How to find out if there are demons, demons in you? How to check if there are demons in a person?

How to find out if there are demons, demons in you? How to check if there are demons in a person?

Signs of human enslavement with demons, demons.

Demons are creatures created from invisible, subtle matter. Many consider the fallen angels who, instead of God, went for the devil. In this article we will tell you how to find out if there are demons in you. 

How to check if there are demons in a person?

In general, when the essence settles in the human body, it can undergo a number of changes. It all depends on how strong the power of the being over man is. Very often, the demon enslaves the body, and the person does not understand what is happening to him.

Are there any demons in a person:

  • He can start to get sick, do unexpected actions, often be angry and in a bad mood. However, sometimes the demon completely conquers the soul of a person, then everything goes to the collapse and destruction of the personality.
  • A person strives for self -destruction and makes actions that are not characteristic of an absolutely healthy organism. In general, there are a lot of ways to check whether the demon has won or not.
  • Many believe that the easiest option is to come to the temple or church. In fact, this does not always work, since some demons are quite calm about church paraphernalia and temples. This is due to the fact that the demons were essentially once angels, so sometimes all church paraphernalia does not in any way affect them.
Demons drew
Demons drew

How to find out if there are demons in a person?

Therefore, if you hope that after visiting the temple it starts to pound or shake you, then we hasten to upset you, this may not happen. In most cases, the demons really do not digest the church, so you can try to come to the temple and look at your well -being.

How to find out if there are demons in a person:

  1. It is worth noting that some otherworldly creatures are very strong, so a person does not always feel some kind of ailment or feels bad. It happens that the sensation is quite normal, it concerns physical health, but a person under any pretext tries to leave the temple.
  2. He can motivate it with the fact that you need to go somewhere, rush, that there is no time. This is exactly what very cunning and strong demons do who are in no hurry to show you and hide in every way. Therefore, a person can perceive the demonstration of the demon as his own thoughts. Yes, indeed, it happens as it is usually shown in films about exorcism.
  3. When visiting the temple, a person can start shaking, twist, he will swear by various mats, calling, while even talking in languages \u200b\u200bthat he had never known before. However, this happens very rarely. Basically, people in whom the demon got involved, just seek to leave the temple as soon as possible.
Signs of demonization
Signs of demonization

How to find out the demon are you?

There are a lot of signs of the presence of the demon in the human body, and they are not always obvious and indicate the presence of otherworldly creatures in the body. The fact is that some demons behave quietly and provoke some human diseases. Among the main symptoms, the following can be distinguished.

How to find out if you are a demon:

  • Constant anger and aggression. Most often, it is unreasonable in relation to both relatives and work colleagues. The person is constantly angry. 
  • Depression. Poor mood, depression, as well as chronic depression also indicate that demons and demons live in a person. An otherworldly creature suppresses a person, causing him apathy and unwillingness to life. 
  • Passion. The person in which demons are present is very subject to various passions. It can be gluttony, or adultery. A person cannot stop, he feels as if in a dream and does not always give a report to his actions. Indeed, a person can feel bad due to the fact that he constantly overeats for no reason, even when he is not at all hungry. Some believers believe that nymphomania- this is Not at all a mental ailment, but the presence of a demon in the body of a woman. 
  • Some clergymen, in order to identify the presence of a demon in a person, conduct a test with holy water. It is believed that demons cannot tolerate this substance, therefore they can negatively, aggressively manifest themselves. To do this, a person is simply sprayed by holy water, or are given a little drink. The parishioner will either resist very much, not want to drink water, get out in every way, or strange behavior will appear. Shocking the upper and lower extremities, nervous tick or swaying the head may appear. 
In the monastery
In the monastery

Obsession with demons: Signs in Islam

Oddly enough, but the concept of obsession with demons in Islam is somewhat different than in Christianity. Accordingly, the signs of demoniament are also somewhat different. From the point of view of Islam, the presence of a demon in the human body can be determined by such signs: 

  • Clouding of reason and consciousness. A person can tell some strange things that are in no way connected with reality. 
  • Mental illness. In Islam, a really most of mental ailments are associated with the penetration of a demon into the body and soul of a person. 
  • Constant pains of unclear etiology. In Islam, it is believed thatpeople, In which demons or demons have become engaged in, pain can experience pain in different parts of the body, which are in no way related to the main ailments. When examining specific diseases, a person is not found. 
  • Insensitiveness to pain. If a person does not feel pain when some bodily punishments cause him, then he can also be considered people in whom unclean power has derived. 
Shots from the series demons
Shots from the series demons

How to find out if a person is obsessed with a demon?

It is believed that demons usually penetrate the bodies of people who themselves are ill -owned and tend to satisfy their own passions.

How to find out if a person is obsessed with a demon:

  • For some, first of all, their pleasure is important and an indifferent attitude towards other people is observed. It is believed that such people cannot deny themselves pleasure, so they simply give them to the clutches of demons and demons, which in this way can destroy the personality.
  • Almost all cases that are connected by self -destruction, that is, drug addiction, alcoholism, and erratic sexual relations, both in Christianity and in Islam, are associated with a demonianess, a complete enslavement of a demon.
  • That is why in Christianity, in order to resist the enslavement of demons, it is often necessary to pray, follow the post, be a diligent citizen, and adhere to all the rules that are indicated in the Bible. Otherwise, a person who is weak in spirit cannot control himself, very often becomes a victim of demons. 
Energy parasites
Energy parasites

Are there demons?

It is worth noting that the concept of demons appeared a long time ago, even in ancient times. It was believed that some of the angels followed Satan, and abandoned God. It was they who became demons. However, until recently, demons could be considered not only evil, but also kind.

Are there any demons:

  • However, a little later, it was in Christianity that the demons began to be called entities that are exclusively harmful, and unkind intentions. In some cultures, it is believed that guardian angels are also demons, since they are intermediaries between the world of gods and people.
  • This is its water link. It is believed that if a guardian angel is present with a person, then he is a lucky one. In some cultures of the guardian angel, it is also considered a demon, but those who want only good to a person.
  • Now in Christianity, demons are negative perfumes that lead to self -destruction of man and want him to be evil. Often they are called demons. In Islam, they are called genies, although in fact, this is one and the same. The name is due to the difference in religions and cultural heritage. 
Angels and Demons
Angels and Demons

Is it possible to expel the demon?

It is quite difficult to get rid of dark entities, since they in no case want to leave the bodily shell. Since they are very weak, if they are not present in the body of a person.

Is it possible to expel the demon:

  • They definitely need to move to someone in order to carry out their evil intentions and things. The exorcists, as well as priests, usually fight demons. It is within the walls of the church that the rites of exorcism and the exile of the demon are carried out.
  • Esotericists are also engaged in similar matters. Independently, a person cannot get rid of demons and demons, reading spell and prayer. This is due to the fact that some entities are very strong, therefore, are ready for the death of a person than to leave his body.We advise you not to experiment and contact specialists.
The expulsion of demons
The expulsion of demons

If there are suspicions, we advise you to chat with the clergyman. Beware of deceivers and swindlers who pretend to be exorcists.

Video: find out if there are demons

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  1. Hello, I am very afraid of the church, I go there quickly, I quickly put candles and run out of there, it can be connected precisely with the fact that my relatives and close to me, and when you go to the church there, because the candles are shocks like a cemetery from this, doctors told me that a neurosis is I don’t believe them, although I can drink the holy water of our cross and I’m not afraid for me, as if for me, it seems to be tied with a different world. It’s very very when. Batyushka begins to read prayers, his voice is not ordinary, I run from there as hell from incense.

  2. Fight with your weaknesses, fast, do good deeds, do not get angry, pray and still you need to break yourself and go to church !!!

  3. Obsession can be called a complete and comprehensive submission of a person’s mind to something, any thought or desire. You can determine the obsession with several signs. These signs in various religious movements can both coincide and be different.

  4. Hello, I have such a situation with my husband, he periodically wears a cross, drinks water, goes to church, but does not like to talk about the church, often quarrel with him, after the quarrels it always comes up and says “I'm not me” as if someone was me ”as if someone was someone -This controls, with quarrels, the eyes always blacken and angry as if he hates me, we quarrel almost every day due to nonsense! Is this obsession?

  5. I say strange things. I will give the church, I won’t go there at all. I have constant headaches.

  6. I started the attacks after a change of religion for 8 years, at first there were panic attacks terrible pains, my legs were shut, my head, my face, my face, when I came to church with my mother a couple of times, I was starting to feel sick and my head is diligent, a strong, disgusting smell is dizzy. , I left from there, I did not know why, there was no idea about obsession in my thoughts, then I began to change, then I prayed, then I threw myself, I couldn’t pray, I smoked again, I led not a very good way of life myself sowing, I am a kind person, but there are moments It’s as if I am not my own, I can hit the nasty things, I don’t remember well, the attacks began with convulsions, there were epileptic seizures and they continue similar, constant weakness, I hear other people's nasty voices in my head, because of them I thought to do something with me, I often change, as if there are many personalities in me, I had visions that came true, and some abilities for magic but I stopped after the death of my grandfather because after the spirit of the spirit he died And I was frightened, I am sad all the time, I have obsessive thoughts, poor sleep, and appetite, it happens that the technique breaks when I am angry, I always feel bad, what can be with me, tell me, I underwent examination, they said everything normally there is pomelo vasculus. because of chondrosis, but many are for many, but this happens that I don’t know what, please help

  7. Comrades Logic Your Topchik! In all parameters in me, not only demons and all the unclean sits).

  8. nda in a 1000 year life of greater stupidity did not read the fool read the fool, did not understand and who the fool himself wrote

  9. Hello, I have a question, please answer the account, even if it is strange, I have a craving for magic and it happens that I don’t want to at the church, I don’t have a cross on my chest and I did not drink holy water, I want to learn 4 elements and I dreamed Ifa and elves what does it mean?

  10. Demons exist. 90% of the world's population are struck by demons. Demons guide a person and he makes nasty things and meanness by the will of demons. To the chagrin of many ... by the authorities given to me by the Lord Jesus I inform: 30 % of the world's population are obsessed with demons, demons live inside man ... 50 % of humanity are burdened with demons. Difference: in obsessed demons live in a man himself, in burdened on a person and around him.

  11. I don’t know what my husband uses Helkagol’s drugs and I don’t know all his society as you can save and pray and ask me to stop. I feel that he is some kind of dark and I die or rather the soul as a murderer I understand, I understand, but for some reason something holds something to save him what to do as to save him or himself from him. He, as a vampire, eats all the energy when you don’t want anything nearby. I also have petty thoughts, but children hold. I go to church every morning begins with prosphora and holy water. Everything was bloomed before him and phllo and now everything

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    I can help Alyona, who “changed” religion or she can help me, I am also Alena (epilepsy-narcolence), I want to talk with her where to write?

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