Probably or probably: how is the word spelled correctly?

Probably or probably: how is the word spelled correctly?

In this article you will find information about what is more correct to use in colloquial speech and in a letter the word probably or probably? Also read how to put commas in sentences with these words.

Synonyms: probably probably They can be applied both in written and oral speech. However, in modern Russian grammar, the word is more often used maybe - This option is or rather. And the word maybe More often wrote in the literature of the nineteenth century. The lexical meaning of these synonyms - undoubtedly true, maybe most likely or possibly.

Probably or probably - how is it right?

So, how to write and say correctly: probably or probably? Correctly one and another version of the application of words in Russian grammar. There are no rules prohibiting the use of them in writing or in oral speech.

Application on a letter of words probably probably
Application on a letter of words probably probably

IMPORTANT: However, some linguists believe that the use of a word maybe It will be more true in the letter, and maybe - The option is more spoken. More maybe It will be more correct to use in colloquial speech.

Probably or probably: examples of sentences

So that your speech sounds correctly try to use in spoken language maybe. Although probably or probably - Until now they use in Russian grammar. Examples of sentences With this dialect ( maybe) see below:

  • Probably, he did not have time for the bus, now he will linger.
  • She is probably very fond of employees in the team.
  • You and I probably made a big mistake.
  • Wait, I probably made a mistake and did not correctly indicate your way to school.
  • If you let everyone go through your site, then you will probably be robbed.
  • Strange, but when, probably, I find out what is being discussed in their conversation, a confusing business may be cleared.
  • How good it is to be self -sufficient, probably ...
  • He probably turned to the left.
  • Now, probably, as I sing.
  • I guess I part with you forever, no matter how sorry.
The lexical meaning of the word
The lexical meaning of the word

Examples with the word probably:

  • Probably, now I can come up with a couple of options for completing this long story.
  • Why do you write: the sun without the letter l, probably, did not teach Russian grammar?
  • When will we go home? Probably when the sun sits down.
  • I think, probably, he will not come here.
  • That is how it was, probably.
  • Well, probably, they did not wait for us.
  • You are probably very tired today after a busy day.
  • Probably, it will turn out at all what they wanted.
  • It will not work, probably, I can surprise you at all.

Probably or probably: punctuation

Before deciding on writing Probably or probably In a letter, deal with punctuation, you should decide in what meaning this or that adverb is used. If the word by value is close With a phrase and word: undoubtedly surely, be sure, right, then such adverbs are not distinguished by commas.

  • I will probably score and take a nap.
  • I probably lied to you, do not be offended by me.
How right - probably, probably?
How correctly - probably, probably?

Probably probably, when the sentence acts as an introductory word, is always distinguished by commas. And in this case, it matters: perhaps most likely, apparently, more likely. Examples:

  • She probably suffers greatly for the past years.
  • Things to do? I won’t think of it, I’ll probably go to drink tea or cinema, or maybe I’ll look through the magazine.
  • In this house, they probably made repairs, smelled with fresh paint.
  • It’s a pity, I probably have to go alone to the city without friends.
  • Resentment at me probably never passed until today, you could not forgive.

As you can see, words probably probably -These are synonyms, and the differences between them are minimal. There is only one difference that maybe preferred to use in Russian literature at the turn of the nineteenth century, and the word maybe - Already a modern option. Therefore, it will be more correct to write and speak - probably.

Video: probably or probably - punctuation marks

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