How is the word payment written - together or separately?

How is the word payment written - together or separately?

This article will describe what the word posts mean, and how to write it correctly in Russian - is together or separately. You will also find out what part of the speech is and why it should be written only like that.

There are many words in Russian grammar, according to spelling that have many questions. And not everyone knows their meaning. So the word post is not often found in ordinary speech, because some may not know how it is written correctly. This word means a certain form of calculation, which is made after receiving a service or the subject of purchase.

The post-cost system is somewhat similar to the cash on delivery. The client receives the goods only after that conducts a calculation for it. This word is most often mentioned in agreements. Therefore, you need to know how the word post is written - together or separately. Next, we will study this issue in more detail.

How is the word payment written - meaning: when it is used?

Since the word is rarely used in the Russian language, it is not familiar with its meaning. But already judging by how it is pronounced, you can understand that this is something related to payment. Only the prefix is \u200b\u200bembarrassed, most often the word is used to describe a new tariff plan for mobile communications. So the operator can say to subscribers that this tariff package with a post -paid calculation system. And this tariff is certainly more profitable than prepayment tariffing.

Postpayment agreement
Postpayment agreement

The client first uses free mobile communications: makes calls, uses Internet connection, sets musical beeps and the like, and then pays for all this according to the operator’s calculations. It is doubtful that it is worth trusting in such a case this calculations, but this is not about that.

Another word Post -payment Apply in such cases when transactions between firms, etc. That is, the client buys a product or service, this was said above, and after paying for it. The parties sign the contract and use this term there, so as not to write whole expressions about the conditions of payment.

How the word post is written: Writing Rules

So the word postpaid is written And nothing else. It is impossible to divide it into a preposition and root. The prefix post is a foreign origin, even the same prefixes include: sub-, trans-, hyper-, counter-, inter-. According to the rules of the grammar of the Russian language, these all prefixes write together. This rule should only be remembered, then you will not have problems with grammar and you will not find yourself in an awkward situation when drawing up agreements using this word.

How to write the word postplaces?
How to write the word postplaces?

How the word post is written: Examples

To date, in business practice, the word is often used. And once again, fall asleep that the word post is written only together. Do not forget about this rule. Next, consider examples of proposals:

  • When, I studied your new tariffs, I noticed that many proposals for tariff plans with postpayment.
  • Vladislav Vitalievich, new contracts have come there, there are changes in them, it is now allowed to use the post -payment.
  • According to the dictionary, post -payment means making funds for goods or service only after receiving the goods, providing the service.
  • Many customers claim that postplaces are one of the most profitable types of payment, because you can be completely sure that the goods will be received and checked for quality, only after that they give money for it.
Spelling of prefixes
Spelling of prefixes

IMPORTANT: Remember to write a post payment, as two different words - this is wrong. Postpay on the letter is used only together.

Video: How is the word payment written?

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