Comic tasks for guests at a table in verses are the best selection for the holiday

Comic tasks for guests at a table in verses are the best selection for the holiday

Are you planning a noisy festive feast and do not know how to entertain guests? We bring to your attention a large selection of comic tasks for guests in verses. Our poetic phantles can be used for any important event in the circle of loved ones and relatives.

Comic tasks for guests are the best selection for the holiday

Comic tasks for guests are the best selection for the holiday:

Day today is unusual
Must be a laugh!
So, there is a great reason
Make laugh with success!
Exacerbage-to attention:
I give you all the task!

Options for guests:

Try to hold the ball
The head is clever!
Good, we want to know
Do you have dexterity?

You were not born an artist
But do not grieve!
So you will be a football player
Try to drink the ball!
You will be kicked, I will not hide
The ball is knee, not a foot!

You need to laugh on this day
So that the whole stomach is shaking!
That's why we ask together
Tell us a joke!

Cheerful songs
The tone of life is given to us!
So you, my friend, at least crack
But remind you how they sing!

Do you try now
Everyone is pleased to surprise:
A radiant smile
We ask us to portray us!

Remember all the sounds of laughter
And see them for us!
There will be exactly a funny thing for everyone
And as a reward you are 100 grams!

You don't think time
To get rid of the heart?
Do not consider you for the burden
Tickle all men!

Why are women worse?
They need the same way!
Come to every lady
And slightly tickle!

You are with your beauty
We were plunged into a light trans!
And therefore, I will not hide
I want to ask you
Smack everyone at least a dime
And put a point on that!

I put the question with an edge
Do not scare very well:
Offer a cool toast
With a gentle smile!

Pick up your partner
And weave us a flying man!
You can jump to the stop
You can only very little!

Musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment
Send music jokingly!

To be healthy, it sounds so that our laughter,
The thumb should be raised up!

To tell all kinds of "scum" diseases-
The thumb should be lowered down.

So that all our dreams are fulfilled,
We click our fingers together.

So that love is always in the house,
Hug each other, friends!

So that life is at the peak of dawn,
Firmly press the neighbor's hand.

Do you want to be happy?
Then wink each other now!

And so that life is even more beautiful,
We will hold hands and shout cheers!


The gypsy sedentary

We have a program today
Should be gypsies
But something happened there
I couldn't come to us

Do not tear off the holiday for us
Well, why are we worse than those gypsies?
Turn over the charm
We will find a gypsy in a moment.

Prepare the fingers.
We make clicks
Now come to the music
Start to click quickly! (1 muses)

Imagine fingers in rings
We boast in front of friends. Oh!
And we hear Hop-hop-hop.
We beat your hands-clap-chill-chill! (2 muses)

We are like a gypsy family
We’ll take the hands of friends
And raise our hands up
Swing all-all-all! (3 muses)


Now we disrupt your fingers
We lower our pens
Just not quite low
And on the shoulders of those who are close!
We hug gypsy
And we continue to swing! (4 muses)

Put the pens again
We will shake something
Chest forward, firing eyes
And let's start dancing shoulders. (5 muses)

Guests, and let's dance
We let the legs let us go now
Well, what are you ready? Start
In the gypsy rhythm, manage! (6 muses)

Now all go out
And sprinkle the gypsy! (7 muses)

Fun comic task for guests at the holiday - for men and women

Fun comic task for guests at the holiday - for men and women:

"Fruit parade."

The host, or owner of the holiday, offers guests to pull the fruit from the basket and tell about it. If a person does not know the rhyme, you can offer him a card with the right words. The guest will only have to read the text.

I'm a fragrant, ripe banana,
I admit, I am an immodest boy.
I shoot my eyes
To the right, left - I catch the girls.
I have chosen the banana, I chose a playful
Today I will ask everyone the heat
Beware, boys
I love banana ...

I am a ripe apple fragrant,
I dressed today everything is clean,
I will jump, have fun
As if I had come to marry ...
I am a delicious apple, friends,
Fragrant and always fresh
With a very smooth skin
And with a pleasant face ...

Kiwi in his hands - a sign of love for exotic
To hot countries, half -naked men
In general, to passionate erotica.
I am kiwi - nondescript from the outside, but juicy inside
If you do not believe, break - look.

I am a juicy orange
In appearance, immaculate
But it is worth drinking vodka
And snack with a herring
I will perform any whim
I dance even on the table striptease.
I am an important, thick orange
I am just a god, for you today - sir!

I am a woman with sourness
With the character of the blonde
With Nietzsche, I am not friends Freud
In its clean head
Tarakanov is divorced ...
Male Lemon is a cool fit
Male Lemon is almost citramon.
He never hurts with him
He will put it, warm, ozol will.
Will feed, drink and amuse.

I am sweet grapes
Women are very false
I love long -haired women
Brunettes, blondes, brown -haired and bald,
Gorgeous, bitchy, wretched and threat
All the women of the world are my idols!
I am a ripe grape
Beautiful, slender, bold
I'm good after champagne
After the wine and cognac of Armenian
And even after a beer mug
Any man licks me.

Dried fruit (raisins)
I'm small and wrinkled raisins
All my suit hides flaws
But women always want me
As if I am not ravery, but a sweet chocolate.
Woman with a highlight - queen of the day
Mysterious, fabulous - this is about me
I sing, dance, jump, twist my hips
Laugh, silent and cry and knock with my fist
I can start tantrum, ringing with glasses
I am a woman with a highlight - queen of the day!

Alcoholic comic tasks for guests at the table in verses

Alcoholic comic tasks for guests at the table in verses:

So that only joy here is now a place,
To become closer and more dear to each other,
Let's all now, together, together
We let this bottle in a circle!

The host shows a bottle of champagne, or any other alcoholic drink. He pours a guest who is closer to him, the guest drinks, and they give him a task.

I'll take a bottle now,
And the guest is the first pile!
You're a lady of beautiful pour
The one that is more beautiful today.
Only while you are going to her,
Air kiss all of a kiss.

You tell you the task of pouring it,
Who is farthest from you.
And while you (her) are walking before him,
You slowly wagging your hips!

You rather pour in that
Who sits in the right corner!
And to make it good for it,
In his (her) address you will say a toast!

I ask you to pour a man
The one who is the happiest sits.
And let's with him a couple
Drink the treasured charm again.

The task tells you this
Pour the one who sits on the right.
Let him drink slowly
And you sing a song that the soul tells!

You will have to pour a lady,
Which can be called the most elegant.
Take them with a candy,
And treat a beautiful lady with her.

The bottle is rapidly empty,
And the young soul still wanted a holiday.
Rather, pour all the guests of the charm,
And together with the shouts of "Hurray!" Drink!


"I drink a glass"

Guests get in order of line, drink the proposed alcohol, and perform the task that the host of the holiday voices.

I take a sausage
I put it on a piece of bread,
I hug a neighbor very much,
I drink a glass of vodka!

I take green cucumber,
I put it on a piece of bread,
I hug a neighbor very much,
I drink a glass of wine!

I take a fish
I put it on a piece of bread,
I hug a neighbor very much,
I drink a glass of cognac!

I take a salad with mayonnaise,
I put myself on a plate,
I hug a neighbor very much,
I drink a glass of brandy!

I take a fragrant mushroom,
I put it on a piece of bread,
I hug a neighbor very much,
I drink a glass of vodka!

And I take anything
And I do not put on a piece of bread,
But I hug a neighbor very much,
And I drink alcohol fun!

And I will support a neighbor
I will have fun to drink alcohol, I will help him,
I hug him tightly,
And I drink a glass for a glass!

Comic tasks for guests at the table

Comic tasks for guests at the table:

"I will tell you in secret"

Prepare a beautiful box for cards with tasks. Invite the guests to pull the cards and read out the text aloud. To make it more fun, ask to read the text very loudly, stiffly, “stretching” vowels, playfully.

I’ll tell you a secret
I am engaged in wu-shu.
And any villain
I'll put it on the shoulder blades.

I’ll tell you a secret
That I don't wear linen.
If anyone doubted
I’ll show me right now.

I’ll tell you a secret
I go to museums.
Slowly exhibits
I take out from museums

I’ll tell you a secret
I drink vodka without holding.
Give me a bottle in your hands -
I will drink and do not eat.

I’ll tell you a secret
I'm friends with the president.
I go fishing with him,
I go to the forest for mushrooms.

I’ll tell you a secret
I have been serving in the FBI for a long time
Because this service
I find it very important.

I’ll tell you a secret
I am getting married soon.
And probably very soon
Two kids to their beliefs.

I’ll tell you a secret
I follow the figure:
Then I am covered with clay
Then put on massage.

I’ll tell you a secret
On the diet I am sitting:
I eat grain all day
Or gnaw a bone.

I’ll tell you a secret
I keep the garden.
I will not dig beds,
I will only indicate the place.

I’ll tell you a secret
What leeches are divided.
These cute sympathies
I keep at home in a jar.

I’ll tell you a secret
I cherish health:
Or picking up pills a bunch,
Or I will know the ointments.

I’ll tell you a secret
I follow my appearance.
In front of the mirror for hours
I bring makeup.

I’ll tell you a secret
I go to the nudist beach.
Because my nature
Very inclined to go.

I’ll tell you a secret
That I write landscapes.
Cats dormant on the roof,
And mermaids on the beach.

I’ll tell you a secret
It seems that I'm crazy:
In the evenings for a walk
I put on a burqa.

I’ll tell you a secret
I bring everyone around
Because I love
Hang noodles on your ears.

I’ll tell you a secret
I drive a cool wheelbarrow.
And, clinging my eyes, I drive
For any turn.

I’ll tell you a secret
Spring, seeing, I tremble.
Nurse, it happens, even
I will take and bite.



Funny tasks

To make it more fun
Sing us a song as soon as possible!
We give a promise
What do we go to you.

Your star hour has come!
Please dance for us
Incendiary and bravely
Tango sultry. With a mop!

Charge everyone positive,
Low something
So that we have fun,
To laugh heartily!

To dexterity, the task is.
Dare, praise to you and honor!
Knife and forking candy
Take it and expand and eat!

Ask an honest people:
Tell us a joke
To laugh until you drop.
Remember more - we will be glad!

Surprisingly for you
Got a Fant simple:
For us without delay
Open champagne!

Here is a testness of testing!
(Having lurked the hall.)
Throw this tea bag
So that he gets into the mug!

Fanth is simple: from products of different
Make a sandwich (light snack),
So that he looks great,
And he was wonderful in taste!

Try to entertain us a little
Average friends and friends
And eat a banana without a fork, without a spoon,
Without a knife and without the help of hands.

You got such a Fant:
Take a picture of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To come out laughing!

This Fant is simple with us:
You are talent for us to cut out!
We ask you to write
With a foot the word "grace."

We all want to know
What awaits us!
You will tell us
And you will not scare!

Sit on a bitch high
And say:
-Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
If there is no bitch nearby,
You jump to the ceiling!

This Fant
Put on a bow on his head,
It will stand now on the pointe,
Speaks like a rock musician to us.

Five the word
Write on a piece of paper.
And now in the silence of complete
Show this word.

Open you wine now
Fill our glasses.
If a drop spilled
We are dragging you for your ears.

The ball of the risk
The head is clever!
Good, we want to know
Do you have dexterity?

You are with your beauty
We were plunged into a light trans!
And therefore, we will not hide

They wanted to ask you
Smack everyone at least a dime
And put an end to that!

We want to ask you
We will pay attention to us!
You hug everyone hard,
Nobody deceive anyone.

You will grab yourself by the nose
And shout loudly.
That you love yourself very much
And love loving!

You dance to everyone on a marvel
You can a break, but you can a waltz!
But let's playfully
You dance to us "fat."

What are you talent, prove to us:
Show any beast.
We will try everything
What kind of beast are you, guess.

Joking tasks for guests for birthday

Comic tasks for guests for birthday:

Tasks on the kiss

The guest pulls out the card and performs the task. Please note that such a competition is suitable forreally loved ones.

- I am tormented by such a question - I want to kiss (name) on the nose.
- Let friends not be offended, girlfriends, I will kiss (name) in the ear
-And I have almost pipes, I want to kiss Sasha on the lips
- From happiness, I will jump three times and then, climb with (name) kiss under the table!
- For happiness, I do not need much, I (name) will kiss on the forehead - and the whole reward!
- Yes, (name) will be very glad, I will kiss him on the cheek!
- I will not delay you for a long time and (name) just hugs!
- I sing (name) praises again and again, pi'll go and kiss him in an eyebrow!
- And we did not kiss before, ni’ll go and smoke (name) I am like Brezhnev!
- And here I am in honor of such a holiday.i will hug, my strength, not sparing!
- I don't want a Hanjoy I think, but You can exchange a kiss to us!

For a minute, become a wolf
And click menacingly with your teeth!
To make us laugh all,
You should portray a steam locomotive!

Dance of little swans
Everyone knows us in a row.
Well, let's get bold-
Dance us a dance of little chickens!

Don't sit on a chair -
Draw a plane!

You sing a song to us
But the way her hamster sang:
Infoil you important cheek
And click on it!

Well, look in the mirror,
But don't laugh - say:
"Ah, what a beauty I am!"
And so - 10 times!

This Fant will be happy -
Just bow beautifully!

Do something like that
To call you a hero!

Quickly and without reservation
Tell us a tongue twister:
“The Kukushka has a hood, as in a hood he is funny!”

Imagine the picture:
Fleet - You: All Beautiful!
Here the mushroom picked passes by
ONCE! And your beauty
It became bluntly flattened.

Around you do not go to you
And take a glass more in your hands!
The glass to the bottom is devastated,
And you congratulate the birthday man!

And for you the task is simple
N complex, but mischievous!
You will run away all the guests
And get a kiss from everyone!

So it's time to dance.
Dance us you dance of the gopak!

Well, you make us laugh.
Tell us the joke.
And if we do not like it,
You have to tell you the second!

The honor of a big one fell to you!
You have to smile!
Five minutes you smile
Yes, you try wider!

You take a stool,
You come to her.
And very loud down,
Skakakakkak to us, aaaaaaaaa!

And you invite you to dance
Who do you want, choose.
And dance aside you
Until we call you soda.

We began to miss something.
Maybe tell you a toast?
Toast rather say
You will cheer us up faster!

How does the cow mumble, you know?
You often imitate her.
We are more likely crazy
Only loudly, do not be silent!

Jump on one leg,
And waves with your hands.
And at the same time try,
Speech beautifully speak!

Joking tasks for guests for the anniversary

Comic tasks for guests for the anniversary:

Kohl came to the anniversary
Drink vodka soon!

Drink a glass of Winets
For ruddy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
Stop vodka skillfully!

Speak the compliment now
The birthday girl is from us!

To become more fun,
Sing us a song soon!

Guests are good today
Shyness you throw off your
Tell us a joke
This is expecting a people from you!

It will be fun with us
If you get up now
In the pose of swallows, my friend,
Toast telling us a small one!

The birthday girl is with us
A sight for sore eyes, just a class!
Come to her, hug
And smile at the guests to everyone!

Kiss the birthday girl,
Only not pamper!

Well, and you, buddy, wall
Kiss, standing with his back,
Forget it for a while
About your beloved chondrosis!

Describe the circle with the right foot,
In the tummy knocking with his left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
At the same time, not a drop should shed!

Use modern jargon now,
A birthday girl in love, admitting
The order of the Tamada is the strictest law,
You say, not embarrassed.

You, my friend, have the right
Simple on the cheek of a friend on the right!

The wonderful path was traveled by the anniversary,
You can tell about this in the book.
Come up with the name of memoirs,
Which he could write.

Not a difficult twist, you should know
About this, do not go to the fortuneteller,
And now call five things,
Necessary for fishing

Now you have to show
How plastic you are
Your Fante - Dance with a chair
Funny and erotic.

Perhaps this role is for you
A little not familiar
Your Fante is a ditty to sing now
Of course, more damn.

At first glance, your Fant is quite simple,
But will cause universal interest -
We tell us the anniversary growth,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, you got a simple fant
You should stand on the right right leg,
And the left leg holding a hand
In honor of our anniversary, raise our toast.

You should drink without a trace
For the birthday of a glass,
I will build everyone in order
And dance the cancan together.

Your Fant is to become a conductor for a short while,
The guests will quickly organize everyone,
So that by order of the anniversary in chorus
Fulfill all songs.

Your Fant: in the art of achieving
Show your guests to everyone,
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!

As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
His neighbor or neighbor,
Pour wine and loudly with expression,
Read everything that is on the label.

Your Fant is a successful, say, secretly -
The display of models to organize,
And the show comment on the same
And to dial fashion models from the guests.

You need to make a composition
From fruits on the table "He and she",
Add your explanations to her
And declare to whom is dedicated.

You should be applauded
For the anniversary, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the president
In her name, and read.

Ability to read words backward
It gives your Fant to demonstrate.
You are the name of the mistress of the triumph
They must say the other way around.

The obligation is such, besides you,
He will not be able to fulfill another anyone.
Your Fant - on behalf of the guests now
The mistress of the celebration to say: "Thank you."

Do not be lazy, and get up,
Full my request.
Come to each guest,
Hug him tightly!

Fill your glass,
Beautiful toast proclaim.
Devote to all guests to the toast,
Do not miss anyone!

Choose any guest
Invite him to the dance.
Dance the dance of white swans,
At the end of the dance, kiss each other!

Age us from the bottom of the heart
Tell us a joke.
We will laugh to tears, we will
We have fun with the heart!

Show us the acrobatic number.
From the elbow, you drink a full glass!

Here you have a mustache, glasses
Here is a cap for the head.
You put on it on yourself
And give us the Georgian toast!

You take the pen and paper
And write a portrait of the anniversary!

Take a sandwich rather
Put it in your mouth soon!
Chew him and say
How much you love you all here!

Now show me
How you love the anniversary!
But not in words, not with your hands,
And with the eyes and lips!

Don't sit still
For the jubilee you are daces.
But you do not rush to get up,
Better a booty you dance!


Joking tasks for guests in verses

Comic tasks for guests in verses:

We will not ask you to ask you
Just drink it slightly
Showing all kind people,
How they sing, taking 100 grams!
(Submit to the guest 100 grams and ask to sing)

You do not need to be afraid of us,
We will not make you suffer!
We ask, having drunk lemonade,
A joke to tell us!

Allow me to ask
Smoking you show you:
You are two fingers
Try to break!

You are a tongue twister now
Speak to us quickly!
If, suddenly, there is no sense
Ask a neighbor!
(»Lilac jacket with a pile of vele")

To a degree of mood
At the same time, increase you,
Impressions are created:
You need to accept 100 grams!

If "Russian" imprisoned
You don't want to dance
Then we are for order
We ask you to have to shout!

Eat, try, without grunt,
Three slices from lemon!

A familiar doctor told
About the benefit of kissing!
You now, at least cry, do not cry
Fulfill the task:
All brunettes kiss
Only not pamper!

We have fun fine
But I, nevertheless, with a request to you,
And with which? It should be clear:
Toast tell all the guests!

Remembering the golden childhood,
You won’t get it now!
The task is to you:
Grind on the rope!

We observe sterility
And outside and inside!
Therefore, we offer you
Drink vodka glasses three!
If the hand will not rise
Then at least three sips!

Here you are, my friend, the task:
Give attention to you
Surroundly, you are careful
Who? Who is hunting!

If you accidentally remember
We have a spoke
Then you will fill the glass with the wine,
You will drink all of it at once!

Non -in -law task
The request to fulfill mine:
Tell me all the wishes
Speech starting already with the letter Yu!

You look so mysteriously,
Like you want to say!
Maybe you want a riddle
Do we make today?

Cool, very cool
For a whole minute
To ride on one leg,
Clapping in your hands!

The animal, what you want
Draw without words.
The one who guesses
Award medal.

You are a great lucky one.
Rejoice, darling:
Stretching out a ticket-surge,
You get a prize at once!

Who does not like compliments?
The world does not know such.
Tell everyone by compliment
The phantom falls out.

The dance of little ducklings
Please delight the audience.
Take the guys to the dance -
Dance until you drop!

All the names have forgotten
Good and funny fairy tales.
Perform one task -
Help us remember them!

Sports need to be done!
There is a task for you:
You can try very hard
And do a dozen times to sit down?

Many holidays in the world
And the children are delighted with them.
You don't play silence,
Call them as soon as possible!

You are a physical education teacher.
You will spend a lesson now.
For health and figures:
Squats, running, jumping!

Make a riddle to us.
Even three are better.
We will solve in order
We will open our brains.

You have the right
Choose a pair.
To dance with her
For the delight of the eyes.

You take a piece of paper
And turn into a toy.
And then give the lady
As a sign of his great love!

In many fairy tales and poems
Cats meet.
We want to ask you:
What do you know?

Your voice is wonderful
We want to listen.
You sing, my friend, song.
Please our ears!

Choise your client.
Create him a hairstyle.
Turn on your imagination,
Don’t break a comb.

You have a task, my friend:
Favorite remember your poem
And tell us it -
Sawly, loud, from the heart!

The most favorite story
Remember right now.
We really want to know
Why are you fascinated by them.

Comic table tasks for guests

Comic table tasks for guests:

Strengthen your brains,
Remember the songs help
To meet flowers in them:
Roses of marvelous beauty
Name a few songs with roses.

So that the gift does not disappear
Mythological you call creatures.
Name 5 existing non -humans from fairy tales.
What is more likely to us
Several forest animals.
Not just like that, but in alphabet.
And you can open a gift.
Call animals in the first 10 letters-a-b-b-d-d-d-zh-z-ik.

Come on your eyes, close
And plug your nose with your hand,
Picture a rooster
Light slightly.
Close your nose and tell the cupre as if the rooster has a runny nose.

Five politicians are famous
Do you remember? Tell us honestly.
Five surnames of politicians.

And now this question:
Name Russian stars.
Five famous singers.

Do not forget anyway
We are Soviet cinema
In the films of good and cute
We know your beloved actors
For example, three musketeers-Boyarsky.

Santa Claus rushes on a sleigh,
The holiday is coming to us soon!
The forest is in the winter begs,
Tell me who lives in it!
Name 10 forest animals.

Try about the types of fabrics,
Tell us you, don't be shy.
Call 5 types of fabrics.

Under keel of large ships
The waters of the seas are spread
Name us these seas
Show that you studied not in vain.
Names 5 seas.

The Christmas tree has relatives.
They also have needles
If you know them, then call
And get a gift soon.
Five breeds of coniferous trees.

Alcohol consumption
Of course harmful to health
That which cannot be consumed
You have to call us now
10 types of alcohol.

We will never forget,
Milk is useful for people
And you tell me a friend for now
What are they doing from milk?
5 dairy products.

Eh, spring will not come soon.
We walk in hats.
Call them rather
And take the gift.
7 types of hats.

It's just that you won't give a gift for you.
Ten spices of aromatic name aloud to all of us.
Call 10 seasonings, herbs and spices.

All the names have forgotten
Good and funny fairy tales.
Perform one task -
Help us remember them!
Name 5 children's fairy tales.

In many fairy tales and poems
Cats meet.
We want to ask you:
What do you know?
At least 3 where the cat participates.

Santa Claus flies around the light
He flew around the whole planet
Ten European countries
You tell us soon.
Name 10 countries in Europe.

In order not to be silent to no avail
You tell the tongue twister.
Any tongue twister can be said.

Stars are spinning kaleidoscope
Well, remember the horoscope.
Name the signs of the zodiac, how much you remember.

The geography lessons have passed for years.
Let's remember the school, play cities
Name 10 Russian cities.

There are many names in the world, well, you just can't count them
Well, tell me what your letter is on your letter
10 names with the same letter that is your own.

Musical comic tasks for guests

Musical comic tasks for guests:

Tasks for guests - guess the name of the song

Do not scold my girlfriend
But living in Saratov,
I did not find idle
And I love married.
("There are so many golden lights)

I have it with a spin:
I can't look into the distance.
Someone came down from the hill ...
How can I see it?
("That's someone came down from the hill")

What kind of song is sad?
In the catastrophe field:
Chamomiles hid,
The buttercups were smoked.
(Chamomiles hid "))

I love so many
Completed completely.
If I were a sultan,
There would be no problems.
("If I were a sultan")

Not my dear my dear
I love him for a long time.
I don't dare to say words
And I do not rush him.
That's already blossomed viburnum
You pass by again.
("Oh blooms viburnum")

I was hazing around the world
I asked my beloved.
Krones shaking,
The trees answered.
("I asked ash…")

Milenok will not come to you, don't wait for him
And do not sit on the river until dawn at night.
The heart can burst from your longing.
Two banks near one river did not come together.
("We are two shores")


He is not a casist and is not high,
He will not be able to become famous.
And yet he is not alone
Because I really like him
("And I like him")

I am young girl,
The girl is on the outcome.
There are enough gentlemen to me
Only there is no loved one.
("But I have no good love")

I'm warm even in a fierce cold
If next to me is a dear friend.
Call me ugly,
But there is no happier than me around.
("They call me ugly ...")

Everything is different from the far,
On the road, in the city of a stranger.
Let an unfamiliar star shine
But let pensions sound about the house.

I forget myself in friendship,
After all, a friend is a third shoulder.
I'll leave if I interfere.
Waves and storm with him do not care.
And if I love a girl,
I know, I’ll yield to him.
("If the joy is for all ...")

Very difficult in our world
Save love sometimes.
Remember that she is in the shower
It will blossom only once.
("Once a year, gardens bloom ...")

Comic tasks for guests with movements

Comic tasks for guests with movements:

Table fun
The right hand was raised - they waved to colleagues!
Well, the left hand drops slightly to the knee
Not your own! And your neighbor!
The right handle is hotly we hug the neighboring shoulder so decently ....
They swayed to the left, right. Well done! Excellent! Bravo!
They stroked their stomach. Smiled in a full mouth!
We will push the neighbor on the right, wink a neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in the hand, we pour it to the edges!
We continue fun - we’ll go down with a neighbor on the right ...
A glass so as not to fog, go down with a neighbor on the left ....
And with a neighbor, a marching - for a cheerful team ....
We get up together from our places - in thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say together “Congratulations!”, And we drink everything to the bottom!
Do not forget to eat - and pour yourself again!

Who sits, who sits to the right of the bottle
Beat the beat rhythmically a glass with a fork.
Who is sitting, who sits from the bottle on the left -
Catch the plate with a fork boldly.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the herring
Beat the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who is sitting, who sits to the right of potatoes -
Beat your knees with both palms.
Who was drinking at a very few at the table today
Hit the spoon slowly
Who has come to this hall late today -
Knock carefully with a glass on the table.
Who came in time and came -
Beat how you know how to heap on the floor.
Who is pleased with everything - clap your hands!
Who was a little angry - do not hesitate either.
And now everything together is possible - at once!
Fun and joyful at the holiday with us!

Invite guests to perform those actions mentioned in the verse:
We are leaning with their heads,
We shine with spouts,
And I will knock on my teeth
And a little engaged.
We take a glass of alcohol in the hand.
We will twist the shoulders
And do not forget about the pens.
Fingers shocked
And we’ll have a little rest.
Raise the glass above the head.
We’ll chat with our feet
And we’ll take a little bit,
The leg of the leg is like
And first we’ll start everything.
Drink alcohol in one gulp.
Further, the pace is accelerated.
We are leaning with their heads,
We will twist our shoulders .... And, of course, we bite.

Tasks for guests are comic verses for a small, large company

Tasks for guests are comic verses for a small, large company - ideas for cards:

  1. This evening is humorous, dance, my friend, we are erotic dance.
  2. Here is a ticket, a task in it. Build a new house. But not from the boards, without nails, build a house from the guests to us.
  3. Here is a tray with flour, and inside the candy. You don't touch her hand. Get the mouth, baby.
    You don’t have a better task, give a person a bouquet. But the bouquet is not from flowers. And from beautiful, delicate words.
  4. You are embarrassed in vain, you are modest - it is clear to us. Shout that you are a mattress.
  5. And you have a special flow - tie a bow to a neighbor.
  6. In your phante, an evil joke-portray you you duck you. But the duck is not easy. Bukhoy and Lame.
  7. You are romantic? Prove it! And admit love. But not her and not to him. And a hole (a potted flower - any funny rhyme yours)
  8. Take the glass, pour in the wine, tell us toast and drink to the bottom.
  9. I love a wonderful moment, you fulfill my dream - I want to hear a chant, your nightingale trill.
  10. Here you have such a order - the apple fell into the basin. You don’t grieve us, only your hands are not urine. You catch an apple with your mouth. What are you looking at? Start!
  11. Look at me - I dance the belly dance I.
  12. To make us laugh all, you need to twist the face
  13. I hurry to the mistress, I will dance to you gypsy
  14. The birthday girl entered the courage, I will make her massage
  15. The idol is not here, but the “frost-mod” of the priest.
  16. You are not in felt boots, and not in slippers. Show how to flutter the butterfly.
  17. You are a wolf howl, a neighbor - a dog barking. And start this concert.
  18. You have a darling neighbor. Kiss her you are in the ear.
  19. Do not swear loudly, but feed the guests with a salad.
  20. You are not a pits - it’s better to dance to us dance.
  21. Men have a mustache, you shout: "Where are my underpants?"
  22. Here you have a bottle of vodka only do not drink it yourself, and go with a goose gait to all guests spill.


I need three assistants,
And this friendly brigade,
To have fun until you drop,
Let's fulfill the passionate Lambada!

Happiness fell to your share:
My friends are a couple! We have fun!
We are right here, on this dance floor,
Let's get in the major rock and roll!

Again the performer comes a shift.
Although not everyone in spirit of change.
For the birthday girl, I am as a sign of cultural exchange,
I will perform the song of the crocodile genes.

I had a job:
I will portray a kitten now.

There are so many dances dance on the dance floor -
Inventions of the Brazilians, Mexicans ...
But in a series of diverse dances
For the birthday girl I will sing a song about hares!

I will slightly raise the funny funny,
For the birthday girl I will perform a gypsy!

Meet! A new step to fun!
I have two assistants and a polish of a flying man!

Let us only dream on a holiday of peace:
I will sing ditty ten or two!

I will collect my talents in a bunch,
I will portray for you Verochka Serduchka!

I will dress the headphones, I will listen to the song.
And I’ll sought it to you, laugh together.

What, my friend, aren't you cheerful?
Well, sing a song to us!


I confess to you: I'm not an artist,
But I will ask you to accept BIS:
For you I sing - Pierre Narcissus!

In order not to get into trouble,
I had to look in all my eyes.
Now close the eyes,
Cuckarers a couple of times!

Come on, dear friend,
You sit down in the corner
Do not be sad, do not sob,
And a little fuck!

You were a glorious Fant:
Tie for yourself a bow,
Turn around, circle
And they succeeded in place.

Here is your turn to play
You are now about to keep you:
Praised their neighbor,
Maybe give you candy.

You played gloriously now
And, of course, tired.
Climb on the window,
You buy a little there.

All the people have fun.
Here you have come:
You will choose a princess (prince)
And to kiss her (him).

The politeness is surprised:
pull your hand to everyone around.

For the holiday to be in order,
Dance, you are in a squat.

Comic tasks for guests at the corporate party

Comic tasks for guests at a corporate party:

Find a big spoon
Take a little there
Both salad and jam,
Cake, sausage and cookies ...
Do not be shy! Help!
And smile wider!

You have a sporty fante!
He loves the rest is active.
Jump you like saigas,
On four legs!

Tell me to save the Fant,
- How much you could fall
For festive moments
Sender compliments?

This fante is bright
And very lucky!
Sing a song hot,
To "cried" the ears!

Stand up with 4 paws,
Back - I get the ear,
Hawk, hollow, ow
Played with you!

Once you came to the holiday, you
Then dreams will come true
And to become more fun,
Weaving a swans dance to us!

Smoke a random synke from the shoulder,
Light in the eyes of a cheerful sincer
And to add fun to the party,
For a cake, you get a lezginka!

The pig cried in the morning
- I am not a pig!
And you support the pig
Grunt with her at a time, two, three.

We love to play a lot of birds,
Fly in the sky high.
Show us the bird
Take the above the stars!

I slept in the morning for a very long time
And you overslept charging.
Now you are not lazy
Stand for charging!

Verbal music plays with us.
Where is your cheerful dance?
Show everyone an example,
And we have fun with the splashes.

What is the name of you, we know
And now we will find out
All the secrets about you
Do not hold everything in yourself!

Cats in the house of each live,
Every day they drink from the saucer.
You are muddy milk from the saucer
Show us how cats drink us.

We want to laugh everything
We want to smile.
Tell us a joke
You laugh all the people.

Dear, little friend,
Do you know at least one rhyme?
You read it soon then
Rejoice all your friends!

Do you know a lot of animals?
Do you know who lives in the forest?
But let's play for us
Today the red fox!

To cheer everyone up,
You need to try very hard!
Try the face to twist
Or get a laugh!

You took out a Fant. Come on, do not timid
Chirik the way a sparrow can!
How he, jump, look for grains
And in the nest of a straw drag!

What a loud and lingering sound?
There is a knock from the steam locomotive!
Then the beep will be heard right away,
After all, the train is serving east!

You boldly show us a steam locomotive,
And how he goes, tell me too!
Buzz, like him, and make a stop,
Try and show everything deftly!

How do birds fly in the clouds?
How do they wave wings with feathers?
Come on you like a bird
Fly around the room and do not rush!

D. avai-ka teach everyone today
Mumble like a bull, and like a cow!
Come on soon now the mouse
We will repeat everything behind you again!

Show: how to swim,
How to row, do not drown!
Imagine the room like a harbor
And Aida is more likely!

A fisherman catches fish on the river,
He boughts the hook with a worm
And a small fish takes out,
On the boat, he floats further along the river!
Come on and show you rather
How fish they catch, tell me right away!

Show for us soon
A bird like a sparrow!
Jump, jump and download,
Like a sparrow shout!

Do you know how they dig a garden?
Well, take a shovel as soon as possible
And start showing, digging
Potatoes must be planted as soon as possible!

Squirrel clicks nuts,
He throws shell in a hurry ...
You are like a squirrel now
Show the tail for us!
And click the nuts,
Well, come on, come on, come on!

Very fast, very deft
Tell me the tongue twister!
And repeat again
Only the pace do not slow down!

You have to tell us today
How to play on a computer!
You say about your beloved game
And how you play at home, show me!

There is a very loud ringing in the apartment,
Calls in our apartment!
You’ll take off the tube soon
And answer an important bell!

You pulled out the candy wrapper and here
We are waiting for a joke from you!
Funny, cheerful, interesting
We want a wonderful joke!

A plane rushes in the sky
Imagine that you are a pilot!
Sit down for the helm
Carry into the distance in the sky!

You read to five, and then up to ten!
Again up to five again I propose to count!
Now put everything together. How much will it be, tell me?
As the example thought was not easy, show us all right away!

Close your eyes quickly
And take one hand
Touch the nose slightly!
And let the second hand

Twes over the ear deftly!
Swing your head to the sides!
Now at least three jumps
Make a little on your leg!

Sit down ten times,
And then jump yourself!
Well, let's do above, higher,
Jump as if to heaven!

We will pat your hands
Well, let's dance!
Show the dance good
Jump, jump from the heart!

Twist your hips skillfully
Compose a new dance!
Ah, what a bold boy you are!
Call everyone to the dance!

Comic tasks for adult guests for active pastime

Comic tasks for adult guests for active pastime:

Task-game "And Me too"

I have a game for you,
I will read poetry now.
I'll start and you finish
By chorus, answer together: "And I, too."
In the morning I woke up early ...
Was washed from the crane with water ...
I went for a walk ... I went to the zoo ...
I saw a lioness there ... I saw a tigress there ...
There was an elephant in the cage there ...
Was funny, like a pig ...
Who loves apples?
Who loves pears?
Who does not wash your ears?

He slept tight all winter,
Brouke's paw sucked.
Close your eyes and sleep
Yes, like a bear, snoring.
(Portray a snoring bear.)

What is in the apartment for the sober?
Maybe it's a phone?
How does he call? Show me
Consumption to us, jazzzhzh.
(Portray a calling phone.)

Put the candy in the mouth
And try to tell me
You are tongue twisters aloud.
Two enough.
(Without eating sweets, pronounce one or two tongue twisters.)

In the early morning, at dawn,
Both adults and children sleep.
So that they all do not oversleep them,
Cuckareni you are five times.

Come up with the task yourself
Just listen, attention!
Let the invented covenant
A neighbor will perform on the right.

Blimey! Can't be!
You need to wash plates!
Okay, joking, don't listen
Better eat candy.
("Prize" Fant.)

I have not forgotten what we note
And who are we all congratulated?
Without any chant
Tell him: "Happy Birthday!"
(We need to congratulate the birthday man.)

This task is complicated
Almost impossible.
It is necessary to remember the lines five -
Read the poem.

Do you like to play on a computer?
Do not tear you off the screen?
Concentrate your attention
Say three toys the name.

“Tired of me to meow,
We want, like piglets - grunt. ”
So you get like a pig,
And then sink, a kitten.

Who is going to go ahead?
Grunting, calling mom?
Yellow wids stomp.
Walk, they pat you.

The tank roars, the guns shoot.
War is not toys.
Show us, soldiers,
How the machine shoots.

Ah, lucky, what a marvel,
The Fante pulled out beautifully!
You shot it aptly!
You can take a candy.
("Prize" Fant)

This Fant for you a reward:
Do not do anything.
Do not scream lion and tiger,
And get a candy!
("Prize" Fant.)

The Fant was not easy
Do not throw him, wait!
Remember something formidable
And make the face serious.
(We need to make the most serious and formidable face)

You can sing a different song:
Shout loudly and sniff quietly.
But don't whisper her and don't scream,
And in the brown craft.
(The song “Happy Nevody Tu” is selected and “mumbles” on its motive.)

The toads croak on the shore
Together with frogs in the old pond.
This is frog friendship.
And you need to wrap it up.

Is the New Year come?
Or is Santa Claus going?
At least I was mistaken in winter
Anyway about the Christmas tree sing

Who's birthday?
And how is it?
Take the first letter,
Name two animals.

I'm a photographer at least where
I always go with a photo.
We will take a colored photo,
Twist the face funny!

I do not like to wrinkle my nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come on, well, prove,
How to laugh, show me!

"Origami" you know the word
Or did you hear this?
Okay, here you have a concess
Make a piece of paper from a piece of paper.

It became cold, snow is pouring
Many birds fly south.
So that we do not forget a bird cry,
You're a sparrow here.

Oh, but there are no tasks.
So, you can take a candy.
Or gingerbread. Or cake.
Fighting is the first variety!

Comic tasks for guests for the New Year in verses

Comic tasks for guests for the New Year in verses:

"Riddles - answers"

It will come in handy now
And luck and luck,
I will read poetry for you,
To raise you ... mood!

Allowed today
Different games play,
Sing, joke, laugh plenty,
And, of course ... dance.

The glorious holiday of the New Year,
The whole people are very fond of
We believe that he will come seriously
To our holiday ... Santa Claus

To our house on New Year's Eve
Someone will come from the forest
All fluffy, in needles,
And the name is that guest ... Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree will stand in the corner
At the window on the floor,
And on the Christmas tree to the crown
Multi -colored ... toys.

Grandfather will bring in gifts
Chocolate and sweets,
Katya, Masha and Marina
They love ... tangerines

He is very few years old,
He is now waiting at the threshold.
Who will enter us in twelve?
Well, of course ... New Year!

We have been escorting the old year,
And we meet a new year,
We will live in friendship, in agreement,
Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Joking a festive bouquet
Do you need? Of course yes.)
At work, we always
We speak idle ... (not.)
We have one secret.
Will we reveal it? … (YES)
Guessed without difficulty ...
Autumn occurs? … (NO)
The hall warms up with smiles,
So there will be a holiday? … (YES.)
We will celebrate then
Let's say boredom together ... (not.)
Santa Claus will go into the buffet.
Will we wait for him? … (YES.)
He will return when,
Scold him? … (NO)
A very correct answer
Does grandfather love us? … (YES)
Forgets sometimes
Grandfather Gifts at home? … (NO)

"We celebrate the New Year!"

Leading: In the yard, Snowball is sparkling
Christmas trees dragging people into the house
And we are not sitting at home -
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: We pour champagne into glasses
Let's make it in front
What awaits us in the year of the future -
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: And under the fight of chimes again,
Like every New Year,
We will dream about the best.
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: As in childhood, believing in a miracle
Everyone is waiting for a gift here.
Together with Grandfather Frost
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: Let the year 20 ...- th
All problems will take away
And hide them away.
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: Us in the year 20 ... -Oom
Happiness and luck are waiting.
And in a great mood
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: Around the Christmas tree again
We will lead a round dance
We need to return to childhood - -
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: The crisis does not scare us, -
We are very strong people
Let the year .... It comes -
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Leading: And now we are like children
Moved away from all worries
What to say? All over the planet
All: We celebrate the New Year!

Happy New Year!!!
With new happiness!!!

Video: A simple comic competition at the festive table

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