Jokes about male names, female - cool, funny, rhyme: Best selection

Jokes about male names, female - cool, funny, rhyme: Best selection

Collection of jokes about names in rhyme.

Names jokes - the best selection

Names jokes - the best selection
Names jokes - the best selection

Jokes about names are the best selection:

Guys I am completely bad for me
Arkady says friends
Friends shake their heads
And poke a wand into it.


I see you are not happy guests
Said Artem thoughtfully
Extracting from the buttock
Coarse ground salt.


How many good girls!
How many affectionate names!
And I got it - with a vile mug
And with an ugly name - Anton!


Elena was recommended
I like a great wife
We got married lived in happiness
All these eighteen days.


And always, where is Vicki -
Quarrels, fights, screams.
Agree that Natasha
It is not without reason that the name is "poop."


Igor sawed the cable on the rails,
Suddenly, suddenly the rain poured.
No, he will not become a sailor now,
He became an excellent conductor.


It turned out that the face is from the snout
And it was not life - a melody,
Let's drink a glass for Cyril,
And the second - for Methodius!


Not all Lyudmila loves Igor
But only one of her fragments
However, he took married
All Lyudmila whole.


Boy Andreyka found three kopecks,
This was noticed by a man in a quilted jacket,
Scrap whistled like a spear of a Chingachguk,
No, the grandmother of the grandson will not wait.


Marina has no guy
Because she is a dwarf
And this Marina
The whole car was opened.


Sveta does not shine ...
Masha does not wave ...
Lyuba does not like ...
Katya does not roll ...


Long -playing Irisk
Oleg played on the bus:
Then put in her nose, then in the ear,
Then the horse blinds that beaver.


It was in the early morning
Nastya did not go to work
And this Nastyusha
At night, the office set fire to.


One night behind the wall
Something slammed loudly
This is a woman inflatable
Under Artem burst.


Anya sings songs
And the nuts are gnawing.
Have you decided, Anya is a squirrel?
No, believe me, Anya is a girl.


The girl Masha was looking for raspberries,
She stepped on a mine with a leg.
I will be in a dream for a long time
Those blue eyes on the pine tree.


Tanya don't go to the river
Do not jam there sharks
You’re better in the river
Do not upset the sharks.


Igor, Igor! Give us a bubble!
You are my comrade! Will you give a bubble?


Masha eats cabbage in a night
It is necessary to stop it
Masha is enough at night
Eat cabbage in the morning.


Little Petya went to the toilet,
Looks, but there are no toilets.
Children laughed for a long time,
He was not crap in the toilet.


Julia is a sweet girl
Her Kazyul sticks out
Julia remove Kazyul
Stop the plump of paskuda.


Petenka enraged the instruction of the teacher:
He bit Maryannna's nose.
He walks around the school now, like a hero,
The nickname is proud of "Chekatilo the second."


I have a kid, Artem ....
Fat, fat, not broad -shouldered ...
Though shit two tons in it ...
But he is not shitty with his soul ...


Sasha did not feed the dog for three days,
He didn’t give a drink and did not drive a walk,
The school director should come to them,
He can’t leave the dog alive!


What the benefit in this Dasha,
You can't even understand right away.
You can’t cook porridge from it,
You can't even sew a cap.
And try without Dasha.
If you don't die right away,
There will be such a thing!
You will not find sense in the saying.


Who was called Kira,
It can become the wife of Fakir.


If you call Lida,
It is better not to hide resentment.


If you call you Alice,
Your chosen one will be bald.


If the name is Arina,
So you need a feather bed.


If you were called Lera,
You sing under the plywood.


If your name is Tanya,
Stop all throwing.


The one that bears the name of Lada
Bright lipstick goes.


If you call you Marianne?
You are more stubborn by the ram.
Vadik loves chocolate -
He is always happy to candies.
Only give sweets,
If he eats soup.


Seryozha collects the brand,
He knows a lot about each brand.
Seryozha is proud of stamps,
He strives to collect all the stamps.


Pasha Paul is called,
When they call at school.
Pasha learns perfectly.
He is personally familiar with the head teacher.


On the weekend Igor,
Walks with twisted to a rink.
On skates they slip -
No happier guys.


Dima loves the sea very much
He will go there soon.
Will splashing on the waves,
He will swim to try.


Olezhka gave Mishka
Her girlfriend Sasha,
He only forgot to say to her,
That the girls are not more beautiful.


Kostya wants to become a doctor
And he doesn’t care.
He is not afraid of injections -
He is very proud of this.


Vasya painted a lot
He dreamed of becoming an artist.
But our Vasily did not think,
That he will sing beautifully.


Vitalik is in order
And the figure and notebooks.
The mood is just a class
Loves school and all of us!


There is in history with Dunno
Boy Znayka is a smart dandy.
And we have a cadet too,
Our Cyril knows everything himself.


In our class, you sometimes
Sasha is the most plague.
Then you will jump, then you cry
How can we be friends with you?


Yura pulls the girls
For pigtails with ribbons.
I would treat us better
Box with sweets.


Dima, well, try,
Surprise comrades!
Do not grin in the lesson,
Become more serious, do!


We do not know Misha yet.
Will we test? We will test
Come on, Bear, do not break through,
Stop a goal to the opponent!


Our Alyosha is a master of words
Compose stories,
Even our ears will be chopped
In a cool audience.


Our Vityunya, though modest,
But with a beautiful soul,
What are you so not brave?
Maybe we are to blame?


And Nikita is our calm,
Like in Africa, boaver.
Everyone is pushing, fighting,
And he is all up to the fig.


Our vitalya all advertisements
He knows along and across.
"Viscos, lotus, ketchup Calve ..." -
Repeats the whole year.


We still have a barbarian.
There is no more curious her.
This is our Petya, like a woman,
The nose is pushes everywhere.


Kolya studies five,
He knows mathematics
He will solve the problem at a time,
On any topic.


Dima Karpov - a big man,
Like a bull on the field.
In the lessons, he is a Hilyak,
Like a slave in captivity.


Petya, Petya aircraft,
The guy is what you need
What he is in our class,
We are madly happy!


Our Nikita is the most
He loves the area
But he will not turn
From this in the outline!


Our Vasily Karatist,
He is strong and bold,
Changes for him,
To run stunned!


And Bear has clogs
The mouth is spread to the ears.
So that he doesn’t, everything with a smile,
At least sew the ties.


They are ready to be friends with Igor,
He is a diligent student
Does not make noise at a break
He will not dissolve his tongue.


Radik wants to become "cool",
Carefully prepared:
How it starts to wave your hands -
It will not stop!


Likes Dima to play
Run and scream quickly.
Energy from Dima hits,
He does not give him peace.


The bell rang again -
The radio turns on.
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth does not close.


Alena protruded to us
Legs like a bulldozer.
Like ducks, we will swim
In flippers we are on the lake.


Glushed a cricket behind a desk
And he reminded us of
How our Tanya plays
We are on the violin with a bow.


For what, tell me, children,
Are there books?
To beat our wife
All boys with them.


Who has a lot of five
And the mind of the chamber.
Yana knows everything in the world
Even about the shovel.


A lot of cats were injured
From Valerkin's heel.
As they see, and in the basements
All cats run away.

Fat Pasha on the couch
Leding the sides to the pit.
This is true. All day
He experiences laziness.


And Bear has clogs
The mouth is spread to the ears.
So that he doesn’t, everything with a smile,
At least sew the ties.


The bell rang again -
The radio turns on.
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth does not close.


Maxim has everything on the shelves
The head is laid out.
He will tell everything with feeling, really
Even about ice cream.


Our Alyosha is a master of words
Compose stories,
Told how he took Kazan,
History teacher.


Everyone laughs in change
And they press from laughter.
This is Vanya Jobs
Half without fatigue.

Jokes about female names in verses

Jokes about female names in verses
Jokes about female names in verses

Jokes about female names in verses:

If you were called Yana,
This is probably fucking
Mom and dad got drunk
And the girl was called.
But there is no need to be sad
Though you are Yana, not Jan,
The name is like a reward
The name Yana is not a flaw!

If you were called Yana -
It will not get away with it
Your character is ataman,
And any Moldova
You will take under the heel!


If you were called Lisa,
You are most likely to be submitted.
However, this is not dangerous
And the effect is different.
Somewhere they appreciate those praises,
What are similar to actresses
Somewhere they are not at all appreciated,
Do not give actresses scenes.
And try, figure it out
Love where we are pushing?
Where is there no place for subsequent?
Lizam is difficult to give an answer!

Guess who she is?
Cod, like a monkey,
Pestra, like an iguana,
Plastic, like a liana,
The cockroach is dull,
More dangerous than a hurricane,
The stubborn ram,
Moldavana is more cunning
Of course, this is Yana!
Or maybe Tatyana?
Or maybe Liliana?
Or maybe Diana?
So who is this, who?
Probably the horse in the coat.


Arisha wants a button accordion
Arina wants a violin
She is for harp and organ
Mount a smile.

Arina wants to play
but there are no tools
I am ready to give her an accordion -
I love this beauty!


If you sunk on Tanya,
Or Mania, or Anya,
You will definitely be a Kievite,
Maybe even a Martian.
Who will you be, however?
Maybe a prince from Monaco?


Anna can do cranes
Can check pockets,
They can build a house.
They can arrange a pogrom.
Anna can gnaw at granite.
Or make a gloomy look.
They can drew everyone in a row,
Everyone would be only glad.


Lady Victoria passed here!
Therefore, this is her territory!
If she suddenly goes ahead
Better, comrade, don't go forward.
If you and Vika are collided,
So love! Or immediately a gaplyk.


And why everyone loves Dasha?
You can't even understand right away.
You are unlikely to cook porridge with her,
You can't even get oil.
But without Dasha - cry in a vest!
If you don't die right away,
You will be exhausted, as in a cage!
In life, you will not find sense.


He met Eugene -
Pretend the plant,
Or a ghost,
Stock up
You will not stir up a broom,
You will become a neurasthenik soon.


If you want to know everything about Olya
So listen and look:
Who lives with in the village of Kolya,
How Pavel Volya got married,
who stole the dog Collie
how the moth larva grows,
Who is stars in rock and roll,
How many bascovs underground,
Where is Ellochka's feast,
There is a lot of salt in the oceans
Who is now with Rinat in the share,
Is it worth being afraid of trolls
Learned everything? Repeat!


Somewhere lives the painting of Jeanne.
Such is all sexy, as if from the screen.
To the touch-like a fur coat-karakul with a lamb
Taste - pineapple, that's what a delicious!
On the smell - like the brightest flowerbed,
In appearance, like a red tree, a cabinet,
And you never dreamed of everything else
Ah, how did it all fit in Zhannochka?


Kitchen Zina -
They do not like rubber
Go to supermarkets and shops
Among the many departments of candy-brood
There are no fakes for them
And there are no unlocked ones!
They are natural
Fill the baskets,
And they cook deliciously
Such are Zina!


I'll just get out of the toilet
I will immediately sit for the piano.
I will sing now about Ira,
She is not a sorry for me at all.
I will conquer the peak of Pamir,
And then I will go into the binge.
For some the name Ira
Means - peace, peace.
I want, of course, peace!
And the peace is pleasant to me
But how am I without Ira?
Without her, I'm not my own
And sings in my heart Lira
I have no rest without Ira.


And why do we have apple trees and pears,
And why fog above the river,
And why are we all seas and sushi
Cosmos and the universe for what?
We do not need any constellations,
The moon is quite simple to us.
Where would I fly with one Katyusha,
On the moon deserted and empty.


Over an insignificant life prose
Larisa is proudly worn.
Black lightning is similar
And prickly, like a rose.
Believe me, not to prose -
Give me a sonnet!
Give her Shakespeare,
Give her Tolstoy,
And only a pies
And there is one meladza around
So Larisa is rushing about.
High. And very on top.


What kind of caviar has Elena!
Do not jump to your knees.
Well, the hips, just - ah!
Lost in the clouds.
To snuggle up to the tummy,
We must try very hard:
As for the chest,
Do not dream and do not buzz!
Except to wave, like a bird,
Jump into the abyss and break.


Our groovy Lesya
Once - and Tama, two - and herself.
And the energy of Lesya
Above the roof, at least pour.
Lesyu will meet along the road
All girls and boys.
Lesya is a lot everywhere.
A lot, even too much!


Look, this is Lida
He runs himself.
In Avoska, herring of Stavrida,
In the person - readiness for battle.
In the eyes of love - Corrida,
And in the summer. And spring.
And what's inside? Libido!
Do not be afraid, I will cover.


It is worth seeing the light once
You are frying like a cutlet
It is worth meeting 10 light,
You warm in the solarium.
If more than twenty,
You will do it, I'm sorry!
You will meet the light a little less than a thousand
You are a continuous ash.


Give a visa to Lisa's heart
I want to knock out a wedge to her
This is closer to Simeiz,
This is further than Berlin
Where to get tickets there?
Kohl did not go to the ball,
there is no more hope
There is a cruel face control!


To give a gift to Lube,
I'm ready to get the moon
And arrange a putsch on a cube,
Or a star war.
I will brush my teeth for her
I'll be in the mind.
Only everything is not enough for love,
What does she need - I do not understand?


There is such a miracle in the country
What is the miracle of a bundle.
If Lyuda saw
That was injured from Luda.


What eyes Marina's eyes!
As if the sea in Green's tales
You dive and no longer a tenant,
Drowned, you kick!


If you want to fall in love
To fail in euphoria
Look for day and night
Only the girl Mary!
Only look at her in the eye,
You will instantly learn Mary,
And you won't confuse with anyone
Her mascara, lipstick, cream.


Kohl fanned for hope,
Then the light of heaven will fade!
Without clothes, or in clothes,
Maybe an angel, maybe a demon
If you met Nadiauhu
On the road by chance,
So life is such a proch,
That only dream of this.


Give me a rather anesthesia,
Show me a doctor.
I love Anastasia
I just want to be with her.
I will pay all the taxes
Cream will be lubricated for the face.
I will apply a balm to your feet
And I will freeze at the porch!
Maybe seeing passions,
And I will appreciate Nastya!
I want to feel in power
I am in my hands at Nastya.


Character, gait - from a cat,
vitality and nimble from the flea,
Thoroughness and smell from a rose,
Shers from her frost.
There are many from the goat too,
And the name, see, from the magazine
From the logic of female acts,
From the sculptor nose and sponge.
Figure and growth from Carden
Eyes and face from Rodin
From Richie hairstyle and hat,
But what about mom and dad?


I can knee -deep sea and dam,
When Nina is coming with me.
With one click, I will litter Kretin,
When Nina is coming with me.
I am a holiday of life, and not a routine at all,
When Nina lives next to me.
But the ton of aspirin will not save!
When Nina decides to leave me!


Children's cheer
And men are only Ksyusha
More than to have protection
Everyone wants to have Oksana.
And Oksana is a wanderer.
She doesn't like anyone.
In general, she is strange.
If you drink, then only to the bottom!


Passion - Love torments El,
Read, damn it, coils,
And let her dream at night
Kings, monarchs, princes,
D'Artagnan and Aramis
Galkin, Baskov, M. Boris
So much to sleep is not good!
Raise, up eyelashes
Wipe the grinding of the eye socket
There are other birds around.


The score ends in and five
Shura goes to save everyone.
She will find problems for everyone
tell everyone how to solve
Who has big ears -
It is necessary to eat more often sushi.
Who has a difficult case.
You have to shave your legs better.
Who is neither, neither
We need a fashionable coat.
This is not a cat-mouse for you.
You will all be a cover soon!
There is a mountain of problems in life,
Start, without dilemmas
The score ends in five
No problem? It's time to look!
And thanks to Alexander,
Will be everything that decides.


Julia is fast as a bullet
Here she takes a pan,
And taking water there,
Cooks a whole liter of food!
What kind of demon got into Julia!
And why do you need food?
There are rumors that in July,
Julia is in love with a guy.
The girl is looking for a path
To heart through a gastronon,
Will be full - stroke the back,
That's all the way!


She was called named Tatyana,
She loved Verdi and Khachaturian.
I loved movies, comics, and soap,
I also loved the ballet and the opera
When he was silent, then Baskov and Filia,
From chickens, she loved chakhokhli
But did not like Jackie Chan at all
Bath Lady, de Niro, Microatchana ...

A joke about male names in verses

A joke about male names in verses
A joke about male names in verses

A joke about male names in verses:

Life is not life without adventure
And without creative torment.
Bright, courageous, Sasha,
You won our hearts!


It never becomes bad
If Lech is nearby.
Alexey, like a ray of light
Sadness will instantly dispel this.


Anatoly. Briefly - Tolya.
The mind is inquisitive. Strength. Will.
He is aware of the events of all.
Doomed to success.


Andrey - Udaller,
Balagur, merrychak,
Well done in business
And in love is not simple.


Not constant, Antosha,
But in general, the guy you are good.
It is not boring with you.
Friends do not forget you.
Abilities - do not occupy.
After all, your slogan is “I want to know everything!”


Artem - healthy, unharmed,
Rinseed, tireless.
Deep, strong, romantic,
A wonderful friend and husband are excellent.


Boris - fighter, Boris - sage,
Our Borya is just well done!
Categorical, maybe
But how can Boris not love!?


Vadik Vadik knows
That life promises a lot
To the one who does not sit still.
Goes forward with luck together.


Responsive Valentine and a bit,
Will come at any time of the day
To the aid of loved ones and friends.
How not to appreciate all this to us?


Valera is a fidget, mischievous,
I got used to luck from childhood.
It’s interesting to go with him in life,
And friendship is measured on the way!


A beautiful name is given at birth!
It has so much softness in it, so much fun
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Forgoted by us - almost - altruism.
There are all these qualities in Vitaly!
It’s nice to compose poems in his honor.


Where he is - there is peace, partnership, friendship,
It is difficult and not necessary to argue with him.
A great friend, husband, father.
Vladimir, right, well done!


A more glorious name,
It seems we can’t find.
This is a wonderful luck -
You will meet you on the way.
The heart is open to yours
Thoughts are always honest.
Cute, only glory
We love you very much.


Reliable, faithful, pure soul,
Our Kostya is a golden guy!
And we cordially congratulate
You, our friend! We wish you all the best!


Gennady is our natural leader.
I am sure that always right in everything.
God did not offend with beauty.
And the mind, and become, and all with him.


A lot of "star" Gosh in the world -
It’s easy for you to stand in this line.
Always spectacular and good, -
Well, you just won’t pass by!


Friendly with people
In the response for his affairs,
Our Gleb is reliable and smart,
He will not throw words into the wind.


Gregory, you are like a hurricane:
Ideas - a fountain, the passions of the volcano!
You are a mood generator,
You arouse inspiration in us.


Denis has all weekdays - holidays,
Sparkling happiness is complete,
All men are so different
But with you - and in the cold it is not cold!


Dima means "mother - earth",
That's what yours is in!
At least work for three,
At least love for four -
You have enough strength for everything:
Apparently, the name helps.


It is not without reason that Ivan is a hero -
It smashes the problem with one blow.
In the soul of Vanyusha wound and thin
Outside is a warrior, inside is a child.


The last shirt is Garik
He will give and smile after.
There are many responsive people,
There are no more people like Igor!


Eloquent, smart Ilyusha,
It is so interesting to listen to him.
Beautiful husband and family man -
Such Ilya we have alone!


Pulls like a magnet, Cyril,
You don't get bored with him.
Witty, lightweight, fire -
He is a surprise, not a gift!


Faithful husband and good father,
In life, in work - well done everywhere.


Life is not a joke, life is a game,
Miracle, fairy tale, depth.
Living, dreaming, more interesting -
Lena knows all this.


Translated: the most-most,
Maximum and large.
Experience is initial
Let it serve well.


Be happy, Misha, a bright man!
Love for you, dear, we have forever.
Be all respect and love
And we keep his whole life with his whole life!


Nikita means "winner."
Angel is capable - your keeper
Bring you to victories.
Forward! And a good way!


Council and help are needed -
Kolya will help - everyone knows this.
Calm, wise, comrade faithful,
You are in our heart, our friend, believe us!


Dear, our glorious Oleg!
You're a wonderful person,
You are smart and romantic
And we are very pretty!


Calmly and reliably with Pasha,
He became a support in our life.
Do you need help - Pavlik nearby,
It will help with a thing, in a word, a look.


He is thorough and impudent,
He can be a haze.
Cannot be taken away in endurance -
Peter can raise the whole world.


The novel has solid novels,
Life as a story, a ball of adventures.
His friend was an eternal wanderer,
Golden -haired boy Amur.


Ruslanchik is light, Ruslanchik is light,
Cheerful, sonorous, a little timid.
We wish you happiness in everything more
Live a bright life for as long as possible!


We know Semyon that you are very wounded,
Believe us, friends: you appreciate and love!
More responsive to a friend than you cannot find
You helped so so much on the everyday path!
And we want to wish on your holiday -
Be strong spiritually and do not lose heart!


Sometimes Seryozha is the center of attention,
Sometimes in the eyes of the sad - a secret.
Your world is rich, the soul is immense,
It gives you sadness, probably.


Timothy is practical and caring,
But, sometimes to the touch enters life.
You need to be easier, look easier
And do without self -eating.


We, Fedya, respect you,
We wish you all the best of worldly!
And also, happiness and luck
In solving life problems.


Yuri for friends Riddle,
Glorious, kind, not Tai.
It's good for us, sweet,
Just give the key.


Congratulations to Yaroslav!
The power of your life is glory!
Be lucky and happy
And always, always loved!

Jokes about names cool

Jokes about names cool
Jokes about names cool

Jokes about names cool:

And Olesya is like a princess,
Loves, loves to dance
The music will be put the wrong
She will sit down.


I ran to the river
To Van on a date,
Until the morning I was looking for him
Oh and punishment!


Zinka Zinka was sick
It does not calmly sleep
Reads King at night
And then he yells all night!


Ninka is very good
There is both the body and the soul
Only one thing is bad in it
Ninka has been married for a long time!


I fell in love with Valentina
For her similarity
And she is still by
Swims like a boat!


If you are calling Dania,
You will be put on the couch
They even bathe in the bath,
If Vanya is not there.


If your name is your Rafik -
then you have good traffic.
If you have unimportant traffic,
You will probably send you nafik.


Glory is strong and strong,
Glory to sports is passionate.
Rollers, bicycle
Loves glory from childhood.


Vitaly is very fond of life,
He is always cheerful.
You have ever heard.
That our Vitaly is sad?


What a little thing, this Alla,
Whatever give me, everything is not enough for her.
No one and no one
Alla hides a nucleus, for the future.


Alexandra has a dream
Drink coffee under the oleander,
She would go to Monte Carlo,
Only you have to meet Karl.


For a piece of Napoleon
Alena will kiss you,
In general, who is in love with her,
Bring Napoleon.


Alice drinks very rarely
Tea with lemon and Iriska,
After a hearty risotto
He wants tea with bergamot.


Anya sleeps and sees
Delicious lasagnia,
Just an obsession,
Without warning.


There is not enough money to Ksyusha,
Ksyusha is very fond of sushi,
Fedot turned up to her
He promised to feed without quotas.


Life does not go along with Lera
Without eclair cake
How many gentlemen there were
If only someone bought eclairs.


Lily was very annoyed
Peresol does not like Lilya
So that there is no trouble
You will share water to the soup.


Cover soon the clearing,
Frying barbecue rather,
Yana will come to us today
In the clearing, men!


Sasha, my girl,
Are you with your friends?
Well, then wash the dishes,
I will be friends with you.


Vovochka plays football,
Vova knows everything.
Vladimir beats on the ball,
"Goal!" The match was equal!


They say about Marina
That the sea is all up to the heel
And she does not believe in words
Since he does not know how to swim.


Katya is a strict nature,
And quite serious,
If you drink a little -
She dances on the table!


Do not find in the world
Olya is more serious for you
All children listen to Olya
And no one argues.


If you are looking for quiet
You can’t find it more modest,
The name is rare -
Galya, how to find you?


If you need order
Choose Ira as your wife,
Only give her gifts
Never forget.


A light breeze blows,
Lights a firefly,
You can’t notice the light,
A very bright light!


Painstaking in everything
Zhenya decorates the house.
Only a companion - pride,
Oh, interferes with her in everything.


Do not judge strictly Vika
For her beautiful view.
Inadvertently our Vika
All men will fall in love with themselves.


Eh, Natasha, you are good,
You don't notice evil.
All offenders are always
You forgive everything in everything.


Kristia is a nimble girl,
She can do everything
How she succeeds
When working songs to sing?


Take a look at Inna -
She has a spike around
She is outwardly so arrogant,
And in her soul - flowers!


If you have been looking for a long time
You are a leader
Choose Alexander -
Your Savior!


They say that there is no more beautiful
And Wise Elena,
All agree with this
Our cavaliers.


Jeanne is very exotic,
But sometimes self -critical.
And unfortunate men,
They love Jeanne for no reason.


Dear Kolya, I'm in love
Dear ring in you.
How much was - I forgot
I can not forget you.


You love me, Vanyusha,
You love my dear.
I love you, flying
And I do not need another.

Oh, dear girlfriend,
What Lesha said to me:
I like one tanechka
No one else is sweet.

I will put on the dress white,
I will rest around the house.
And who cares
That I love Knight.

Birds cut, shine askance,
All meadows under the flight.
Dunyashi's heart is aching -
Loves a ring painfully.

Who has what dear,
I have Michael.
I am Mikhail's Swo
Nobody Hayala.

Masha threw away
For the window porridge!
Apparently at Masha
Allergy to porridge!

The boyfriend, boyfriend -
Strange called.
He probably eats his ears,
He responds to Vasya.

Mitka boy is brave,
He is very skilled.
He made a birdhouse
I got the dog there.

I have a player in my pocket
In the teeth of a cigarette,
I have a girlfriend Sveta
I will give her a fan.

My friend Lena
You have bad genes
Well, what does the genes have to do with it?
After all, I am friends with Lena.
Lena walks in the yard
With a dead rat in his hand
That's what Lena!
Well, where does the genes?

We have been friends with Masha for a long time
Together we play
Masha jumps out the window
And I raise.

Well, where to start
And what to tell you about?
We are not at all so
And we are friends with everyone.
Here is a neighbor Vanya Bazin,
He is known to everyone by a prankster
I fed yesterday okroshka
And put a cat in a box.

Funny jokes about names

Funny jokes about names
Funny jokes about names

Funny jokes about names:

If you Valeria
Cavalry is behind you ...


If you Emilia -
The whole last name is for you.


If you Eleanor
then escape from major


If you Alicia
You will be paid a commission.


If you Elvira
hire Moidodyra.


If your name Sveta,
Then you are with great greetings.


If your name Alla,
Give you only lard.


If your name Julia,
Give you only chairs.


If your name is Natasha,
So Latex is not afraid of you.


If your name Zlata,
You will love the fan.


If your name is Kristina,
You fled from the quarantine.


If you were called Olya,
This is an occasion for a feast.


And if you are called Elena,
You and the puddle knee -deep.


If your name Lucy,
So you are not in our taste.


And if you are calling Ira,
Fear to become a simple.


If your name Lisa,
This is a reason for a surprise.


And they called you Tamara,
You are in the soul of the mistress of the bar.


If you were called Anya,
So Vanya will love you.


And if you are calling Zhenya,
You are often all up to Feni.

If your name is Galina-
You are a fan of plasticine.


If your name Luda,
So your partner is a bore.


If you were called Dasha,
Then eat yogurt.


Who is called Valya,
Brede with a bag from Cavalli.


Virgin with the name Galina
Drinks Massandra wines.


Virgin with the name Arina
Soft -grown feather bed.


Virgin with the name Darina
He loves tangerines.


The one was called Kira,
It can become the wife of Fakir.


If you are calling Lida,
It is better not to hide resentment.


If you are calling Alice,
Your chosen one will be bald.


If you have a name Karina,
Build Starin.


If you were called Lera,
You sing under the plywood.


If your name Tanya,
Stop all the throwing.


The one that bears the name Lada,
Bright lipstick goes.


If you call you Marianne?
You are more stubborn by the ram.


Kohl Hope called you
You are a little loud.


If you were called Faith,
Love the officer.


If you are calling Ksyusha,
The skirt must be sewn from Plush.


You Inessa or Inna?
Your place by the fireplace.


If you were called Katya?
You will be loved at sunset.


If you have a name Larisa,
Plant, irises!


Your name is from birth Nina?
Do not disdain connina!

Kohl called Zinaida,
So believe in your plan.


If you were called Vlada,
You are more dangerous than a tornado.


The one that bears the name Lada,
Bright lipstick goes.


If your name Lena
You can’t escape from the captivity.

Joking offensive jokes about names

Joking offensive jokes about names
Joking offensive jokes about names

Comic offensive jokes about names:

You will glue Antonin?
You will get the first lump pancake.


If you marry Anna,
It will be hot like a savannah.


If you marry Inna,
You will find yourself in the raspberries.


If it pulls to Alexander,
Take care of the spacesuit.


If you want to make friends with Masha?
Go to Kashin immediately.


If you like it Marina,
You will jump in the state of Carolina.


If you are attracted to Ruslan,
It will be dumb, as in Sudan.


If you pretend to Tanya,
You will drown like a titanium.


If you marry Lina,
You parked in Berlin.


Who is breathing unevenly to Lily,
The catapult will be in Chile.


If you like it Dasha,
Prepare a carriage of daisies.


Who is breathing unevenly to Eve,
He hangs over the woman.


If you are sunk on Nadia,
You will find yourself in Baghdad.


Kohl fell in love with Angelica,
So be you a zaika.


If you have chosen Karina,
Stock aspirin.


You fell in love with Angelica?
Destroy all the evidence!


If you fall in love with Field,
You will find yourself in Tyrololi.


If you reach for Pauline,
You will find yourself in Beijing.


If it pulls to Zinaida,
You are falling in Madrid.


If you want to be closer to Vare?
Sit longer in the bar.


If you want to explain yourself Vera?
Close denser doors.


If you marry Lily,
You will be stunned in the castiles.


You will make a haircut in Seville,
Diving will take care of Nile.


If you met Adele,
You will land right in Delhi.


If you fall in love with Sonya,
You will sit down in Kherson.


Kohl Sound on Veronica,
Get ready in Costa Rica

Jokes about names in rhyme

Jokes about names in rhyme
Jokes about names in rhyme

Jokes about names in rhyme:

  • If your name Lyuba - This is a reason to insert rudely.
  • If your name Nadya - This is an occasion to insert from behind.
  • If your name Eve - This is an occasion to insert on the left.
  • If your name Klava - This is an occasion to insert on the right.
  • If your name Nastya - Get on me soon.
  • If your name Olya - There is no way without alcohol.
  • If your name Lena - You can even under the knee.
  • If your name Nika “So there will be a lot of scream.”
  • If your name Tonya “You are one of those who moan quietly.”
  • If your name Faith - In the pose we are a missionary.
  • If your name Lesya - There is no rhyme, at least fall over.
  • If your name Lisa - As with Nastasya, I will be from below.
  • If your name Sasha - The bust is good, but better Masha.
  • If your name Yana - The summer glade is waiting for us.
  • If your name Nina - A soft feather bed is waiting for us.
  • If your name Julia - We will try in the chair.
  • If your name Ira - the whole apartment will shudder.
  • If your name Anna - Like not Sun, everything will be strange.
  • If your name Inna - You can with you without rubber.
  • If your name Ksyusha - Well, in the ears - means in the ears.
  • If your name Vova - Look for another.
  • If your name is Alyosha - A reason to drink, he is good.
  • If your name Katia - then the excuse will not work.
  • If your name is Maria - So we will click sitting.
  • If your name Galya - I would be lost too
  • If your name is Bear - Hands in the legs and preview!
  • If your name Stas “So this is Lavelas.”
  • If your name is Stepan - Nifiga to himself, bro.
  • If your name Seva - That is in the leg - on the left.
  • If your name Glory - That is in the leg - on the right.
  • If your name Gene - Really - to the knee?
  • If you have a name Andrew - undress as soon as possible.
  • If your name Vlad - You are in bed - just a treasure.
  • If the name Edward - You are in bed - a leopard.
  • If your name Kostya - So we will merge - the bones will crunched.
  • If your name Vitya - then to the cries of "help."
  • If your name Kolya - There is no way without alcohol.
  • If your name Vasya - It would also be necessary to accumulate.
  • If your name Julius - Then try in the chair.
  • If your name Tolik - We will go to the table.
  • Your name Igor If we try on the chair.
  • If you have a name Ivan - There will be a classic - a sofa.
  • If your name Hera - In the pose we are a missionary.
  • If your name Zhenya - Certainly on the knees.
  • If your name Borya - We will tear off at sea.
  • If your name Sasha - Impressions are full of a bowl.
  • If your name Pasha - The pace is good, but better Sasha.
  • If your name Stepa -Then we add a little stack.
  • If your name Misha - We will also call Grisha.
  • If your name Grisha - Watch about the name Misha.
  • If your name Lesha - We will be long, only lying.
  • If your name Dima - Do not forget that you need to.
  • If your name Gogi - That's higher the legs.
  • If you have a name Kiryusha - Well, in the ears - means in the ears.
  • If you have a name Artem - We will start a whip in our hands.
  • If your name is Maksim - It is also necessary.
  • If your name Vova - Under the tribune will be cool.
  • If the name is suddenly Arkasha - You can even get to a bush.
  • If you have a name Oleg - Our "race" will be hot.
  • If suddenly Vitalik You just give flowers.
  • If your name Roma - then sit just at home
  • If your name Olya - There is no way without alcohol.
  • If your name Zina - That's no Vaseline.
  • If your name Vika “So there will be a lot of scream.”
  • If your name Tonya “You are one of those who moan quietly.”
  • If your name Faith - In the pose we are a missionary.
  • If your name Lesya - There is no rhyme, at least fall over.
  • If your name Masha - You will not find the boobs more beautiful.
  • If your name Sasha - The bust is good, but better Masha.
  • If your name Yana - The summer glade is waiting for us.
  • If your name Julia - We will try in the chair.))
  • If your name Ira - the whole apartment will shudder.
  • If your name Inna - You can with you without rubber
  • If your name Ksyusha - Well, in the ears - means in the ears.
  • If your name Tom - Your breasts of large volumes.
  • If your name Vova - Look for another.
  • If suddenly the name is Andrew - Undress do not timid!
  • They called you Oleg - Our race will be hot.
  • And always, believe me, VovaSexually not ready.
  • Any guy has Misha, often jams the roof.
  • Without doubt, everyone Tolik - One hundred percent sexual unit.
  • If your name is Matvey - Invite us and pour us!
  • They called you Evgeniy - In harsh sex you will be a genius.
  • If your name is Kolya - Then we will try standing.
  • If your name Leva - Look for another.
  • If you call it Alyosha - There is a good reason to drink.
  • If your name is Sasha - Masha will not refuse you.
  • If your name is Borya - Call me at sea.
  • If you call you AndrewYou will get a penduli!
  • Your name Igor If we try in the chair.
  • If you say Lesha - We will be long, only lying.
  • If your name is Misha - Watch about the name of Grisha.
  • If your name is Vasya - You will undoubtedly be quarreled.
  • They called you suddenly Vlas - You are in bed of the upper class.
  • If suddenly Vitalik You - give us all flowers.
  • If you have a name Shura - Invite Nyura to the dance.
  • If you call you Sergey - Do not be eager, pour!

Bad jokes about names

Bad jokes about names
Bad jokes about names

Bad jokes about names:

In a fig, apple and pears me,
In a fig, fogs above the river,
In a fig to me all the seas and sushi
And the whole world, tell me, why?
I do not need any constellations,
Not comets. I am a simple person.
I'm glad to fly with one Katyusha
The universe is quiet and empty.


Above the ground prose of life
Larisa is proudly worn.
She, Larisa, is not up to prose -
Give her poets!
Give her Homer
Serve Mandelstam.
And all around the zibrovs
And there is one Poplavsky around.
So it is worn Larisa Proudly.
Somewhere very on top.


What kind of legs of Elena!
Do not jump to your knees.
What is higher, just - ah!
Lost in the clouds.
To snuggle up to their chest,
We must try hard:
What is, to wave
Like a bird, jumping cool,
And fall in love.


Of course, this is Lida
It goes by itself.
In the hand of the wine "Tavrida",
In the eyes, readiness for battle.
Her love is Corrida,
Especially spring.
Inside it is libido.
Run. I will cover.


I would have a visa in my heart Lisa,
I would have fallen there.
This is closer to Simeiz,
This is further than Nepal.
Do not buy a ticket there,
If you haven't passed right away,
There is no hopeless business -
There at the entrance are face control.


Good Hope -
The light of heaven overshadows.
Good when in clothes
And beautiful, if - without.
If you met hope,
Then take off there (upstairs)!
And earth and heaven between
You are stuck forever!


Character and tread from a cat in Masha,
Jumping-living from the flea,
Thoroughness and softness from a rose,
From the penguin - do not care frost.
From Mowgli, too, a lot
The name is from the magazine,
From the light bulb, in general, actions,
From Claudia Schiffer - sponges.
Figure and nose from Versace.
Eyes from Chanel, not otherwise.
From Zaitsev, what do not paw.
The rest is from mom and dad.


Any kid is on the shoulder
When with me Nina.
I can watch Indian kina,
When Nina is next to me.
That I have war and Palestine,
When I am alive and Nina is nearby.
Oh give, give aspirin!
I haven't seen Nina for half an hour!


Children do not like pig so much
How men love Ksyusha.
More than getting to Nirvana,
Guys want Oksana.
And Oksana is a wanderer.
She likes her.
In general, she is strange.
And her love is alone.


Libido torments Olya -
The heart will go to the wild.
She manages to dream
Three or four prince during the night,
D'Artagnan without boots
And Nikita Mikhalkov.
So much to sleep is not good!
Open your eyelashes
Wipe your eye sockets -
There are living princes nearby.


Girl Masha I rode on the elevator -
Legs left, hit ...

Mom gave her kids to her children:
Petya - hatchet, Serezhenka - awl,
Mitenka is a crowbar, and Vasenka is a knife.
A drunken neighbor does not bother them anymore.


Girl Masha I was looking for raspberries
She stepped on a mine with a leg.
I will be in a dream for a long time
Those blue eyes on the pine tree.


Alyonushka Brother loved to tears
And so that the brother of the brother does not grow up,
The sister dripped the poison into the puddle.
The only brother discarded the hoof.


Grandma Arina I went for Malina
Grandma Arina stumbled upon a mine
I will dream for a long time in a dream
Her blue eyes on the pine tree.


Grandmother cooked jam to her grandson
The poison was poured for acceleration:
“Eat jam, my dear Kostya!
You won't come to visit me anymore ...


To deliver joy Lube,
I'm ready to light the moon
Revolution in Cuba
Or a star war.


There is such a miracle in the world
Under the name of the miracle Luda.

The one who did not see Luda
I lost a lot in my life.


What eyes have at Marina!
Not like women from rubber.
They do not know how to dive
They don’t give a damn about them.


If you want to fall in love
So that immediately - in euphoria,
We must find the girl
And not just, but Maria!


I'm with Milena Clavy
I swim along the river,
But I can't moor
Husband with a stake on the shore.


So it has grown Alla.
Where I wanted, I visited
What I wanted, I saw
Only this is not enough.
The coloring became colorful
As a model from the magazine,
I was entirely emaciated
And she is still not enough.
And wise, and strong,
Like a bear, like a koala.
Forever plans are full -
She is always not enough for her.


Can Anki robber banks
They can ride a tachanka.
They can build a house.
They can arrange a pogrom.
They can gnaw at granite.
They can pretend.
They can everyone in a row.
Can! But they don't want to.


I passed here Victoria!
This is her territory!
If she is ahead
Better do not go forward.
If you are faced with her,
This is Love! Or immediately a gaplyk.


I have goosebumps from my Natasha
A couple of venerea because of Veroniki
Closed teeth from a friend of Luba
Torn nerves from a neighbor of faith
Foci of cirrhosis due to aunt rose
Holes in the myocardium from the villain Katya
All hair climbed - I will not forget Lisa
Body in allergies after cute lei
A series of arthritis from the bastard of Rita
With eggs problems from the profane Emma
And Ikayu wildly from a cheerful face
Ten sprains from movements with Zhenya
On the groin of corns from the athlete Olya
Bruises on the penis - thank you to Lena
I became a psycho even after meeting with Dasha
My shnobel is failed-this is because of Vali
The ear fell ill after a skirmish with Ksyukha
But actually pain is because of Leli
Already after a coma because of the young volume.


Pour me kefir
Give me a piano.
I'll sing about Virgin Ira,
And how she is not sorry for me.
I will conquer the spamy spam,
I will go upstairs in the binge.
I found out that the name is Ira
Translated - peace, peace.
I am a cool supporter of the world!
I'm a guy without a flaw!
What do you want, Virgo Ira?
Eh ... give me a button accordion.


If you saw Light,
Then summer will come in the soul.
If you met 10 light,
Then hesitates in a completely soul.
If 20, it is better to wash off -
You can irradiate a lot.
If the light is no less than a thousand
All. Khan. You are ashes.


So she calls b Tatyana,
Loved everyone and Kharatyana.
Loved Rimbae and Rimbae.
She was not weak to love.
When he was silent, Pavel Zibrova,
Butusova, but young.
And Jackie Chan burned in his chest,
And the hare from "Wait!"
Tanya fell in love once,
And Jackie Chan went out in his chest.
Her love was found the reason
Alive. And warm. And a man.


Love overtakes Julia -
Julia takes a pan,
It is gaining water
And makes a liter of food.
Pick the path
To the heart of a man is hard.
Be straight out - be -
Open your curly shirts.


Pour me anesthesia,
Take a doctor.
I love Anastasia,
I want to calm down.
Right now I'll go pay taxes,
There are no faces on me for two days.
My legs refuse
And the heart muscle.
Ek in me is raging passions
Because of this very Nastya!


I know that there is a young lady somewhere Jeanne.
So beautiful, which is even strange.
To the touch it is like a big feather bed,
The taste is pineapple, sometimes sturgeon.
And the smell! And the smell, like a pink flowerbed,
And the look, like the hero Patrice Lumum.
And everything else - that you never dreamed.
And how did it all fit into it?


One, two, three, four, five,
Sasha all goes to save.
Right now for everyone will find problems
And tell you how to decide.

He has big ears -
We must run in the morning.
And he would eat a paramino,
Would be as actor Van Damm.

You have a difficult case.
You are generally unclear.
He is unshaven and prickly.
And she - neither ce nor that!

This is not a hide and seek for you.
Who said everything is in order?
There are many problems in life,
Honestly, enough for everyone!

One, two, three, four, five
We will look for them together.
And the defender - thanks -
Will be everything that decides.

Jokes about the names of boys

Jokes about the names of boys
Jokes about the names of boys

Jokes about the names of boys:

Stasik, you're a strangler
You are well done in everything.
Feel free to school you walk
And comprehend science.


Fast Vladik matured
He managed to learn everything.
He strives for new knowledge.
It will come in handy at school.


From any position
Exit Stas will always find
He loves to fantasize
Never disappeared.


Dima Likes to sing beautifully
Dance, read poems,
Maybe on the piano
Playing plays to play.
But it's time to say goodbye
You have to gather in school.


Sasha - The guy is serious,
So as not to lose time -
He quickly performs everything
And he runs soon to play.


Nikita is the winner
Nikita is our hero,
He easily copes
With a candy mountain,
He easily copes
With hot chocolate,
Fights with compotes
And with a delicious marmalade.
From these tests,
Parents will tell you
Nikita is mandatory
It turns out the winner!


Mom reads Pavlik
A fairy tale before bedtime
About a beautiful firebird
With a fiery pen.
Pavlik listens, hears
Mother's words.
And quietly falls asleep,
Not noticing himself.


We have a son Danyusha,
There will be a dank to my mother to listen to
Will obey the father,
Our Danilka-Moloden!
Danya affectionate tale,
Father is very happy about his son,
After all, the guy is all in the father,
There is simply no end happiness!
Mom swept happiness.
Only joy! There is no badger!


Loves the sweets of Denisk -
I will treat him to Iriska.
Denis will tell me "Thank you"
Smile very nicely.
Very fast, very fast
Denisk crawls along the carpet.
He reached for the toy -
He fell on the pillow.


Dimulka has a black chubchik
Charming darling!
And even though Dima is still small
He is very frozen and removed!
Gives mom pleasure
Papa-Mamino creation,
Papina Dimas muck
We tell you without embellishment!


They gave his wife a cat.
Zhenya was terribly glad
Put her to the window
And he began to feed everyone in a row.
With appetite cat Mila
I ate a delicious dinner.
And I asked for supplements
After all, the supplement is not to the detriment.


Our Efimka has
The steamer in the picture.
The boy’s ship is glad
He speaks about this look!
How Efim you grow up,
Only then will you swim
To the far region, beautiful the most
And you will take dad with mom ...
In the meantime, you are very small
You are tired of the pool!
Smiled and yawned,
He turned and fell asleep.


Vanya gathered friends -
He has an anniversary:
Our Ivan 5 -
He will be treated with a cake.
Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.
Children respect Vanya,
Everyone wants him success.


Kiryusha writes letters
In a green notebook.
He tries, breathes a little.
You can’t interfere with him.
Here the letters are placed
On lines in a long row.
It turned out beautifully.
Kiryusha is very happy.


We have a son Danyusha,
There will be a dank to my mother to listen to
Will obey the father, our Danilka-Molodard!
Danya affectionate tale,
Father is very happy about his son,
After all, the guy is all in the father,
There is simply no end happiness!
Mom swept happiness.
Only joy! There is no badger!


A lion.
Levka has
Different tricks,
He screams: “Agu! Agu! "
Mother in response to him: "Run!"
Mom Leva smiles
The rainbow will litter in the heart!
The soul loves my mother
Son Lev's baby!


We love Mishutka
Misha glorious in earnest!
Likes Misha Tales to listen
And to eat porridge for fairy tales
Maybe he will be a poet
IL Banker, or Cosmonaut
All the same, he will be kind
And respectful at the same time
He will always give us a hand!


Our Boris started
Balagur and comedian!
Loves boron attention
And respect for female faces!
We love with Borea we meet
It’s easy for us to smile with him
(We must give a present
Suddenly he will be the president!)

Jokes about the names of girls

Jokes about the names of girls
Jokes about the names of girls

Jokes about the names of girls:

From the cheerful daughter of Aglaya
Mom always expects a surprise.
Then in compote will find earrings,
Then the legs are unscrewed at the chair.


I noticed Alena for a long time -
Walks along the street important and proudly,
Maybe she would give her a crown, -
Only the hairstyle does not want to spoil.


Alina, at least still small
She is already a mistress
After all, she removed the whole apartment,
Watch her for her!
Settled all toys in a row,
And the garbage is the end.
Each is glad to praise Alina.


Yesterday in the yard funny Alla.
I ran to us for a moment.
And made everyone in the district,
The elderly had ailments!


Anyuta has a friend
Black little puppy.
He jumps and barks,
Everything is desperately gnawing
The thin tail wags
And it does not let her miss.
Anya with a puppy plays,
He forgets everything in the world.


Lera, our Lerochka -
Smart girl.
Only friends will come to the yard
Everyone is called Valery.


There is a girl in the world
They are waiting for her.
Our faith, Verochka
Everyone is called her.
Faith will help everyone
In the word or deeds.
In difficult times
She will be with us.
Vera will smile
Gently, light.
And faith will come to us,
That evil will disappear.


Collected Veronica
Simple in the meadow.
And weaved from them wreaths,
And threw them into the river.
“You will float, forget -me -nots,
On a wide river.
Tell everyone in the world
About my heart! "


Victoria passed here!
This is her territory!
If she is ahead
Better do not go forward.
If you are faced with her,
This is Love! Or immediately Kirdyk.


Daria owns the primer
And a red portfolio,
Notebooks and diary
With marks! Check:
In that diary of the five in a row
They look at us smiling.
Eh, all children would like to
To take possession of such a wealth!


Like ours with Dashutka
Eyes, like forget -me -nots,
The sponge are small, but ala,
White handles,
Rezty legs,
And the hairs are like that


Lena Sea knee
Lena Mountain on the shoulder.
Lena, like sea foam,
Does not regret anything.
Does not reason about anything,
No one is birch.
She yawns all day
And quietly sniffs.


Where the sun shines,
Seagulls and sand,
Someone drags a bucket
Shoulder blade and scoop.
Where the waves splash,
Warm by the instrumentation,
Someone is building a mill
And a beautiful castle.
What kind of girl is this
In a white panama,
All the tan glows,
On the cheeks are two pits?
So shines the face
What is better for you to squint,
This is our Helen
It flaunts in the sun!


Jeanne looks at the moon:
-I will not fall asleep today,
Because tomorrow the ball:
Jokes, dancing, carnival.


Zina explains to the doll,
Where to put the order,
Zina helps a hare
Wash and accommodate the floor.
Zina sends Mishka
For flour to the store,
So he commands skillfully!
Why? The answer is one:
Lived and was in the world
The main God and the gentleman.
He commanded the gods
Lightning threw his hands
Zeus was called the master,
From him and the name is Zina!


In the apartment number twenty -five
A terrible noise and gam -
Ira went for a walk
And now she returned ... to us
Irina simply cannot be recognized -
With a spear in one hand
And with feathers on the head.
“Calm,” Ira says
And waves his hand,
“I am the leader of the Indians, my motto -
Peace, joy and peace! "


Katya, Katya, Katyusha,
Good, baby, eat!
You will grow up Catherine
The smartest and most beautiful.


Katya does not sleep again,
What can I tell you
Mom forgot the bow
Tightly tied to remove.


He dreams of an early age of beauty Larisa,
How to become a super-actress.
Her jackets, her mother’s blouses to the floor,
She is important, proudly wears even to school.


Lydia is loved by parents
They cherish their daughter,
And Little Lydia likes
How happy days rush.
And the girl Lydia will grow up,
And with dad and mom then
She will go on a trip
Now we will tell where:
To the country that was called before Lydia,
Magical, where day and night,
Where are loving parents
Lida was called a daughter.


Little girl
Dad on knees,
Little girl
Mashenka is called.
Everyone caresses the girl
Everyone plays with a girl -
After all, not just a child
Enough is given!
Mashenka - welcome,
Mashenka - beloved,
Your name is ancient
And true for us!


Like our Mashenka
Long cilia.
Mashenka is braided
Bows in pigtails.
Mashenka's voice
Joyful and sonorous.
Still know: Mashenka -
Glorious girl!


How Marina is good:
It goes important, slowly,
The umbrella from the sun holds straight
Like a lady from Paris.


As I saw Marina,
She wanted to say:
“I would like a picture with you
Straight, now draw. "


I am my mother's daughter,
My name is Nastya.
Mom told me
That I am her happiness!


Natasha sang a song
Very briskly, very bold!
He likes to speak:
Songs sing and dance.


Nina with a thread in a needle
She sewed a star on the Christmas tree.
And now under the ceiling
Ninin decorated the house.
Nina, stop dressing up
The main thing is to stay yourself!


Olga learned the song
And sings with a girlfriend together.
The matinee will come soon -
Olya will perform solo there.


Our fidget of light
He jumps in the yard all summer.
Only winter comes,
Sveta is already skiing.


Our fidget of light
He jumps in the yard all summer.
Only winter comes,
Sveta is already skiing.


They gave Sonya the ball
Suddenly there was a loud cry.
The ball does not climb into the mouth -
Here is the child and roars!


Tamara wants to live under a palm tree,
Build a house there and live, do not bother!
From palm leaves - a beautiful canopy.
And the staircase from the palm tree to heaven!
Around the parrots, around the monkey
She is worn by nuts, flowers and bananas.
Warm and comfortable, continuous exotic!
At the house in the pool to settle the hippo ...
Let someone guess
Why does Tamare dream so?


Singed Tanya Song for children
About the magical country,
Where is the boat at dawn
Hit the wave;
Where animals roamed
They were not afraid of anyone;
Where in the world everyone appreciated
Friendship is most.
She sang so wonderful
Tanya is her song,
What all children wanted
Be in that edge.

In a wonderful month of July
Julia crumbs appeared in the light.
She is gentle, like a spring day,
As the angel of God is good.
And loves every moment
Her innocent soul.


You see, Yulenka, curls -
Clouds in the sky?
Barashki jumps through the meadows -
White river.
Look at the sun across the sea
How the wave runs
Like curls at the open
Directly spring.
Look, Yulenka,
Radiant in the mirror
You will see, dear
Kudri is golden!

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