The word ugly: is it written together or separately?

The word ugly: is it written together or separately?

In this article you will learn how to write the adjective ugly - together or separately. It is interesting that you can use various variations of the spelling of the word, read more about this in the text.

Children are taught Russian at school for many years. After all, in order to be competent, not to make mistakes on the letter, you need to know all the rules. Now let's consider how the negative particle is written not in adjectives. The word is ugly, is written together or separately? Writing adjectives with a negative particle is not interpreted in the spelling dictionary, the rules of the Russian language.

According to the rules, the particle is not in the meaning of the contrast, which is not characteristic of the prefix is \u200b\u200bused separately in the letter. But the ugly word is written together when the adjective has the meaning of the contrast, but it can be replaced with a synonym without a particle, for example: ugly, ugly.

The word ugly: is it written together or separately?

So, it was already said above that adjectives can be written with a particle not, both together and separately. So the expression is not beautiful, and the word ugly, is written together and separately, depending on the situation.

Spelling not with words
Spelling not with words

Below are the rules for writing a particle not with adjectives:

  1. Not with adjectives is written together then, when indicates a certain degree of positive nature of the manifestation of the word. This degree can be replaced with words: very, strongly, very, completely, completely, extremely, flagrant, etc.
  2. Same way Not with the words, when the adjective appears in the form of a predicate in the sentence. Too ugly phrase in such a situation cuts hearing.

Examples of such a sentence may be the following:

  • The girl had too ugly her handbag, she did not fit at all under the general image.
  • Marishka at school was completely ugly, but when she grew up, she became very pretty.
  • In the sixth grade, a very ugly girl sat with me at the desk, despite this, for some reason I liked her.
The particle is not with adjectives
The particle is not with adjectives

IMPORTANT: If in a sentence with this word you can still apply adverbs or measures: very, almost, quite, very, then the particle is not written with the adjective together.

When the word is ugly: it is written together, and when separately?

When the ugly word is written together, we have already examined, but separately not beautiful is used in the letter, if as a contrast. When a union “A” can be delivered between the particle and the adjective.

Examples of such offers:

  1. The room was gently to say - not beautiful, but you can even say ugly.
  2. After several meetings, the guy offended the girl that she was not just not beautiful, but also terrible.
The spelling of the particle is not
The spelling of the particle is not

Naturally, this rule should be applied in the technique of writing words on a letter, such a use of the phrase will be considered true. Although variability may be present in the spelling sense. Most likely, writing a word is not beautifully separately-this is a recommendation, but not as a rule-description. So this rule about the Union: “A” Most likely this is a council that does not prohibit the use of the opposite spelling of the word ugly - together.

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Video: ugly word is written together or separately - rules

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