Riddles for adults - the best selection with answers: 115 riddles

Riddles for adults - the best selection with answers: 115 riddles

If you are planning a fun party, but do not know how to entertain guests, then our article will help you with this. In it you will find a selection of riddles for adults, from funny to complex and logical.

Riddles, as a genre of oral folk art, existed at all times. People, with the help of such a kind of prose or poems, had fun and studied. After all, there are not only funny and funny riddles, but the logical, a person forcing the brain to work intensively. You will find a selection of the best riddles for adults in our article.

Riddles for adults - with a catch: the best selection

Riddles with a catch is a great way to have fun. True, remember that a similar type of riddles for adults often has a slightly vulgar slope, and therefore you need to choose them for entertainment only if you plan to meet close friends.

Riddles with a trick for adults with answers

Riddles for adults - with a catch:

  1. The most famous semiconductor. (Answer - Susanin.)
  2. In the fall, nourishes, warms in winter, amusages in the spring, cold in the summer. (Answer - vodka, alcoholic drinks)
  3. What needs to be done so that the blonde has eyes lit up? (The answer is to shine with her flashlight in the ear.)
  4. What needs to be done if you got into the car, and your legs do not reach the pedals? (Answer - you can try to transfer to the driver's place.)
  5. And what needs to be done if you got on the driver's seat, and your legs still do not reach the pedals? (Answer - you must first turn to face the steering wheel.)
  6. What needs to be done when you see a green man? (The answer is to quickly cross the street while the green traffic lights are burning.)
  7. Thunder thunders, the bushes are shaking - what are they doing there? (Answer-rabbits are very afraid of someone.)
  8. A word of three letters that any man is afraid of? Women and children love to pronounce it very much. (The answer is still.)
  9. Can an ostrich call yourself a bird? (Answer - could if he knew how to talk.)
  10. You are sitting on an airplane, in front of you is a horse, a car behind. Where are you? (Answer - in a recreation park, on carousels.)
  11. In which case, six children, two dogs, four adults, climbing under one umbrella, will not get wet? (Answer - everything is very simple if there is no rain outside.)
  12. About 40 percent of people are engaged in this occupation at night. What are they doing? (Answer - sit on the Internet.)
  13. Why, when they sweat, they smell bad? (Answer - and you think from what place they grow. Have you remembered?)
  14. The name of the first woman in the world to perfectly mastered the aircraft. (Answer - Baba Yaga.)
  15. What does a woman have on the body, a Jew on her mind, is used in hockey and on a chessboard? (Answer - combination.)
  16. These three TV stars are well known to each of us. The blond's name is Stepan, the name is Philip. And what is the name of the bald? (The answer is a well -known pig.)
  17. What human organ is able to increase ten times with strong excitement? (The answer is the pupil of the eye. And this organ when excited increases only 2.5 times).
  18. There are 5 mushrooms in the basket. How to divide mushrooms between five mushroom pickers so that everyone gets equally, and one mushroom would remain in the basket? (Answer - 4 mushroom pickers will receive one mushroom, and the fifth will receive a basket with one mushroom.)
  19. What can fall and rise, and at the same time not move? (Answer - body temperature during illness)
  20. Two boys played checkers. Each of them played five parties, and everyone won the same number of games. How could this happen? (Answer - they just played with different opponents.)

Riddles about adults with answers

Riddles-jokes for adults

Next, we bring to your attention a selection of riddles about adults, and related life situations. The answers, of course, are attached.

Riddles about adults with answers:

  1. A man with a beautiful woman in the grass did something on “e”. (Answer - with great appetite ate the dugout.)
  2. Why does Santa Claus carry gifts alone, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden? (The answer is Santa Claus after meeting the New Year will get home himself, and someone should drag Santa Claus.)
  3. Two women cannot use together. A woman and a man are somehow. Two men - at least how. (Answer - toilet.)
  4. What does the watchman do when a sparrow is sitting on his head? (Answer - sleeps sweetly.)
  5. How many blacks are required to bury a person? (The answer is five. Four carry a coffin, and the fifth goes in front with the tape recorder.)
  6. After extinguishing the fire, the corpse of the acwalangist was found in the forest. To the nearest reservoir more than 50 km. How did he end up there? (The answer is - the scuba diver was looking for fish in the pond, the fire helicopter accidentally scooped him up and threw it to the fire in the forest.)
  7. In the desert lies a dead man. Behind the shoulders is a bag, on the wing belt with water. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did a person die from and what is in his bag? (The answer is that a person died from a blow to the ground, and in a bag is a parachute that did not open.)
  8. Who will not wet the hair under the pouring rain? (The answer is a person with an umbrella, or a bald man.)
  9. They go to the Buratino compartment, Malvina, an honest customs officer and the mental fifty. They play cards, a bunch of money in the bank, the train enters the tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, the money disappeared. Who stole the money? ( The answer is the mental one as the first three in nature does not exist.)
  10. When is a person in a room without a head? (The answer is when it sticks it out of the window or doors.)
  11. The Soviet janitors were taken and shortened by brooms. What for? (Answer - Soviet wipers loved to stand up, relying on a broom.)
  12. Which social group has critical days twice a year? (The answer is for students who close the session.)
  13. Crash -eyed, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots? (Answer - Santa Claus comes from Chukotka.)
  14. There was a hunter past the clock tower. He took out a gun and shot. Where did he get?
    (Answer - to the police.)
  15. The boy fell from 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls from 40 steps? (The answer is only one, the second is already broken.)
  16. It doesn’t bargain, does not bite, but does not let it into the house. (Answer - the wife does not let her drunk husband into the house.)
  17. What is, hangs on the wall and cries? (Answer - climber.)
  18. Two backs, one head, six legs. What it is? (The answer is a man in a chair.)
  19. Can a woman make a man a millionaire? (Answer - maybe if he is a billionaire.)
  20. Who is a gynecologist from an unscientific point of view? (The answer is a person who is looking for problems where others find joy.)

Riddles for adults - funny

Riddle with an answer

If your goal is fun, then a selection of funny riddles for adults will help to make your pastime as easy and relaxed as possible.

Riddles for adults are funny:

  1. To stroke in front, you need to lick behind. (Answer - Postal Mark.)
  2. Lies on the back - no one needs it. Leaning against the wall - it will come in handy. (Answer - staircase.)
  3. Small, black, wrinkled - every woman has. (Answer is a highlight.)
  4. Why are puzzles dangerous? (Answer - because people puzzle over them.)
  5. Two women at the fence - one is glued, the other is sewn. What to do with them (The answer is to tear off the first, the second is to tear off.)
  6. What is very blue gold? (Answer - Beloved wife got drunk.)
  7. With onions with eggs, but not a pie? (Answer - Robin Hood.)
  8. What is business? (The answer is a way to select money without the help of rude strength.)
  9. What will happen if you cross bugs with fireflies? (The answer is a dense electrification network throughout the country.)
  10. With claws, not a bird, flies and curses. (Answer - electrician.)
  11. What is, there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, there is no head? (Answer - lame person goes behind the fence.)
  12. What is - 90/60/90? (Answer - speed at traffic cop.)
  13. Which woman first rubs near you, and then begins to demand money from you. (Answer - conductor in public transport.)
  14. How to write correctly: "buttocks" or "Egor"? (Answer - look in the dictionary at the letter "g".)
  15. Why does the gorilla have big nostrils? (The answer is because she has thick fingers.)

Riddles for adults - logical

Logical riddles for adults

If among your friends and loved ones there are people who love not quite banal riddles, then you will definitely need the next selection.

Riddles for adults - logical:

  1. How far can a hare run deep into the forest? (The answer is to the middle of the forest, since then it will already be selected from the forest.)
  2. How many programmers do you need to tighten a light bulb? (The answer is not a single one. This is a hardware problem, programmers do not solve them.)
  3. Which wheel does not spin with the right turn? (Answer - reserve.)
  4. Why, when you want to sleep, go to the bed? (Answer - by floor.)
  5. What needs to be done so that the four guys stay in one boot? (Answer - remove from each by the boot.)
  6. What stones are not in the sea? (Answer - dry.)
  7. A crow sits on a bitch. What needs to be done to saw off the bitches without disturbing the crow? (The answer is to wait until she flies away.)
  8. What language do they say silently? (Answer - in the language of gestures.)
  9. You got ahead of the skier who was in the second position. What place do you occupy now? (The answer is the second, you took his place.)
  10. Father Mary has 5 daughters: Nicole, Agatha, Eugene, Laura. What is the name of 5 daughter? (Answer - the girl's name is Mary.)
  11. The train goes east at a speed of 80 km/h. In which direction does smoke fly while driving? (Answer - the train cannot have smoke. It moves thanks to electricity.)
  12. You entered the dark room taking the boxes of the matches, on the table is a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What are you first to light? (The answer is to make it light, you have to light a match.)
  13. Is there where such a field is where the horse jumps through a horse? (The answer is chess.)
  14. Your friends and acquaintances use it more often than you, but it belongs to you.
    What is this about? (Answer is your name.)
  15. A woman was going to Moscow, and three men towards. Each has a bag, in each bag on the cat. How many creatures was sent to Moscow? (Answer - only the woman went to Moscow. The men were already returning back.)

Riddles for adults - cool

Funny riddles for adults

Well, a little more puzzles for a fun and noisy company.

Riddles for adults - cool:

  1. What is - gold coins fall from a branch? (The answer is a common phenomenon in the country of fools.)
  2. What is - walks along the wall and plays? (Answer - Fly with a player in the ears.)
  3. There is a bald hedgehog - how old is he? (The answer is 18, it is taken into the army.)
  4. What is the difference between a female hostel and a male? (Answer - in a female dormitory, dishes are washed after eating, and in the male - before.)
  5. It is small, big. Iron is very friendly with him. With him and the blind will certainly find a needle in a haystack. (Answer - magnet.)
  6. What is a dietary egg? (The answer is an egg demolished by the chicken on the diet.)
  7. What did Munchausen think about when he flew on the nucleus? (The answer - this was playing in bowling.)
  8. Who will receive free cheese in the mousetrap? (The answer is the second mouse.)
  9. What is the most not favorite phrase of the sapper? (The answer is one leg here, the other is there.)
  10. Who are men from the point of view of science - biology? (Answer - arthropods.)
  11. What is the difference between husband and director? (Answer - the director knows his deputy, but the husband is not.)
  12. What has the head, but has no brains? (Answer - cheese, onions, garlic.)
  13. By evening, he dies, comes to life in the morning. (Answer - alcoholic.)
  14. Can a dog get a heart attack? (Answer - maybe if you create human conditions.)
  15. Sometimes with dirty hands we take it out of trousers, bring it to a hole with hair and a delicious sound is heard. (Answer - handkerchief.)

Riddles for adults are complex

Complex riddles for adults

If there are people in your house who like more complex puzzles, then try to surprise them and offer to solve complex riddles.

Riddles for adults are complex:

  1. The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can it be? (Answer - 100 minutes - this is 1 hour 40 minutes.)
  2. What does not have length, depth, width, heights, can you measure? (Answer - time, temperature)
  3. If it is raining at 12 a.m., then can it be expected that in 72 hours there will be sunny weather? (The answer is not, since after 72 hours there will be a night.)
  4. What can travel around the world, remaining in the same corner? (Answer - postage brand on the envelope.)
  5. What is the best age of the child? (The answer is when you no longer drive his hand, and he still does not lead you by the nose.)
  6. What is it, two hands, two wings, two tails, three heads, three trunk and eight legs? (The answer is a rider holding chicken in his hands.)
  7. There were 10 birds on the tree. The hunter came and shot one bird. How many birds are left on a tree? (The answer is not a single one, the rest were frightened by shots and flew away.)
  8. The goods first went up by 10%, and then fell by 10%. What is its cost now relative? (The answer is 99%: after rise in price, 10% added to 100% - it turned out 110%; 10% of 110% \u003d 11%; then we take away 11% from 110% and get 99%.)
  9. You drove two -thirds of the journey by car. At the beginning of the journey, the gas tank was full, and now it is filled for one quarter. Will there be enough gasoline to the end of the path, with a similar flow? (Answer - no, since 1/4 ‹1/3.)
  10. One deaf -mute man went to the stationery store to buy a pencil sharpener. He stuck his finger in his left ear and made a rotational movement near his right ear with his fist of the other hand. The seller immediately realized what he was asked. Then a blind man entered the same store. How did he explain to the seller that he wants to buy scissors? (The answer - just said, he is blind, not dumb.)
  11. At the same time, 2 people entered the entrance. One has an apartment on the 3rd floor, the other has on the 9th. How many times will the first person get faster than the second? Note: they simultaneously pressed buttons in 2 elevators moving at the same speed. (Answer is a common answer: 3 times. Correct answer: 4 times. Elevators usually drive from the 1st floor. The first will pass 3-1 \u003d 2 floors, and the second 9-1 \u003d 8 floors, i.e. 4 in 4 times more.)
  12. One student tells another: “Yesterday, the basketball team of our college won the basketball meeting with a score of 76:40. At the same time, not a single basketball player in this match abandoned a single ball. (Answer - Women's teams played.)
  13. The man enters the store, buys sausage and asks to cut it, but not across, but along. The saleswoman asks: "Are you a fireman?" - "Yes". How did she guess? (Answer - the man was in uniform.)
  14. On one Odessa street there were three tailor workshops. The first tailor advertised itself as follows: "The best workshop in Odessa!" The second is "The best workshop in the world!" The third "surpassed" both of them. (The answer is “The best workshop on this street!”)
  15. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, then how much time does one cat need to catch one mouse? (The answer is five minutes.)

Riddles for adults - vulgar

Vulgar riddles for adults

Well, how without vulgar mysteries. So a person is arranged that he likes such piquant jokes.

Riddles for adults - vulgar:

  1. What can be reset from a naked secretary? (Answer - naked boss.)
  2. What unites burner bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman? (Answer - did not have time to pull out ...)
  3. What is the difference between a woman’s breast from a toy railway? (The answer is nothing, both are created for children, and dads play with them.)
  4. Why in the men's toilet the floor is often sprinkled with sawdust? (Answer - so as not to break the eggs when falling.)
  5. How many eggs can a woman in one hand hold? (The answer is both.)
  6. What should a woman be? (The answer is like a clinic: clean, public and free.)
  7. Between the legs hangs out, on “x” begins, as he sees “P” immediately rises. (The answer is the trunk of the elephant at the sight of food.)
  8. The solid into the soft is inserted, and the balls hang out next to it? (Answer - earrings.)
  9. Above the knee, lower the navel, the hole is such that the hand will fit. (Answer - pocket.)
  10. All men have this, someone has a longer one, someone is shorter. A man gives this to his wife, after the wedding? (Answer is a new surname.)
  11. Either hanging, then standing, then hot, then cold, I will name three letters, in the middle the letter “y”. (Answer -dush.)
  12. In what place was the spouse not kissing his wife before the wedding? (Answer - to the engagement ring.)
  13. I take it in two hands, I bustle between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then bastard. (Answer - bicycle.)
  14. In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure. (Answer - movie show.)
  15. Smelly, red, dangerous for girls. (Answer - Java motorcycle.)

For those who are interested in the topic of riddles, we suggest that you familiarize themselves with several similar articles of our site:

Video: Adult riddles with a catch

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you, entertained. I remembered a mystery from childhood: Kondrat went to Leningrad, and 12 children went to meet him, in Kostomi. Each has 2 baskets, in each basket, a cat, KVS know that 2 in square-4, 3 in square-9. And how much the angle will be in the quadrahezhda cat-4 kitten, each kitten is in the teeth of 4 mouse. And the old Kondrat thought: how many mice and kittens the guys carry to Leningrad?

  2. Molodets, keep Vladimir.

  3. Cool

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