Winter, spring, summer, autumn contests in nature for a fun company: ideas, detailed instructions for conducting

Winter, spring, summer, autumn contests in nature for a fun company: ideas, detailed instructions for conducting

To have fun to spend a holiday or just a sortie to nature, conduct the contests we proposed.

During nature in nature, it will be very interesting to play. Therefore, we present you contests for a fun company in nature.

Winter contests for a fun company in nature

"Who is the most well?"

The game consists of two stages:

  • 1. Find three items as soon as possible (pebbles, stick and feather).
  • 2. Throw each of the three objects - the farther, the better. After the objects are “launched” by all players, the host measures the distance from the launch site to the place of “landing” (for example, steps). That of the participants, turned out to be the fastest and most dexterous, receives a prize.

"Knight Tournament"

  • The presenter gives each of those who wish to participate in the competition a balloon, plastic plastic plastic (disposable) and stationery button. The task of the players is to inflate the balls and tie it on the belt.
  • After distributing along the clearing, the participants are waiting for the host’s signal. By whistle, begins competition for a fun company in nature, consisting in piercing the opponent’s ball and not let him do the same, defending himself as a plate as a shield. The winner is the one who remained the last whole ball.
Competitions in winter
Competitions in winter

"Above, faster ..."

  • Those present on the picnic are divided into teams about five people each. The host shouts: “Up” and all team members are trying to climb something in order not to touch the Earth.
  • Allowed: climb a tree, jump on a boulder or log, hang on the fence (if there is nearby). The team whose players were the first to be “above the Earth” won.

Spring contests for a fun company in nature

"Nimble steam locomotive"

  • Players are distributed to teams of equal number of people, each group is built in a line. Also, all participants, starting from the second person in the line, put their right hand on the shoulder of a comrade standing in front and slightly raised their left leg bent at the knee so that the player standing behind could grab it.
  • Having thus lined up the goal of the teams  - Blow to the finish line. Whose group will be the first - that is considered the winner.


Everyone who wants to take part in the competition for a fun company in nature, is distributed by teams. The host gives a signal, and one of the participants runs to the finish line, where you need to pick up the “props” - a thin twig, which is used by participants to string the leaves. They are torn from any trees at the time allotted for this.

The winner is the team that managed to “cook” the largest “barbecue”, stringing the maximum number of leaves on the twig. The prize - the first portion of meat barbecue - a winner is awarded.

It is fun in nature
It is fun in nature

"Funny shrews"

All those present are distributed in couples. Each pair is given a tool - a stick with which, at the signal of the presenter, you need to dig a hole in more than five minutes. Whose pair does faster, wins. If the company is resting near the river or lake, you can enter the next stage of the competition - fill in the recess of water. Who is the first - that winner.

"Hard fishing"

To conduct this competition for a fun company, in nature, it is best to arrange a picnic near the reservoir. Players receive a fishing rod, who will be able to catch the fish, will receive a prize. If the company is not resting near the water, you can arrange an impromptu fishing by hanging bottles of plastic (fish) to a wood to a small height.

Competitions by the reservoir
Competitions by the reservoir

Having broken into couples, one of the participants climbs on the shoulders (back) of his partner and, having heard the “Start” command, all couples should run to a tree with “fish”. Whose pair will reach the goal faster and be “catch”, is considered the winner.

Summer contests for a fun company in nature


  • A square is drawn or fenced in a clearing in size 10 x 10 m, in the corners of which there is one participant in the contest with a ball in his hands. In the center of the square is a hoop where the 5th player enters.
  • According to the leader’s whistle, players in the corners begin to take the ball in turn in the central participant; He, in turn, with all his might tries to avoid the ball hit on it.
  • Allowed: Lean in different directions, squat, bounce, but not leave the circle. The one who managed to get into a live “goal” takes his place.
Great contests in the summer
Great contests in the summer


Those who wish to participate in the competition for a fun company are divided into couples, the task of each of which is to build a reliable dwelling from natural materials (branches, leaves, etc.). It can be huts, wigwam, it is not particularly important, the main thing is that it protects from wind and rain.

Time is allocated somewhere around 10-15 minutes, then the structure is estimated by ovation (loud or not very), thus identifying the best. Shalashiki can then be used for playing with children or for spending the entire company.


This competition for participants in both sexes.

  • The host, bypassing the male half of the company, appoints each of the guys one of the letters, and in the group of girls for each - the number.
  • At a short distance from the players, sitting on the grass (plaid, plate) is the host.
  • He loudly pronounces the letter-drop-up combination, for example, K6. The girl, with the number 6, should quickly run to the host in order to kiss him on the cheek.
  • At the same moment, the man who heard the letter “K” should quickly intercept the girl on the run and then smack on the cheek. If he does not have time to do this, he becomes a driver.
We have fun with friends
We have fun with friends

"Water battle"

  • For everyone who wants to participate in the competition for a fun company, it is necessary to hang a bottle filled with water on a tree.
  • Then, in turn, for a certain time, participants with blindfolded eyes and should with the help of a large stick beat a container with water until the whole liquid flows out.
  • Previously, the participant needs to be promoted around his axis in order to disorient a little.
  • The participants who spend less time on this “task” will become the winner and winner of the prize.

"Stone hill"

  • Participants in the competition are divided into teams with an equal number of people: somewhere 5-6.
  • Each team has a task: to build a stone “tower”.
  • The host gives a signal, and players begin to search for stones to build a turret out of them.
  • The complexity of the competition is that the construction occurs with the help of bare feet, without the use of hands.
  • Five minutes later, the results are summed up, whose construction is the highest - that team is considered the winner.

Autumn contests for a fun company in nature

"Lunch - on schedule"

  • Several teams of three people can participate in the competition for a fun company. The teams are awarded some kind of vegetable or fruit (carrot, apple).
  • The first team members should quickly clean the vegetable/fruit, the latter - grind on a grater, and others - eat.
  • The team that made all manipulations for less time receives a prize.

"Rainbow nature"

It looks like a simple competition, however, to fulfill all the conditions, you will have to try.

  • Participants are divided into teams with an equal number of people. At the signal of the host, everyone runs to look for objects of all colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple).
  • It can be any objects: pebbles, pieces of glass, leaves, twigs, etc.
  • Having found all fragments, the team should make a rainbow spectrum of them. Those who cope with the task are the winner.
And in the fall you can spend a great time in nature
And in the fall you can spend a great time in nature

"Frosty for a fire"

The rules are quite simple: you need to collect as much brushwood for a fire for a certain period of time (for two or three minutes). The winner is appointed whose armful of branches will be the most impressive. At the end of the competition, all brushwood can be raked into one pile and dilute a huge, hot and cheerful bonfire, thus combining pleasant with useful.

"Best Chef"

Rest on a picnic involves not only active games, but also delicious and beautiful food. This competition is designed to identify creativity in those present. Having received skewer and a small set of products, each participant is given a chance with his own imagination, create the most appetizing and bright barbecue, inventing his dish. For each masterpiece, all those present will vote, thus determining the winner.

Video: Funny Games in Nature

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