How many red caviar is required for one sandwich in grams? How many red caviar do you need to buy at 20, 30.40 and more sandwiches?

How many red caviar is required for one sandwich in grams? How many red caviar do you need to buy at 20, 30.40 and more sandwiches?

How many red caviar will be needed to make sandwiches for a banquet or a buffet? Look for an answer in the article.

The festive table is the main one when receiving guests. The table should not only have a huge variety of food, but also, it should be interestingly decorated. For the New Year or anniversary, as a rule, people try to make the festive table not only bright and tasty, but also memorable.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Tsarist salad with red caviar and squid, shrimp, salmon, crab sticks". You will also learn how to cook such a salad with chicken, meat, champignons, pineapples, prunes, and find the best recipes and photos.

Now, despite the fact that red caviar is an expensive product, we still buy it for almost every holiday. It is worth noting that in connection with the frequent catch and the use of caviar, now it has become much smaller. A lot of fakes appeared. Therefore, if you want your table to have a real tasty caviar on your table, then buy it from a proven manufacturer. Imitation is also suitable for consumption, but it has not such good taste as a real product. From this article you will learn how to choose real and tasty caviar and how much it is required for one sandwich. Read further.

What is red caviar and how to choose the right one?

Red caviar
Red caviar

Red caviar is one of the main jewelry. But do not forget that it is also rich in all kinds of vitamins, phosphorus, proteins, calcium and iodine. What is red caviar and how to choose the right one? This product is obtained from four types of fish, such as:

  • Pink salmon
  • Trout
  • Keta
  • Kizhum

It is worth paying attention to the fact that each of them differs from each other. For example:

  • At the trout Light orange eggs, quite elastic and have the salty taste, reach the size 2-3 mm.
  • The caviar has a pink salmon for everyone the usual taste, eggs of orange color and reach size from 3 to 5 mm.
  • Caviar keta It has a delicate creamy taste, it is a saturated amber color with a small red tint. Also has the largest eggs up to 5-7 mm.
  • Kizhum - caviar It has a bitter taste, eggs are elastic burgundy. The size of the eggs reaches 2-3 mm.

When buying this product, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the integrity of the package, but also for the expiration date. The bank should not be bloated and curved. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the marking of real caviar is convex, and the printed indicates a fake. The marking should be the date of manufacture, the sign "Caviar", as well as the number of the plant and the industry index. As part of this product:

  • Caviar
  • Salt
  • Sorbic acid
  • Sodium benzoate
  • The vegetation is not enough

Note: The bank must be indicated by the manufacturer, GOST, the type of fish, the composition and expiration date. If the bank is glass, this is the perfect opportunity to consider eggs.

Video: How to quickly distinguish red caviar from fake? How to check red caviar?

How to use caviar according to the rules of good tone?

Red caviar
Red caviar

According to the rules of a good tone, you need to serve caviar on the table in a glass caviar with a spoon. It must be chilled. When consumed, in no case should you apply caviar to bread, and it does not matter with oil or not. Thus, you can kill the whole taste of the delicacy. It is customary to use red caviar with a teaspoon. It is also worth noting that it cannot be chewed. It is necessary to crush caviar in the mouth with the tongue about the upper sky.

In some countries, the caviar was served in crystal vases, while on a saucer in which the caviar stood, a little ice was also scattered. This was done so that caviar lasted as cool as long as possible.

How many red caviar is required for one sandwich in grams?

For a sandwich with a diameter of 10 centimeters It will be enough from 20 to 22 grams red caviar. It should be borne in mind that it is initially necessary to apply fluid cheese or butter for bread, it all depends on the taste and variety of food on the table.

How many red caviar do you need to buy at 20, 30, 40 and more sandwiches?

Sands with red caviar
Sands with red caviar

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to make delicious sandwiches with red caviar and cheese, avocado, black caviar, fish, kiwi, oil?". You will find recipes for original sandwiches with red caviar on the festive table and their design.

If you have a banquet, and you want to make sandwiches, then you need to calculate how much red caviar will need. Also buy soft cheese, good quality butter, other products, for example, shrimp, as well as greens for decoration. For canapes, you will need hard cheese, cherry tomatoes and other products. So, how many red caviar you need to buy for 20, 30, 40 and more sandwiches?

  • It is worth noting that 100 grams of caviar Enough about approximately for 5 sandwiches, and their diameter at least 10 centimeters.
  • Based on this, you can count that for 20 sandwiches will be sufficient 400 grams of caviar, at 30 pieces - 600 grams, and for 40 sandwiches - 800 grams of caviar.

Now you know how to calculate how much caviar you need and how much you need to buy a product for a banquet. If you need to cook 50 and more sandwiches, then just multiply the number 20 grams. Good luck!

Video: how to submit red caviar - 5 options

Video: sandwiches with red caviar. A paradise of praise for the hostess is provided

Video: A snack on the festive table

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