Tales of adult jokes - a selection for a noisy company, corporate party, for leading

Tales of adult jokes - a selection for a noisy company, corporate party, for leading

Do not know how to entertain guests at the holiday? Invite them a small role in the mackerels of jokes. Believe me, everyone will like this pastime, and most importantly, your holiday will be remembered for a long time.

Fairy tales jokes for an adult feast

Fairy tales jokes for an adult feast
Fairy tales jokes for an adult feast

Fairy tales jokes for the feast of adults:

Fairy Tale Expromt for a feast

The host pronounces the text, the named characters - his remarks.

Actors and replicas:
Klava - "Happiness is near!",
Friend - "Well, a fool!",
Peter - "Right now I will sing!",
A parrot - "The guard!"
Prince - "I'm ready!",
Celebration - "Pour!"

Text of the fairy tale:
Klava I have been waiting for happiness for a long time
Everything guesses where it is
Here FRIEND She came to her
And hugged the mistress.
Together we decided that it was time
Invite you to visit Petra.
Like, although he is a fool,
But ditties to sing a mastic.
A PARROT, having heard about that,
Sat on the pole higher,
Started, poor, to lament:
"Wherever CELEBRATION Wait? ""
Here's the first call
PETER He came - for everything ready.
Klava Made a salad
And soaped the grapes.
Her FRIEND Helps
And approves recipes.
They knock on the door! Metnulas b Klava:
Suddenly some setup?
Door opened - PRINCE appeared.
PETER I almost shot himself!
Let's just say, without resentment:
He had on Klava kinds!
Here pro CELEBRATION They remembered
The song was tightened together.
PETER hiccuped, and choked on
And on Prince He swung.
A PARROT Flying on the cage,
He called his ancestors to help.
AND FRIEND Only glad:
There will be a fight, what is needed!
Only Klava does not yawn
The toast raises for happiness.
Piped the glass
AND Peter There is little glass!
But good, he's in the drinker
The parrot Pouns a gorit.
PRINCE, having bitten herring,
Everything bursts his motive.
He speaks quietly Klava:
"We have grooms for glory!"
AND FRIEND whispers to her:
"You pour them on the third ..."
Accepted PRINCE your decision,
Having done Clave suggestion.
PETER, blushing from the stranger,
Kukish does Girlfriend.
And from the cage A PARROT
Suddenly gave a dog barking.
Glorious CELEBRATION It turned out!
PETER As a result, he turned off.
Hid PRINCE Face in the salad
(He was very tasty, by the way).
Klava Sings the song
How everything will end, waiting.
And the envious FRIEND,
At least left without a spouse
He sings to her too
About the "sadness of the fields."
Having seen enough of these things,
A PARROT Our turned gray.
He is silent on weekdays,
But as CELEBRATION - So screams.
Here and the fairy tale is the end
And who listened - well done!

Fairy Tale Expromt for a feast

1. Kolobok - Astala Vista Baby. (finger on the throat)
2. Grandfather, He is the old man-I-I! Dasus science fiction!
3. Grandma, she is a woman, she is an old woman - I'm lying! (throws up with his hands)
4. Hare, he is a rabbit - Do not sleep! Do not sleep! (claps his hands on the cheeks)
5. Wolf - Oops! (fingers by fan)
6. Bear, he is a bear - Yekarnbabai (shows the biceps with hands)
7. A fox - I am not guilty, he came (hands cover his shoulders)

Only in the village, only in the village,
On the outskirts, at the Christmas tree,
Only for a long time, or not,
Lived in a hut alone grandfather.
And under the same, under the pine,
On the living space of one,
Not a beauty, not a toad,
Lived with my grandfather woman.
According to experts,
She was already at three hundred years old.
But she is in her years
It was young
Soap, sewed, spun, wove.
Husband every night ... knitted.
But not sinks,
And the pants are not grunts.
It was just for dinner
I wanted to eat grandfather.
He, scratching in the groin,
Like as if in spirit:
Like, the belly stuck to the back ...
Give the bake of bread old woman!
She did not deny.
On the suski she jacked,
In the dough - a crooked milk ...
And blinded Kolobok.
He just came out like that ...
Fussy, Shebutny.
Either mold in milk,
Tola mouse feces in flour.
Was left to cool,
But he can’t hold it.
From the windowsill of the jump-skok,
Kolobok rolled.
He rolled, suddenly - wait,
He tells him a scythe
Rowdy and alcoholic,
Long -eared drunk rabbit.
Fat Palais! What a miracle
Here he rolls near the pond.
With a bandwidth, or what are the glitches?
Here is the head. Where is the legs? Hands?
Eat the hunt, well, at least cry.
I will eat this ball of football!
You will be a snack friend!
Kolobok answers:
I left Grandfather!
I left b aby!
I'll leave from hare!
Our hero rolled,
Through the forest, but under the mountain,
He sang a song, but suddenly fell silent
After all, to meet gray wolf.
Who is rushing with the breeze here
Yes, with a cheerful mother.
On a country road ...
Here is the head. And where is the legs?
Hear the brother, such a body
It should not be abyss idle
Do not hide yourself in the forest,
You are a ball for bowling!
I was going to Kegelban,
I will capture you a bro.
From you there will be Pro.
Kolobok answers:
I left Grandfather!
I left women!
I left hare!
I'll leave from wolf!
Gray only opened his mouth.
And he quickly dumped.
Only the deprivation of Lishka,
And towards him Bear.
This is what tuning is damn
Pumpkin? So not Helluin.
Who created such a design?
Zaitsev or Kevin Klein?
Though you are round, the vigor is vigorous,
But you will come on the farm.
Salt cucumbers, mushrooms,
Instead of cargo, you will be in a barrel.
Well, what a friend here ...
Kolobok answers:
I left grandfather!
I left women!
I left hare!
I left wolf!
I will leave and from m getting in!
Again our sneak on the road,
But it went a little bit,
Like on the path, on the forest,
He met with fox.
This is whose face here
Like Easter egg!
This is whose head is here
What rotates so deftly.
Ground shave, inituted,
Sober, beautiful and not shell -shocked.
And my beloved size!
I want to become your wife!
I am the girl the very juice!
Kolobok answers:
I left Grandfather!
I left women!
I left Hare!
I left Wolf!
I left bear!
I should be on the shoulder
But I want to live with you.
So our hero answered.
They had a feast there.
We had fun until the morning!
And everyone shouted - cheers!
We had fun right up to Zorka.
Young all together - bitter!

The fairy tale funny is funny for a noisy company - "Revelations of Kikimora"

Fairy tale funny funny for a noisy company - Revelation of Kikimora
The fairy tale funny is funny for a noisy company - "Revelations of Kikimora"

The fairy tale funny is funny for a noisy company - “Revelations of Kikimora”:

Actors: Kikimora, Baba Yaga

Kikimora goes and says:
I'm a free girl
Beautiful and proud.
I'm all so fashionable
Kikimora marsh.
There are only not the suitors
I will submit the announcement on the Internet
Oh I don’t understand what kind of meeting, this
Something will be invisible anywhere.
Why did this zborusche gather,
Maybe a treasure is divided here.
Well, tell me gentlemen,
To be in the course of being then.
I myself appeared from the swamp,
And I have a very hunt for me very much.
I hear fun everywhere
Can you tell me where I am?
What do you say, I got to the holiday?
WOW! I am fun!
And what are you celebrating?
Well, a cool move.
Are you tired of strain your head?
And want to relax?
We need to play guys
Can you hang in the strands?
Afraid of defeating the hall,
Then let's feed me.
Now I will be backed up
And for you, I will take it all.
And then! Well, give you free rein!
Now I will wash you my brains.

Baba Yaga comes next and says:
Today in the city was in a hurry,
For half a day I dragged in traffic jams.
I am looking for my niece,
She went to the city of the pranisaum.
Didn't you come here?
Maybe passed by?
Says there are no grooms in the forest,
And so I went to the Internet.
So I lived alone,
And my name is Yaga.
In his youth about 100 years ago,
One Cossack was lost in the forest.
Here the eagle was young!
And he was idle!
He called me with him,
And in communication simple.
I fell in love with the heart then,
But he did not want to live in the wilderness.
I was afraid to leave for a foreign land
So I lived such a fate.
I guard the forest in the summer,
I do not suffer without work.
In winter, they invite to the parties,
I participate in the theater in the mass.
On the weekend I go to the performance,
Give me gifts, treats.
So I live the 130th year,
I was worn out of more than only I have a handkerchief.
And now I was dressed up
From lunch to the city went! Seeking!
And my niece! Carefree!
Her name is Kikimor Bolotnaya.
Young people have no worries, after all, after all,
Just what, I need the Internet.

Kikimora comes and says:
I have progress today
I learned to overcome stress.
I come to the Internet salon,
And on the site an unmarried baron.
That's good luck, I turned up to me
I smiled at Skype on him.
He said I am charming
And my smile is charming.
He invited him to Sydney,
And he grows pigs.

Baba Yaga says:
And where is it visible in the world,
To look for grooms on the Internet.
Yours, the soul is open in front of him,
And your love will remain! Burnt!
He is the gang you to the gang,
You have a niece! We must grow up!

Kikimora says:
HERE YOU GO! And again bummer!
I have a sincere breakdown!

Another fairy tale joke about Kikimora for the host:

On the far, in the swamp - there Kikimora lived,
The Kikimora was very cunning and insidious.
I lived in the swamp, I kidnapped small children,
And in the swamp carried them, hid and guarded them.
Everyone knew about it, they were not allowed to the swamp.
Small children were guarded, they took care of the kikimore.
But she was cunning, and she went to the village.
Turning suddenly into an old woman.
And she walked around the yards, and looked like there?
Are there any small children where they walk, how they are dressed?
The people had fun there and drove a round dance,
After the kids, she stole and left the log.
If someone gazed, he was left without a child,
And the log came, cried and spinning.
And so the people scared, a round dance scattered,
They understood everything then - then the Kikimors of the matter.
And she carried a child right in dark forests.
I hid in my swamp, and you will not find it there.
So once she carried away the boy Peter.
His mother glanced - she was left without a baby.
And I went to look for him - that's enough to sob now?
We must find a boy, save from Kikimora.
Long, whether she went briefly, but she approached the swamp,
She began to cry and sob and call her son.
She cried, prayed, even turned to God,
To help he quickly take children from the swamp.
He heard and ordered all the kids to let go
And to catch Kikimor, to catch and punish.

Then Kikimora became furious, immediately grabbed the boy:
“I will not let you go up, because you are mine!
You will live in my swamp, help in my work,
We will kidnap children, make dirty tricks and lie. ”
Peter turned out to be bold and was not at all scared:
“Although you stole me - I'm not at all afraid of you!
I'll be back to my mother, I don't want to be with you,
You bring evil to people, and she carries good.
If you want, let's go, just live with us,
Help the household, smack the children of the little ones.
If you love the kids, then let's go upstairs!
Well, let go of the children, because their parents are waiting for them. ”

She agreed here, let everyone go from the bottom,
From his swamp, because she obeyed him.
It all ended perfectly, and Kikimora is satisfied,
He behaves well, good things doing things.
He boldly walks around the village, in the house, laughing, comes in,
Small children helps: heals, strokes and shakes.
Better not in the village of Nannies, everyone runs to her: "Help!"
And he comes, helps, helps out without refusal.
And Kikimora is pleased, here in the village she is free,
He doesn’t want to frolic on the swamp, everything froze and laughs ...

Merry fairy tale joke for adults

Merry fairy tale joke for adults
Merry fairy tale joke for adults

Merry fairy tale joke for adults:

Actors: Baba Yaga, Koschey Immortal, Goblin, Water, Kikimory.

From the author:
Somewhere in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
In the cold among the snowstorm
In the house of the grandmother of Yaga
Wandered with a gift from Koschey

Open the hut, yaga,
On holiday I am through the snow
Closed barely-
Lomota continuous in the body

Yaga opens, smiling:

Oh, Koschey darling, hello!
Sick, the falcon is clear?
I visited Yaga for nothing -
I will really help

(leads Koshchei into the hut, and there everything is like in a pharmacy)

Eco wonders, what a miracle -
This is the invisible from?

Come on your head-
I opened a pharmacy here!
I had to change the image,
Cross the surroundings

Yes, yagusya, you see
Like dohtur from Paris,
Yes, cultural, no strength
Who taught manners?

Life, Koshcheyushka, will teach -
I bite competitors

Hey, Yaga, such a thing, says Koschey:
You ordered the goblin
So that the kikimore experiences,
On the holiday he fit
Here Gorynych fly to fly
It can't for the third day.
And he is terrible in the hospital
The recipe hesed -
There is no urine
On a holiday, he fell ill,
Goblin immediately responded
And now with a recipe
Polesh pricks to the girls to everyone
Stop! The idea was born
An interesting undertaking -
To see everything ourselves
We will quietly look!

Kikimory and goblin in another pharmacy, Baba Yaga, Koschey and Water, peep out the window.

Look, but the goblin is satisfied
Know the recipe is not unlocked.

Yaga twists the recipe in her hands:
Yes, Karakuli is wise.
I have so sophisticated
And hut with a chicken leg
He will not write on purpose.

Well, not in vain we came to you -
Well, you have passed the check

The first parties, of course,
Grandfather was met cordially.

And Gorynych, albeit a beast,
It will get to your feet now.

What on the legs - on the wing!

This is our craft.
And thank you yaga -
I painted everything beautifully
About TD and STM
We help customers
We fulfill the plan along the way.

And trade
On the yeast is now growing

Everyone should work like that
So as not to cool with ears
Regular customers,
After all, competitors do not doze.

Well, our fairy tale, brothers,
It begins to crumble -
Congratulations on the holiday
We have to tell the people.

A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint,
The first parties are lesson

Yes, and everyonedirectors
There is a kilogram of morality here.

Well, we are without trepidation
We will congratulate everyone on the holiday that has come.
Let the pharmacies flourish
And customers are attracted.

Fairy tales jokes for adult corporate

Fairy tales jokes for adult corporate
Fairy tales jokes for adult corporate

Fairy tales jokes for adult corporate

Characters: Hare, fox, wolf, bear, hunter, butterflies (2 people).
All words belong to the leader. Heroes perform all the scenarios.

A small gray bunny
I jumped briskly throughout the forest
And on his hemp, boy,
A glorious surprise expected.
He suddenly noticed a bottle
The glass at the same moment saw
I poured a soul mate
He drank and immediately fell.
Two butterflies flew here,
Subtle, like fire,
They sat on the bunny,
They were covered by love.
Suddenly because of the bush is lively
The fox jumped out
I frightened my butterflies in love
I found a bunny in a shutdown.
She saw a bottle
See: "I will dig" obliquely ",
But only the glass drained -
She fell asleep, because quietly in the forest!
Two butterflies flew here,
Again they have love:
They frolic on the fox,
Until they scared them again.
Suddenly a wolf appeared -
Tightened, curly tail.
Sees a bottle, hare, fox,
Immediately shifts what to do to him:
“I will drink a glass, I will buy oblique,
I rape the fox, I’ll go further. ”
Everything is good gray wolf made up
But drank a glass and immediately fell
Bold butterflies are right there,
They sat on the wolf, they would think of his sides,
They kiss each other here and here
Forgetting that the people gathered around.
The bear suddenly frightened the butterfly,
In the forest, he is not averse to bending.
I saw Mishutka a bottle, fox,
Wolf and Hare: “I will dig around the oblique
The fox is raped, the wolf too,
Then I'll look at the wolf erys
I drank a glass and immediately fell,
He probably did not know his dose.
Two butterflies flew again,
Something is eager for them again:
The bear was very convenient,
To play love.
But here to the pen, led by an instinct,
A hunter with a huge gun comes out.
He saw all this picture,
With happiness, I almost fell into fainting.
I thought: “I will sew a hat from the hare,
And others, of course, go to the fur coat ...
And there is vodka! Wow!
I will drink it for free. ”
The hunter drank and immediately fell,
Maybe there was a self -packing in a bottle?
A gray bunny woke up here,
He jumped up and ran away,
Kohl would know that it would be so bad
He would not drink vodka!
And soon a fox woke up,
I jumped up and also run,
The wolf, who had a free halave,
He did not continue to wait.
I woke up and run a bear
Begd in another place.
And the butterflies flew there,
Where they do not interfere with playing without shame.
The hunter woke up, realized that how much:
Remained, poor thing, he has nothing to do with it.
There is no sheepskin coat, no cap, no fur coat,
It only hurts in the head and stomach.
The moral of representation was as follows:
A lot of freebies is trouble!
If I saw something, I noticed, I found it,
Grab and run until it has gone.

Fairy Tale Fun for adults "Golden Fish"

Actors and replicas:
Sea: "Do not worry!"
Seine: "I am working here alone."
Fisherman: "The first guy in the village"
Fish: "I will fulfill any three desires!"
Young woman: "I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram!"
Trough: "Indesite is resting"
Grass: "Come, caress!"
Apartment: "Come in - do not be afraid, come out - do not cry."


At the very blue Seas He lived Fisherman.
He was full of strength, young and dreamed of catching a golden Fish.
He abandoned Net in the sea.
Sees - Sea Slightly played out.
Came Seine With one Grass sea.
Next time Fisherman He threw it Seine.
Sees, restless blue Sea.
He came again Seine With one Grass sea.
The third time Fisherman He threw it Seine.
The blue raged Sea.
Came Net with a fish One.
With difficult Fish, and magical.
Inhaled Fish oxygen and turned around Girl.
I saw such a beauty Fisherman, fell in love and offered his hand and heart.
I agreed Fish marry Fisherman.
Firstly, the young Trough.
The trough was washed Fisherman and fish.
Then they bought it and Apartment.
The apartment of the fisherman and Fish She heated and pleased with her comfort.
And fisherman and fish Once upon a time they made and made good.
A fairy tale is a lie and a hint in it.
If you have a wife's favorite fish,
Even with golden hands, but with a golden character,
So life is gold!

Fairy Tale Provision by roles - Text for three guests

Fairy Tale Provision by roles - Text for two guests
Fairy Tale Provision by roles - Text for three guests

Fairy tale joke by roles - text for three guests:

LEADING: Quiet women sit down the theater-slip.
The old man sold the old woman in the market. Nobody gave a ruble for the old woman.
Customer: "Man! Will you sell your woman?
GRANDFATHER: “Why, in vain, am I standing on this bazaar?
Customer: “How much do you ask a man for her?
GRANDFATHER: “But where there is a lot - to return your own!
Customer: “It hurts smart, as she can see?
GRANDFATHER: “Yes, that’s the trouble, what is very smart!
And with her I am nearby when under the hops,
I imagine myself with such a fool!
Customer: “And how often does a woman gives to wine?
GRANDFATHER: “Yes, I don’t remember how it smells!
Customer: "It’s painful your old woman is thin!"
GRANDFATHER: "Sick, damned, just trouble!"
Customer: “Is it a lot of old woman in Pro?
What is the crop, did peas ripen? "
GRANDFATHER: “Power, jam - mix,
You me! Only mokrin, but catching garbage.
Customer: “But what about bed? Have you given a long time? ""
GRANDFATHER: “What is the use of her! Lies like a log! "
LEADING: All day in the bazaar, the man stood,
Nobody gave price for his spouse. One guy regretted the old man.
Guy: Dad, your hand is not light!
I will sit near your wife. And I will show you how to bargain!
Customer: "Sell the old woman!"
Guy: “Buy, if it is rich!
Yes, Zenki Definch, not a woman, but - a treasure! "
Customer: "Your old woman is very thin."
Guy: "In appearance - a non -casist, in the bed of a tigress."
Customer: “And often she pours wine?
Parenek: And he pours a glass, and feeds in full!
Customer: "And does my grandmother have a chest?"
Guy: "O! All her charms are not counted! "
Customer: "Yes, something gloomy of your old woman?"
Guy: "You will bring 100 grams, you won’t hold it then!"
Customer: "Have you read a lot of old woman about sex?"
Guy: “And how - I read it. And there is practice "
LEADING: The old man looked at his old woman:
GRANDFATHER: “Why am I selling you?
I will not sell my old woman to anyone!
Such a sex woman needs it! ”
LEADING: A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint:
Kohl could not sell the old woman in the bazaar,
I’ll have to spend the whole century with her now!
A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint,
And you, butterfly lesson.
Guys so that you are loved,
On your hands to be worn,
Do not lie in bed in bed
To please my husband!

Fairy tales jokes for adults - "Koshchei Castle"

Fairy tales jokes for adults - Koshchei castle
Fairy tales jokes for adults - "Koshchei Castle"

Fairy tales jokes for adults - “Koshchei Castle”:

Actors, replicas and movements:
Koschey: “Wow, you!” He threatens with all his hand.
Device: "Oh you!" - coquettishly straightens the hairstyle.
Firebird: "Oops!" - He waves his hands, as if flying.
Well doneRange: "OPS!" - demonstrates biceps
Dungeon: "Oh you!" -Hands Cross
The snake is three -headed: "Op!" - hands shows the mouth of a crocodile
Egg: "Opochi!" - Oval, hands are connected above the head
Noruska mouse: "Both on!" - Drizes his hands, such as "did not wait?!"
Sword is a stoveeC: "Ege-gay!" - Everyone waves their hand, as if with a saber and running around the chairs

The text of the fairy tale "Koshchei Castle":
Here is the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - Movement)
And this is a colorful - a girl, (oh, you! - Movement)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - movement)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - Movement)
And this is a fabulous firebird, (UPS!-Movement)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Movement)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - movement)
In the castle, which built Koschey. (Wow, you! - Movement)
But well done, a light-faced, (ops!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens)
But the fire -breathing snake is three -headed (op! - mouth)
He wants to kill the young man of the Udatny, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens).
Here is a slap sword, maybe not sparing (Ege-gay!-everyone runs, wave their hand)
Easy to kill a three -headed snake, (OPA! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
He wants to kill the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle, which built Koschey. (Wow, you! - threatens)
But Koschey himself is a hooligan and a scoundrel, (wow, you! - threatens)
Who hid the sword-a personnel, (Ege-gay!-everyone runs, wave their hand)
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Can kill a three -headed snake (op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
He wants to kill the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens).
And this is an egg, and in it, not aging, (Opochka! - Oval)
The death of the bully of Koshchei is stored (wow, you! - threatens).
Which is a bastard, a scoundrel and a scoundrel!
The sword-ladder hid somewhere (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand).
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Can kill a three -headed snake (op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
He wants to kill the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens).
And this is a prankster mouse-norushka (both!-shrugs your hands)
She appeared from the old tub.
She waved her tail - everything changed at once!
Yaichko immediately crashed with death! (Opochka! - Oval)
And then comes Koshchei kapets! (Wow, you! - threatens).
And then a slap sword appears, (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand).
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Fits all the heads of a fierce snake, (OP! - mouth)
Who did not know such an end
And did not gobble up the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Who with a smile of his light fairy
I abducted the pen at the deposits of the firebird, (Oops!-Flies)
Therefore, she missed the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which came out of the dark prison. (Oh, you! - Cross)
And then a well done appeared - a strangler! (OPS! - Biceps)
Applause to the participants - a fairy tale end!
Special ovation to the mouse, if not for her, (both-on!-shrugs)
This story would never end!
(Participants bow - viewers clap)
Moral: (for an adult cramped company)
Fear the mice that they run by
Take care of the eggs, gentlemen in them our power!

Fairy tales jokes for the anniversary, birthday

Fairy tales jokes for the anniversary, birthday
Fairy tales jokes for the anniversary, birthday

Fairy tales jokes for the anniversary, birthday:

Leading: Who's there?

ANSWER: This is me, the postman Pechkin! Brought telegrams for your birthday!

I'm harmful by nature, actually,
Especially when I walk on foot
But something did not hurt me
Come to the hero of the house today!
I appreciated the solemnity of the moment
Discarded his harmfulness at the same hour,
I brought telegrams-commercials
For the anniversary! I will read them now!

(reads telegrams from celebrities):

I'll tell you, my friend, without laughter-
You are just super, just class!
On your anniversary Edita Pieha
Congratulations to you with love!

You externally are a real macho!
In you, the male reflex key in you!
And it's great, otherwise
I would not write ... (Grigory Leps)

You are always looking for a talent in yourself
And happiness will be, I give you a word!
And my word is a guarantor!
(With great greetings Alla Pugacheva!)

You are full in you, as in me,
Humor, ingenuity!
They say you are in a dream
Joke like Galkin!
Be always like that!
(Respectfully Maxim).

There is, my friend, Bulgarian flavor in you:
I’m used to working in such a way that it stops!
Beautiful, smart, hot, always shake!
I love you for this! (Philip Kirkorov)

You are a young kid, not more,
The same shower as me!
Hello Basque Kolya sent you.
Do not lose heart, my soul!

After reading the telegrams, Pechkin says:

Well, I fulfilled my duty,
It's time to row back
But, if someone filled the glass,
I would be very happy to drink!

(pour Pechkin a glass and he tells the hero of the toast):

I congratulate the anniversary
I wish you happiness, joy!
In Prostokvashino to me
Come, like a relatives!

"Three maidens by the window"

Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening
And not so much they spun
How gloomy tongue!

Something became boring to us!
Wouldn't the girls go
Are we today for guests?

Leading: Here the second picked up ...

It would not be a sin to drink!
But where would we go
What would we all accept us?

The third did not guess for a long time,
The eyes became more fun ...

Wouldn't the girls go
Together for the anniversary?

And all went to you
Celebrate birthday.
Now don't be surprised -
They will congratulate you.

Congratulations to the anniversaries from the heart.
We have gifts for you
They are very good!

So that the ailment does not take you -
We present this salt.
How I don't hold a seasoning,
And on the number of lodges.
From diseases of all in a row
Helps, they say! (hand a pack of salt)

You are with a gift by this
Do not grieve, do not discourage!
Slowly in his bathhouse
Grind every place! (hand a washcloth or sponge)

On this bright, glorious day
We congratulate you!
And with all my heart
We devote a dance!

The scene-tale for the anniversary of the woman:

Kolobok -Uh, I finally reached!
Well, with an anniversary, my dear!
For the sake of you, I ran away from the animals,
And I collected these flowers in the field!

It turns out, the wolf:
I barely broke out of the forest,
Red hat, well, just a "plague"!
I came to congratulate you
But I see, I was a little late.

I first rolled here
So the anniversary is mine today!
She will drive dancing with me,
Drink hard drinks with me!

Are you talking about dancing? Ha ha!
Come on, roll out from the table!
(puts the bun under the table)
Relax the bell there while there,
And I'll give you a necklace!
(gives a necklace to the anniversary)

The bear comes out:
Finally, I got off from Masha!
What is she bored!
Come on wolf, let me go!
Let me give the hostess the pies.
(gives a basket with pies)

Are you shaken slightly?
Who gives the basket of th ... ah!
Here I am, the necklace gave,
And he earned attention to himself!

Come on a wolf, come here,
Now I will make a piece of you from you.
I will catch, I will tie my ears,
And I will launch you to the moon!
(The wolf runs away, and the bear runs after it)

The narrator's words:
A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint,
A good fellow lesson!
What would the lady's heart deserve,
No need to give expensive gifts.

Fairy Tale Fun for the leader to cheer up guests

Fairy Tale Fun for the leader to cheer up guests
Fairy Tale Fun for the leader to cheer up guests

Fairy Tale Fun for the leader to cheer up the guests:

In this world, there are enough stories
Take place according to God's plan
How many souls, so many destinies - parodies
About Pierrot I read you a story
Smart guy, dudes, handsome
From a good family appeared
Only now the bad luck happened
He is in Malvina! I fell in love madly
It seems like a pleasant maiden
Single, chiseled figure
Cummers and eyes are beautiful
But the bore is too scientist.

Once rolled Pinocchio
With its wooden smuggling
Up the tips hung for a long time
And talked with Karabas.

But Pierrot was a stubborn boy
And besides, the roof romantic
The intellect decided to lime
And appointed a date to six.

She came in makeup harsh
Impregnable fortress in appearance
Unreal aid
Pierrot's soul became disgusting.

Nothing, I will suffer
The dude thought smiling
Anyway I love this fifa
We will figure out what and how.

Malvina decided to play
And built Pierrot's eyes
But she did not know the poor fellow
That he will love him so much.

He bent her poetry
Intelligence and rack on aiku
The iron chick has opened
And fell in love with Pierrot in the bud.

Of course you have already guessed
Malvina lived with Karabas
With hairy, shaggy grandfather
She loved the gold.

Pinocchio - a wooden fool
Artemon is just a dog
Duremar - he went crazy on leeches
And here on! The wallet turned up.

And Malvina got used to the dough
Nothing that a bearded fart
But all shines with a diamond
Look, the inheritance will leave the rich.

Eh, Oakia came out unexpectedly
Malvina Pierrot desired
But Beseroar settled in the soul
I was afraid to lose the loot.

And Pierrot was a poet and artist
A gift from God, a man is promising
Young and cheerful eccentric
And naturally very active

The unfortunate girl was swept away
On the scales wallet and love
On a date to Pierrot came
Returning to the shaggy again.

Thirty -seven pounded Malvina
Neither children nor a family of normal
Even there is a fool of Pinocchio
I applied my pocket pod.

He loved a traffic jam from champagne
They put a box of matches
And also impotent was known ...
The bulls have no such testicles!

Duremar - mucus and slope what
He got a green kid
Bald spindle, oblique and curve
His princess fell in love with a frog.

Artemon then! The worse dog
All thoroughbred sons
They gave birth to a wolf on a flock
In a cone! The balcony brought ...

Dad Carlo! Backing old man
Tied with an ax and firewood
He grabbed the young man
And they live, already with three sons!

And while Malvina was thinking
Karabas guessed about everything
Took a chest of gold dough
He leaned to Duremar ...

Something strange girl
Does not give and the borsch does not cook
Guess Duremar on leeches
And I recognize the lovers of a turnout.

Banks, bottles, leaks fat
Through Tina ... saw the bottom
Duremar hissed sacred
It has Pierrot Malvina!

Karabas was a smart personality
Businessman and serious politician
Grounded quietly his beard
Well, Pierrot, well, consider the paralytic.

White Lexus all sewn skin
Drived under the house Pierrot
Come out dear Malvina
I have forgiven you for a long time.

Seeing an exclusive gift
Plunged into the sweetest who
And said carelessly Pierrot
I'm leaving forever to another.

Pierro was saddened
Where is your tenderness and love?
Is the wheels more expensive?
It looks like betrayal.

Do you understand the dear Pierrot
I have been living with Karabas for a long time
He has money, property
Respect and power.

He is at least old, hairy and angry
But the golden camisole
As a man is weak, hamovat
But rich, like the city of Baghdad.

Stupid, trusting and kind Pierrot
Confused love with prostitution
Passed to the car Malvina
In the end, he summed up the resolution ...

You are a good girl Malvina
But carries the roof in the spring
You will never be happy
Changing Karabas and me ...

Karabas is even deaf, but heard!
Blocked the door button
And Malvina sprinkled with mud
Gazann to the nearest panel

There are a lot of such painters
Only cheap and nice
Gently adjusted the tie
And I forgot Malvina irrevocably ...

And Pierrot gave her a picture
There were wilted flowers
Sorry for the pink Malvina
He said goodbye and disappeared alas.

Three hundred years have swept since then
Tortila sang with tears
There is no story in the world is more sad
How Pierrot deceived Malvina ...

Fairy Tale joke "Turnip" for adults

Fairy tale funny turnip for adults
Fairy Tale joke "Turnip" for adults

Fairy Tale joke "Turnip" for adults:

1. Turnip - "Both on"
2. Grandfather -rubbing hands-"Taoa-s"
3. Woman -shaking his fist-"
4. Granddaughter - "I'm ready"
5. Bug - “Bormental! One hundred grams and cucumber! ”

Planted grandfather (Taoaaaak-s!) Turnip (Both on!) And he says:
Grow, grow, turnip (Both on!), sweet!
Grow, grow, turnip (Both on!), Strong!
The turnip has grown (Both on!) Sweet, strong, big, big.
Grandfather went (Taoaaaak-s!) Turnip (Both on!) Tear: pulling, pulling, cannot stretch.
Grandfather called (Taoaaaak-s!) Grandma (Departure). Grandma (Departure) For grandfather (Taoaaaak-s!),
Grandfather (Taoaaaak-s!) For the turnip (Both on!) They pull, pull, cannot stretch.
I called the grandmother (Done) granddaughter (I'm ready).
Granddaughter for a grandmother (Departure), Grandmother (Departure) For grandfather (Taaaaak-s!),
Grandfather (Taoaaaak-s!) For the turnip " Both on" They pull, pull, cannot stretch.
Called the granddaughter (I'm ready) Bug (Bormental! One hundred grams and cucumber!).
Bug (Bormental! One hundred grams and cucumber!) For the granddaughter (I'm ready),
Granddaughter (I'm ready) For the grandmother (Done),
Grandma (Departure) For grandfather (Taaaaaak-s!),
Grandfather (Taoaaaak-s!) For the turnip "Both on"
They pull, pull, cannot stretch.
The bug called (Bormental! One hundred grams and cucumber!) cat (Meaunami).
Cat (Meowed) For a bug u (Bormental!
One hundred grams and cucumber!), Bug (Bormental!
One hundred grams and cucumber!) For the granddaughter (I'm ready),
Granddaughter (I'm ready) For the grandmother (Departure),
Grandma (Departure) For grandfather (Taaaaaak-s!),
Turnip "Both on" Grandfather (Taoaaaak-s!) For the turnip " Both on"
They pull, pull, cannot stretch.
I called the cat (Meowed) mouse (Piiiiiiiii).
Mouse (Piiiiiiiii) for a cat (meaunamy),
Cat (meaunamy) for a bug (Bormental!
One hundred grams and cucumber!), Bug (Bormental!
One hundred grams and cucumber!) For the granddaughter (I'm ready),
Granddaughter (I'm ready) For the grandmother (Departure),
Grandma (Departure) For grandfather (Taaaaaak-s!),
Grandfather (Taaaaak-s!) for the turnip " Both on" Pulling, pulling;
And they pulled out the turnip. "Both on"
All participants are given the medal "Superpo

Fairy Tale Provision "Ryaba Kurochka" for adults

Fairy tale joke Kurochka Ryaba for adults
Fairy Tale Provision "Ryaba Kurochka" for adults

Fairy tale joke "Ryaba chicken" for adults:

They say not a few years old
Lived in the world, with a woman, grandfather,
There is only one chicken with them,
She was called Rabia.
One day, old grandfather
I wanted an omelet, a little light.
Asks an old man asks Ryaba
So that she demolished the egg.
Ryaba Kvokhchechet: "KUD-where,
You think so simple, right? "
But where to go to her
I got stronger
Ryaba was experienced
The glorious egg demolished
It was not simple
Not simple, but gold!
Grandfather, with joy, is
I forgot about my hunger.
He calls the grandmother to himself
And he gives her an egg.
“Grandma! Grandma, look!
We would have three of them!
We would then with you, mother,
The rich could become! "
Grandma groans, - oh yes "ah"
And the temptation takes fear.
Whispers: “Grandfather, what to do with him,
With a miracle of this gold? "
They thought for a long time,
In the end are completely tired
And they fell asleep in the evening
Sitting right at the table.
Grandfather is carefully snoring
The old woman sleeps with a sweet sleep,
Ryaba is asleep in the corner,
The mouse is scraped in the corner.
The mouse, the prankster, does not sleep.
What is there on the table shines?
Well it is necessary! Oh my God!
With a gold shell,
On the table the egg lies,
The mouse pulls like a magnet.
Evil envy gnaws at the mouse:
“As always, the mouse is Shish!
How much can I suffer
And do not fill up with nights?
How much you can starve
Select crumbs from the floor?
Am I really mouse,
Is it not worthy of a million?
I'll take the egg with me -
There will be my gold fund.
Then I will live!
With the past, I will break forever,
I will swim in gold,
In restaurants, have fun,
I will drink whiskey with ice
Not caring about anything! .. "
So the mouse dispersed
So the dreams were carried away
I did not notice the dawn.
Then the old grandfather woke up
And when you see on the table
The mouse, with anger, turned white.
On the table grandfather with a fist,
Well, and the mouse with its tail
Suddenly waved ... what then
I played at the table!
Grandma with a fright in a scream,
From the table of the mouse Shmyg,
Grandfather, as if dead, stands,
On the floor, the egg lies,
It spread like a yogurt.
Our grandmother sobbed,
And behind her, that there is strength
The old grandfather broke.
Well, a bribe is smooth from the mouse,
She ran away without looking back.
Our Ryaba took the word
She says: “Such
Golden, difficult
Eggs, I will not demolish anymore,
At least throw me into the soup.
So, grandmother, you don't cry.
Grandfather, do not loach with his hands,
Your happiness was nearby
Only the mouse broke it.
You can hardly argue
You overslept your happiness. ”

My dear reader,
Draw a conclusion. After all, sometimes
In the life of each of us
Maybe a happy chance.
The main thing is not to miss
Do not oversleep or break.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is something
To think of us all.

Fairy Tale joke "Three girls" for adults

Fairy tale joke three girls for adults
Fairy Tale joke "Three girls" for adults

Fairy Tale joke "Three girls" for adults:

Three maidens by the window
Dreamed in the evening.
If I was the queen, -

Shed younger sister,
It would be not laziness
To please both night and day.
I read in the press for a long time -
Marriages are kept on the jack.
There is no priest - there is no marriage,
Here is where the dog is buried.
I'm already talking about this business
I watched a bunch of films.
My husband I will kiss like that -
He will not look at the other.

If I was the queen, -
The average sister echoes
I put her husband
From Versachai and Carden
He will be a different example
The most stylish gentleman.
He would never get down
From the pages of newspapers, magazines.
Glory to Zaitsev would be sewn to him
Socks, T -shirts and panties.
If you are dressed best, -
Here is the marriage success.
Sisters, what kind of nonsense

The eldest screams in response -
One husband dresses
And the other strips.
I am about what I dream about-
If I become a queen,
I do not bother my spouse
Inspect the whole ball.
We would go to the cruise.
At first, know, Paris,
Saint-Germain and Notre Dame,
Then Vienna, Amsterdam.
Far from our hut, the Himalayas and the Carpathians.
We would have seen this
That Heyerdal did not dream of.
Just relax a little,
As time again on the road.
There will be bonds of Himenaeus
With each place, everything is stronger.

The sisters were just about to sleep
How the mother returned home.
Our light, mother, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth,
With a man what to do,
So that he does not run to the left?
Ilter or dress,
In Europe, what, whether to roll?

Their mother answered them so, -
I didn't finish gymnasiums
And not special for this part.
I'm more on the household.
But having lived for many years,
I can give one advice.
So that your dog does not bite
The bull did not throw it at people,
So that your cat is caught by mice,
And not to the contrary,
So that the rooster stamps properly
Chickens left and right,
So that a goat is such a freak,
Did not go into the neighboring garden,
So that the farm lives together, -
Then you need to feed the cattle!

Fairy Tale Fun for adults "Bremen musicians"

Fairy tale joke for adults Bremen musicians
Fairy Tale Fun for adults "Bremen musicians"

Fairy Tale Fun for adults "Bremen musicians":

Characters: A donkey, a dog, a cat, a rooster.

At the signal of the host, the participants in the fairy tale repeat their phrases.

A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
Dog - Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!
Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!
Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

In the village of neighboring year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He kicked out all the living creatures that in the house
For fifteen years now, I lived on the side.

And all these years in the world lived with him
The donkey of Shebutnoy ...
A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
A dog that has not growled ...
Dog - Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!

There lived an old robber who loved sour cream ...
Cat - Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!
In the company of this rooster, it was not superfluous ...
Rooster - Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

The company was quietly wandering along the road
Tired of the poor and paws and legs.
Suddenly the light appeared in the hut of the forest -
The terrible robbers have a native house there.

And they began to discuss friends right here,
How best to scare the robbers to them.
The dog suddenly said quietly quietly ...
Dog - Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!

The donkey decided that he was not passive either. Still would!
A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
The cat was very afraid of the night ram
Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!

The rooster invited the gang to scare all.
I decided to disperse the robbers with a scream.
After all, if not he, who will help others?
Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

The animals went quietly to the hut
And loudly, they shouted all at once.
The robbers instantly ran away from the house.
Who settled in it? They know us.

And they lived for many more years in the house in the world
Brave donkey ...
A donkey -I am a horse in the future!
Leading: A dog who growled menacingly ...
Dog -Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!

And a thin connoisseur of home sour cream ...
Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!
And the main thing is a rooster, he is not at all superfluous ...

Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

New Year's fairy tale funny for a fun company

New Year's fairy tale funny for a fun company
New Year's fairy tale funny for a fun company

New Year's fairy tale joke for a fun company:

Fairy Tale Expromt for the close company "New Year's turnips":
Christmas tree - "Oh, how to live hunting!"
Grandfather -“Eh, Christmas trees, sticks!”;
Grandma - “There is such flexibility in the body!”;
Granddaughter - “Look, what they are injected!”;
Bug - “Oh, these tales!”;
Cat - "There will be a smolder!"
Mouse - "Here, this is my size!"

The text of the New Year's fairy tale:
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Bug: Oh, these tales!
Granddaughter: Look, what is it bought!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Cat: It will be not enough!
Bug: Oh, these tales!
Granddaughter: Look, what is it bought!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Granddaughter: Look, what is it bought!
Bug: Oh, these tales!
Cat: It will be not enough!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Mouse: Here is my size!
Cat: It will be not enough!
Mouse: This is my size!
Cat: It will be not enough!
Bug: Oh, these tales!
Granddaughter: Look, what is it bought!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!
Grandfather: Eh, Christmas trees, tits!
Grandma: There is such flexibility in the body!
Granddaughter: Look, what is it bought!
Bug: Oh, these tales!
Cat: It will be not enough!
Mouse: This is my size!
Christmas tree: Oh, how to live hunting!

Musical fairy tale joke for leaders

Musical fairy tale joke for leaders
Musical fairy tale joke for leaders

Musical fairy tale joke for the presenters:

The host reads the text of the fairy tale:


The goat is Suzanne - Beautiful shawl
Kozlik Joe (cowboy) - cowboy hat
Kozlik Givi (Dzhigit) - Dad and nose
Kozlik Toto (Italian) - Classic hat and white porridge
Kozlik Vanya (Russian) - Fouras with a flower

The text of the musical fairy tale-exprof:

Lived on the tip of Suzannochka - goat
She was a beauty and the disposition of Derez ...
It turns out Suzanne
Sounds an excerpt from the song Leontiev Hurricane

Susanna of hooves and horns had,
Emerald eyes and slender legs,
One sorrowful Suzannochka very much,
I wanted to marry, and most importantly, urgently.
A passage of a goat sounds a passage

True, the goat Vanya offered her hand
By dinner, she dragged cabbage leaves.
It turns out Vanya takes care of the goat
A passage of the song Malinin is sounding if you weren't for you

But the goat decided, there is no exotic in it.
I drove it and wrote about herself on the Internet.
Vanya leaves, looks around and sings her song.
The excerpt of the song of Kirkorov is the only

The first to rush after the Russian goat
Nimble American Joe Cowboy
Runes the cowboy
Sounds a passage of Suzanne's song in English

Joe, right, goat around Suzy
At the same time, he himself found out about her dowry ...
Susie and Joe dance
Sounds a passage of songs in the style of country

And realizing that greenery here, though densely,
But this is just vegetable cabbage,
Fast - quickly back, he was collected,
I didn’t even say goodbye to Susy ...
The cowboy runs away
A passage of music sounds

Givi rushed to console the beauty -
Generous, hot and very beautiful
It turns out, dancing, Givi
Sounds a passage of Dzybov’s song for you Kalym

Givi's eyes shoots at Suzanne,
The goat devotes her song and dance to her
Givi and Susie dance
A passage of the song of Murzilok Black Goat sounds.

Oh, and Givi is good, but very hot,
The goat refused him, almost crying herself.
Givi leaves.
Suzi's passage sounds, my love.

The next - on Suzannino the porch.
Italian goat toto
The toto is imposingly.
The passage of T. Kutuno sounds. This goat

From the beauty of such a goat was stunned
She began to dance and completely stunned.
Susie and Toto dance.
Sounds a cut of A. Celentano

With happiness, Susie was dizzy,
And then she heard strange words:
“In my heart, Suzy, you are a flash,
I'm sorry, I'm leaving, Aryvederechi, baby. ”
Toto leaves.
The passage of T. Kutuno is a horse ...

Oh, don't, Suzy, look for love for the sea,
After all, there is someone who is waiting and ready to console.
Vanya comes out
The passage of Suzanne's song sounds.

Suzanna to see Vanya was very happy,
How good that he is so with her
Suzy and Vanya are dancing.
A passage of the song Bravo Queen of Beauty sounds.

And everyone is happy, and the new year is in the yard,
The goat is calling for everyone in a round dance.
Everyone is dancing
The song of Yezhov sounds. The goat is Dereza

Video: New Year. Exercise her Christmas tree. Musical joke

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