The word "please": how is it written in the sentence, with commas or not?

The word

If you do not know how the word "please" is written, read the article. It has rules, examples of proposals.

Russian people are polite and courteous. Therefore, the native language cannot be presented without words of gratitude. The latter can be pronounced in any cases: one person can express the location of the other for the service provided, the given thing, the sold product, trust, etc. The word "please" We use in a conversation when setting out messages on social networks. It is when writing that people often make mistakes in this word form.

"Probably or probably" - how the word is spelled correctlyRead in another article on our website.

This article describes the rules of spelling of the word "please". How to write it correctly? Where to put commas in a sentence? Look for answers to these and other questions below.

How is the word “please” correctly written in Russian - “please”, “please”, “please” or “fence”: the rule, how to check?

The word
The word "please" is written through "o" and with "th"

The spelling of a word in the Russian language has its own rule. It needs to be remembered and then you will never forget how to write a word form in a sentence. How is the word "please" correctly written? Below you will find a rule and how to check the spelling.  

  • The only correct writing option is "please".

Other erroneous spelling options:

  • "Glorified." Written without "Y" The word speaks of illiteracy of a person.
  • "Misive". A terrible mistake is the use of the letter "about" in the end. It sounds and looks absurd, wildly.
  • "Page"- Ordinary description when the letter "Y" Just written in another syllable.
  • "Pajoust"- A gross error or essay - whoever turns out.

In oral speech, the etiquette form is distinguished by pauses, an increase in tone and incentive means. The position of the lexeme conveys the shades of the value. If you put it in front of the main verb, then the semantic accent will emphasize the sincerity of the thoughts. As for the position near the verb, there is a formula for banal politeness. For example:

  • Give me a candy, well, please!
  • Please children, stop fighting!
  • You can, please, please! I am writing down.

Regarding the letter "Y", some people forget her, because during the pronunciation it is practically lost. Sometimes "Y" They put it out of place. Then it turns out “Page” is another wrong option.

How to check spelling?

  • The fact is that the etiquette formulas of the Russian language are made from verb combinations. Suppose the word "hello" is a wish to be healthy.
  • Similarly and with a request. It came from the verb “slic” in the imperative mood. The “hundred” particle was added.
  • If we analyze the verb “hard” and modify it to “perhaps”, “th” at the end of the word quite noticeable and is considered as mandatory. Therefore, this word may be one of the verification options.

You can associate the verb "Hard" with others:

  • "Give-give, give"
  • "Gray - please - perhaps"
The word
The word "please"

Also a word "Hard" formed by adding a prefix "on -". It is written exclusively with the letter "about". That's why "Pajoust" It is no longer possible to write.

As for the particle - "One", "a" There is no doubt at its end. If you remember that this particle is always written with the vowel "a", that word "please" It will cease to be a stumbling block and you will always write it correctly.

A little about the particle "- One hundred":

  • Word "please" It is formed from two words: "perhaps" and "One".
  • The first is a verb. Word "One" In ancient times, it designated "older".
  • However, after the word "One" began to be used as a tribute instead of "Make mercy", "Provide the courtesy."

In Russia, not only the word was used "please", but also "Thank you", "Great". Subsequently, this habit seemed inconvenient to native speakers, because it was removed from everyday life. However, a particle "-St" You can see in the creations of the classics:

  • Nikita-old! The great sovereign complains you from his table. (A.K. Tolstoy, "Prince Silver")
  • - Is everything here? The stranger asked. -Is it all here? - repeated the headman. “That's all,” the citizens answered. (A. S. Pushkin, "History of the village of Goryukhin").

The following are described punctuation rules with this word. Read further.

Punctuation - how is it written “please” in a sentence, with commas or not: how to put commas?

Punctuation -
Punctuation - "please" in the sentence

Below the rules of punctuation are described. How do you spell "please" In the sentence, with commas or not? How to put commas?

Rule: According to the rules of punctuation of the Russian language, the word "please" It is introductory. If it is located at the beginning and end of the sentence, it is released with one comma, and if in the middle, then two.

For example:

  • Sorry, I don't want to see you. Go away please!
  • Do not bother, please. I need to prepare for the exam.
  • Can I use your pen? - Take it, please!
  • Please, your coffee.
  • Please pass the salt. - Here you are.

However, there is another subtlety. If the particle is used in the meaning "certainly", expresses the possibility of something and is in the middle of the sentence, the word is separated by a dash:

  • With Katya - please, but without her - you will not force me to weed the beds.
  • A thousand rubles - please, but I can’t give the whole loan yet.
  • The elders must be conceded. In the tram - please, but not in battle.

Often enough "please" It is also used in order to indicate a strong request, requirement. In this case, commas are not used:

  • Mom, let's go to the river today. No, I am busy! Oh please!
  • Let's take this puppy! Oh please! I promise, I will study well and finish a quarter for one five.

How is it easier to remember? Here are the tips:

  • At the beginning of the sentenceso, a comma is put after it: "Please do not try to pry me."
  • At the end of the sentencethe comma is placed in front of him: “Oh, sorry, please! I accidentally - nothing, empty. ”
  • In the middle - commas on both sides: “Tell me, please, how to get to the opera theater?”, “Bring us, Tikhon, please on your sleigh!”
"Please" in the sentence

Here are more examples of writing phrases and sentences with this word form:

  • Say please
  • Tell me please
  • Please write
  • Throw off, please
  • Excuse me, please
  • Give me please
  • Please introduce yourself
  • Help me please
  • Please show a soft toy
  • Excuse me, please
  • Look please
  • I will go like it, please
  • Send it please
  • Please send
  • Please close the door
  • Don't forget, please
  • Please issue an invoice for payment
  • Revee, please

As for the interjection expression "tell me please", it is used to express indignation or irony. A comma in this case is placed before and after the word "please". We can say that the whole interjection expression stands out with commas:

  • Tell me please! What a king! He cannot pass 2 km on foot!
  • I will not eat this soup, he is yesterday. Wow! Tell me please! Eki Barin was looking for. Last year, when it was worse with money, ate like a nice one.
  • Please tell me how we dressed up. Where are you going? To school or on a date?
  • Yesterday he asked me for help, and today he lifted his nose and walks like a peacock. Please tell me what an aristocrat has become, forgets old friends. He, you see, is now worthless to be with us.

The scope of expressions is wide enough "Well, please", "And please", the commas are not placed here, but the whole combination stands out. These phrases are used to express extreme discontent and resentment with a certain detachment. Based on the context of use, a person is offended, but wants to show that the offender is indifferent to him:

  • Do you like me? Well, please! Go to your Nastya. I really need to run after you!
  • They told me that I did not have enough experience to participate in competitions. Well, please! Also me, record holders. A year later, I will run ten times better than them.

Phrase "Well, please" Something similar to "Well, okay" - With the only difference, that in the second case there is no obvious resentment, there is only indifference:

  • Vitya, I want to tell you something ... Remember, I took your computer mouse? So, she broke - well, okay! She was still 7 years old, I kept it as a spare. Throw away and forget.

Below you will find even more sentences with this word form. Read further.

Examples of sentences with the word "please"

"Please" in the sentence

Examples help to better remember the material. If the rule is learned, now you need to make sentences. So it will be easier and then you can write correctly on the machine. Here are examples of sentences with the word "please":

  • Please give us 4 whites and one Coca-Cola! - Here, please keep. - Thanks a lot.
  • Honey, don't take me out, please! I am very tired today at work. Moreover, the boss fell from the chain. The reprimand made and deprived the prizes. So let's transfer all the conversations about our joint problems for tomorrow.
  • Tell me please! Once I won the olympiad in mathematics, and my nose lifts like a pop star. You really need to communicate with him. Well, please! Let him now be friends with his "botanists."
  • You know, to be honest, you are not at all pretty - well, please! Look, you will regret it again.
  • Oleg, please give it to the sugar bowl! - With great pleasure!
  • Katya, please, finally take up the mind! You are already 18! It's time to determine the profession. - I want to be a singer. - What are you? I'm talking about normal work. However, well, please. Do what you want.
  • Please tell me to write the word "please" with or without "th"?

Even more examples of spelling below. Read further.

"Always please": how is it written?

"You're welcome"

This design agrees to the request. Moreover, consent implies unconditional and constant. How do you spell "you're welcome"?

  • Synonyms “Always please”, “always at your service”, “contacting”, “always glad to help”, “do not thank”, “do not have gratitude”, “everything for you”, “Not at all”.
  • In this case, there are no commas at the beginning or end of the offer.

For example:

  • Martin, today your coffee is amazingly tasty. Thank you! “Always please, ma'am.”
  • Olya, thank you for helping me with a test in English. It is given to me very badly. If not for you, I would have overwhelmed it - always please, Artem. Just promise me that you will devote more time to lessons. Nothing succeeds in one who makes little effort.
  • You won’t force you to breathe, but please walk with friends - always please.
  • Thank you for covering me and told my mother that I was with you. - You're welcome! Only next time you even warn me about your antics. And then I already have to lie by inertia.

With this phrase, everything is clear. But there are others, and they can be controversial. Read further.

"You can please": how is it written?

"Can I please"

Phrase "can I please" It is quite controversial. How do you spell? Here's an explanation:

On the one hand, it is somewhat alien to the Russian ear and it is more reasonable to apply other options instead, at least inserting between words "can" and "please" word "to me":

  • "Can I please me a cup of coffee?"
  • "Can I please go to Vika for my birthday?"
  • "Can I have another steak, please?"

In this phrase, a comma before the word "please", then appears, then disappears depending on the context:

  • Can I drink a stack? - Yes, do not disdain!
  • May I invite you to the cinema, please! You will not object?
  • Can I please? - Can. Please!
  • You can, please, water!
  • Can you please a certificate?
  • Can you please 2 coffee?

However, this phrase is often considered incorrect. In the usual version of the Russian language, the word "please" It is always worth only next to the verb in the imperative mood:

  • "Please tell Vasya to return the book to the library"
  • "Please do not bother me with your calls"
  • "Stop making noise, please!"

Setting a word "please" next to an impersonal predicate "can" In some cases, it is considered a grammatical error. However, the design is often used in colloquial speech:

  • Can you please see your exchange rate?
  • Can you please invite you on a date? It is more logical to say: "Can I invite you on a date?" or "Let me invite you on a date."
  • Can you please look at your solution to the problem? More logical - "I can, please, look at your solution to the problem"or "Let me, please, look at your decision."

A fairly large number of linguists and philologists agree that the expression "can I please" nothing more than Englishism. Synonyms in English are: "May I?", "Can I?"

  • Can I Help You? Can I Kiss You? May I Suggest Another Hotel? etc.

Another option for using this word. Read further.

"Well, please": how is it written?

"Oh please"

To understand the correct spelling of the phrase "Oh please", you should learn to distinguish interjection "well" from particles. The latter is not isolated, unlike the first. In the first case, when the speaker thought, the comma must be put:

  • How old is he?- Well, in appearance, about 25 years. (can be replaced with “hmm”).

If "well" implies an affirmative answer, or is used for amplification, a comma is not needed:

  • Please come to me.
  • Well, let me bite off an apple, well, please.
  • Well mom, please. I really need this toy.

In this case, we are talking about a polite shade of the request, phrases are synonymous "I beg you", "I beg you" very much "," I beg ".

Reply "Please": How is it written?

Reply "Please"

Word "please" It is one of the most popular answers in Russian. It is polite, simple and concise. A similar answer is a kind of sign that gratitude is accepted. Here's how it is written:

  • Thank you for lifting! - Please, ask free! (Synonyms “not for nothing”, “always glad to help”).
  • Petka, thank you for giving me my sieve - without him I could not write a dictation! I don’t know at all! - Please! I don't need him! I have from the 5th grade “excellent” in Russian.

If a "please" The answer is at the beginning of the sentence, it is written with a capital letter. To enhance emotions, you can put an exclamation mark. This will be a complete answer from one word. But if the responsible one has a desire to continue his thought, he may well put after the word "please" commas. Or add a few more offers:

  • Thank you very much for your help! - Please, I still usually have nothing to do in the evenings. Glad to help you.
  • Thank you for helping me with the text of the song, now I will not disgrace at the concert. - Please! For me, write the text - a couple of trifles. And you would be tormented for three days.

Sometimes by the way "please" Add a word "always". Phrase "you're welcome" It is written separately, without any punctuation marks. Denotes not only gratitude accepted, but also the readiness of the “assistant” to help the requester again and again:

  • Thank you for taking me money! I now have a very difficult material situation, the child is sick. Sometimes there are no funds even for food.
  • You're welcome! We are colleagues. Today I will help you, tomorrow - you are me.

Now try to make proposals yourself. This will help to better remember the material.

How is it written in abbreviation "please"?

The word
The word "please"

The habit of reducing words came to us from the Internet salting. In this case, the communicating people do not require strict adherence to grammatical rules and correct punctuation. How abbreviated as it is written "please"? This word is transformed into many Americanized (and not very) options:

  • Pzhlst
  • Pliz
  • Ples
  • Plisics, etc.

For example:

  • Throw me, pliz, on the wall in VK a new track of this group! I really liked them! - Yes please! What am I sorry, or what?
  • Pzhlst, help me with a family, I beg you! I am in mathematics full zero! - Okay, only a little later. I need to walk the dog, and then I will be free!

In business and official speech, these reductions are unacceptable.

How is the word "please" in English?

In English, the word
In English, the word "please"

If the word "please" It is used as a request or its strengthening, then the English -language part of humanity speaks and writes "Please"what is read and pronounced as "Pliz". If "please" is an answer, then the design is used in English and is written “You are welcome” (“Not at all”).

For example:

  • Please Tell Sarah to Return My Cds to Me - Please tell Sarah to return my discs to me.
  • COME HERE, please - please come here.
  • Thank you for that Song - You are welcome! - Thank you for this song. Please! Turn ("to health").

Now you know how to write the word correctly "please"And where to put the commas. Try to make proposals yourself. This will help to remember all the rules. Good luck!

Video: How is the word written correctly in Russian?

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