Poems-congratulations to mom-touching, beautiful, sincere, kind: the best selection

Poems-congratulations to mom-touching, beautiful, sincere, kind: the best selection

Want to pleasantly surprise the closest person on earth, but do not know how? Pay your attention to our article, in it you will find many versions-leaves for mom for all occasions.

Good verses-congratulations to mom just like that

Good verse congratulations to mom just like that
Good verses-congratulations to mom just like that

Good verses-congratulations to mom just like that:

Thank you for your life, for prayers, patience,
For affection and faith in me, for love,
For your mother, blessing
It will support me better than a thousand words.

Mommy, I love you very much, dear.
Be happy. Joy so paints you.
I wish you a flight of soul, inspiration,
Warmth and comfort, and in the heart of fire.

Mommy, thank you for everything:
For lessons, affection and love.
Be healthy, sincerely happy
Let dreams come true from dreams.
Let your heart beat louder
Only from pride for grandchildren and children.
May you succeed in everything in your life
The best of all mothers.

Only joy and happiness, love and spring
Let your soul gently flood.
You are so beautiful in the world alone.
Accept congratulations from your son!
Be healthy, cheerful, always achieve
What you want is good luck.
May your life be wonderful, like paradise,
Where they laugh and do not cry at all!

I love you, dear mom,
And I want you to be near.
So that your eyes shone with your happiness,
And the smile was always glowing.
So that no one on this planet
Never offended you!
I am more expensive for me in the world
Only my dear mother.
I want you not to be sad
And she did not cry, so that never.
I was not angry so that you would not hurt.
Be beautiful always, young!

I am immensely grateful to you (s) for you,
I'm sorry if I offended (-I billed) when,
You always helped me with advice
And you never melted evil.
So be happy, obeying my lyre.
Be healthy so that you don't know sorrow,
After all, mother's holiday is the best holiday in the world,
I love to celebrate this holiday!

Today is just the best day
I don't know other such people
Today the colors fierce color color
And the rainbow plays.
And Spring sings with a nightingale,
And the grass stretches to the sky,
After all, on this day, on a magical hour,
You were born to the white light.
I love you very much, dear!
Mommy is sweet, dear!
I wish you joyful days
Inspiration and excellent ideas.

We wish you health
В день рождения радостный твой.
И любовью своей охраняем,
Дарим ласку тебе и покой.
Солнцем ты в наших жизнях сияешь,
Чтоб был каждый тобою согрет.
И лучами своими встречаешь,
Изливаешь любовь, словно свет!

Трогательные стихи-поздравления маме

Трогательные стихи поздравления маме
Трогательные стихи-поздравления маме

Трогательные стихи-поздравления маме:

Мамочка, добрая и дорогая,
Неповторимая, сердцу родная,
Let it not be a secret to anyone -
Ты самая лучшая мама на свете!
Спасибо тебе за бессонные ночи,
Мы ценим и любим тебя очень-очень!
We wish you a magical birth on a day
Fun, good luck, love and luck.

Be the most beautiful, happy and tender,
We will help in everything, we will support, of course.
Let there be health, prosperity and happiness,
Always rely on our participation.
And remember, mommy, and believe that in the world
You are loved by your beloved children!

Sweet, beloved, dear!
Congratulations, mommy, you.
And I wish you all my heart
Only peace, joy, kindness!
No more you love and more expensive
You are not more reliable and tender.
You will always help me with advice.
You are not responsive, kinder.
Let the eyes watee only with happiness,
Let the smile give a light to the light.
You are the only one in the world more beautiful
For me, you are best in the world!

You are not more expensive in the world.
May God keep you from troubles.
And on your birthday, dear,
Congratulations to you cordially.
Wish You happiness and health,
And heart full of love.
That the years are racing - it does not matter
You are young in your soul.
Be fun, optimistic,
Beautiful, bold, ironic.
I will say that on the whole earth
Similar, mom, no to you.

Let all the care and attention
Love, what is given to children,
Souls are warm and understanding,
Fate will return you in full!
There was always enough health
And strength for different things,
To charge us with optimism
You still could.
Don't take it to your heart
Our mistakes and problems,
And be only happier over the years
Surprisingly everyone!

The most joyful events,
Long years, health, strength,
So that only good discoveries
He brought yours every day
Let you support loved ones
Warms in the cold
And, dear, as if fast
They carried it forward of the year
Let it be pleasantly surprising
Our world is again and again.
Let them grow stronger in your shower
Faith, happiness and love.

Mommy, today
Your birthday!
Be the same fashionable
Good, groovy!
I wish many years
Always please us!
Mom, congratulations!
I love you!

Accept congratulations today!
From gifts, festive bouquets
May the mood be beautiful!
Mom, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
You can always be young, beautiful,
With optimism, perceiving life,
To be always, in everything, happy!

You are a source of light and smiles,
You will protect from all mistakes.
Happy birthday, mom, congratulations,
I wish to be sunny and bright.
Let the evil clouds of all problems run,
Your ideas will flash stars.
May fate delight you with good luck
To receive which you will become more often.

Sweet mommy, our tender,
I am writing poetry for you.
How good that you are in the world
Such one for me.
I wish that there is no separation in life,
So that we are always nearby.
I will press your good hands to my heart
And I will always be with you.

Beautiful congratulation in verses to mom

Beautiful congratulation in verses to mom
Beautiful congratulation in verses to mom

Beautiful congratulation in verses to mom:

Cute mom, kind and sensitive,
I wish cordially warmth!
I want any minute
Only joy brought you.
So that there are pleasant worries,
And happy days and years,
So that in life it is easy, as if by notes,
Desires have always been embodied!

Today, mom, your holiday!
I want to say with all my heart:
There are no more familiar you in the world!
Take these congratulations.
Live without grief, not the elders,
Let there be no sad days.
Laugh more often, smile,
Stay the same kind.
Diseases boldly drive away
Let the lights burn in your eyes.
I wish you light and warmth
So that you be happy!

You are completely different on this day
Spring envies you!
And, playing with a star ray,
You stand and look at the window.
Ah, how much happiness is in the birthday,
Everyone will be happy next to him!
We give you a spring verse
With a bouquet of sunny, color!
And what is more encouraging for mom.
And what is more expensive than these eyes?
Dance today with us,
Love! Be happy now!

I want that on this bright day
Everything was the way you dreamed.
I am not lazy to help you
After all, you raised me like that.
Thanks to your mom for everything,
For affection, for love, care,
You and I are very lucky
So do not slow down.
I want you to live a hundred years,
And on your face beautiful
There would be no tear
And you were always happy.

Be always beautiful
Like a flower in the spring.
Be always loved
Our whole family.
Be good and affectionate,
Like the sun in the morning.
Be always happy
And believe in your star.
Be always funny
Do not hide a smile.
Be strong and healthy,
Success and luck.

All verses in the world are for you.
All flowers in the bouquet are for you.
The sun shines in the sky - for you,
Mommy is my beloved!
May your dreams come true
Be happier than everyone in the world.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
In the world I love you the most!

Love will not grow old for you
And my sonnet, presented for happiness.
There are few words in my poems
But from sorrows and bad weather
They will protect you.
And the lines write themselves:
Warmth, calm, comfort
I wish you, my mother!
Do not break us the thread of fate,
And we can’t measure life with happiness.
But in this life it can be
And a miracle, if you believe in him!

Be happy, smile dear
Live a hundred years, not knowing sorrow,
Be good, always energetic, always
Such as now, be always young!

Let, a kind heart - does not know sorrow,
Your soul, mom, let it not suffer,
So that you smile my dear,
And, I am again, I congratulate you!

Congratulation in verses to mom to tears

Congratulation in verses to mom to tears
Congratulation in verses to mom to tears

Congratulations in verses to mom to tears:

Mommy, beloved, dear!
What do you wish on your holiday?
I beg you tirelessly
Never lose you.
I kiss your affectionate hands
Hurrying everything important to say.
So as not to know you either tears or flour,
Do not get sick, do not cry, do not suffer.
I hug you with love.
Without you, I am a bird without a wing.
You are the only one, you are holy.
I want you to live forever!

I want to say so much
That in a nutshell cannot be described.
Thank you, my mommy,
For the fact that you love me.
For all sleepless nights
I want to say thank you very much.
For the fact that you were waiting for me
What was worried, did not sleep.
For all the dreams that you gave.
For giving fees.
For the fact that you and I are a family
I will tell you thank you.

Mom, mommy, mommy!
You are the best in the world.
I admire and love
Your delicate features.
How to express it beautifully
I am love for you?
Mom, dear, thank you
For a gift - my life.
I say these words, I say
Respecting and loving
And flowers on the whole planet
They bloom for you!

Mommy, sweet, bright,
Caring and beautiful
You are my best most
You are my clear sun!
I'm so sad without you
Sometimes it happens in life
How good to return
When you wait, home!
Joy all and anxieties,
You always divide with me
Angel you are my beloved
The most homeless!

Our dear mommy,
These delicate lines are you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.
Let the sorrows not go into your house,
Let the diseases pass side.
We put the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.
But that would be few,
To give out for your kindness.
We all our lives, our dear mother,
Before you in unpaid duty.

Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy is sharing in half,
In all the best share, you wanted us.
Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
We need you every day and forever!

Mom's sincere congratulations - poems

Sincere congratulations to mom - poems
Mom's sincere congratulations - poems

Soul congratulations to mom - poems:

This holiday, mom, for you,
I give you the whole world and, you know,
I always wanted to say, loving
In this world you are the only one.

Mommy, beloved, dear,
I congratulate you today
On earth you are like a saint
And I will not recognize the other such.

Happy holiday, dear mother!
With the best in the world day!
You are a beautiful lady
You will not find one with fire!

I have no more dear person,
Than my beloved mother!
I wish, mommy, you always
To be beautiful, despite the year!

Today I am in a hurry to the affectionate myself
To a gentle, beautiful, kind mother!
I hurry to congratulate her from my heart.
I ask God for health and happiness!
I promise myself to protect my mother,
Remove all troubles from these fragile shoulders!
Let the joy with a bright thread red
Will pass through the fate of her beautiful!

Mommy-Mamka, the sun is clear,
You are the easiest and beautiful!
I'm ready to drain your tears,
I am ready to power your problems.
Only happy you would be
If only I could delight with laughter!

I'll take all my mother's problems
And I will take my hand with my hand!
May the sea be happiness, you have a mommy
You are the best in the world, I say loving!
You know, you can do it
Words of good tell us often!
I love you with all my heart,
About happiness I dream!

Mom ... what a wonderful word,
Mom ... our life is founded!
Mom ... the first person on earth,
Which in the world met you!
Mom ... Hope, support, stronghold,
Mom ... Protection from troubles and worries!
I congratulate you on your day
Let there be a lot of joy in it!

Mommy is dear,
I owed you
Heart words, I know
Good deeds are not enough!
How to return to me
All works are big?
Nights vigorous at the moon
The days are not simple?
I can't give
According to your merits,
Give only a hug
And become a reliable friend!

The sun is sweet, gentle most,
What is called affectionately - Mom!
I love you very much my happiness
And I give my congratulations mine:
Let everything be fulfilled at once,
I wish you peace!
A lot of love and laughter is not enough,
I beg you so that the trouble does not find!

Mom ... this word is expensive
The first one of us
This word is close, native
On the day of fun, testing an hour.
Mom ... There is so much light in this word,
Tenderness, care and love!
We come to mom for advice,
With mom, divide our joy.
On this holiday we wish mothers
Happiness and health for years.
We dream about only one thing -
So that you have always been with us!

The only, dear, unique
We are saying “thank you” that day.
For kindness and heart gold,
We, dear mother, thank you!
May the years never age you,
We, children and grandchildren, everyone loves you!
We wish you health, we wish good,
Live for a long, long time, we all need you.

Poems-congratulations to mothers from children

Poems Congratulations to mothers from children
Poems-congratulations to mothers from children

Poems-congratulations to mothers from children:

Mom is my dear
My dear mommy,
I love you immensely!
And I wish you happiness
And the health certainly!
I also wish you
A lot of good warm days
So that you are as long as possible
I pleased us - children.
Let the smile illuminate
Good eyes,
And it will spill into the soul,
Calm balm!

Mommy is dear,
After all, you are no more expensive
If something is needed,
You call, help
We will support you
We are your children
No more you love
In the whole world!

Be happy my dear!
Live at least a hundred years!
Not knowing sadness and troubles!
Rejoice every new day,
I give this congratulations to you!
May your soul be young
Be always good!
Never sad or pain,
Over the years, you still become wise!
Let fate give the gifts unusual!
And people on your way are decent!

The holiday is embraced by such a warmth,
We all gather at the table,
A glass to the sky in your honor
But I want to read the verse

My mother’s mother,
I know for sure forever
That it’s better not to find you,
I wish you happiness and love!

Golden, mom, your hands
I want to kiss now.
Let the angels every minute
Your life is kept from sorrows.
Take, mommy, congratulations.
Be always healthy, young.
Happiness, kindness to you, fun.
Let my love keep you!

Like a light angel,
You keep me.
I'm flying up or falling -
You are always there.
A good sorceress,
You rush an ambulance
And you save carefully.
Of course, you remember everything.
Let your birthday
All dreams come true
All your desires
They are immediately executed.
Smile more often you
Mommy is favorite.
Be healthy, happy
The Lord is stinging!

The ray of the sun in the sky is a mother,
Rainbow-fool after the rain.
And the water that fills the rivers,
And nourishes with the spike of the field.
Mom is air, these are stars.
The best man on earth:
The joy will be divided without envy,
Will never leave in trouble!
Happiness to you, mommy, dear,
Let the days be joyful.
Let your road be bright
And the lights do not fade in the eyes!

I was so lucky in this life,
I have a bright angel.
I call the angel - Mommy,
So gentle and always loving.
Congratulations to you today,
I'm happy with my heart day.
And every day I wish you
Live in love and joy!

Sweet mom,
I will gently hug you
I will kiss hard,
You are alone in the world
All relatives and closer
Here are the birds for you
Everyone sang, you hear?
And flowers at dawn
Bloated rather
That would be this marvelous day
Make it more fun
That you would smile,
Mommy is dear,
Let fate keep you
I sincerely wish
Never worry never
Do not steal sadly,
May life be happy
And insanely sweet!

Mommy, dear mom!
Today I congratulate you.
Health and happiness, smiles,
Dear, I wish you.
You are the best mother
Always stay the same.
You are my bright sun
And you are more expensive for me!

How many tender words and congratulations
Today you will hear your address.
My dear mother, happy birthday!
Do not describe how I value you.
I beg you, dear, dear,
Sensitations and hardships, forget
Let each new day bears smiles,
And your path will be illuminated by happiness.
I wish you joy and be the most beloved,
Health and discoveries, without melting,
I'll tell you that you are my ray of light,
There is no better in the world for me!

Good mom, tender,
Affectionate and the sweetest,
The most wonderful world
Our favorite ...
Not in the whole world of mom
Better than my mother!
Happy birthday, dear!
I very love you!

Verse-congratulations to mom to mom

Verse-congratulations to mom to mom
Verse-congratulations to mom to mom

Verse-congratulations on my mother's birthday:

There is no heart closer in the world
No more expensive and relatives
Than the most beloved
My dear mother.
Happy Birthday dear!
May the Lord keep you
From empty experiences
Quarrels and petty grievances.
Let always good and joy
Will be where you will be.
So full of warmth, light
And mental purity.
For me you are the closest
And a loved one.
You and I are inseparable
The thread is bound forever.

I know that my mother’s soul hurts for us,
On the heart is also sores: "So that it is better for children to live."
I ask you, mother, do not worry about us,
We are all wonderful! Tune in to the best.
Today, on your birthday, I want to tell you:
You are the best in the world, I love you so much!
I wish you health, happy, mom, be,
And the sun shines brighter, for my mother, let!
I ask yourself, pay more attention,
After all, we have grown a little, you rest more often!

Mommy, I wish you
So that you are always like that
What life I know you all my life:
Beloved, affectionate, dear.
So that all anxieties and sorrows
They disappeared once and for all.
So that Dali dies in the distant
Misfortune, grief and trouble.
I gently hug you
There is no more familiar in the world,
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Beautiful, bright, long years.

Mommy, Mommy, my kind,
I want to congratulate you, dear.
We wish you health, vigor and strength.
To bring your joy every day.
Let the years walk in a long series.
Let the sun shine brightly above you.
Let dreams and goals call youth.
Let your hard work bring fruits.
Be always beautiful, glorious and simple.
On the heels, let him follow happiness for you.
Whatever happens - I love you!
Happy Birthday Mom! My mommy.

Mommy, beloved, dear,
I would like to say so many words -
Happiness and health, dear,
From the heart to wish today.
Forgive you for the first gray hair
That I did not sleep with us at night.
Forgive you for the first wrinkles -
In them, care that you gave us.
I want to hug you stronger
And touch the cheek with your hand.
And it will immediately become easier on the heart
And sadness will go away by itself.
Congratulating mom on birthday,
We will bow to the belt to the ground.
Mom is a personification
Peace, grace and love!

Thank you for your life, for prayers, patience,
For affection and faith in me, for love,
For your mother, blessing
It will support me better than a thousand words.
I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
You will wish you big health,
So that you are all dreams, all ideas and plans
Could easily embody it in her life.
Mommy, I love you very much, dear.
Be happy. Joy so paints you.
I wish you a flight of soul, inspiration,
Warmth and comfort, and in the heart of fire!

Poems-congratulations to mom with an anniversary touching

Poems-congratulations to mom with an anniversary touching
Poems-congratulations to mom with an anniversary touching

Poems-congratulations to mom with a touching anniversary:

Your anniversary has come
I wish vigor and strength!
Stay young, beautiful
Fun, kind and happy!
Let your desires come true
All days will be bright!
Congratulations, mommy, you,
And thank you for everything, loving!

Do not express feelings in words
The wishes of everyone cannot count
I want to tell my beloved mother:
It's good that you are in the world!
Be always happy, dear
With all my soul, both life and we are loving.
The main thing is to you, dear,
Be healthy, take care of yourself!

Mommy is our dear, beloved!
Good, glorious, indispensable!
Happy birthday, we congratulate you
We wish you all the best in your life,
So that you never hurt
So that you never get old
So that it is always young
Fun, kind, beautiful!

This is who is all cleaning,
Who will sew and wash
Grass, caresses
And the apartment will remove
And he will look into the soul
And the theater will fall,
And walks with the granddaughter,
And all the songs will be sunk.
He manages everything in the world
But does not know fatigue!
This is dear mother
In the world, the best!
We will congratulate her now,
And give her gifts!

Let the hardships and troubles be forgotten,
In the house, both warm and comfort reign.
All dreams and desires will come true
And the grandchildren do not let them get bored!

You raised us, not sparing yourself,
I gave all the best to us
We love and kiss you tightly,
As in childhood you kissed us.
May everything be fine in your life,
Creep, do not give up to misfortunes,
Rejoice us again and again,
May God grant you strength and happiness!

We love, mommy, you,
We want to wish on the anniversary -
Love, smiles, congratulations,
Let it be fun every day,
Be healthy and happy always
Let the soul sings on a birthday!
As in the happiest years.

More than ever, today, mom,
You are young and good.
Has not changed at all
Your kind soul.
I congratulate me on the anniversary
I wish you the best to get from life
I wish you love and health
Happy be, do not lose heart!

Mommy is dear, I love you
Most of all in this world!
Rarely I'm talking about it,
Forgive you, you have such children.
I wish you dreams come true
So that everything you wanted to come true!
So that you are always happy,
Well, most importantly - so as not to hurt!

You are better than you all are dearer,
In the whole world, no one is kinder!
You are more beautiful and smarter,
And more charming, of course.
Be, mommy, always like that
I congratulate me on the anniversary cordially!

I love you, good, dear,
In the anniversary of your happiness I wish!
Let it come to the house rather,
And it will remain in it for a long time!

Mom, dear, do not be sad!
Let the year go, this is not the main thing!
The grandchildren managed to grow up
Everything is in you! Beautiful, funny

Happy New Year to mom in verses

Happy New Year to mom in verses
Happy New Year to mom in verses

Happy Happy New Year to mom in verses:

Happy New Year, mommy!
Be healthy always.
I wish you happiness, joy
For many years.

Let the New Year's Eve
Will fulfill all desires
And we will attach to this
Huge efforts!

Happy new year, dear
Mom is dear, dear!
Congratulations from the heart -
Being happy in a hurry!

Let the smile not leave the lips,
Let the success come to you,
The mood is daily
Gives the best moments!

And health with beauty
Let them always be with you
Tenderness, affection, kindness -
Everything, Mommy, for you!

Here is the new year again
Appeared at the gate
Bustle of preparations,
Snow Christmas trees of a round dance.

On this wonderful, kind holiday,
Mom, I'll tell you:
Be happier than everyone in the world
In the new next year!

Let all adversities retreat,
And the blizzard will take them away,
Happiness, joy and health
New Year will give us!

My dear mommy,
Happy new year, dear,
Happiness, joy, smiles
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Be healthy, don't be sad
And forget everything bad,
Let the winter with white
To joy, luck.

The lights are bright
The Christmas tree blinks
Happy New Year, mommy,
I congratulate you.

You, dear, happiness
I wish you love
Let in the New Year of desire
Yours are performed.

Let the children be nearby
And let them give love
Happiness let your house
Comes again and again.

Let there be a new year
Good and happy,
Bends smiles, joy
Let mom beloved.

Happy New Year, Mom Dear!
I wish you a lot of joyful minutes
Let the eyes shine with joy,
Let all the sorrows away go away.

Happiness, mommy, I wish,
I wish you long years - long years
I wish that the heart of trouble does not know,
Let only good luck shine with the light!

Mommy is favorite
You are unique.
I love you
And I give warmth.

Happy New Year,
And I wish you health.
Be loved, and good luck
This means a lot.

I wish, mom, that this year
I brought you hope, joy, faith.
Let all the bad leave forever
And happiness will become immense for you.

And every day let it be clear in life,
And they are multiplied, let the income in the family.
And side by side are people, the beautiful soul.
Warmth to you, health. Happy New Year!

My dear mommy,
Happy New Year!
Let the cheerful Santa Claus
Bring a WHO gifts:

Heroic health,
Magic dreams to the threshold,
In the heart - joy, in the soul - light.
And, of course, long years.

Let him shower with a snowball with happiness,
Let all the bad weather melt
Let you always burn you
Guiding star!

Congratulations on Mother's Day in poetry short

Congratulations on Mother's Day in poetry short
Congratulations on Mother's Day in poetry short

Congratulations on Mother's Day in verses are short:

Mom’s native, my dear
I congratulate you on the holiday.
So that you smile, always and everywhere.
Big health, I wish you.

Let all mothers smile,
In their love of their children they bathe,
Let them not get sick and do not age
And all their hopes come true!

Happy Mother's Day, my dear!
Your love keeps me from troubles.
May only joy surround you,
Know, the best mother in the world is simply not!

On my mother's Day, I congratulate you.
I wish to be funny, not to be sad.
Let the smile shine on the face
And there will be happiness every day to give!

Only mom can forgive everything,
Understand and believe without looking back,
Whatever happens, love
And wait without locking the door.
Thank you, my mommy,
For what you have!

Happy mother's day to congratulate
After all, it is so important for everyone to understand
What is the main person in the world,
Who loves you all your age.
Happy Mother's Day! Health, warmth!
And let you be happy all your life.

Happy mother's Day I want you
Congratify, my mommy,
And wish you good
Hopes, happiness and warmth.

Today is the brightest day -
Day of mothers of relatives and tender.
Let the sun not close the shadow
And happiness will be serene!

Congratulations to our mother
And we want to wish her
To be healthy,
To be beautiful,
Never lose heart!
Take care of us for us,
We love you very much!

Mother's Day is a holiday of the whole generation,
After all, mothers deserve worship.
May all mothers be loved,
The care of their children are tenderly preserved.

Motherhood is a fairy tale
Any woman in the life of a woman.
I wish you to enjoy
This role is not easy.

Happy mother's Day, I congratulate you:
Love, patience, wisdom and strength.
Let motherhood always inspire,
And so that the children respect and love.

You once gave me life,
And she always taught good
Mom, thanks for everything,
I love hotly and sincerely!

Mom is a delicate ray of sun,
Mom-lift to her native in the window.
There is no dearer of a person
And it is more necessary on the ground!

A wonderful holiday is the day of all mothers.
We wish our mothers happiness.
Let them past their fate, their houses and doors
There are troubles, misfortunes.

Happy Mother's Day I cordially congratulate you!
Let them surround the world and grace,
I wish you health and tranquility
In order not to have to be sad for eyelids.

Mother's Day is a magical holiday
He makes us kinder.
We wish our mothers happiness
Zhilian and calm days!

On my mother's day is always light
Everyone is comfortable and warm,
Because next to mom
It is always easy at heart.

Happy Mother's Day, dear mother,
I wish to be always happy myself
I love you with soul and heart,
Thank you for all the good.

Happy Mother's Day!
Goodness, love and happiness!
Let God give you health.
Let all troubles and bad weather leave
And your life is not worth it.

For care, for advice,
For love and kindness,
For the beauty and look of your bright,
And for life and for a dream,
Mom Honey, thanks!
Beautiful with your holiday!

Verse-congratulations on the day of March 8 to mom

Verse-congratulations on the day of March 8 to mom
Verse-congratulations on the day of March 8 to mom

Verse-congratulations on the day of March 8 to mom:

March 8, my mother,
Congratulations to you with love
Spring in the shower and bright colors
I wish you, dear.

Beautiful, witchcraft sunsets
And delightful dawn,
May your life be a selection
Happy, joyful plots.

Your strong arms
Heal the wounds in the heart,
You are my angel, my adviser,
The best friend in the world are you, mom.

I congratulate you today
On the holiday I am March 8.
I wish, dear,
Inspiration and excitement.

Let it always be doctor
Your kind smile
Be healthy, merciful
And goodbye my mistakes.

Mommy, my dear
Congratulations on March 8,
On this day I wish you:
Let the eyes shine brightly.

May spring give a lot
Delightful minutes.
You will become bright and beautiful,
Like a rainbow salute!

Let the year go ahead -
My mother is the best
How pancakes she succeeds!
Well, borscht is generally success.
Mom, I wish on a female day
Be beautiful to continue,
Never lose heart
Live, love and prosper!

Women's Day International,
Mom's holiday for me,
There is no woman more than a woman
Life to me, mommy, gave me.

Send you congratulations to you
And thank you for everything
I am a bouquet of wishes
I give the most sincere ones.

I wish you cordially
So that you are healthy,
She smiled, inspired
Embodied all dreams.

Mommy, my good angel,
Congratulations on March 8,
Live in love, enormous happiness
I always wish you.

Let the dreams come true,
The house will be full of the world.
Strength to you, patience, mom,
To cover everyone with a wing.

Let not fail health,
Optimism does not leave,
And the love of relatives and friends
They are inspired for accomplishments.

On the eighth of March I wish
Mom more often relax,
Let the milk not run away,
Let there be delicious borsch again,

Let the cooking manage
And things always argue
Let luck smile,
So that you can be happy!

I want to congratulate you, mom,
And on a women's day I wish you
So that to go to the goals of her stubbornly,
Not noticing the barriers at all.

You raised me, mom,
And I know - it was not easy.
But you remained the most,
The same sensitive and beloved!

The symbol of the life of the start,
My guiding compass!
On this day - March 8 -
I'm in a hurry home:

Congratulate you with flowers
And a smile in a bright moment.
And I write today mom
The best verse in the world!

Be stronger, kinder and more beautiful,
Mom is the sun, our happiness.
Bypassing hardships, cold,
Stay, just as young!

On the eighth of March I wish
Mom more often relax,
Let the milk not run away,
Let there be delicious borsch again,

Let the cooking manage
And things always argue
Let luck smile,
So that you can be happy!

Today I congratulate my mother,
I wish you health
The eighth of March has come -
It began

Spring days and beauty,
Your wonderful kindness.
Let your dreams come true,
Stay the same you!

The closest person,
The best of women!
If you are happy forever
And in love - no less.

Mom, let your dreams
Curs, dear!
On the day of March 8 you
The coolest!

Cool verses-congratulations to mom

Cool verses-congratulations to mom
Cool verses-congratulations to mom

Cool poetry versions to mom:

So that old age does not crept up
The wisdom of the eternal remained
To make the heart less,
So that there is more happiness,
To make life more beautiful,
Here are our wishes:
We wish you both happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true!
With a good mood so that you
Nowhere and never parted,
Health for you for a hundred many years,
And this, right, is worth a lot,
In the work - production victories,
In family life - happiness and peace!

I wish to live on a positive
Less deeds, more strength
Let your husband wash the floor in the apartment
Where he himself inherited.
Children remove toys,
The cat itself cleans the toilet.
And you do it
And go out in a beauty.

Happy birthday, congratulations! I hug and wish!
Positive, funny! And in any matters, Voyuhi!
Smile, do not get sick, and do not grow old with the soul!
Live to the fullest, repair the "cell",
In the country, grow gardens, do not be sad from nonsense,
To be the queen’s life and kick all the “reptiles” boldly.
To love and be beloved, but also most importantly happy!
I love you dear! You are beautiful dear!
Let the day today start, your countdown is a better life!
After all, Moscow (or another city) does not believe in tears!
Open any door from your feet!

You are beautiful, you are priceless, forget everything around
You take it on birthday, stop doing everything suddenly.
Let them wash the dishes themselves, let them cook soup themselves,
And the bags from the store carry grocery.
They make lessons themselves, they hang underwear themselves,
Wash, iron, clean, cut, pay at the box office for housing.
You are beautiful, you are priceless, let your whole family
On birthday and forever carries you on your hands!

I wish you all my heart
Do not catch coronavirus
Do not give in to despondency
Of course, do not panic.
You don't take care of supplies
Do not buy buckwheat.
Better to be distracted by something
And you do not allow sadness,
Take care of your health
And you save your nerves.
Let it be positive with you
And the best is all ahead!

I wish peace and goodness,
Be in the mood in the morning,
Great, cool to relax,
To relax at lunch, take a nap,
Eat delicious ones, drink juice -
Although, perhaps, not juice -
A glass of wine, cocktail, beer
Let him make you happier!
I wish you rest, relaxation,
Good luck car, wagon bucks,
The company of friends is pleasant,
So that joy becomes multiple!

Congratulation to mom - children's poems

Congratulation to mom - children's poems
Congratulation to mom - children's poems

Congratulations to mom - children's poems:

There is an eternal word in our world,
Short but most cordial.
It is beautiful and kind,
It is simple and comfortable,
It is sincere, beloved,
Not comparable in the world:

In the house by the sun
And in the cold it is warm,
Even at night, dark
It is always light there.
How I see the sun
I always sing so.
I probably
I love most!
I'll give flowers
Because the sun -
This, mom, you!

My mum
Many mothers in the world,
Children love them with all their souls,
Only mom is one,
She is more expensive for me.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy.

I hold my mother's hand tightly
When I walk around the city with my mother,
I hold my mother tightly by the hand:
Why should she go and be afraid
What can she get lost?

I love you so much
How I love you - do not convey!
You are the best, I will say it directly about it!
I want to wish you all my heart
Love, good luck and health, mom!

Let mothers smile
Let the world be brighter,
And happiness does not end
In any edge of the Earth.
Let moms like roses,
They bloom without days off
Congratulations on you on the holiday
Beloved, dear!

Dear, beloved most,
You are always next to me.
You are the main sorceress in life,
You are a good fairy!
My mother, you are the best
I love more life!
And even when I don't obey
Please do not be angry with me!

What is lurking in the word "mom"?
Man is the most beloved
The best, dear,
The sweetest and dear!
And also - love and affection,
At night - a little fairy tale
It is good in it and is warm in it,
Next to her is always light ...

Thank you, mom, for love,
For affection, kindness.
For all the warmth that you give,
Thank you.
For the fact that I look at the world,
Beautiful and big,
And on your holiday I want to say:
"Be forever young!"

The most kind, the sweetest,
The best, unique,
Happy holiday, Mom is dear,
I wish you happiness
Carefully storing in my heart
Your look and smile.

Congratulations in poetry to mom from daughter

Congratulations in poetry to mom from daughter
Congratulations in poetry to mom from daughter

Congratulations in poetry to mom from daughter:

Do not be sad that years rushed,
Don't count the gray hair in your hair
Gray hair only paints a person.
You take it like wisdom,

Let the years go, but the face does not age,
Let the grandchildren grow, and the soul is getting younger.
Let the house be filled with happiness and laughter.
For all of you, mom, a low bow.

My mother’s mother,
I want to congratulate you.
I want to say how I love
You, my beautiful.
May God always keep you
Be fun and young.

I dream of you, mom, to be like
I dream of being the same good and wise,
I hurry today, on this day, a fine
Happy birthday to you, dear.
Your day, the only one in the year, has already come
After all, there is no more birthday,
He gathered the whole family at the table today,
And we are all together, mother, congratulations.

My dear mommy,
The daughter congratulates you.
Better not in the whole world - -
Here, Mamul, I put a point.

I wish my mother day
To smile more often
And for my pranks
Never upset.

Thanks for the nightsless nights
For your good hands,
I love you, mom, and I remember
Be happy, live for a long time!
Your voice is like trill
Sweet -haired singer,
I remember him from the cradle
I, mommy, love you!
Today the sun is brighter
A new day is beautiful!
Mom's birthday has
All flowers are only to her!

Who cherished my dolls,
Sewed funny clothes,
Helped me to be launched,
And played with me in toys?
- My mommy!

Who helped me with advice
When you fall and hurt
And he wiped off the tears to me
He said: "Do not cry, enough ..."?
- My mommy!

Who read fairy tales for the night,
Bowing a little by me,
(And I closed my eyes
And I was so calm)?
- My mommy!

Who carried me into the crib
I wanted good night
She whispered to me gently, sweet:
"Sleep soon, daughter!"?
- My mommy!

Who is the most sensitive in the world
Do not find her better fame,
The kindest, the wise?
- Well, of course, my mother!

Sweet mommy, our tender,
Listen to Domchkino Word:
There is no kinder and more beautiful,
You are the foundation for the family.
I wish that there is no separation in life,
So that we walk next to the years.
I will press your good hands to my heart
And I will always remember them.

The only, dear, unique
We are saying “thank you” that day.
For kindness and heart gold,
We, dear mother, thank you!
May the years never age you,
We, children and grandchildren, everyone loves you!
We wish you health, we wish good,
Live for a long, long time, we all need you.

Congratulation in verses by mother from son

Congratulation in verses by mother from son
Congratulation in verses by mother from son

Congratulations in verses by mother from her son:


Congratulations to you, mother's mother,
May happiness and love be with you,
I dream of your well -being,
So that you bloom, Mommy, again and again!
Let health be like iron, durable,
The world will be filled with happiness and warmth,
Your life will be both bright and juicy,
Your cozy cute house will be bright.

I got up this morning
There was cold outside the window
But for the smiles I have
There is a reason today!
The most important person
For me you are mom
Live your whole life without troubles -
And I will be near.
Smile at me always
I need it so
Happy Birthday to You
Dear Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom,
All your hands are your hands!
They never knew
Peace, rest and boredom.
Let not let health down
Fate gives joy more often,
Everything will be fine in business
Gives life peace and sweetness!

I want to wish you health
So that you stay beautiful!
We cannot live without you
Native, only, beloved!

Congratulations to the negligent son!
Know, mom - you are always beautiful,
May the world be full of light,
And in the soul - warm and clear.
Kindness with its own and beauty
Always be proud and smile,
Let him live in the shower,
Let there be a feeling of happiness!

With love, always sincere
You bring joy and light!
Be always happy, mom -
There are no relatives in the world!
On your holiday I want to say
So that you stay beautiful
Health - the sea will wish,
Thank you for everything!

Happy Birthday Mom,
I raise the glass
And I wish you loving
Happiness is a whole sea
Joy morning light
So that you do not know grief
And I lived for many years!

I wish the mother of happiness the sea
And the ocean of pure love!
So that she does not know problems and grief,
To make all the dreams come true.
You deserve all this.
Thank you for everything!
Congratulations from your son
And know that I love you!

My mother, on birthday
I wish you happiness and fun,
Gifts a bunch and flowers,
And to raise the mood -
More holidays!

On this day of birth, mom,
I want to "love" with all my heart to say.
I wish you strong health,
Happily live, do not lose heart!
I don't listen to you, of course.
Of course, the head is of course.
But today I speak from the heart -
Mom, without you and life is not the same!

Happy Birthday dear!
Live the century, not knowing longing.
Let only the best happen,
Life sparkles with flowers,
Will be happy every day
Both cheerful and beautiful,
There will never be troubles
And the light will not go out in the soul!

I, I remember,
How you raised me
And scolded and praised,
I was harmful then
And I want to say thank you
Get tight, loving.
Happy Birthday, Mommy,
You are a whole world for me!

From her son for mom - words of congratulations!
I wish to live in happiness, not to know the sadness!
Let the joy give you a birthday,
Everything you will dream about!

Congratulation in verses short touching mom

Congratulation in verses short touching mom
Congratulation in verses short touching mom

Congratulations in verses short touching mom:

How do we want today
Wish from the heart
Health and joy to you
and all the best in the way.

Let you do good people
Always surround
And smiles and joy
We wish you!

Inspiration and health
For many centuries!
Let there be a mood
Raised from you!

The weather cloudless,
In all matters is lucky
In any season
Spring blooms in the soul!

Health, joy and laughter,
Everywhere in all of you success
And there is as much happiness as necessary
So that the soul would be glad
And to live cheerfully
And what was conceived - it came true.
Happiness, health and prosperity
On this significant day we will present
So that your life is now much cooler!
Well, the rest, buy later!

I want to wish you health
It is more necessary for us all.
I need happiness and peace
After all, there is no one without health.
Health is an important help
It is fun to go through life.
And I wish in this life,
Healthy to go this way.

I want to wish you health
And do not grieve about anything
Let it fail
Well, joy will bring

Let dreams come true
After all, the life of beauty is full
And to achieve your goals
We must work hard

And have a strong health
Well, don't endure troubles
Let God send health
Well, let him leave happiness.

We wish peace on earth,
And bread-salt on the table,
And so that health is strong,
And never failed
So that joy is knocking at the house
In the morning, in the evening and day!

We wish you happiness and luck
Good luck, mood.
Love, reciprocity, warmth,
So that there were only friends nearby,
So that all your desires come true
And all the anxieties have forgotten.

Let everything be in life as it is, -
Souliness, warmth, care,
And the happy family is happy
As well as everyday work.
Let the sky be clear above you,
May life be kindly bright,
Live, surrounded by friends,
And all of you blessings, health and warmth!

We all wish you anytime
Warmth and happiness, light and goodness,
So that life is!
To germinate the seed,
So that tomorrow it was better than yesterday!

God grant you health and happiness,
Love - Forest snowdrop,
so that, being in the spring power.
you bloomed again, again.
God forbid you wisdom in decisions
And multiplying the best qualities,
With children of excellent relations
And understanding of eccentricities
God grant you joy from business
and the fight to win with longing,
So that the sea does not grind
And never know peace.

Strong health for years
And a lot of joyful minutes
And fleeting hardships
let the clouds float away
Family friendship and consent,
Success in life and work
And more importantly - great happiness
We want to wish you.

Great health, kindness!
Attention, love, warmth and happiness!
May hopes and dreams come true,
Pleasantly surprising life more often!
And good luck is happy day after day,
The world will become brighter, and things will become more successful!
And the cozy, bright house is waiting,
In which everyone will understand and support everything!

Congratulations to your beloved mother in verses for every day

Congratulations to your beloved mother in verses for every day
Congratulations to your beloved mother in verses for every day

Congratulations to your beloved mother in verses for every day:

Luck has not interfered with anyone yet
I wish you to hug you
And all opened hearts and locks,
And everyday life with her became clean and easy!
With a success in life, it is easier,
She will even illuminate the path to you at night
A sonorous laughter and luck will bring with it,
So that your mood is beautiful!

Disorders, troubles and sorrows
Say the decisive "no."
I wish to be on the pedestal
Success in life and victories.
Luck does not back down,
Let him go by the hand with you.
Let Vera strengthen the power
The mood is your peppy, fighting.
Lie down in all the ventures,
Leads a happy star
Success will reach the apogei,
A big dream will come true.

Make one's heart with all my heart
I want good luck
Everything will come true, just believe
Let the tasks be solved.
Forces will be, inspiration
To make the goals closer,
I wish you patience
And success did not disappoint.
Inhale more air,
And come on, rush into battle,
I know what around the corner
Your great triumph is your great.

Let luck with you walks
And everywhere accompanies you!
Helps to solve the problem
Failures always win!
Whatever the bird
You will settle forever!
And then your life will become clear
Just fabulous, bright, beautiful!

Let there be a real friendship,
Success is a joy for the soul,
Career - bright and brilliant,
Income - stable and large.
Health - strong, boundless,
Cozy and beautiful - house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

So important and valuable a moment any,
After all, there are no minor minutes in life.
Let there be luck all the time with you,
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to the goal is bringing you every step,
Any roads lead to success,
Support for loved ones helps in everything,
The warmth and care of their strength give!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart - the feelings of the beautiful,
More tender silk of petals,
Slightly than noon!
Let there be every moment
The love of those who are nearby.
So that this miraculous moment
Watch a happy look!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
In all your affairs of your good luck
And let happiness come with her
And a lot of joy in addition,
Believe in yourself and your strength,
Everything will be very good
Bright moments await you
Victory and success great!

I hasten to wish you heartily
In any affairs, in beautiful undertakings,
After all, this is a lot in life means
No less than good, success, attention.
So let luck go to a faithful companion
Quietly, but very noticeable, nearby,
Let only the best now in life awaits,
Contentment, happiness and wonderful awards.

I want to wish good luck
Priceless joyful minutes.
Responsive and bright people
Always meet both there and here.
Let the roads lead to victories,
The end is not to know your dreams.
And meet every day with a smile,
It doesn’t matter where, at least here, even there.

I wish you good luck
So that she followed you,
I conquered the peaks with you
And I rejoiced at the victories.
So that the lady was not capricious,
With your back, so that you do not get up to you,
I wish you so that in life
Luck did not leave.
Was to be a partner, a friend,
A colleague and a good neighbor,
I wish you good luck
To keep in your hands tightly.

Video: Beautiful birthday congratulation for mom! Happy birthday to mom! Happy holiday, mom

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