How is the word race or seedlings spelled correctly: rule

How is the word race or seedlings spelled correctly: rule

In this article, we will consider how the phrase of the race or seedlings is written correctly.

How to write a race or seedlings of people?

The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult study in the world. And not in vain. After all, the language is full of many words, revolutions. And there are so many rules of writing that even in adulthood, many have questions about spelling. In addition, the Russian language differs in that words are written and pronounced in different ways. Today we are considering the spelling of the race or seeding of people.

So, two or one “C” should be written between two vowels “A”? To answer this question, you should first consider the etymology of the word.

This word is very young and appeared in the Russian language only in the mid -nineteenth century. He was adopted from the French word "Rasse"and as you can see, it has two letters "s" in it. The word means large groups of people who have developed historically, they are united by hereditary biological features.

But if we look at Dahl's famous explanatory dictionary, released at the same time that the words appeared in Russian, then he wrote it down as a race of people, with one letter “C”. The word race is not mentioned before Dal's dictionary. In explanatory and spelling dictionaries, the race of people subsequently published is also written with one “C”.

So, we summarize:

  • If you write the race of people, then you always need to write a word with one “C”;
  • With two SS, the Italian commune of Rasa is written, and there is also a predator living in India, Ceylon and other Asian countries called Rasa.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a cognitive video about three indigenous race people.

Video: The first three indigenous race of mankind

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