Poems about mom are touching, beautiful, sincere, original, children's: the best selection for children and adults

Poems about mom are touching, beautiful, sincere, original, children's: the best selection for children and adults

In our article you will find many beautiful verses about mom. And their help you can please a loved one on a holiday and a weekday.

Mummer verse is the best selection for children and adults

Mummer verse - the best selection
Mummer verse is the best selection for children and adults

The verse about mom is the best selection for children and adults:

A multi -colored gift
I am a multi -colored gift
I decided to give my mother.
I tried, painted
Four pencils.
But first I'm red
I pressed too much
And then, behind the red at once
Violet broke
And then the blue broke,
And the orange broke ...
Anyway, the portrait is beautiful,
Because this is mom!


You look again with reproach.
Yes, I'm sorry, I didn’t call!
Yes, I haven't come for a long time ...
Earned, relatives.
I know that not an excuse!
But you worry in vain
Everything, mother, is fine!
Smuck! Well, that's fine!


If I was a girl
If I was a girl -
I would not lose time!
I would not jump on the street,
I would have shirts
I would wash the floor in the kitchen
I would have lost my room in the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I myself would clean the potatoes
All your toys yourself
I would put up the places!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother like that!
Mom would immediately say:
"Well done you, son!"


Our mommy
Who are we the first to meet,
Coming to the white light, -
So this is our mommy
She is no longer.
All life around her rotates,
The whole world will be heated with her,
For the whole century she tries
Protect us from troubles.
She is a support in the house,
It is busy every hour.
And there is no one except,
Who would love us so much.
So she has more happiness,
And life longer,
And the joy of her in the destiny,
And fewer sad things!


How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets are in the fields!
How many songs y birds!
How many leaves are on the branches!
Only the sun is one in the world.
Only mom is alone in the world.


Poems for mom
The voice is affectionate and gentle
Blow a bird over me.
How easy and serene
Near Mom!
I'll take her by the handle
I'll look into her eyes.
Laughter will drive her a cloud,
A tear will fall.
On knees to mom sit
And I will hug comfortably.
I don't need sweeter than happiness,
I'm not afraid of anything!


Our dear mommy,
These delicate lines are you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.
Let the sorrows not go into your house,
Let the diseases pass side.
We put the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.
But that would be few,
To give up for your kindness,
We all our lives, our dear mother,
Before you in unpaid duty.
Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy is sharing in half,
In all the best share, you wanted us.
Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
We need you every day and forever!


I love mom
Mom brings me
Toys, sweets,
But I love mom
Not at all for that.
Funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
It never happens.

I open it to her
Their secrets.
But I love mom
Not only for that.
I love my mother
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

A verse about mom to tears

A verse about mom to tears
A verse about mom to tears

A verse about mom to tears:

Love mom, little children,
After all, it is so difficult to live in the world without her,
Her attention and caress and care,
Someone will not replace you.
Love mom, young teenagers
She is your trunk, and you are her processes,
She alone, only a loving mother,
He will always understand you - a child of her stubborn.
And children adults, always love mom,
I don't skimp on tender words,
The road to her is akin to the road to the temple,
And in the house, entering her feet, bow to her feet.
Years are going on, our mother is aging,
That, suddenly, it will not become - we do not believe
But one day, late or early,
She will leave, closing inaudibly the doors.
Love mom, adults and children,
Her relatives - there is no one in the world!


And the heart of the mother is one thing,
It cries with you together and sobs,
And we are not given to understand that,
How mothers sometimes suffer for us.
And the heart of the mother, when you are in the distance,
It, like a compass, is correct and accurate,
And you walk vigorously, lightly
It will indicate your immaculate path.
And the heart of the mother keeps from all sorrows,
Always goes with you and indivisible,
Watch it casually do not break it,
It is one day, unique.
And the mother’s heart is honest of all,
It always wishes us good luck
With his love awaits success in everything,
Hurry to comfort when mom is crying.
But you will sometimes pass with the cold,
You don't notice heart torment at all,
Remember, the mother’s heart is one,
You are responsible for God for God.


My mother gave me everything in the world
Warmth, and affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I did not know the necessary words.
She opened her eyes to the world,
And showed the path in life.
I always loved so sincerely
And accelerated grief, sadness.
When I cried, I comforted
When it was hard for me.
You always gently hugged
I felt your warmth.
I am happy that you are, dear,
You are the best, most valuable.
You are my happiness, dear
Nothing else is needed.
When there is mom, life is beautiful,
She is an angel on earth.
She is like a ray of sun, clear
She is like stars in the sky.
Friends, you value mothers,
After all, nearby will not always be.
Love them, and value them,
Never forget!


Do not leave single mothers
After all, the mother is holy, like an icon under a prayer
She did not fill up all nights
I prayed that it was good for you
She gave you life and taught you to live
I gave the whole soul for children
And evil, and grief, laughter and joy
Everything was experienced by her
And how many of them are now alone
Sit and wait on a bench of relatives
And they have no time for children their affairs
And they rarely remember how the mother? she is one.
Days are flying after days, years old
And we understand ourselves too late
And the time is never back
Then you think ”life you lived in vain”
Why reproach yourself, why scold,
sob, suffer and tear heart
Appreciate what you have now,
So that you do not have to blame yourself more than once
And remember one thing ... and forever!
Mother icon for you.

Poems about Mom short

Poems about Mom short
Poems about Mom short

Poems about Mom short:

I cut the heart
I'll give mom
And I will say words:
I love you.


I will give my mother the whole world:
All mountains, seas, oceans.
And I love her very much
After all, there is no one better than a mother.


I love my mother's mother
And I will give all the flowers to her,
And from the sky I will get an asterisk,
Beautiful, like mom will become.


In the morning I will run to my mother,
And I will hug tightly and firmly,
And I whisper in her ear,
That there is no mother better in the world.


Brave to the wound, give wise advice,
The cake will bake delicious the most.
And the light will give me a smile -
My mother will not be sad.


Today we walked in the forest,
There were several guys of us.
Flowers for mom collected,
Who blindly blind.


Mom's smile shines,
Like a small fish.
Plays with gentle rays,
I want to catch her with my hands.


I will make a flower from paper,
Or blind my hands.
And this little lump,
I will take it to my mother.


I want to snuggle up to my mother
And whisper in the ear -
I will give you flowers
Sweet girlfriend.


Strong, beautiful,
Mom with me
Smart and sweet,
I love you!

Birds sing beautiful for mom,
The sun shines brightly,
How do I love my mother,
No one will replace it.


She brings me toys and sweets,
But I love her, of course, not for that,
For giving happiness to me
And there is no mother better on Earth.


We conquered yesterday with my mother of the sea,
They launched ships, planes and lights ...
Nothing that this is a puddle! Mom knows everything you need
Turning clouds into fairy tale cities!


Look at what day
The sun is in the window.
I want to give mamula
A little joy.

To in a bright, warm day
Mom did not be sad.
To never happiness
She was not enough.


Dear, dear
My mommy
Know that very strong
I love you.

All flowers in the world
Only for you.
The best
My mommy.


Where to find the words like that,
To Mom is dear
To say the immense about love
And congratulate this day.

Instead of words, your mammul
I will hug tightly and firmly,
And your favorite flowers
I will give a spring day.


I want to congratulate
I am a native man
Wishes to leave:
Happiness will be a river.

Let the health be sea
And luck is a caravan.
And warmth, kindness, smiles
There will be a whole ocean!


On this bright good afternoon
I will congratulate mom.
And favorite flowers
I'll put it in a vase.

So that a smile blossomed
Dear, dear.
It's good that I have
Mom is like that.


Mom’s best friend to me
Or more precisely a girlfriend.
With mom is not at all scary
Neither the heat nor the blizzard.

We dance with mom and sing,
Together we knead the dough.
With my dear mommy
Everything is interesting to me.


My very kind
Mommy is dear.
The hardships are not terrible with her
And any trouble.

I hug every day
And I kiss on the cheek.
It’s only a pity that they are flying a pursuit
Mom’s annuals.


Mommy gets up early.
Cases in the morning are not manager:
You need to cook breakfast
And eat together together.

Okay to lay the hairstyle,
To dress me in kindergarten.
Pope iron the shirt,
Feed the dog Glashka.
Well, in the evening again
Mom will go to bed late.

Long verse about adult mom

Long verse about mom
Long verse about adult mom

Long verse about adult mom:

Today I am like ever
I will say many affectionate words
You are beautiful and young
I will tell everyone about you.

I'll tell you how I love you
How I grew up under your wing
As my friends called me,
In childhood, "Mamenkin Son."

Defended from bitter insults
From illness and failure
He knew that my mother would forgive me
And it is subject like the best doctor.

He touches his hand
Something back for the night
He will say: - "Son, my dear!"
The fairy tale will read the fairy tale.

I brought friends home.
I met everyone with an open heart.
Preparing a cake with dried apricots,
You welcomed everyone warmly.

I was looking for a way through life,
Mom was the main one in fate,
First class and last ball
She walked nearby, forgetting about herself.

You were born in early spring
In a large friendly family.
I knew a mischievous girl
On Ryazan Red land.

The boys did not give a descent
And did not cry at the kids
But cocky, boldly in Russian
Verkhokhi in the yard.

And now you live without undertaking
Blag in the kitchen in the morning
You welcome the guests warmly.
Still good.

Mom, remember the bride brought
You made friends with her right away
She set the festive table
Put the flowers in a vase.

Your grandson of you, "Galya", calls
For grandmother, so young.
Kisses, the soul will sing
The grandchildren of the year are prolonged.

I will turn the mountain for you
I will overcome the fall
Do you want, granddaughter, we will give birth to
On a new birthday?


There is a land forgotten on earth,
Where there are no people, and where is freedom.
Where at night it howls at the moon
Alien for people of the breed.

And this place is the home of the native
For a wolf and his wolf.
So funny and mischievous.
Like a little dog.

And the rain and the wind nothing.
In the heat, in the cold mom is nearby.
He jumps behind her with a ball.
Well, what else is needed for happiness?

While the wolf cub is small at all,
The she -wolf only plays with him.
And in a cold with an evil body to all
She covers the wolf cub.

And he whines, buried in his mother.
He is warm, he is under protection.
Wolch not to offend
The she -wolf here is forgotten in the edge.

But the dream was broken by the barking of dogs,
And the mother looked around anxiously.
For the wolf, that unkind sign.
She wanted to save the wolf wolf.

She grabbed him in the mouth
And in the depths of the taiga she ran.
But here's another attack -
She could not hold him.

The kid, falling in the snow, whined.
And a man with a gun caught up ...
The she -wolf was exhausted ...
But she showed an evil grin.

And the shot broke, the mother lies
In blood, growls, looking at his son.
And he runs to her in the snow ...
This picture is in the eyes.

Baby wolf licks his nose,
And that eyes closes.
And he looks, cheeky to tears,
How his mother dies ...

The wolf cub has grown, plunged ...
Eyes are corroded with tears.
But the edge is forgotten on earth
And the mother in a dream before her eyes.

And only when the moon rises,
It will approach the grate with rusty,
And we howl the soul will break ...
After all, the wolf in captivity dies.


To whom we run when we are sad,
Whom do we shout when it hurts
On whose knees we fall asleep,
When does the fire burn in the soul?
And who came up with the word "mother",
Who first uttered him?
So sweet, dear,
For everyone, the most important thing!
Well, what is this in this word?
Talk, and the spirit freezes -
It has a lot of bright native
It has many most delicate hands.
After all, mom's hands are like wings
Protect and store
From all suffering, blizzards, pain
From all hardships and from loss.
Mom's eyes are the sky
Shining above the ground,
After all, everyone knows where you were not,
She will look after you!
It doesn't matter that it does not happen
What time would I have not come,
She will comfort, sheer
And it will become good again.
And how difficult it would be unprecedented
And how much would I have not slept at night,
I lit up with my smile
The soul of love is always full.
You will understand everything and not condemn
You will forgive everything, covering your eyes
You always hug, kiss,
You will bless on all things.
Thanks mom to endure
I was always silent and waited
I always saw everything and knew everything
And our secrets protected.
Forgive mom, sometimes
It is impossible to take us out
That we see little with you
That we always have time to hurry.

Touching verse about mom

Touching verse about mom
Touching verse about mom

Touching verse about mom:

I know you love me
Though you sometimes get a little angry.
And you are worried about calling.
You worry, wait at the threshold.

And I, as always, light.
I'm walking with someone just hit.
And I think only about myself.
About how it all got.

And walking in full,
I'm not rushing the first to your door.
And that silhouette by the window
My stories will believe in everyone.

Thank you for being there!
Sorry for the scandals and dramas.
You are my pride. My honor!
I love you very much, mom!


There are no more beautiful words in the world
The verse is not written about them,
Those words are “mother love” -
They carry a deep meaning.

The whole world turned over suddenly,
After all, a daughter was born, after all,
Everything around has become beautiful
Now your flower is growing ...

Your house was filled with warmth
And children's glorious sonorous laugh ...
And so nice every day
Be the most necessary person.

For happiness you need only one thing -
So that the daughter woke up in the morning,
And gently "mom ..." shouting,
You smiled funny.

And only a gentle creature,
Clutching your palm to your face
Whispers "mom, I need you" ...
He will ask "Mom, be with me" ...

Your love does not know the measure
Not to say about her with words.
And only the one who became a mother
The essence of love will be able to understand.


Mom ... a simple, seemingly word,
And how much tenderness, affection, warmth in it
The child bursts stupidly,
The hands spread, swollen from sleep.
In sadness and in joy we pronounce
Either the timid "mother", then a sharp "mother".
Sometimes in a foreign land suddenly the heart will request
To call a completely unfamiliar mother.
And at home so often we hurt her
Actions, views, gestures, we,
Then in the distance we recall involuntarily
About what added her gray hair.
And we write on school sheets hastily
Recognition of your belated guilt.
She reads them, blushes bashfully,
And in bitter wrinkles, the tears are visible.
For a long time, without a letter, I forgave all the insults,
And then it is pleasant for her to read to her:
“Thank you, dear, for raising,
For the fact that you love, because you are!


Beautiful verse about mom

Beautiful verse about mom
Beautiful verse about mom

Beautiful verse about mom:

Who opened this world to me,
Not sparing your strength?
And always protecting?
The best mom is in the world.

Who is the sweetest in the world
And warm with his warmth,
Loves more than yourself?
This is my mommy.

Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
I know my mother loves me.

Never discourages
What I need, he knows for sure.
If, suddenly, a drama will happen
Who will support? My mom.

I'm walking along the path
But my legs are tired.
Jump over the pit
Who will help? I know - mom.


I want to say very much
For the fact that Mommy gave me life.
For the fact that you could raise me.
For the fact that you taught me everything.

For not sleeping at night,
For the fact that my absurd character suffered.
For tenderness and affection that you gave me.
For songs that in childhood you often sang to me.

Favorite mommy, live longer.
Health to you, bright days of serene.
Let the children and grandchildren please.
Let love surround you and tenderness.


Mommy, love, you are my dear.
The best in the world, I know for sure.
You are alone, mommy, good like that.
The most mommy is mine.

I am good, comfortable with you with you.
You know how to support the faithful in a word.
You will hug me angels sing to us.
So I love you to hold your hand.

I will surround you, mommy, care.
I will give all my attention to you.
I will take part of your work.
Take care, children, and pity mom!


Our dear mommy,
These delicate lines are you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.
Let the sorrows not go into your house,
Let the diseases pass side.
We put the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.
But that would be few,
To give up for your kindness,
We all our lives, our dear mother,
Before you in unpaid duty.
Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy is sharing in half,
In all the best share, you wanted us.
Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
We need you every day and forever!


You know, mom, ordinary day
We can’t live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
From the first days we talk!

One has only to look closely, -
The whole world warms around
The warmth of my mother's heart,
Tender, good hands ...

Our troubles and hardships
Retreat before you
We are more and more clear to us every year,
How you are fighting for us!

Mom, - a friend is no more expensive -
You believe in our take -off!
Who else, how are you, will help?
Who else, how are you, will understand?

Soul verse about mom

Soul verse about mom
Soul verse about mom

Soul verse about mom:

Let me kiss your palms, mom,
And quietly sit with you.
Sorry for the fact that your boy is stubborn
So grew up and already completely gray.
And my children, like me once,
They miss me and hurry to friends.
And important for us do not remember the dates ...
Ah, how much we appreciate our mothers!
Forgive me ... I will bury your knees,
As in childhood, I am now not crying,
But you will understand me and regret it.
Only for you alone I am a "sweet boy."
Let me kiss your palms, mom,
For the fact that you live for us and for us.
And let him warm the sun with rays
The land you go.


I want to hug you now
And bow straight to your feet.
I am whispering my life:
"Love you. Thank you mom!"
You are a strict sometimes
And put up any boor.
I love you and like that
And I say: "Thank you, mom!"
I really like your laughter -
He infects, let's say directly.
And I will tell you at all:
"Love you. Thank you mom!"
Always in business. What peace?
You don’t remember about him stubbornly.
And a Russian woman simple
I say: "Thank you, mom!"


I am a mother image in my heart,
As the main treasure, I keep.
Thanks to you, dear
The crazy world still love.
From the evil of human, she obscured,
All the forces of the light called on
Patience, taught meekness
And to give the strength to live.
I say thank you "thank you"
For the nights spent without sleep,
That joy, happiness gave
And she always lived for me.


Mom near life nearby
We always call her
When the first time is stubborn
Steps we go

When conflicts at school
And the university suddenly trouble.
By mother's will
We always act.

After all, mom will not offend
Errors will forgive everything
All the first will see
Protect in advance.

Mommy pamper us
To old age, sometimes
When granny is already
It does not wait for her peace.

After all, her days are anxious
Worried about us
And it is difficult to explain to her,
Excitement is sometimes in vain ...

When I feel bad or hurt
You save me from longing,
When I am satisfied with the whole world,
You know about my joy.

You gave this world to me
You are in everything - an example and help,
Like the sun, I warmed and shone
You have joy, tenderness, strength!

And even if I am far away
And I forgot to call you
I know how a wave of surf,
Your love covered me.

And let the days of sadness come
And let the drama come through in life,
Such days have already been,
You will save me again, mom!

A verse about mom for children

A verse about mom for children
A verse about mom for children

Verse about mom for children:

My mammuli
Warm pens,
We know with the papuley,
There is no better she.

So she is beautiful
So she is kind
Let it be happy
Mommy is always.


Dear Mom,
You are not more beautiful,
I know with you
What is happiness.

You give me a smile
And your warmth,
You definitely can't leave
I was lucky with you.


At least the whole world will manage
I won’t find mom better
Affectionate, dear,
Well, the most beautiful.

Hug and kiss
And you pamper with delicious ones,
Thank you, I say
After all, I love you very much.


Mom sings songs,
Stroking the head,
Always calls affectionately,
He takes me to the kindergarten.

I love mom so much
Everything is ready to give
I call it itself
I will always love her.


My gentle mother
You are the best
Snow White smile,
The most sonorous laughter.

Thank you to my mommy
I love her strongly
I know that this is mutual
I don’t even sleep without it.


Who is more beautiful than everyone in the world?
Who sings more beautifully?
Who, getting up at dawn,
Does pancakes bake for me?

This is dear mom
It is better not to find in the world,
And I don't need another
She is my angel of love.


Let the wind rage a little
And on the streets it is deserted again,
Let the rain knock on the window
And I'm warm and comfortable!

After all, I, as always, warm me
Mamochkin Laughter, Smiles, Words!
Only with mom it always happens -
As if the sun is always shining in the house!


On the ringing waters of the stream
My boat rushes,
And in it the spring flower, cute
For my mother's mother.

She will see - she laughs
It will turn to me with a smile
And I will say quietly to her:
"I love you all stronger!"


The sun shines so brightly,
Birds sing so loudly,
The wind plays with birches
And the flowers seem to bloom brighter ...

This is all from the fact that mom
She smiled affectionately for me
And the kiss early
I woke me up at dawn!


Mom is a good ray,
This is the sun in the spring.
Mom will disperse everything clouds,
If we are sad with you.

Mom is the best medicine
From diseases and longing,
Mom is our kingdom
Caresses, tenderness, love!


I love my mother
I'll kiss her tightly
I take it to her knees,
Let me tell you a fairy tale.

About the magical country,
About the beauty one.
And under his mother's voice
I will make a whole hour.


Will grow big soon,
I will become a hero!
So that my mother is proud of me,
And I was not angry at the cat.

I painted it a little,
We disguised themselves with Murka,
Only mom found us,
Oh, and set the chatter!


My mother is the most beloved
Good, cheerful, beautiful.
On the meadow is green run,
And the daughters of whites is Narva.

I'll give my mommy a bouquet,
Let him hug me gently in response.
I will not grieve her with anything
Because I love mom.


With care, every day is filled,
She will surround me with affection.
It's not lazy to help my mother,
I want to make life her fairy tale.

And let it get tired sometimes,
Sighing me hugs,
I will carry her love through the years,
After all, there is no love than love.


Birds sang in the garden,
Water runs streams.
And I'm walking down the street
I carry flowers for mom.

I hurry today as soon as possible
I congratulate my native.
And it will become Svetlya in the soul.
When I kiss you.


How I love my mother
I'll tell you the whole world
I will run more to the clearing
And I will collect beautiful flowers.

For her, the wreath is beautiful
Will be the best decoration
May she be happy
And worthy of admiration.


In the morning, mom weld porridge,
He will take me to the kindergarten
Unfortunately, does not know
The time is sad without her.

I will cut a flower for her
I will carefully keep it like that
Because very, very
I love my mom.

Original verse about mom for children

Original verse about mom for children
Original verse about mom for children

Original verse about mom for children:

Mom has an affectionate voice
And the warmest hands
Shiny beautiful hair,
There is no place with her boredom.

Will always support me
Hugs and kisses
My beloved mother
Always pamper me with something.


When I become big
I'll give you the best house
Garage, where there are many cars,
And the ocean under the window.

I will give flowers a bouquet,
Perfume, chocolate, sweets,
After all, there is no better mother,
And you will not find in the world.


How I love Saturday,
Mom does not go to work.
You can play with her
And then walk on the street.

Will feed a delicious dinner,
Then the dessert deserved,
I sleep tightly with her in an embrace,
I love my mom.


Mom meets the bunny - every day!
And sweets give her a seal
And the blue in the beak carries halva,
And the wolf cub is a sweet persimmon!

She will find an approach to everyone,
Because everyone is nicer and good.
I know for sure: go around at least a whole world -
There is no better than my mother in the world!


Mom, Mommy, Mommy -
I repeat again and again
Because I gave it
I am mother love

And warm and adoration,
And comfort and kindness ...
I worship, respect
And you, Mamul, love you!


Mom has all the answer,
There is enough time for everything:
I go to bed - it does not sleep
I get up: “Hello! Here is milk with cookies. "

And on the table is still soaring
A large bowl of porridge.
It was smoked if - encourages -
Our mother is better!


Wise Vasilisa.
More beautiful than the queen.
Bolder Gerda, Maya
My mother.

She enchants her
She will be conjured
Cosiness and mood
And joy for me!


I will draw a rainbow-dugo to my mother:
Red raspberries are beckoning in the meadow,
The redhead fox is hiding in the grass,
Sunny bunny rides in foliage.

The forest is violently green in the picture,
The purity of heaven shines with blue.
I will splash the sea on the summer day,
Bright purple - juicy lilac.

I will sign chalk today, pencils:
I will give a picture to mom - from the heart!


When mom is nearby, then the house is comfortable,
When mom is nearby, it’s not scary, light:
She will kiss, always smiles,
He will hug, and immediately - on the heart is warm.

But there is no mother nearby, and scary to the child,
And tears from the eye, like a rain fly.
Without mom, a sad puppy and a kitten,
Chickens, ducklings. All mom want!


Come to life in the book of fairy tales,
When mom reads them,
And everything around

Only a fairy tale remains.
And the dream is knocking on the window.
The daughter of the eye closes,
A cat is sleeping on the stove.


Being a mother is a difficult job:
Cook, go to the store,
Remove and wash the dishes, the house,
Smile everyone, love everyone.

Being a mother is so easy and simple,
When they help to cook,
The children themselves wash the dishes,
And they are cleaned in the house together.


When the mothers were small,
Then they dreamed of adults to become,
So that the dresses are beautiful, fashionable
Buy yourself every day.

When mothers became adults,
They forgot about what they dreamed.
They buy toys
Dolls, robots, rattles.


I and my mother are two girlfriends,
Two chatterboxes.
He loves the sun very much,
Give the rays of freckles.

They say that we are similar
Like droplets of water:
We smile at passers -by
The pigtails dance merrily.

Mom can do everything in the world!
Mom is all proud of children!
Dad is good too
But without mom you will disappear.

Who will boil porridge deliciously?
Who will braid the pigtail?
Who will tell me a fairy tale?
Who will sing a song to me?

Who will blow on the knee,
If suddenly I fall?
I'll go to my mother hug
Without her, I can't!


My mother is the best!
She has a cheerful laughter
Mom is so smart,
Mom knows everything in the world!

Whatever you ask - will give an answer.
How many planets are in the sky?
In the morning what are the monkeys eat?
Do pants wear elephants?

When we grow big,
I will read a lot of books,
To become a smart mother,
And know all the answers.

Children's verse about mental mother

Children's verse about mental mother
Children's verse about mental mother

Children's verse about mental mother:

I will correct your hair
I kiss many times
There is no dear voice in the world,
There is no warmer eye in the world.
There are no more prayers in the world,
What are you slamming after me,
There is no kinder in the world
And there is no more dear either ...
I will correct your hair
I kiss many times
There is no dear mother of the voice,
There is no warmer eye.


Tell me, where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
“The stork brought you to us.”
And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in cabbage.
And his uncle was joking: they brought you from the station in the basket.
I know that it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did mom get me.
My sister grumbled at me:
“You turned your head to everyone.”
And I started at first:
- And where did I live before my mother?
No one is a secret of adults
I could not explain this way.
Only mom answered simply:
-You lived in my heart, son.


If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is tasteless.
If mom is not nearby
It is cold in the apartment,
If mom is not close,
Bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away
It is not easy for children.
I will tell you directly:
- Take care of mom!


I will tie your life
From fluffy mohair threads.
I will tie your life -
I do not lie a single loop.
I will tie your life
Where a pattern by the field of prayer -
The wishes of happiness
In the rays of true love!
I will tie your life
From a cheerful melange yarn,
I will tie your life
And then I will give it from the heart.
Where do I get the threads?
I never admit to anyone.
To tie your life,
I secretly dissolve my ...


Our dear mommy,
These delicate lines are you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.
Let the sorrows not go into your house,
Let the diseases pass side.
We put the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.
But that would be few,
To give up for your kindness,
We all our lives, our dear mother,
Before you in unpaid duty.


Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy, sharing in half,
In all the best share, you wanted us.
Good and beautiful, you are tender with your heart.
Native, beloved - we need you!
You are our hope, support and happiness,
You give us affection, love and participation.
Be healthy always and funny, be
Let the Sun of good luck illuminate your path.
So stay for a long time young,
As gentle and caring, such
Give us happiness, affection and warm
We all are very lucky with you!
Live for a hundred years, guarding our hearth,
The only dear dear!


Mom means tenderness
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity,
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a fairy tale at night
This is a morning dawn
Mom - in the difficult hour of the hint,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is a summer greens
This is snow, autumn sheet,
Mom is a ray of light,
Mom means life!
Mom is the tenderness of affection,
Happiness, joy and warmth,
Lullabies and fairy tales,
Where good always reigns.


Our mothers, like fairies,
Fulfill all dreams
Love us and really believe
That we will achieve all!

Go around the whole world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender mother.
You will not find an eye in the world
Caress and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more expensive.
One hundred paths, roads around
Go around the light:
Mom is the best friend
Better mom - no!


Thank you, mommy, for childhood,
Your love and tenderness of hands!
You inherited me
A palette of feelings and heart is a knock!
Be, as always, generous,
Your world arose out of tenderness!
Be all the same - good -natured,
Beautiful, clean as a spring!


I want to tell you directly:
Mom will always help me.
And love in this world
There is no stronger than mothers for children.
No kin, more tender, more beautiful,
And even more responsive,
For living all children
My dear mother.
I wish every day I
Her health, mood.
And I will reveal my secret:
I have no more than my mother!

A verse about mom's birthday

A verse about mom's birthday
A verse about mom's birthday

Verse about mother's birthday:

Mom, my mommy,
Happy Birthday to You!
Thank you, my darling,
For my life that you gave.
For your sleepless days,
What she spent with me in the night.
For my first steps,
You were taught by you
For everything, for everything I thank you
And I love very much.
I ask God, not pain,
You are not closer and relatives.
Health, happiness and good
You are always next to us!


Happy Birthday, Mommy Honey
I want you to wish you good:
The sun of bright red, red,
That it will not burn you,
Blue sky with a cloud of white,
That it floats like a bird easily,
And a green lawn light,
To see everything was far away.
And health, so that the strongest,
And the success that goes into hand,
And the love of endless affectionate,
Birds in the sky that are always singing.
Be happy, dear mommy,
Be beautiful, my kind friend,
I love you sweet paw
And I give this congratulations!


Before you, my dear
All our lives we are in unpaid duty,
And don't tell you about it
Now I, mom, cannot.
We can't measure your love,
Never weigh good
Do not count all the words good,
Which you always find.
Not enough all wealth in the world,
So that we would pay you and me
Children cannot return
In return your love is big ...


Mom, I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you a big happiness,
Rejoice every new day,
The hardships will dry out in the root.
I wish you great health,
And I will add more: you are the best mother in the country!


Congratifying Happy Birthday, we are in a hurry, we sincerely,
You put our congratulations in the bag!
They take them every day from there from there.
Remember: do not give these droplets to others!

Let's send to that bag: health, joy, laughter!
Love, dreams, happiness and loyalty, and success!
All these are personal gifts - for your path.
Perhaps other sincere ones cannot be found!


Mommy, beloved, dear,
How I want to hug you now,
From the heart and heart on birthday,
You will wish you good words!
Many, many good health,
The joy of sincere and warmth,
To calmly, long, evenly
Your happy life flowed.
Mommy, beloved, dear,
Be longer as young
Let me protect you from troubles
The maturity of the year occurs.

Poems about mom for mother's day

Poems about mom for mother's day
Poems about mom for mother's day

Mommy, beloved, dear!
What do you wish on your holiday?
I beg you tirelessly
Never lose you.
I kiss your affectionate hands
Hurrying everything important to say.
So as not to know you either tears or flour,
Do not get sick, do not cry, do not suffer.
I hug you with love.
Without you, I am a bird without a wing.
You are the only one, you are holy.
I want you to live forever!

I want to say so much
That in a nutshell cannot be described.
Thank you, my mommy,
For the fact that you love me.
For all sleepless nights
I want to say thank you very much.
For the fact that you were waiting for me
What was worried, did not sleep.
For all the dreams that you gave.
For giving fees.
For the fact that you and I are a family
I will tell you thank you.

Mom, mommy, mommy!
You are the best in the world.
I admire and love
Your delicate features.
How to express it beautifully
I am love for you?
Mom, dear, thank you
For a gift - my life.
I say these words, I say
Respecting and loving
And flowers on the whole planet
They bloom for you!

Mommy, sweet, bright,
Caring and beautiful
You are my best most
You are my clear sun!
I'm so sad without you
Sometimes it happens in life
How good to return
When you wait, home!
Joy all and anxieties,
You always divide with me
Angel you are my beloved
The most homeless!

Our dear mommy,
These delicate lines are you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.
Let the sorrows not go into your house,
Let the diseases pass side.
We put the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.
But that would be few,
To give out for your kindness.
We all our lives, our dear mother,
Before you in unpaid duty.
Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy is sharing in half,
In all the best share, you wanted us.
Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
We need you every day and forever!

This holiday, mom, for you,
I give you the whole world and, you know,
I always wanted to say, loving
In this world you are the only one.

Mommy, beloved, dear,
I congratulate you today
On earth you are like a saint
And I will not recognize the other such.


Happy holiday, dear mother!
With the best in the world day!
You are a beautiful lady
You will not find one with fire!

I have no more dear person,
Than my beloved mother!
I wish, mommy, you always
To be beautiful, despite the year!

Today I am in a hurry to the affectionate myself
To a gentle, beautiful, kind mother!
I hurry to congratulate her from my heart.
I ask God for health and happiness!
I promise myself to protect my mother,
Remove all troubles from these fragile shoulders!
Let the joy with a bright thread red
Will pass through the fate of her beautiful!


Forgive me my mother
For the fact that I am very stubborn!
For the fact that I swear with you,
For the fact that I cling to you!
Know that you are not more expensive,
May God help you in everything!
Know that you are not more tender,
Know that you are not more important!


Mommy-Mamka, the sun is clear,
You are the easiest and beautiful!
I'm ready to drain your tears,
I am ready to power your problems.
Only happy you would be
If only I could delight with laughter!


I'll take all my mother's problems
And I will take my hand with my hand!
May the sea be happiness, you have a mommy
You are the best in the world, I say loving!
You know, you can do it
Words of good tell us often!
I love you with all my heart,
About happiness I dream!

Give children a life and grow people,
Giving love, all his thoughts,
Health, strength, soul to put in them!
To be a mother does not mean only to give birth.
This holy and noble work.
But mothers do not expect thanks,
They are expensive to understand,
They are touched by any attention to them.
At least once a year, on the day of mothers,
Tell them about your love,
Not regretting either words or tears from the eyes,
While they are able to hear you ...

A verse about a mother who is not alive

A verse about a mother who is not alive
A verse about a mother who is not alive

A verse about a mother who is not alive:

In memory of mom
The day is snowing outside the window. The wind is knocking into the house,
Like a memory, plunging cold into the soul ...
Worries - for later ... I am our old album
With some sad feeling I open.

And behind the leaflet sheet in the world that is so far,
I will return mentally for a moment.
Like a light moth, like a fresh breeze,
I’ll touch you alive with my heart.

There was my fate for your love is blind,
And between us is a network of meridians.
The soul was weak, not stingy with tears ...
How I did not have enough of you oh, mom!

You are gone ... Light is your soul a covenant.
It will spill in memory to the distant island of childhood.
And the heart is not closer, like the memory of these years,
And the most precious inheritance for me.

From the portrait, you look at me so easily
All the same loving and warm look.
Once you were accessible, far.
Now you are so inaccessible.


Life has stopped ...
You, you know, mom, has stopped life,
Since you left, it does not move forward,
And I could have learned to live differently,
Yes, only the heart is squeezed from the inside and burns.

Tell me, mom, why did it happen?
After all, we did not expect that you would leave.
And there is no joy ... everything has changed so much
Sometimes you will not even fall asleep from pain.

Forgive me, mom, that sometimes I was angry
Ah, if I knew that you didn’t live forever,
I would pray for you day and night,
What a pity that you can’t return anything ...


To return mom for a moment ...
To return mom for a moment,
Say everything that I did not have time to tell her,
Hug, as before, gentle,
And stroke your shoulders, kiss your hands.

And tell how there is not enough
And ask for forgiveness for everything
Sitting, clinging, not letting go,
And to speak and say to her about everything.

After all, I know that the door of the apartment
Mom can never enter,
He will not kiss, he will not press, as before,
He will not ask how my business is now.


Mommy, dear, dear!

Mommy, dear, dear!
There was only a memory of you,
Grave hill, stone stove
And the pain, what beats, and time? It did not save ...

I miss you very much, mom!
I miss the way that it is difficult to tell!
How I want you to be near
But there is no way, there is no road back.

Mommy, dear, dear!
Where can I put my pain?!
The soul screams inside tear ...
You will always miss you!


Mom never dies
Mom never dies
Just standing nearby ...
Sometimes I'm trying to imagine:
As if he just lives far.

As if you can write her letters,
Tell how I love the dawn,
Just wait for the answer, alas, it is pointless:
Where is mom,? There are no more letters ...

Mom never dies
It just stops being nearby.
Accompanying you with an angel
And her love always lives.

Pray for me, mom!
Pray for me, mom!
Pray for me from heaven!
I'm tired, because you see
I can't carry my cross.

The tornado ran to the liking,
All that was turning over.
Broke and crushed
And left without strength.

Pray for me, mom!
He does not hear me from the ground ...
How can I live now? don't know,
Well, I don't see any more way ...

How lonely in my life is
And you are no longer with me ...
Pray for me, mom!
Pray for me from heaven!

Download poems about mom for free

Download poems about mom for free
Download poems about mom for free

Download poems about mom for free:

Beautiful mother
Beautiful mothers, there are a lot of you in the world
You look in the eyes openly and straight
Whatever distance the road calls us,
We are escorted by beautiful mothers.

We are so rarely brought to mom bouquets
But everyone so often upsets her.
A kind mother forgives all this
Beautiful mom forgives all this.

Under the load of worries, without bending, stubbornly
She fulfills her duty patiently ...
Beautiful in its own way every mother,
The love of your maternal is beautiful.

She is eabavlava to us in childhood,
Sometimes we whisper for something happily about something
Someday, mom, you will become an old woman
But you will still be the most beautiful.


Mom’s hands
Mom’s hands - warm
Mom’s eyes - light,
Mom's fairy tale in a dream,
Mom’s genes in me,
Mom’s thoughts with me,
My mother is bowed.


There is no mother's favorite in the world
She is our ideal, our sample.
All our lives we are just children for her,
Although we married, or went down the aisle.
No mommy is more expensive on the planet,
In her arms it is always warm.
Thanks to her for living
It’s time to say a native one for a long time.


Far from the capital, a train on a half -land.
Along the platform, the old woman hastily goes.
There is a habit of rush - three minutes parking!
Maybe at least today, give a god, you're lucky

Everything was waiting - here both children and grandchildren will come to her
Like snow in the middle of the summer - no call, without a letter!
And for a while the years of separation will be forgotten,
And again, the Chita laughter! .. And again, the Kuterma! ..

In life, large kids, crying, escorted!
The daughter “I will come” wrote ... and the son promised ...
For many years, every day, passing, I met.
And one left the empty station.

He will remember at home for tea, as always, alone,
How her children with strawberries were waiting for ...
Half a bucket - for a son, half a bucket - for a daughter,
So that their life, like berries, was sweet!

Life failed the line - Father and the son matured,
And they have long learned how to live without mom, alone ...
In the life of the mother, this train was the last! ..
And she knew that ... they did not know!


Mother! Sweet, holy,
Wonderful word!
Sanctified by love
Miracle heart is golden!

Mother! Tender, dear,
You are the only miracle
There is no other such, I know
Yes, and come to her - from where?

You, my dear,
I always care about me
If you are nearby, I know, -
All the sorrows are fleeting!


Mom means tenderness
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity,
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a fairy tale at night
This is a morning dawn
Mom - in the difficult hour of the hint,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is a summer greens
This is snow, autumn sheet,
Mom is a ray of light,
Mom means life!


Momo heart is radiant,
Kind, bright, clean
Loves, regrets, forgives,
In troubles, it always helps out.
Let me have not been a boy for a long time
But for you I am a little son:
You can say the cherished word
And you're ready to fight.
Let the years will not be powerful -
You stay beautiful
In the power and good health,
Close is warmed by love.


My mother gave me everything in the world
Warmth, and affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I did not know the necessary words.

She opened her eyes to the world,
And showed the path in life.
I always loved so sincerely
And accelerated grief, sadness.

When I cried, I comforted
When it was hard for me.
You always gently hugged
I felt your warmth.

I am happy that you are, dear,
You are the best, most valuable.
You are my happiness, dear
Nothing else is needed.

When there is mom, life is beautiful,
She is an angel on earth.
She is like a ray of sun, clear
She is like stars in the sky.


My mother gave me everything in the world
Warmth, and affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I did not know the necessary words.
She opened her eyes to the world,
And showed the path in life.
I always loved so sincerely
And accelerated grief, sadness.
When I cried, I comforted
When it was hard for me.
You always gently hugged
I felt your warmth.
I am happy that you are, dear,
You are the best, most valuable.
You are my happiness, dear
Nothing else is needed.
When there is mom, life is beautiful,
She is an angel on earth.
She is like a ray of sun, clear
She is like stars in the sky.

A verse about mom to tears from her daughter

A verse about mom to tears from her daughter
A verse about mom to tears from her daughter

I wrote in the palm of the name Mamino.
Not in a notebook, on a sheet,
Not on the stone wall,
I wrote the name Mamino on my hand.
It was quiet in the morning in the house
It became noisy in the middle of the day.
"What did you hide in the palm of your hand?" -
They began to ask me.
I opened my palm, I kept happiness.


The word "mother" was the first to say.
All the good in me - you gave everything.
And the care of tender was surrounded
And she cherished, and cherished.
Mom, dear, dear, you will forgive you,
So that it does not happen in life suddenly.
I know that you always hear under my heart
The daughters are your hearty knock.


Mom is tenderness, mom - affection!
Mom is happiness, mom is a fairy tale!
In childhood, the door is always open,
Until mom is forgotten!

In it we find answers
And support and tips!
Next to mom we are a “child”,
Even if we are for forty!

Our childhood in her heart!
Where dreams always came true!
I want this door,
Never closed!


It’s not difficult to be a daughter! Well, not a gram!
And there is no doubt about this at all!
Because there is a mother nearby,
And she will tell me the answer. "
"So, we put an end to the answer?"
“What are you, mothers, I just started!
It is very important to be a good daughter
So that mom is happy.

A verse about mom to tears from her son

A verse about mom to tears from her son
A verse about mom to tears from her son

Verse about mom to tears from her son:

I love you, dear mom,
No more expensive in the world.
Only here I understood, dear,
What do you mean now for me.
You gave me warmth, your affection,
Hiding his hands in your wet scarf.
And, escorting me on the road,
You said: "Good luck."
There were difficult days, even years,
You were able to survive it all.
Raised a person in me,
I taught how to live correctly.
Maybe I was wrong once,
Maybe something wrong I said.
If you can, forgive me, mom,
I realized all this now.


A smile to my mother and hands
The heat of touch and view
Steps or breathing sounds
I am glad even to adults.
Today, mother, congratulations,
Before her, my knees will bend:
I want her to know for sure
With all my heart I love her.
Let the birthday be bright
And in life only luck is waiting.
Let the happiness flutter next to her
And the joy of the whirlpool!


Our house is my mother.
Bread and live water is my mother.
Our slave is my mother.
And the queen of the court is my mother.
The fortress of fatherly walls is my mother.
The clear fire of the hearth is my mother.
The sunless light is my mother.
True: mother and father are my mother.
Peace and love on earth is my mother.
My mother’s mother is my mother.
And the Mother of God in the house is my mother ....


Momo heart is radiant,
Kind, bright, clean
Loves, regrets, forgives,
In troubles, it always helps out.

Let me have not been a boy for a long time
But for you I am a little son:
You can say the cherished word
And you're ready to fight.

Let the years will not be powerful -
You stay beautiful
In the power and good health,
Close is warmed by love.


Watches fly, fly years,
And mom is always next to it.
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you
I want to ask for forgiveness
For the fact that often I did not listen to you,
For the fact that he had a porridge badly,
I walked so often until late
And you were waiting for me all night.
So let this birthday on this cheerful
Nothing spoils your mood.
Stay beautiful forever
And you are not pain, mom, never!


All love cannot be expressed in words
The wishes of everyone cannot count
I want to tell my beloved mother:
"It's good that you are in the world!"
Be always with me, dear
Caring and loving with all my heart.
I ask you about one thing, dear:
Be healthy, take care of yourself!

You spent your health
Forgive me my pranks
I was protecting the world in pain,
And she showed how to love.
Let this bright warm holiday
Will be the happiest of the days.
And remember that your son is a prankster
Mamul loves more and more!


Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunny, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what I wish to wish
This wonderful day,
I wish joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your age
So that the heart is not torn to pieces,
My dear, my dear man!
How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets are in the fields!
How many songs y birds!
How many leaves are on the branches!
Only the sun is one in the world.
Only mom is alone in the world.

Video: Verse about the mother "Unrealistic"

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