How the word is still spelled in comprehensively or separately or through a hyphen: rule

How the word is still spelled in comprehensively or separately or through a hyphen: rule

In this article there is information on how to write a word as before or still? You will find out when the word is written separately, and when through a hyphen. Also watch tables with examples and videos.

There are words in Russian grammar that are written differently in various situations. The adverb can be ranked to these: as before, the pretext with the adjective: still. As you can see, these words are used in a letter through a hyphen and separately, together, it is still never used. Further in detail we will find out how it is still written, still in a letter, and when to apply one or another option.

How is it still written: when a word is written through a hyphen?

It will be easier for you to remember how it is still written if you learn to determine what part of the speech is in front of you. For example, we will use the following sentence: We will still do everything, despite all the persuasion.

In this sentence, the word is still used through a hyphen, because from the verb we will make a question to it? And when, by the way, they put the question of how?, Then it refers to the adverb, the adverbs of such a plan, in turn, are used with a hyphen in the letter.

According to the rules, this adverb is formed from such a part of speech as an adjective. Thanks to the prefix ON- And the suffix -Mo-. The old example ⇒ still. And the adverbs that are formed thanks to the adjective end at TO HIM, OULike Still In this case, they are written through a hyphen. Below are the rules and examples of application in the table of such adverbs with the prefix ON:


Offers with adverbs through a definition:


Live stillAnd play differently.


Better dress differently, there is not summer yet.


Sing in Turkish Maria had not yet succeeded.


If a like a friend They treat you, then why do you provoke a scandal.


Live wolf, this does not mean to betray.

As you can see the rules for writing adverbs with a prefix ONIt’s not so difficult to remember. However, one should be able to distinguish adjectives. After all, the names of the adjectives are single -sounding with adverbs, and vary in writing. And to determine which part of the speech appears at the moment, it is possible only in a sentence or phrase. Examples:

  • I decided not to change anything and do everything (how?) still.
  • My brother will study (what?) Still My textbook.
  • He all lives like that (how?) still In gold.
  • She went (by what?) still route.

When you cannot decide how to write correctly Still, it is better to pay attention to the very meaning of the sentence.

Adverbs - through a hyphen
Adverbs - through a hyphen

IMPORTANT: If a Still performs in the form of an adverb (question how?), then it should be written only with a hyphen, and when Still - An adjective (which question is?), Then it should only be written separately.

In what part of speech is the word used? Examples of proposals: How to write correctly:
  • They are still They were stubborn, not wanting to sell the company, despite the fact that they already felt that the company would soon go broke.
  • They are all the same still They work a lot and do not rest at all.
  • It is difficult over the years still Be able to stay afloat, for this you have to constantly monitor weight and appearance.
  • Mariam stilli only dreamed of one thing: so that he was always next to her.
  • How do you live? Still.
  • Run stillthe paths are useless, but there was nowhere to go, there is no other choice.
  • She lives still The address does not think about improving housing conditions at all.
  • A stream cannot move still The paths - the builders turned it back, but the water is trying to break through the previous direction.
  • They wanted to continue to move still The route, but this thought was hopeless, and fate was not on their side.
  • You live at the same address, right? Yes - still.

How is it still written as before: when the word is spelled separately?

Next, consider how the word is written correctly Still, if this name is an adjective. Example: We went down the same route to the lake. Here, as before, it is an adjective. It is attached to the noun: the ways, answers the question: Which? And between ON and Far The question can easily be inserted: Which? Based on the rules of grammar, such a word is written separately.

Writing words still, still
Writing words still, still

So, we repeat, according to - the preposition, the former is the adjective name, from the word the former, former, etc. This phrase is attributed to a noun (route). For verification, you can raise the question which one? Example:

  • He rushed along the previous route. What route? - Far.

In addition, in order to check this adverb or adjective, try to remove it from the phrase or text. The semantic characteristic will not be lost.


  • He rushed along the route.

Offers with adjectives

Offers without adjectives

Offers with adverbs

We will still live at the previous address.

We will live at the address

We will still live.

We work as previously

We work on schedule

We are still working

As you can see, you can easily distinguish, where the adjective name is, and where the adverb is in the sentence. To do this, you should be a little praying, and be able to distinguish between the semantic characteristics of the text.

Video: How is it still written correctly?

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