of spelling. Of course, all the rules cannot be known by heart and it will not be possible to learn immediately. They are difficult to remember, and besides this, you need to understand on the basis of examples and compiled proposals.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to write remote or remote work correctly?". You will learn how remote work is different from remote work, as well as how remote, distance work can be.

From this article you will learn how to write the word hanged or hanged, hanged or hanging. We will explain the rule to you, and also show the spelling on examples. Only after such a lesson can you remember the spelling and understand how this or that word is written. Read further.

Hanged or hanged, hanged or hanged: how to write correctly, examples of sentences

That's right - hang
That's right - hang

Despite a fairly simple rule, many errors are connected with the word “hang” and its derivatives. There are 2 main options between which people often have a choice. "Hanged" or "Hangs?", "Hanged or hanged " - How to write correctly?

In the case of the word "Hanged", it should be remembered that the type of execution, which was several centuries ago, is called "hanging", but not "Hanging" (verification word "Hang"). Consequently, people who were deprived of their lives will be called "Hanged", but not "Hanged".

According to the rules of the Russian language, write the letter fundamentally "Sh" (hang) categorically wrong. After all, the main verb sounds like "Hang". Examples of proposals:

  • Oleg did not ask Masha to wash his favorite trousers. But after 20 minutes he found them neatly chopped and hanged on a linen rope.
  • There is only a difference between the “hanged” and “hanged” - the literacy of the author.
  • Fearing to be hanged on the ree, the pirates were afraid to disobey the order of the captain.

In general, remembering is very simple. There is a verb "Hang" (someone, something). " Hanged" - a derivative of it. Despite the fact that the letter appears "Sh", letter "E" In the root of the word remains unchanged.

Hang or hang: how to say correctly, examples of sentences

That's right - hang
That's right - hang

Hang - a verb of a perfect form answering the question "what to do?". There are several lexical meanings: "Provide people of the death penalty by hanging", "Hang a thing for something" (literally), "Hang something for someone" (figurative sense).

Examples of sentences to understand how to say correctly - take it or hang:

  • They sought to hang war criminals and enemies of the people at that time.
  • Since Lena was very responsible, the boss was always glad to hang extra work on her (figurative meaning).
  • Grandmother asked Artem to hang his jacket on a hanger, but he, as usual, threw her in a chair in the hallway.
  • Kolya tried to hang wet pants on the underwear rope, but stumbled. Therefore, they fell on the dirty floor.
  • You could not hang my sheepskin coat, because I do not get it. You are much taller than tall.
  • Do you want to hang a murder on me now? It will not work (figurative meaning).
  • I would recommend that you hang your coat. After all, it will be very quickly remembered if you throw it, wherever you get.

The words "Hang" There is no Russian language. However, there is a word "hang" - This is the same verb "Hang", only in an incomplete form. That is, the action lasts. It has not ended yet.

  • Anya began to hang underwear.
  • We will hang the decor until we decorate the entire hall.
  • Call me a Christmas dissident or anyone. But I do not like the New Year and hang jewelry and I will not put a Christmas tree.

Accordingly, speak correctly "Hang". This is the only true version of the pronunciation of this word and its spelling.

What rule is used when writing the word "hang"?

Hanging is the rule
Hanging is the rule

It is important to simply remember the rule once, and then you will already write the words “on the machine”. The principle of writing will be departed in your subconscious and you can write words at the level of intuition. What rule is used when writing a word "Hang"? Here's an explanation:

  • If the verb of the perfect species answers the question "what to do?", then the form is used "Hang".
  • However, if we are not talking about hanging, but about the weight of someone, then the option "hang" It will be correct.
  • As for the word "Hang", it is sometimes used in relation to situations where you need to hang many objects. But this is not lexically correct.
  • Verb "Hang" It has a perfect shape, in infinity. That is why there are no other writing options and cannot be.

Below is described in more detail. Read further.

Picture on the wall, curtains, linen, tulle, garland, ad, coat, jacket, chandelier, mirror, clock, shelf, blinds - you need to hang or hang: how to write correctly, examples of sentences

Not all people are equally easy to remember that in Russian there is only one available option "Hang". In what cases is it used? In fact, in almost all. The picture on the wall, curtains, linen, tulle, garland, ad, coat, jacket, chandelier, mirror, clock, shelf, blinds need to hang or hang it? How to write correctly?

Remember: In russian language it is written correctly "hang" And nothing else.

Here are examples of proposals:

  • Pasha, I need to hang a picture on the wall. Please help me.
  • Oksanochka, daughter, you need to hang the curtains. Let's do it, and then go to the cinema with girlfriends.
  • I had to hang the laundry to dry, but I didn’t do it.
  • We were able to hang not only tulle, but also the New Year's garland.
  • I never managed to hang the last announcement, because the glue is over.
  • Let me first hang a coat, and then pretend to be inquiries.
  • - Where can you hang a jacket here? Anton asked, entering the apartment. The guys replied that nowhere and he could simply put her on the dressing room in the hallway.
  • In order to hang a new chandelier, you must first remove the old one.
  • Hanging a mirror is much easier if you are not alone and there are assistants.
  • I want to hang the clock in the living room. What place do you think to choose?
  • Why do you need a man, even if you can’t hang a shelf?
  • Hanging blinds is no more difficult than ordinary curtains.
  • What are you? Can't you hang the clock yourself?
  • To hang the shelf smoothly, it is necessary that one hold it at the right level, and the other fix it.

Repeat the rule: Verb "Hang" does not exist. There is a verb “hang”. That is why only one option is used - "Hang".

How is it written - hang or hang clothes on a hanger: examples of sentences

That's right - hang your clothes for a hanger
That's right - hang your clothes for a hanger

Verb "Hang" answers the question "what to do?". As for the word "hang"it is not used with prefix "on". That is why the option "Hang" wrong. There is only one alternative, and is written correctly - "Hang" (what do you do?)clothes for a hanger.

Here are examples of proposals:

  • Son, where are you at the table in a jacket? Hang it on a hanger and sit down to the table.
  • On your coat lime. Take it off and hang it on the hanger. Now let's try to clean it.
  • So that the trousers do not wrinkle, hang them on the hanger.

Remembering simply: WHAT TO DO? - Hang what to do - hang. Option “Hang” will be grammatically and lexically incorrect. This is considered a rough mistake. 

I will hang things or hang: how to write and speak correctly, examples of sentences

Let's fix the material again. I’ll hang things or hang things - how to write and speak correctly?

  • "I will hang" - This is the same verb "Hang", pronounced from the first person solely in the future.
  • The word answers the question "What will I do?". Word "Hang" In this case, it is not used. It is customary to say "I will hang".

Here are examples of proposals:

  • First I will hang things, and then I will deal with your question.
  • Who will hang things if I do not.
  • Let me hang your things. And you go, cook dinner.

Of course, option "I will hang things" will be considered illiterate. But sometimes exceptions are acceptable, for example:

  • “I outweigh them all,” he said.

In this case, there is a long action. And this is a completely different rule. Word "Clutch" It is tantamount to words “I will kill”, “shoot”, “transmit”. But words "Hang" no.

If we do not know how to write or speak, replace with "attach"

If you do not know how to correctly say -
If you do not know how to correctly say - "attach"

It happens that a person forgets the correct version of the verb "Hang" In the future. If we don’t know how to write or say what to do?

  • In order not to disgrace and not be known as ignorant, you can replace the word "Hang" on word "Attach", a "I will hang" on the "I will attach". But this is not always acceptable.
  • For example, we cannot say "I will attach a shirt on a hanger". We are speaking "I will hang a shirt on a hanger".
  • But we can say instead "I need to hang a picture", "I need to attach a picture". You can also attach a chandelier, shelf and other interior items.

But do not use the verb "Attach" In the case of clothes. It will look wildly illiterate. Only "Hang".

Morphemal analysis of the word "hang"

Many students and even adults make an incorrect morphemical analysis of the word "Hang". The composition of the word:

  • Poe - prefix, weight - root, and, t - suffixes, no end, hang - the basis of the word - This option of morphemic analysis is found in many sources. But he is wrong.

It will be more reasonable to classify this:

  • "Hang" - by - console, The weight - Root, And - suffix, T - The verb end.

Given that the root of the word "the weight", you can’t say and write "Hang". Because the verb "Hang"from which the word would subsequently form "Hang" does not exist.  

How to write and speak wrong?

The main wrong version of the word "Hang" sounds like "Hang", "hang". But there is a mistake "Ride". This is exactly the same illiteracy as in the case of the verb "Win", if speaking "I will win you" or "I am waiting for you"- So wrong to write or speak. It will be wiser to say "I will win over you".

Now you know what to write and speak correctly "Hang" and "I will hang" but not "Hang" or "Hang". Remember the above rules and try to make proposals yourself. So you better understand the material and you can always express and write correctly. Good luck!

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