What salmon caviar is the best, tasty, large, valuable, healthy, most expensive? Caviar Gorbusha, Nerca, Keta, Cuties - what is the difference, what is better: comparison. Which red caviar is better: large or small?

What salmon caviar is the best, tasty, large, valuable, healthy, most expensive? Caviar Gorbusha, Nerca, Keta, Cuties - what is the difference, what is better: comparison. Which red caviar is better: large or small?

Comparative characteristic of red caviar.

Red caviar is a delicacy that is appreciated by its chemical and energy value. Now there are a huge amount of such a product in stores, and caviar differs not only in price, but also in taste. The chemical composition is also different. In this article we will tell you what kind of caviar the most delicious and healthy.

Red caviar: what happens and how is it?

Now on the shelves in stores the most tasty and healthy is red caviar. It is distinguished by a pleasant delicate taste and a little bitterness. The cost of the product depends on the variety of fish and taste. The amount of the product is also affected by the amount of fish. The more rare a variety, the more expensive caviar.

Red caviar is obtained from the fish of the salmon family. Now there are about 6 species that are used for product production:

  • Champs. This is one of the most expensive varieties of red caviar. This is due to the fact that the fish is listed in the Red Book. The size of the eggs is the largest, about 7 mm. At the same time, the product is characterized by mild bitterness. It is almost impossible to find goods on store shelves due to a limited amount. You can find this type of caviar in Primorye.
  • Pink salmon. The most common type in Russia. It is found in any supermarket at a fairly affordable price. The taste is neutral. The eggs themselves are distinguished by an oily structure and burst when mixed. The color of the product is bright orange.
  • Keta. In our country, the caviar of this fish is considered festive. It is attributed to the luxury class, since the balls are held in shape and do not burst when mixed. In this case, the taste can be with mild bitterness.
  • Red salmon. There are not many caviar of this fish in Russia. This is due to a small volume of transportation. The taste of caviar is quite piquant. It is distinguished by a bitter and slightly sharp taste.
  • Kichuzh. Caviar is inexpensive, since the size of the eggs is small, and the taste is slightly bitter.
  • Trout. The caviar of this fish has a pleasant bitter taste and small size. It occurs on sale often at a democratic price.
Red caviar: what happens and how is it?
Red caviar: what happens and how is it?

What salmon caviar is the best, tasty, large, valuable, healthy, most expensive?

All red caviar is made of fish of the type of salmon, that is, from red fish. As for the taste, there is a controversial question, because everyone likes something of their own. The most interesting thing is that all salmon caviar differs in size. The most expensive is Cavia Cavia, because the fish is very rare and its causes on an industrial scale are prohibited. In this case, the size of the eggs is the largest and reaches 7 mm. The taste of this caviar is neutral.

The benefits of red caviar:

  • Increases immunity. This product contains unsaturated fatty acids. They help improve immunity, increase hemoglobin and body resistance to various infections.
  • Improves skin condition. This product is ideal for the fair sex. The fact is that the caviar improves the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and young. Promotes the restoration of the normal oily skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of rickets. The caviar contains a lot of vitamin D. It helps to better absorb calcium, preventing the brittleness of bones. The product is useful, women after 50 years.
  • Improving vision. The caviar contains vitamin A, which helps people who have poor vision.
  • Improves the nervous system. Thanks to the high content of fatty acids, caviar helps to cope with stress and nervous disorders.
What salmon caviar is the best, tasty, large, valuable, healthy, most expensive?
What salmon caviar is the best, tasty, large, valuable, healthy, most expensive?

Which red caviar is better: large or small?

It all depends on the preferences of the buyer. It is believed that the most delicious and expensive caviar with a large size of eggs. The most popular can be considered keta caviar. It is not the cheapest, but it has a neutral taste and pleasant aroma. Not bitter and holds the form perfectly. The size of the eggs of such fish is 5 mm. The smallest is trout, but not everyone likes its taste, since bitterness is often observed.

Which red caviar is better: large or small?
Which red caviar is better: large or small?

Caviar pink salmon and failure: which is better, tastier, larger, more valuable, more useful, more expensive?

Of course, the cost of failure is higher than the calves of pink salmon. This is due to the fact that there is not much product to Russia. At the same time, the costs of transportation are reflected at the cost. But to the taste of the pink salmon is more neutral, and does not have a bitter taste. But the hiccups of Nerying are piquant, differs in slight acuteness and bitterness. Regarding the benefit, the energy value and composition of the products is similar. Caviar is smaller and useful. Due to the small sizes of grains, the fish is forced to saturate each egg with a lot of beneficial substances.

Caviar pink salmon and failure: which is better, tastier, larger, more valuable, more useful, more expensive?
Caviar pink salmon and failure: which is better, tastier, larger, more valuable, more useful, more expensive?

Caviar keta and kizhuch: which is better, tastier, larger, more valuable, more useful, more expensive?

The taste and cost of these types of caviar differs. For the inhabitants of our country, the caviar is more familiar. Its taste is neutral, without pronounced bitterness. At the same time, the size of the eggs is large, but the shell is solid. Despite the small size of the grains (2-3 mm), the caviar is more useful. There are more vitamins and minerals in it than in caviar keta. This is due to small size. The taste is quite piquant and bitter. If you are looking for a product for a feast, then caviar chats will be an ideal option.

Caviar keta and kizhuch: which is better, tastier, larger, more valuable, more useful, more expensive?
Caviar keta and kizhuch: which is better, tastier, larger, more valuable, more useful, more expensive?

The smallest and largest red caviar: what fish?

The largest is the caviar of the champs and ketle. The size of the eggs reaches 7 mm. The smallest is considered to be the caviar of kichuzh and trout. The size of the grains is 2-3 mm.

The smallest and largest red caviar: what fish?
The smallest and largest red caviar: what fish?

As you can see, not all red caviar is the same. It is distinguished by taste and nutritional value. It is recommended to eat no more than 3 sandwiches with the product for the entire feast.

Video: Red caviar

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  1. please tell the guys caviar, they just ordered only from the Far East before, we really liked it, and now it is very difficult to find normal caviar, or spoiled or rubber. Recently, the drill is only a Moscow fish factory is more or less normal and acceptable at a price. By the way, she is moderately salty, and there has never been such a quality

  2. I was already desperate to eat good caviar in Moscow, I remember how I bought in Auchan in Auchan and couldn’t even eat a jar, just terrible, I didn’t find anything in common with the caviar. And then I went to the fish network, so I liked it, clean, bright, it smells nice, I decided to take red caviar for a trial, now you won’t pull it over my ears, I am a regular customer there, caviar of chic quality. Here my dad came to visit and checked this caviar, so he says that it is definitely natural, and my dad is a fisherman and understands this.

  3. The Red Caviar store sells caviar of quite decent quality. For the third year I have been buying only there. Not a salmon mixed, but each by type.

  4. If you compare, in my personally taste, in fish networks the tastes are the most. In the mouth, it is melting straight. You start to eat it and it is impossible to stop, well, personally my feelings. So I prefer to buy caviar in fish networks.

  5. thanks for the info

  6. Girls, I myself only take caviar in the fish networks and all fish products, there is immediately felt there. That I like it, there is no pleasant taste and you can immediately see that it is natural. They bring it directly from the fishermen, so that all the beneficial properties are preserved, which is also very important.

  7. The best and most delicious Kamchatka caviar! You write here “no more than three sandwiches behind the feast” are you laughing? What sandwiches, it needs to eat with spoons. This is a great appetizer for vodka. On the bottle half a kilo. When I was in Kamchatka, I bought a weighty caviar in the market in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, now in St. Petersburg I buy from people bringing and selling in weight from there. In tin banks - bullshit, not caviar

  8. Cool, cognitive video. But she barely watched, the author announces the manner of saying: he flirts that he pulls, plays with jars and eyes, well, he wants to please the operator and spectators, and in general there are a lot of words out of business. I love when briefly, capacious and not smeared! How good caviar on a piece of bread with butter!

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