Tables for an adult company - the best selection

Tables for an adult company - the best selection

A selection of bastard screamers for all occasions.

The feast is not only delicious food and high -quality alcohol. In order for the holiday to be remembered by guests, it is necessary to create the right atmosphere. And this means that the assembled at the festive table, in no case should be bored. Therefore, try, even serving treats, entertain guests. Table chants will help you with this.

Tables for the anniversary

Tables for the anniversary

Table chants for the anniversary:

1. The anniversary is our sweet tooth,
He loves sweets because he is.
He doesn’t eat candy day,
There is no mood at once.

2. And we have a feast today,
And where is the feast, because there is the world,
And a pleasant hearing noise!
Wonderful! Boom Boom!
And we have a feast today,
Toasts we speak together
And we can’t miss all,
Kukareku, Dzyn La-la!

3. You won’t get anywhere from the years,
At least an isolated balm,
But diseases and lack of money
Tell me today ... "Fry"!

4. For fun there is a reason
Celebrates the anniversary
Wonderful man!
He commands everyone - pour!

5. The anniversary day sparkles in gold,
Such dates are not often!
So that our holiday is completely good,
Let's pat your hands together!
Ah, anniversary! And flowers and gifts,
Guests are smart, full of cups!
And congratulations and compliments,
And in honor of the birthday girl applause!

6. As at the festive table
We’ll start counting!
Here is the folk fun:
Hug a neighbor on the right!
Here's another fun
You bite for everyone!
You don't lose time
Drink a glass of vodka!

7. You got a Fant this:
Stomp with your right foot!
Grasp the neighbor's ear
And kiss him in the top of the head!
Let the owner not be jealous
The guest will kiss the hostess!
Well, you, friend, do not be lazy,
I bow to the ground!

8. There are many good guests here,
They pat their hands!
Try for friends,
Pour the wine into their glasses!
Look at the neighbor
In the cheek, kissing three times!

9. You and your neighbor have a fine:
Drink on a brudershaft!
Listen more closely
Eat something soon!
Well, then according to the program,
You moved your ears!

10. Who came for the anniversary, clap your hands!
Who came here to eat, clap everything too ....
Who is drunk today, clap your hands!
And who is hungry today, clap everything too ...

Cool table chants

Cool table chants

Cool table chants:

1. Do not be sad, for no reason,
Wonderful man!
So that everyone shouts in the trail:
Guests: "There was no cooler - and no!"

Smile at everyone, create -
Bring the money more often,
So that the wife screams in the wake:
"There was no cooler - and no!"

2. Our team is best
Our team is best
It is always awaiting his success,
We will not let the team down
We will bring gifts!

3. The day is unusual today
We have excellent reason.
The holiday should be washed ...
"Watch guests with vodka."

4. Friends love you all
For generosity, humor, kindness
We shout the boys: Happy Nerday!
We shout the girls: Ay Love Yu!

5. Do you want to have fun?
Do you want to play?
If so, then shout
We will sing and dance!

Do we congratulate the beauty?
Songs will we hum?
If so, then shout
We will sing and dance!

6. We fill our glasses,
And we will not yawn?
If so, then shout
We will sing and dance!

Well, now it's time to frolic
Will we continue the holiday?
If so, then shout
We will sing and dance!

7. Slender, beautiful,
Very, very stylish!
Her kind soul - a lady you are good!
We wish you a lot of happiness
So that luck comes to her!
You live and please us!
You, like the sun with us!
Shouting loudly, slowly - a lady you are good!

Critical chants for the company for corporate

Critical chants for the company for corporate

Critical chants for the company for corporate

1. Which of you does not like boredom? Who is the master of all hands here?
Is ice frozen water? We answer quickly ... (yes)
After Friday Wednesday? We will answer also ... (no)
Is the Christmas tree always green? We answer clearly ... (yes)
New Year is always funny? (Yes)
Waiting for all games and jokes? (Yes)
Will they give you gifts? (Yes)
Will they be delicious-sucking? (Yes)
Do you eat a gift yourself? (Yes)
And do not treat friends? (Guests are confused)
Are you not greedy guys? (Yes)
Is the gift not enough for you? (Guests are confused)
We haven't missed all now? (Not)
Have you played fun with you? (Yes)

2. Mind, talent and keen look
With you for many years in a row!
We wish you a good way!
Colleagues: "It is better not to find a chef!"
You are a beautiful person,
Happiness for you for a whole century!
Congratulations accept!
Colleagues: Better not to find a chef!
There are not a few of all,
Success to become more -
You give the prize now!
Colleagues: Better not to find a chef!

3. Well, do you need girls?
Answer me together!
Maybe cool perfumes?
Women: "To love men!"
Or maybe chocolate tiles?
Or three money?
There is simply no nice with you:
Women: "To love men!"
You are beautiful!
Better women - not to find!
But I want, however ...
Women: "To love men!"
Hey girls, we ignite
There is no place for longing here!
So let's get drunk so
Women: "So that men love!"

Gable chants for adult company

Gable chants for adult company

Gable chants for adult company

1. We are smart, cheerful,
Tables are breaking in the house!
Walk well?
Guests - promise!
We were invited to the holiday,
And we forgot to undress.
Are we sitting at the table in the coat?
Guests - for nothing!
Our glasses, our dishes,
Like other dishes,
Do not forget to fill ...
Guests - promise!
We will interrupt everyone,
Argue, quarrel, scream,
As if we know everything in the world?
Guests - for nothing!
We will sing and dance
Smile, flirt
Changing a hundred grams together!
Guests - promise!
We will overturn the soup on the dress,
Flying face in the salad
And drop a cup of tea ...
Guests - for nothing!
Jokes away, smiles too,
It’s worthless here!
Who laughs - we drive out?
Guests - for nothing!
We do not sit in the corner gloomy,
Away from games and noise,
Are we completely ignited?
Guests - promise!
We will enjoy the gossip
And find fault with the mistress!
Everything is tasteless, everything is not that ...
Guests - for nothing!
Tamada tried for us,
And by the end he was hungry!
Are we treated to tamada?
Guests - promise!
Leading: perfect! Then the holiday can begin

2. Today we came here,
All gifts brought.
We celebrate the anniversary ...
Guests: And we drink everything to the bottom!

The birthday girl is satisfied
And he looks at the guests with beautiful eyes.
We sincerely congratulate her ...
Guests: And we drink everything to the bottom!

Age for you is not a matter
You always look perfect.
We always want to stay ...
Guests: And we drink everything to the bottom!

Different congratulations sound
All friends (relatives) are in a hurry to congratulate.
We sing songs about you ...
Guests: And we drink everything to the bottom!

Table chants to a woman

Table chants to a woman

Table chants to a woman:

1. July is almost in full swing,
And the snow does not fly
You have to drink for this!
And we do not mind!

2. Your anniversary is solid,
But we do not count years.
You have to drink for this!
And we do not mind!

3. You are addressed to praises
We compose in chorus.
You have to drink for this!
And we do not mind!

4. Happy days, health
We wish you more.
You have to drink for this!
And we do not mind!

5. Come for birthday
We promise to hundredth!
You have to drink for this!
And we do not mind!

6. Who came to the holiday, clap your hands!
Who came here to eat, clap everything too ....
Who is drunk today, clap your hands!
And who is hungry today, clap everything too ...
Our beauty who hugged, clap your hands!
Who kissed her, clap everything too ...
Who gave the gift, clap your hands!
Who muddied the bottle, clap everything too.
Toumad who will listen, clap your hands!
For three who will eat, clap everything too
Who will not smoke here, clap your hands!
And who will drink vodka, clap everything too ...
Who slept all night today, clap your hands!
And who played all night in love, clap everything too.

7. It's time to shake with charisma,
Get away from Parnassus and powder the lyre,
Smash the remnants of sleep and pessimism
And again to tell the world about yourself.

Well, speaking extremely briefly,
As they write only in the most intelligent books,
You are a woman almost without flaws ...
But with a small number of surpluses!

Funny table chants

Funny table chants

Funny table chants:

1. Sometimes it happens so lousy,
That even tea does not climb into the throat.
And only beer climbs into the throat,
Which you drink vodka.

2. If you take colored paper.
Pen, scissors and glue
And a little more courage-
You can make one hundred rubles.

3. If you got into shit,
Smile anyway.
If you are torn from above,
Shout loudly:
- Don't hit!

4. Gasting is different,
Green and red,
But the most dangerous
Green-red garbage.

5. How many good girls,
How many affectionate names.
And I got with a vile mug
And with an ugly name - Anton.

6. What is the flour after all,
Rushing behind beer at the speed of sound,
Knowing at the same time that someone and somewhere,
Rushes behind beer at the speed of light.
We wish you to always rush at the speed of light!

7. Let the wallet tear from the currency,
Let not enough night for pleasures,
Let everything be not somehow, but cool
More beautiful than those and those.
Let the weekend be more often everyday,
And the birthday stretches all year,
Be happy - it is not difficult, you know,
And everyone is satisfied with everything, like a well -fed cat!

Tables for a wedding

Tables for a wedding

Tables for a wedding:

1. Presenter: The meeting is kind with us.

Your couple is the upper class!
Guests are eager to wish, congratulate you!
Guests in chorus : “Happiness to you - to drink happiness! ""

Presenter: Give each other tenderness,
Speak words from the heart!
And a year later, and after five -
Guests in chorus: “Happiness to you - to drink happiness! ""

Leading: Value your parents,
Call, come to visit!
They will wish for good:
Guests in chorus: “Happiness to you - to drink happiness! ""

Presenter: We want to give advice today,
Can you accept it?
Poppy children to eat,
Guests in chorus: “Happiness to you - to drink happiness! ""

Presenter: On the wedding day we congratulate you together!
And from the bottom of my heart we wish everything
Fill the glasses to the bottom,
Guests in chorus: “Happiness to you - to drink happiness! ""

2. The embodiment of a dream!
You (the name of the bride) today
Guests:"Unearthly beauty!"

Leading: both love and luck,
Happiness, joy, flowers!
Let them always be
Guests: Unearthly beauty!

Leading: Stylish, unique,
The light of a bright star,
Be always happy!
Guests: Unearthly beauty!

3. Presenter: The light in the eyes burns,
Gold hands!
And the heart is knocking to the beat,
Nearby - all relatives!
Who is a woman here is a soul?
Guests: "Our mother -in -law is good!"

Leading: It's right! Upper class!
Super - you have a woman!
Thunders the entire banquet
There is no better mother -in -law in the world!
Let's say guests, slowly:
Guests: "Our mother -in -law is good!"

Presenter: The mother -in -law became new!
Are you ready to help young?
We award the title of "mother -in -law",
May your son -in -law not be skinny!
How everyone sings the soul:
Guests: "Our mother -in -law is good!"

4. Presenter: Who is the parade today?
Who is the main uncle today?
Who is worried in the morning?
This is the pope of the groom!
So we will support - everyone personally!
Guests: "Our father -in -law is a great man!"

Presenter: Bright mind and kind look,
Married for many years in a row!
In everything has personal experience.
Guests: "Our father -in -law is a great man!"

Presenter: So, let's congratulate
Now the father -in -law to glorify! "
And we pour wine, "Capital!"
Guests: "Our father -in -law is a great man!"

New Year's table chants

New Year's table chants

New Year's table chants:

1. New Year is already coming.
The whole people drink something.
Vano's neighbor
Drink Georgian wine
And our Deniska
Guests drink Scottish whiskey.

2. Today we will have fun
Drive a round dance from the Christmas tree!
Wine should pour in the river
For a bright holiday New Year!

3. They are preparing seriously for it,
The right approach is important here,
But there is time, it's not too late
Worthy to celebrate the New Year!

4. Do not postpone a long box
Your debts and your income
To the new BMW il Volga
It will grow up for this New Year!

5. We do not care any troubles,
Price rising or lifting benefits
Promises us glorious victories
Favorite holiday New Year!

6. The dog barks - the wind wears,
The people are walking for ten days
And how he only tolerates
Such a booze, on the New Year?

7. Walk miner, teacher, doctor,
Worker, locksmith, accountant,
Builder, turner, cook, baker
The country celebrates the New Year!

8. Love to you, joy and grow up
Health, life without worries,
Wishes you good and happiness
A wonderful holiday - New Year!

Tagging game Crit

Tagging game Crit

Tagging game Crit:

1. The host reads the text, after each approval, those present ladies pronounce in chorus "Yes or no".
The woman loves - do not argue!
A man on a brand new Ford!
The woman is glad to admit today,
She likes socks to wash!
A woman cherishes a dump,
Wear a huge bag with products!
The woman has the main task,
Wear outfits from Versace!
Let's look a little further!
The woman dreams of working as a secretary!
Not a modest nanny, not a dentist, sorry, a technician,
A woman dreams skilled to become a plumber!
The woman dreams of stars and about Dali,
Twist bicycles all day!
A woman dreams, her duckle
On sweets, flowers spent all the money!
She also wants, believe me, certainly
Men to kneel!
And a year later, and even after twenty
The woman dreams not to change a drop!
A woman dreams to be a man ready
She give her a bouquet of artificial flowers!
The woman dreams of being fabulously rich
But not with money - a bust so the size of the fifth!

2. The host begins, and the participants finish the phrase.
In the mornings, champagne drink ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Whoever plants him, he ... a monument!
And now the humpbacked! I said ... humpbacked!
Who does not work, he ... eats! Remember, student!
Third Street Builders ... House 25, apt 12.
Freedom to Yuri ... Detachkina!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... suffered!
I never ... I am drunk!
How much opium ... for the people?
You will be both coffee and tea ... with cocoa.
Fear to us ... will help!
I came not to kill ... Then they will kill you!
You have a world ... Mom!
Baba flowers, children ... ice cream!
Right now ... I'll sing!

3. Form from the words of the masculine words of the feminine:
He is a goat, she is a goat; He is a beaver, she - ... (beaver);
He is a donkey, she is a donkey; He is a wasp, she - ... (wasp);
He is a raven, she is a crow; He is a dragonfly, she - ... (Dragonfly).

4. Form from nouns of the only number nouns of the plural:
Kolos - ears, voice - voice, hair - hair, arc - arc, arm - hands, flour - ... (flour);
Resident - residents, amateur - amateurs, teacher - ... (teachers);
Greek - Greeks, Uzbek - Uzbeks, man - ... (people);
Buckets - buckets, hips - hips, metro - ... (metro).

5. Which of you is ready to jump for an hour on the dance floor - answer "I" or "neighbor".
Who, as soon as he drinks, scolds the boss?
Who in the morning is brewing beer, so health?
Who will leave the stranger with his wife, his left turn?
Gossiper always carries and reports to the boss?
Who goes to the beach nudist, finds pleasure?
Will be playing games and prizes to pick up everything?
Who will behave like children at a banquet today?
Who is pushing the appetizers and the tummy stuffing?
Who does not want to sleep today, is ready to dance until the morning?

Table chants to a man

Table chants to a man

Table chants to a man:

1. Host: Movement - Life! You know it!
Through life, you rush at full speed,
Our team congratulates you ...
All: The purpose of life is sport! Give a record!

Leading: Dumbbells, clubs and balls,
Objects are just the highest variety!
Do not part with them.
All: The purpose of life is sport! Give a record!

Leading: Both in the rain and in the heat on the field come out,
Participation in the game be proud!
You are daring, courageous, purposeful ...
All: The purpose of life is sport! Give a record!

Leading: And you can relax at home
Let it surround the comfort there.
Including the TV, still remember ...
All: The purpose of life is sport! Give a record!

2. You are a real man,
Kind, affectionate, about that
You love your spouse very much
So you are a good husband!

3. You are protection and support,
Everything for children, wife - salary,
Let's say all of us again, again
You're just a great dad!

4. We wish you health,
Live up to a hundred and more years!
And everyone knows that perfectly
You are the best grandfather in the world!

5. All by the house observe
You know how to not from boredom.
You must give the title again -
Master Golden Hands!

6. Do not judge very strictly,
You still have a title.
Do you like to drink beer with a son -in -law?
So you are a great father -in -law!

7. He is attentive to everyone -
Vigilantly looks at his eye.
We must give a title again
You are an excellent father -in -law!

8. A man you are in the prime of strength,
Let all guests remember forever -
That whoever you are in life,
You are just a good person!

Table chants with movements

Table chants with movements

Table chants with movements:

1. Let's all congratulate together
And we will repeat the motion of me clearly.

You raise your right hand up
You will drive you to your neighbors fervently.

Now extend this hand forward,
To a neighbor, on the contrary, squeeze your palm.

Now, you can throw this hand right,
A neighbor, on the right, hug with your hand.

Now the neighbor on the left, we will not offend him,
And we will hug it with his left hand.

Now we raise two palms up
And we repeat loudly and amicably behind me.
(all applauds together)

But what about our holiday? And we continue
And we raise the glass with the right hand.

And in the left hand we grab the fork
And boldly choose a snack!

We raise the glass to the eye level
And everything that is in the glass is poured into ourselves.
1- 2- 3- 4- 5…

2. Hands together raised everything,
They waved the right pen.

Well, the left hand drops while
On the knee. Not his own, but his neighbor.

The right handle is hot
We are a neighboring shoulder
We hug indecent.
Did you like it? Excellent!

They swayed to the left, right.
Swearing perfectly! Bravo!

Now stroke our stomach.
Smile in a full mouth.

We will push the neighbor on the right.
We will win around the neighbor on the left.

We continue fun
Let's get rid of the neighbor on the right!
A glass so as not to fog,
Let's get rid of a neighbor on the left!

And with a neighbor a margin,
Support to the team!

Scream loudly: "Homelly-la-uh!"
And we drink everything to the bottom!

Funny table chants

Funny table chants

Funny table chants:

1. Which of you is now ready to drink a glass to the edges?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Which of you with a cheerful song will enchant us all together?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Which of you, tell the brothers, will undress in the dance?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Which of you in a new suit is so similar to Kazanov?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Which of you, having lurked your mouth, will tell a joke here?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Which of you, tell the brothers, will be lying under the table?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Who will drink a glass from a neighbor for a smart conversation?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Which of you, tell me the brothers, will hang out tomorrow?
It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

2. The day is unusual today
We have excellent reason.
The holiday should be washed ...

"Watch guests with vodka".

We will dance together
Songs sing, play games.
And so that it was more fun ...

"Pour in a glass!"

We celebrate Victory Day
We are happy to meet guests.
How can everyone please them?

Watch guests with vodka.

3. We made the program
Competitions were composed to you,
And so that the games go haze

After the third, they was bitten,
Two missed her.
You will not drink further
After all, you will carry us!

4. Sometimes it happens so shit
That even tea does not climb into the throat!
And only beer helps,
Who drink vodka!
Without cognac life is not easy
And with cognac - life somersault!
Our motto is 4 words
He drank it - sing another!

Video: Tagging Crit

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